Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 489 Super New Functions Of The Black Gold System

Richard also did not expect that he could suddenly get news about the God of the Desert from the mouth of the Lord of the Dunes.

The God of the Desert is the main god of the desert pantheon, the guardian of the desert, and there are many Legendaries on the main plane.

Great reputation.

But the only pity is that this stalwart existence with supreme power fell in the battle of the gods half a million years ago.

There are still several gods in the desert pantheon, although they are collectively referred to as the gods of the desert by the outside world.

But those who understand the secrets know that those remaining gods are far from being able to compete with the masters of the gods.

If he can find the burial place of the desert master...for him, it will be the beginning of another transformation.

The power of the yellow sand in his body is longing for more power of the desert... the god of the desert is in charge of the desert.

Even if the opponent has fallen, it is still the case.

Desert rules, no new master succession yet.

After pondering for a moment, he fixed his eyes on the Lord of the Dunes.

"McTier, what other information do you know?"

The Lord of the Dunes shook his head.

"My lord, I have been sleeping for too long, and some memories have been blurred."

"And as the situation changes, information that was useful before is now worthless."

Speaking of this, the tone is a bit bitter.

Time is the greatest enemy.

Even though he once had an endless life, he is still weakened by the erosion of time.

Richard nodded.

"If you have important information, be sure to report it to me as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord."

At this point in the discussion, the topic ended. The Lord of the Dunes bowed slightly, then turned and left.

But before he walked out of the front yard, Richard's voice sounded with some deep meaning.

"McTeer, do you still long for power?"

The Lord of the Dunes froze and didn't look back.

The aging body under the black robe at this moment looks like dry grass blown by the cold wind in the bleak autumn.

After a moment of silence, a somewhat hoarse voice sounded.

"My lord...I am now just a Common teacher who teaches knowledge."

"I am very satisfied with my job."

The voice fell, and the old figure slowly left.

Seeing this scene, Richard's eyes moved slightly.

But he didn't speak again.

Perhaps one day, this old man who once had the power of a natural disaster will stand up again.

But obviously, not now.

After contemplating for a moment, he turned his gaze to his skills... the blessing of the desert.

The feature that comes with the blessing of the desert - ask the desert, he hasn't tried it yet.

He asked about the cooldown time of the desert, which lasted a week. He wanted to save it to clear the dungeon and complete the S-level mission.

Now, apparently not necessary.

Richard looked at the properties a few more times.

The more detailed you ask, the more likely you are to get an accurate answer...

In other words, there is not always an answer.

After calming down, Richard looked seriously.

With a thought, endless power of yellow sand surged out.

The majestic power made the surrounding mummy guards feel their souls trembling.

Under his full firepower, the power of the yellow sand gradually overflowed the lord's mansion, and then even exaggeratedly enveloped the entire Twilight City.

Busy residents suddenly felt that a hazy yellow veil was cast in front of their eyes, and it became blurred hundreds of meters away.

The power of the yellow sand did not stop because of anyone, it overflowed the city wall and spread to the yellow sand.

At the moment of contact with the desert.

Richard only felt that his perception was magnified hundreds of times and thousands of times in an instant.

The whole person's thoughts are unprecedentedly clear.

At the same time, the strength on his body soared by more than ten times.

It was as if the entire desert was under his control at this moment. As long as he wanted, he could even let the desert cover Twilight City with a single thought.

That is, the desert is answering his call.

Under the influence of the power of the yellow sand, the gravel around Twilight City began to gradually lose weight and float towards the sky.

The scene is getting bigger and bigger.

A moment later, the busy residents in the city saw a scene they would never forget——

In his hazy vision, he saw the entire desert flying upside down into the sky.

The long yellow sand covered the sky like floating clouds.

Mighty, majestic and magnificent, as if the ancient myths are reappearing, it gives people a strong visual impact.

At this moment, Richard suddenly sensed a life that had been sleeping for a long time, and opened his eyes at this moment.

