Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 494 Crown - Statue Of The Dead

After stopping Karoo from wanting to end up participating in the management of the underground world, Richard didn't say much about the matter and changed the topic.

"The last time you were asked to recruit blacksmiths who research technology in Furnace City, how is the progress?"

The technology upgrade of Twilight City has been sluggish recently, although there is Sam, the one-armed blacksmith who was bestowed with super A-level skills by him, to study full-time.

However, with the improvement of the technological level of the arms, the time required for research and development will inevitably increase.

Although An Daier's potential is stronger, but now this baby of Twilight City has to preside over the blacksmith association that was just established in Bloodhoof City.

Share forging technology.

Can't get out in a short time.

Enrollment expansion is an inevitable choice.

Carew responded.

"My lord, Miss Andair has been in charge of this matter. It is said that 20 blacksmiths have entered the primary selection list... they are currently training in Bloodhoof City."

"It may take half a month to be officially listed."

Richard nodded, knowing what to do.

The development of the territory is like this. Everything needs to start from conception, decision-making, and delegation of tasks.

Then comes the execution, and various problems may arise in the middle. After solving these problems one by one, the final result can be obtained.

This process can take as little as a week or ten days, and as much as three to five months or even one or two years.

It is not said that once the order is issued, the result will be obtained immediately.

If something gets in the way, the plan might have to be pushed back... that's the case now.

Shaking his head, he no longer dwelled on it, and changed the subject to continue.

"This matter, implement it as soon as possible."

"How is the discussion on the teachings of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect going?"

This topic made Karoo straighten his back subconsciously, and said in a solemn tone.

"My lord, it has been preliminarily perfected... the history of the ancient dark tree sect, from the history of its birth, the heroes that have appeared, its future development, its position in the camp, and its past glorious achievements... all have been compiled. "

"And try to integrate into the previous history as much as possible. For this reason, we asked Weier to send back a large number of books about history and gods."

"However, although the content has been perfected, there are bound to be many problems when it spreads."

"We need to experiment in the underground world to test whether these contents are reliable."

"It may take a while."

Speaking of this, his tone hesitated a bit.

"My lord, if possible, I hope to buy a few slaves who are proficient in history and religious theories to cooperate with our work... This is up to you to decide."

Buying a few slaves is not a big deal, but it has a different meaning if it is included in the revised doctrine.

They, this is creating a sect of false gods... blasphemy.

All matters, big or small, had to be approved by Richard, and he couldn't grasp the degree of it.

Richard frowned slightly.

The appearance of the Evil Spreader, an Extraordinary unit used for missionary work, and the promise of the two princesses of the Kingdom of El made him very interested in missionary work.

It's a pity that due to limited resources, the speed of advancement is not fast.

Now that he has to face the upcoming new expansion pack, he can't spare much energy to put it into it.

"You let Val handle the purchase of slaves."

"Tell Val that this matter must be kept secret and cannot be purchased through existing channels. No one else can know about this matter except her."

"The slaves are purchased and immediately sent to the underground world to cut off their connection with the outside world."

"The matter of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect must be absolutely guaranteed not to be leaked."

Richard's tone was extraordinarily serious.

The matter of spreading beliefs and creating sects involves the ultimate existence of this world, and his current research is touching certain taboos.

The less people know about it, the better.

For a short period of time, he will only use the underground world to experiment.

Carew raised his chest solemnly.

"As you wish...we have completely blocked the news, and the relevant personnel involved will continue to work in the eternal land and the underground world."

Richard's face softened slightly.

"You supervise this matter yourself, and you must not make any mistakes. If you have any problems, report to me as soon as possible."

"Obey, my lord!"

The matter had just been arranged when a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in Richard's ear.

"It is detected that the game will open a new expansion piece, and the black gold system has opened the second phase function..."


This is?

Richard lifted his spirits and immediately opened the black gold system.

After reading the above tips several times, I look forward to being filled immediately.

The black gold system can also have the function of the second stage? ?

what function? ?

But after looking at the simple panel several times, my face was full of question marks.

What's new...where is it? ?

Puzzled, I pulled the panel to the end, only to find a line of prompts is opening.

Good guy, it's really deep.

With this sudden change, Richard was in no mood to continue the discussion with Carew.

After waving his hand to let the other party leave to carry out the government affairs just discussed, he waited silently.

