Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 502 Special Loot (7400 Words)

The vampire army plus the stone statue of the dead, the king of the forbidden army, and the bone blood dragon, the total number is close to 5 brigades.

And there is no weak one.

The potential of the lowest-strength Skeleton Blood Dragon has also reached the crown 1 star, and in the long battle, the level has been raised to level 14.

He is fully qualified to participate in the hunt for Naga.

Under the leadership of the three top heroes, Naga, who had no countermeasures, was killed to the point of bloodshed.

But after more than half of the casualties, Naga still fought to the death.

The scene was extremely shocking.

Half an hour later, the colossal form of the stone statue of the dead disappeared.

The ace unit of the Twilight City immediately changed its attack form, flapped its wings into the air, and began to attack by taking advantage of its flight.

Tomahawk throwing is a deadly ultimate move, which greatly improves the destructive power of the stone statue of the dead.

When the attack was launched, it was like thousands of bombers dropping bombs.

Wherever they passed, there was blood, and Naga once again felt what cruelty was.

As the strongest countermeasure, Naga Archer finally ushered in his glorious moment at this moment.

Without the indestructible defense, the bows and arrows drawn by the eight arms roared towards him immediately.

Let the stone statue of the dead experience the feeling of a bunch of candied haws again.

But Naga didn't have time to be happy, seeing their target's body suddenly become blurred, turning into a life made of gravel.

Their strong attack directly fails.

But because of this, Renee and Lorena turned their attention to Naga Archer and Naga Mage hiding behind.

Lorena was the first to strike.

With a wave of his hand, countless scarlet bats surged up and rushed directly into the Naga Archer army formation.

In the next second, her figure disappeared, and a scarlet bat appeared on the spot.

Turning around, Lorena's figure had already entered the Naga Archer's formation.

Dark Red's bat wings flapped, and the blood prince flew close to the ground.

Gripping the spear more than three meters long, he swiped violently.

The glowing blood on it expanded the attack range of the spear to five meters.


Blood spattered and stumps flew.

Those Naga Archers that surged in were all torn into pieces like grass being mowed.

The stench of blood filled his nostrils.

The blood splashed on Lorena's body would be directly transformed into energy and integrated into the body, leaving no trace on her body.

Every time the Extraordinary swings his weapon, any naga within range are torn to shreds.

Coupled with the flexibility brought by the wings, Lorena traversed among the Naga like lightning.

Wherever it passed, there was only blood on the ground, and no one could survive under the spear.

Even those Naga heroes couldn't stop the swinging spears.

The 23-level blood prince is completely crushing against the 15-level average Naga.

Kritos was also mad at this moment.

This level 19 dark soul eater, a boss unit born under divine power, led 32 dark servants like a steamroller, rampaging among the Naga.

The way of fighting is to forcibly smash the enemy into pieces during the charge.

It looks fierce and cruel, but there is also a kind of violent beauty that makes people tremble.

Like a god of war from the abyss.

After Renee hunted down all the Naga heroes on the field, she also changed her attack method.

With unlimited space jumps, every flicker can take away the soul of a Naga.

The speed of killing was not as fast as that of Lorena and Kritos, but it was not necessarily much slower.

But what moved me the most was Naga. Even in the face of such a brutal attack.

Even when the hero who commanded them was killed, the Naga still did not back down.

Richard once again saw what it means to fight to the death.

Moreover, Naga is not a necromantic life. As an intelligent life, death is the greatest fear, but at this moment, they trampled the fear of death under their feet.

Although Naga's ferociousness made people look sideways, Richard didn't hesitate to wave his hand to let the army speed up the attack.

Without the threat of long-range forces, the Twilight City with all flying arms has no scruples.

The one-sided massacre began.

Especially the stone statues of the dead, their range advantage of more than 200 meters made the Naga on the ground a living target.

The battle became uneventful.

When the last Naga was decapitated by the sword of the King of the Forbidden Army, this time because of the opening of the new expansion pack and the launch of the crimson moon, the battle of the planes that resulted has come to an end.

Naga, a race full of aggression and desire to conquer, was brutally killed.

The underground world has not been affected in the slightest.

This is the best result.

"Ding~ You commanded the army to defeat a tribal Naga army, hunted down an Extraordinary Naga, and won a brilliant victory."

"You have gained 1 million experience points, and your level has been improved. The current level is 16."

"Ding~ You have prevented a plane invasion and defended your subordinate forces. Your Legendary degree in the underground world has changed to the Legendary degree of the entire dungeon clan—the current Legendary degree is: 10 points, and you have acquired the characteristic——Great reputation .”

"You have a great reputation, your reputation has spread among the dungeon clan, and the difficulty for you to recruit dungeon clan heroes has been greatly reduced. Dungeon clan heroes with potential below level C can be recruited unconditionally.

After the defeat of the dungeon clan field troops below level 14, there is a high probability that they will take the initiative to take refuge in you. "

After the battle, the system prompt suddenly sounded.

Before Richard recovered, he only felt the majestic energy surging from deep in his blood.

That energy was accumulated during each battle, and it was usually stored in the body, and it was released at this moment.

Every bone, every muscle, and every blood vessel is now wrapped and strengthened by energy.

The whole person seemed to be soaked in a hot bath when it was more than ten degrees below zero, and he was so comfortable that he almost groaned.

The whole thing lasted a few minutes before dissipating.

When Richard opened his eyes again, the breath on his body swept all directions like a storm.

All the troops felt the terrible pressure on their chests.

Qi Shushu looked in the direction of Richard, his eyes were full of horror.

Richard took a long breath, feeling magma-like energy surging in his body.

With a wave of his hand, it seemed that he could smash a city wall.

Level 16. From Extraordinary, go one step further.