That thick, surging, and mysterious life can't see the face clearly. Only a pair of orange eyes are overlooking the endless dimension.

After a while, the other party seemed to have discovered him... Those eyes traveled through time and space, staring at him from an infinite distance.

A strange and friendly atmosphere flooded into my mind.

The will of the desert was awakened by him.

Richard had mood swings.

He could vaguely feel how majestic the power contained in the will of the desert... At this moment, he seemed to be facing a 100,000-foot-tall titan.

When the opponent waved his hand, he could easily tear the earth apart and destroy the mountains.

Subconsciously wanted to say something, but suddenly found that he seemed to have been given a gag order, unable to say anything.

My heart couldn't help sinking.

Richard could perceive that the time for the will of the desert to appear was very short, at most one minute, and the other party would fall into a deep sleep again.

As if sensing his mood, those orange eyes moved slightly.

A flood of information flooded his mind.

Not any language, but it directly let Richard understand the meaning of the other party.

My child... what do you want to know?


Is this... because of the power of the yellow sand?

With a thought, Richard conveyed his thoughts in the same way.

I asked where the God of the Desert was buried, and where were the troop lairs and treasures in his hands...

God of the desert?

There were waves in those orange eyes.

After a few breaths, the message came again...

The god of the desert was buried in the core of the desert of death - the forbidden area of ​​death.


Richard's spirits lifted.

Is the God of the Desert really buried in the desert as the Lord of the Dunes said?

However, the location of its burial does not seem to be so easy to explore.

Forbidden Death, the name says a lot.

While thinking about it, before he could ask any more questions, the desert will sent a second message——

The forbidden land of death... where many gods are buried, that area is not governed by the desert.

My child, the desert is sick, it is becoming weak, the source of everything, from the forbidden place of death.

The moment Richard received this information, those orange eyes dimmed suddenly, and the majestic aura disappeared like a broken bubble. Around the City of Dusk, the yellow sand flying upside down all over the sky fell like raindrops.

fell back to the ground.

Richard woke up suddenly, his body felt weak.

Open the property panel and take a look, the power of yellow sand has been emptied.

He looked up at the sky in bewilderment.

In the forbidden place of death, many gods are buried? And that area can't be covered by desert rules?

Where is that area? What secret is hidden?

He felt that there was another layer of fog that could not be removed in his vision.

And the last sentence made him feel even more creepy.

The desert is sick, and the source of everything starts from the forbidden land of death.

This seems to be talking about the integration of other dimensions into the desert of death, but there are some discrepancies. Instead, it seems to be a warning that some kind of greater terror is about to erupt.

Richard took a few deep breaths but couldn't suppress the fluctuating emotions.

He never expected that he would get such heart-shattering information when he asked the will of the desert this time.

What is hidden here?

His heart fluctuated for a long time, and Richard was still in deep thought.

Although the information obtained this time is very simple, the things behind it are enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

He vaguely saw a huge tide coming.

He wasn't sure if the tsunami was related to the new expansion pack, to the Crimson Moon.

Everything is still unknown.

"I can only wait for next week and ask again..."

At this moment, a mechanical reminder sounded in my ear.

"The new function of the black gold system has been activated, please check it yourself."

Richard, who was still thinking, was suddenly awakened.

Immediately put his attention on the system prompt, and after seeing the above information clearly, his solemn mood immediately became excited.

The new function is finally opened!

Richard's spirits lifted.

No matter what happens in the future, a powerful Twilight City is fundamental.

The black gold system is the source of everything powerful.

With strong anticipation, he opened the black gold system panel.

Several new changes have appeared above.

1. After being promoted to the troop lair, the cooling time for the second promotion is shortened from 7 days to 3 days.

The first one made Richard feel a little happy.

The cooling time has been shortened by a full 4 days. Although it will not have a qualitative impact on the arms, it is undoubtedly a major benefit for the training of new arms.

For thugs, it works great.

Continue to look down.

2. Newly enabled function - Troop nests are automatically promoted. After paying enough resources, the black gold system can immediately promote the selected troop nests for a second time after cooling down.