The black gold system can be said to be the foundation of his life.

For Twilight City to reach its current height, the black gold system plays an irreplaceable role.

Several top heroes were subdued by relying on the information provided by the black gold system. All arms in Twilight City were promoted based on this.

The opening of the second phase of the function this time made him full of expectations.

It would be best if there is a function of one-click full level, click to send the Creation Artifact...

But after waiting for more than ten minutes, Richard frowned slightly before seeing the prompt that the activation was successful.

After the mood calmed down, the rationality returned.

Shaking his head, he didn't intend to wait any longer.

It will always be turned on when it should be turned on, and there is no time to count it now, so there is no need to wait here.

Immediately got up and went to the warehouse, and took out the 800,000 units of Rare resources that had been saved.

Including the more than one million Rare resources obtained from the copy of the Tomb of the Gods, the total Rare resources he now owns is exactly 2.6 million units.

As for Common resources, there are only less than one million left in hand, which seems quite pitiful.

The majestic ruler of Twilight City, with thousands of glorious troops in his hands, and even a lord with extraordinary allegiance, unexpectedly has only such a small deposit.

Sure enough, the lord has always been poor.

With a bit of helplessness, he returned to the lord's mansion.

When he looked at the arms in the corner, his eyes became excited.


This is the eternal road of becoming stronger in "Glory Era".

For a territory, its importance has been magnified a lot.

The quality of the army directly determines the strength of the territory, which is no exaggeration.

Top heroes can be encountered but not sought after. Not everyone has the black gold system and knows how to subdue or cultivate those top heroes. The only thing that the lord can fully control is the arms.

This is the foundation of the territory.

There are currently 8 units in Twilight City——

Scorpion Warrior

mummy guardian

Condensed Archer

Sandstorm Master

stone statue of the dead

Praetorian Guard

Bone Blood Dragon

Forbidden King

Among them, what he values ​​the most is still the Stone Statue of the Dead who was promoted from Ax of the Dead.

This top unit is his heart and soul.

The fighting power of the stone statue of the dead has been proven time and again in countless battles in the past, so there is no need to say more.

Secondly, it is currently the highest-ranking Huiyue 3-star unit—the King of the Forbidden Army.

This unit is obtained from the Dune Lord's city.

Can use invisible ropes to control five swords to fight.

After its explosion, its combat effectiveness can be described as abnormal.

Although the current number is small, it is still the absolute trump card of Twilight City.

The second is the Sandstorm Controller, a fusion unit that can form natural disasters.

The combat effectiveness of the remaining arms is not weak, and each has its own characteristics.

But compared to these three arms, it is still a bit less interesting.

According to Richard's wishes, now he hopes to directly expand these three arms.

But at this point in his thoughts, he thought of another key question.

The new expansion pack is about to start, and now it's too late to synthesize the Stone Statue of the Dead and the Sandstorm Controller from scratch.

Every time you upgrade a unit, you need a 7-day cooling time. It doesn't have much impact on normal times, but it's about to die now.

The first unit of the Stone Statue of the Dead—the Ax of the Dead, the initial level is only the elite level, and it needs to be promoted twice to meet the synthesis requirements.

It took half a month to go back and forth, and if the promotion to Huiyue level was counted, it would be more than 20 days.

The same goes for the Sandstorm Master.

Shaking his head, it seems that these two arms will be dispatched in this riot.

The King of the Forbidden Army is really fragrant now.

This unit can attack and defend, and can control five swords in melee combat. The range skill - breaking the army is a well-deserved killer.

And the exaggerated level of the newborn level 17 is the best in the audience.

The stone statue of the dead, whose level is only Huiyue level, is somewhat overshadowed by the King of the Forbidden Army at this moment.

The difference between level and potential is directly two levels, which is difficult to erase.

If you want to do it, do it big.

Directly, the king of the forbidden army is full.

At this point in his thoughts, Richard made a decision without hesitation.

But after recovering, I had a headache again.

He didn't know what the front unit of the King of the Forbidden Army, the 3-star Huiyue and the 17th-level unit...

The Crown 3-star mummy guards and the king of the guards are obviously two systems.

One output mainly depends on the spear, and the other is to control the sword by manipulating the invisible rope.

After the arms are upgraded, they will not deviate from their original appearance, but will only continue to enhance various skills and attributes under the original framework.

