Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 480 Turmoil And Restlessness

December 23rd, at three o'clock in the morning, Purple Roland Manor.

After Richard closed the system forum, he felt more and more the importance of the news that players can influence the will of the world.

Immediately get someone to prepare the car, and under the cover of night, head to the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce again.

Although the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce also cultivates its own player system, it is used to observe the player group and inquire about the corresponding news.

But these players may not realize the importance of this news.

Information is valuable because it is in the right hands.

Came to Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce again, and waited for about half an hour before Richard saw a slightly tired Windsor.

Obviously after he left, the Crimson Lord didn't just relax...

He didn't talk nonsense, and told the other party the news he just got.

After listening to his narration, Windsor looked very surprised, and even had a dignifiedness that had never been seen before.

Then fell into a long silence.

After thinking for ten minutes, he spoke.

"Your Excellency Richard, I didn't expect us to make a low-level mistake."

The voice was a little muffled.

Richard frowned.

"Low-level mistake?"

Windsor took a deep look at him with complicated eyes.

"We thought that the will of the plane would like to see the return of the ancient gods... But, after millions of years, the false gods who stole divine power have formed new rules."

"The will of the world may not be inclined to the ancient gods..."

"This battle is more difficult than we initially expected."

Richard looked directly into her eyes and said word by word.

"President Windsor, we are friends."

"If you need help, you will do everything you can."

Windsor's expression relaxed a lot, and a smile appeared in his eyes again.

"Sir Richard, your news is very precious to me."

"But there is no need to worry too much. Our enemies are the gods who control the world... No matter how bad the situation is, we have already foreseen it."

As he spoke, his tone became sonorous and forceful.

"No matter who it is, it can't stop the return of the ancient god."

"The order of this world will eventually be restored to its original state!"

"We are the defenders of the rules and the guardians of the world. No one can defeat our will!"

The tone is calm, but with unshakable determination.

If you don't have enough courage, how can you talk about destroying the gods?

Seeing that serious gaze, Richard sighed inwardly.

Perhaps, he still underestimated Crimson Moon.

Underestimated Windsor.

This one is the protagonist of the next expansion, and her future must be brilliant.

Nodded slightly.

"I look forward to seeing that day, President Windsor."

"Praise... Scarlet."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left cleanly, without a word of nonsense.

Seeing Richard's back, Windsor raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It wasn't until this moment that she really felt that Richard was on the same road as her.

Taking a deep breath, he turned his head and glanced at the dark sky through the glass window.

His eyes became indescribably sharp.

No one can stop the rise of the crimson moon...even if it is the will of the world!

In the next second, the body suddenly disappeared in place, never to be seen again.


After returning to Zi Roland Manor, Richard was no longer busy and slept comfortably.

Although with the improvement of strength, the required sleep time per day is decreasing, but sleeping is still the fastest way to restore energy.

The next morning, Richard woke up full of energy.

After breakfast, I didn't plan to stay longer in Solan City.

The contract scroll has been obtained, and the Vampire Grand Duke in the blood coffin is waiting to serve the Twilight City at any time.

The plane of El is waiting for him to attack.

Coupled with the news from Windsor, a strong sense of urgency arose in my heart.

Time waits for me.

Today is the 23rd, and there are still 5 days until the new expansion pack opens.

Great changes are imminent, and he must go back and make arrangements.

Val heard Richard's words to prepare the car, and immediately asked people to go down to make arrangements.

Last night, the one-two situation was deduced, and he did not hold back at this moment, and repeatedly stated that if there is any order that needs to be executed, the Purple Roland Chamber of Commerce will definitely complete it with all its strength.

Richard also attached great importance to this clever girl, and spent a certain amount of time comforting and communicating with her.

The development route of the Purple Roland Chamber of Commerce is roughly set in the midst of the great changes.

After the conversation, they stopped staying too long and headed out of the city in a carriage.

Not long after Richard left, a carriage with the logo of the Solan Chamber of Commerce hurriedly stopped in front of the Purple Roland Manor.

Afterwards, a middle-aged lady in her early fifties got off the carriage and entered the manor with hasty steps.

Weier was a little surprised when he saw the lady for the first time.

"Ms. Babina, welcome to come..."

Said and looked back.

"His Royal Highness Chris, are you not here?"