Richard nodded slightly, this function is a standard auxiliary function.

But it is also useful. After leaving Twilight City to go out to fight, you don't have to worry about the promotion of the troop lair.

But in my heart, I still feel that this function is almost meaningless, and it failed to bring him a surprise.

While thinking, he looked at the third item.

After seeing the attributes clearly, the original disappointment was swept away, and the surprise in his chest almost exploded.

Joy overflowed his face.

3. The newly opened function - designated unit training, you can select a certain unit you own, consume corresponding resources, and directly train it to become this unit.

Note: The first training will be lower than its rank, and a second upgrade is required to reach the rank of the selected unit.

Note 2: Troops that have been promoted can only cultivate the ranks before the promotion, and the subsequent ranks need to be promoted normally.

Good guy, this function is simply against the sky!

This is the main trump card of the second-stage function of the black gold system, right?

The training of designated arms... What is this concept?

The Huiyue 3-star he most wanted to expand was a newborn level 17 unit—the King of the Forbidden Army, and there was no pre-installed unit.

If you want to expand, you can only go to the cemetery of the desert god to see if you can get it from the dead god.

It's easy to say, but damn it is the ruler of the desert pantheon. For such a long time, no second god has been born in the desert pantheon.

It is conceivable how difficult this is.

When he heard the news from the dune master, he even gave up the idea of ​​continuing to train the dune master.

A combat army that cannot form a large scale is doomed to be unable to become the main force of Twilight City.

But now, with the new function of the black gold system, he no longer needed to find the tomb of the desert god.

It can directly consume resources and cultivate this top-level unit of Huiyue 3-star level.

Of course, the ones cultivated now are crown 3 stars, and they need to be promoted a second time to reach the Huiyue level.

But that's enough.

Directly create the crown unit, it's fucking invincible! !

Taking a few deep breaths, Richard couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

He had given up all hope just now, and now he was given such a big surprise. Under the huge gap, his mood was inevitably surging.

And what makes him value even more is the possibility brought by this function.

It is no exaggeration to say that this can directly affect the development direction of Twilight City's future army.

Before he cultivated the army, in addition to looking at the strength of the troops, he also had to look at whether the number of nests of the troops was sufficient.

The attributes of some units are very good, but the nests of the units are extremely rare, and there are only one or two that are not redundant at all... These are often rejected by him in the first place.

The most important thing for the army in the territory is to be organized and able to cooperate with each other.

A hybrid army with a hammer in the east and a stick in the west, even if its individual combat power is a few percent stronger than the enemy, in a large-scale war, it will still become a lamb.

The attributes, strengths, and attack methods of each unit are completely different. When the war develops to a certain level, it is extremely easy to cause chaos.

Command alone can kill people.

It's different now, with the new function of the black gold system, this kind of arms can be directly included in the bag in the future.

There are tens of billions of people on the player forum, and there are always some lucky ones who can get some powerful orphans.

Just like the current King of the Forbidden Army, he can directly storm the troops, and he no longer has to rack his brains to figure out where to get the new King of the Forbidden Army's lair.

In the future, as long as the resources are sufficient, Twilight City can develop without restriction.

This new function complements the previous function of promoting the troop lair, and this combination is simply perfect.

The promotion function is to promote the original low-level arms to Advanced arms.

Some units may not have a higher level. After being promoted through the black gold system, low-level units can break the inherent rules and become the only and unique unit in Twilight City.

The new function focuses on cultivating the lairs of some orphaned troops into an organized army.

A match made in heaven.

At this point in his thoughts, Richard couldn't hold back the joy in his heart anymore, and laughed out loud.

All the pressure I had been under before was released at this moment.

No matter how the situation changes, no one can stop the progress of Twilight City!

He didn't believe it anymore, three Huiyue-level troop lairs couldn't stop the enemy, could 30, 300, 300 of them be able to stop them?

After this storm has passed, you can search for some powerful orphaned army lairs and come back for large-scale cultivation.

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