When you can't speak the crown, you rely on throwing spears to cause damage, and when you upgrade to Huiyue, you can chop people with a knife.

Thinking about it, Richard subconsciously opened the black gold system.

"The Pyramid of Eternal Sleep, you can recruit the King of the Forbidden Army, and you can consume 10 lairs of Luyue-level troops to promote them. The cooling time for each promotion is 7 days."

The information is too familiar, and it is no different from the attributes of other troop lairs.

Frowning, he pulled down the black gold system, and the prompt below remained unchanged.

This new feature does not appear to be available until October of pregnancy.

Shaking his head, he didn't care about it, and waved to call the guards, and let them call the Lord of the Dunes.

The King of the Forbidden Army was found in the city of the Lord of the Dunes. If you have any questions, you are right to ask the Lord.

In less than five minutes, a rush of footsteps entered the front yard.

Wearing a black robe, the dune lord with an old face came in and looked at Richard with complicated eyes.

Finally, he took a long breath and slowly supported his chest.

"Good day, Lord Richard, McTier salutes you."

When he chose to surrender and accepted to be a teacher in Twilight City to teach residents literacy.

The brilliance of the Dune Lord, who once controlled the power of the yellow sand and wiped out thousands of armies with his hands, has been shattered.

What Extraordinary, what idea of ​​ruling the desert of death, has become a bubble.

Now he is ordinary, he is called grandpa by the neighbor's children, and he is a respected teacher in Twilight City, Matil.

Richard looked at this Extraordinary whose attitude had changed quite a bit, and felt quite satisfied.

Gao Minxin's Twilight City is not joking with you.

An Extraordinary that has lost its power is not qualified to stop the assimilation of warm-hearted residents.

It means a lot.

"McTeer, you should be grateful for your choice."

The Lord of the Dunes was taken aback for a moment, and just about to say something, Richard interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Needless to say, I didn't call you here today to talk nonsense."

As he spoke, he pointed his eyes at the Pyramid of Long Sleep.

"I got this troop lair in your city."

"Now, I need to know, is there any similar troops in this troop lair?"

The lairs of "Glorious Age" cannot be promoted, this is the rule.

But it's not that the same type of arms doesn't have more Advanced or lower levels.

Human's signature arm - Griffon, has a higher level Royal Griffin.

As long as you can find the front unit of the King of Forbidden Army unit, it will be easy to handle.

As for going to the forum to buy directly... Richard just searched it while he was empty.

It turned out to be cleaner than his trouser pocket.

Huiyue is 3 stars, a unit with an initial level of 17, and even he is a treasure. At this stage, it is difficult for players to even touch the crown unit, let alone Huiyue.

The Lord of the Dunes stared blankly at the Pyramid of Eternal Sleep.

The tone was a bit sad.

"My lord, this is the army of the God of the Desert... I also obtained it by accident when I obtained the power of yellow sand countless years ago."

"I don't know if there are similar arms."

Richard couldn't help being greatly disappointed.

The Lord doesn't even know?

Seeing his disappointed expression, the Dune Lord hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"My lord, after the God of Desert was killed in battle, it is said that his body was buried in the Desert of Death. The King of the Forbidden Army is a unit in Legendary, and it is his direct guard."

"However, the King of the Legendary Forbidden Army is the Legendary army, and the current level is Huiyue, obviously something is wrong..."

Richard frowned.

"Michael, what do you want to say?"

The Lord of the Dunes said in a deep voice.

"My lord, maybe the God of the Desert is really buried in the desert."

Richard became interested.

"Do you know the relevant news?"

The Lord of the Dunes smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I know it's been explored for a long time... I'm just speculating."

As he spoke, his turbid eyes took on a certain depth.

"After the power of the yellow sand is strong, you can use the power of the desert."

"My lord...we don't know, the desert knows."

"You can investigate in this area."

"Having two copies of the power of the yellow sand, you are now qualified to let the desert guide you."

"If you can find the burial place of the desert god and the lair of the king of the forbidden army, you will definitely be satisfied."

"There are even more possibilities..."

Richard suddenly remembered the innate skill he got after being promoted - Desert Blessing.

In the desert, all attributes increase by 200%, and every other week, you can communicate with the pan-consciousness of the desert and ask for the information you want...

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