The other party is the guard of the little princess of Solan City, and she has seen it more than once.

But they all appeared together with Chris, and it was the first time to come alone.

There was a slight smile in the middle-aged lady's eyes.

"His Royal Highness Chris is studying martial arts and magic, and she may not be back until next month."

Weier nodded slightly.

After Chris was stimulated last time, she once said freely that she was going to become stronger.

Haven't seen each other for a while.

Unexpectedly, that girl who was born to escape, really persisted.

After recovering, I was a little curious again.

"Then who are you looking for?"

The middle-aged lady's eyes were somewhat solemn.

"Grand Duke Solan, I want to meet the real master of the Purple Roland Chamber of Commerce, the lord of Twilight City... Lord Richard."

Val's heart skipped a beat.

His eyes became extremely serious.

Grand Duke Solan.

This name is a well-deserved Legendary in Solan City, possessing endless deterrent power.

This is the only ruler of Solan City.

Legendary level ascetic!

Its combat power is so powerful that the entire Death Desert trembles.

This kind of top-level big shot wants to see Mr. Richard at this moment... What is the purpose?

Immediately my heart was filled with apprehension and uneasiness.

Although she has absolute confidence in Richard, the other party is Legendary.

He is also the most powerful ascetic monk in Legendary.

That is a terrifying life that can penetrate deep into the magma, swim in the erupting volcano, and be unscathed under the envelope of the dragon's breath.

Not to mention that the entire city of Solan is obeying his orders.

This is the real superior, the top dignitary in the world. The lady saw Weier's worry, her face softened a little, and she said softly.

"Miss Vail, you don't need to worry, the Grand Duke has no ill intentions towards Sir Richard."

"The last time the abyss rift was broken, a large number of demons appeared in the desert."

"Then, those demons were suddenly emptied."

"The lord of God's Favor spread the news that His Excellency Richard was seen inside... and there is conclusive evidence to prove that the turmoil was quelled by Sir Richard."

"Grand Duke Sauran highly appreciates this behavior."

"Also, Her Highness Kris often mentioned Sir Richard in front of Grand Duke Soran."

"That's why the Grand Duke is quite curious about it, so he wants to meet him..."

Hearing this, Wei Er felt a little more at ease.

There shouldn't be much malice from the other party's door-to-door visit... If so, who can stop that Grand Duke Solan from personally making a move?

After turning his mind, he said slowly.

"This is really unfortunate. Sir Richard left the chamber of commerce half an hour ago."

"Just now there is news that a sandstorm is about to hit. My lord must go back to prevent disasters. I don't have time to stay in the city too much."

Said a little apologetic.

"Can you apologize to the Grand Duke and save the meeting for the next time?"

"I will immediately send a letter to Lord Richard, telling him... After this disaster, I must return to Solan City as soon as possible."

Rejecting an Extraordinary is not an easy task.

However, this excuse is not too much of a problem.

The sandstorm is coming, which is a very strong sense of substitution for people living around the desert.

No one will comment on it.

Hearing this, the lady's expression changed slightly.

It was only then that she remembered that the City of Twilight was located deep in the desert... encountering sandstorms and the like was not uncommon.

"Does this need our help?"

Afraid that he might misunderstand, he added another sentence.

"Before the advanced studies, the lady told me that if Mr. Richard is in trouble, he can help as much as possible."

Weier's face was startled, and he had a better impression of the little princess.

said softly.

"My lord already has a way to deal with it, but the Twilight City cannot live without my lord for the time being."

Seeing how confident she was, the lady stopped talking.

After a few more polite words, he turned and left.

Weier looked at the back of the other party with a delicate expression.

Grand Duke Solan wants to see His Excellency, I don't know if this news is good or bad...

With a heavy heart, he entered the study and passed on the news.

The lady who conveyed the will of Grand Duke Soran frowned slightly after she got back into the carriage.

After contemplating for a long time, he raised his head and said slowly to the empty carriage in front of him.

"You said, that crack in the abyss is really related to authority?"

"Also, can that divine grace lord really gain authority, a power that can only be controlled by gods?"

"Also... the other party left Solan City so quickly this time, could they have noticed something?"

After the words fell, a somewhat cold voice sounded in the empty carriage.

"The news obtained by the Grand Duke himself to investigate, naturally cannot be false."

"If we hadn't investigated those Lords of Grace who entered the abyss rift in detail, we would not have found out that Lord of Grace who has such a close relationship with Miss would have participated in it."

The lady frowned even more.

"However, how can a lord of divine grace grasp the power of authority? And it is under the condition that the master of the abyss takes action..."

The cold voice fell silent, and after a long time, he spoke slowly.

"The other party is the strongest among the Lords of Divine Grace——Qingqiu."

"There are tens of billions of people, but he is the strongest, and there must be something extraordinary!"

"As for whether he got that authority, you'll know when you see it."

"Besides, we won't hurt him... The Grand Duke appreciates him a lot."

The lady raised her head slightly, and said with a bit of enthusiasm in her tone.

"Grand Duke, have you touched the edge of that field?"

"This is not something you should inquire about..."


Richard didn't know that he had already entered the sight of the Lord of Solan City at this moment.

And it also involves rotten authority...

After leaving Solan City, he immediately took Alves out of the storage point.

Then turn on the horsepower and return to Twilight City at the fastest speed.

My heart is full of excitement and anticipation.

The contract scroll in his hand became extremely hot at this moment.

Extraordinary...Twilight is getting its own Extraordinary.

It is different from the foreign aid of the fire elemental lord.

Once the contract is successful, the other party will completely obey his orders.

This is of inestimable value for the situation that is about to change.

under full flight.

On the evening of December 23rd.

Richard reappeared in the sky of Twilight City.

At this moment, it was less than half an hour since the stone statue of the dead who had just delivered the letter last night arrived.

After his order was delivered, Twilight City had already begun to turn.

A large number of people and materials began to transfer to the eternal place.

The army that was originally deployed around the Quicksand, ready to attack the plane of El, was dispatched back at this moment.

Only a part of the dark treants left and the ancient god tree that has not been fully recovered guards the door of space opened by the void sandworm.

All kinds of weapons on the city wall have entered the state of war, as long as there is an enemy, they can attack immediately.

Although he didn't know what happened, Richard's order was firmly carried out immediately after it was sent back to Twilight City.

No one can doubt his prestige.

And because of the small size of the entire city, coupled with the passage of government orders brought about by the high public opinion, the administrative efficiency of Twilight City can maintain a very high level of operation.

Looking around the sky and seeing the whole city is busy, Richard felt a little more at ease.

Although time is tight, there is still time to prepare.

After returning to the lord's mansion, Karu, who knew of his return, came immediately.

After the pale-haired old man saluted, he asked in a solemn tone.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Without a major event, it is impossible to issue such an urgent order.

Richard took a deep breath, staring at the other's tense face with deep eyes.

Slowly said.

"What we got at the beginning—the news that other planes will be integrated into the Death Desert is becoming a reality step by step...El's plane is just the beginning."

"In the next week, there will be a bigger impact."

"The unknown number of planes will be directly integrated into the desert of death."

"Our enemies... are coming."

Karoo's pupils shrank.

Subconsciously held his breath.

Although the appearance of the El plane has confirmed the accuracy of this news.

But the thing is...he thought it was going to be a slow process.

I didn't expect it to come so fast.

Simple words made him feel great pressure and urgency.

If those planes that are integrated into the desert of death are all forces like the El plane, Twilight City can still accept it.

But who can guarantee that the next plane that merges into the desert of death is not a demon, not an abyss, not a hell, not an undead?

The unknown enemy is always the scariest.

Richard took a deep look at Karoo who was aware of the danger.

Slowly said.

"Take out the blood coffin..."

Because the blood coffin cannot be put into the system space, and it is unrealistic to carry the coffin with you, it has been stored in Twilight City.

Later, it was handed over to the Ancient God Tree for safekeeping. This time, the exploration dungeon also took away the Ancient God Tree, and put it back in the Twilight City.

At this time, Karu still hadn't recovered, subconsciously agreed.

"It's my lord, I'll let someone fetch it immediately..."

After she finished speaking, she came to her senses and stared at him nervously.

"My lord, are you?"

Richard smiled, and a contract scroll appeared out of thin air in his hand.

His tone was a little hot.

"The City of Twilight is about to usher in its own Extraordinary."

"No matter how the situation changes...we will still stand firm!"

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