After calming down his inner emotions, he opened the attribute panel and took a look. The most intuitive changes were the power of yellow sand and magic power.

The power of yellow sand, 6000→8000 points (recover 20 points per second)

Mana, 60000→80000 (recover 800 points per second, on the yellow sand, the recovery speed is doubled.)

The ability to continue fighting has soared a lot.

Skills have not changed much.

Only now was he in the mood to check the system prompts.

The Legendary degree he just obtained came into view. This transformation is very interesting. The previous Legendary degree was aimed at the underground world, and now it has become the entire dungeon family.

This range instantly widened a hundred times.

The dungeon tribe, in "Glory Age", is the camp that can be ranked first, and there are quite a few of them.

This feature gives him countless possibilities to face dungeon heroes and arms in the future.

This extra feature is nice.

After recovering, he looked around.

The blood and corpses everywhere came into view.

Next, it's time to harvest.

"Lorena, let the army take out all the old stones from Naga's body."

"Yes, master."

Lorena immediately commanded the army of vampires to harvest the spoils.

Manipulating blood is the instinct of these dark beings, and the corpses everywhere are very suitable for them to operate.

Soon, under the control of the vampire, all the fragments of stumps everywhere were gone through.

More than 1,000 Old Days Stones dug from the corpse pile were placed in front of Richard.

The Naga who can condense the Old Days Stone are only a small part of the Naga army.

But even so, this resource is rich enough.

One Old Days Stone can deduct 1,000 units of Rare resources, and this thousand is worth millions of Rare resources.

Richard is in a good mood.

Maliciously collected these spars glowing with red energy into the system space.

"Sure enough, killing people and setting fire to gold belt wars is the fastest way to get rich."

"Millions of rare resources, which can be worth half a month's worth of weapons forging in Bloodhoof City and those dungeon races."

And this time the income is more than that, the corpse below is also a huge income.

"Gather all the flesh and blood and corpses."

The vampire army acted again, manipulating corpses and wreckage, and piled up a towering mountain of corpses behind the space gap.

The shattered stumps were mixed with warm blood and flowed continuously. From a distance, even a veteran of many battles would feel terrified.

This is a sight that can only be seen in the bottomless abyss.

Richard ignored it.

Stepping forward step by step, he placed the statue of the old god on the mountain of corpses.

In the next second, the statue of the old ancient god seemed to come to life.

Endless dim light surged out from the statue, covering the entire mountain of corpses after a few breaths.

The corpses covered by the dim light decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then weathered into sawdust-like fragments.

Tens of thousands of Naga corpses were devoured in less than three minutes.

The mountain of bloody corpses in front of him has turned into a dry and weathered ancient burial ground, and the style of painting has changed abruptly.

Richard, who was staring at this scene closely, could clearly feel that the aura of the old statue of the ancient god became stronger.

What made him look sideways was that the breath from Renee beside him also soared a lot.

After the statue of the ancient god devoured the flesh and blood of tens of thousands of Naga, the one who benefited the most was obviously this level 17 divine soul.

The huge flesh and blood energy makes it almost impossible to get promoted.

With another wave, it will definitely be upgraded to level 18.

According to this model, Extraordinary is just around the corner.

Moreover, Renee is the soul stored in the statue of the ancient god, and there will be no mission requirements for hunting Extraordinary to advance.

She upgraded from level 14 to level 17 in waves, and did not trigger the upgrade task.

This is very cool.

The difficulty of upgrading tasks can be seen from the time when Kritos was stuck.

Coupled with the feature of continuous resurrection, after Renee's level is raised, the army will not be inferior to any hero.

Waiting for the scene to return to calm, Richard put away the old statue of the ancient god.

At this time, Kritos, who was more than six meters tall, stepped forward.

This life, which was born out of the stone statue of the Ta tribe, weighs very exaggeratedly. Every step it takes, the ground will tremble slightly.


Richard nodded, keenly aware of the subtlety of Kritos's expression, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"What happened?"

Compared with the huge head, Kritos's small eyes showed a bit of hesitation.

"Some strange changes have taken place in my dark servant."


Strange change?

Richard became interested, and turned his head to look at those huge monsters with somewhat illusory bodies.

Kritos's servants are all transformed from the heroic spirits of the Ta clan. The height of 8 meters makes Common humans stand in front of him like dwarves.

Soon, his sight locked on one of the very eye-catching dark servants.

This dark servant was covered with a faint blood color, as if it had been dyed with red ink.

At the same time, there is a sense of vicissitudes, antiquity, and dilapidated energy.

It was the breath of the ancient gods.

"How is this going?"

Kritos sighed.

"Master, after the crimson moon rose, there was a rain of blood, which contained majestic energy."

"I can't avoid it, and I'm contaminated with the power of the blood rain."

"But in order to prevent accidents, I transferred that power to a dark servant."

"There was nothing unusual at first, but in the process of fighting Naga, the servant swallowed up a lot of flesh and blood, and it also underwent some subtle changes."

"I don't know if it's good or bad."

"This force is still very weak at this time, and it cannot cause greater changes."

Richard nodded thoughtfully.

No wonder the ancient gods and evil trees have been promoted, but they didn't hear the system prompt from Kritos.

It turned out that the power of the blood rain was transferred to the dark servant.

This guy's original body is Soul Eater, after being trained to become a boss, he can devour the enemy's power to grow himself, and even acquire the opponent's skills.

In the copy of the tomb of the gods, after killing a large number of abyss spiders, you can get the skills of the abyss spiders.

I didn't expect a guy with such a background to be so cautious.

Blood Rain didn't try to absorb such a tempting energy.

Appreciation rose in his eyes.

This big guy who seems to have no brains is obviously more intelligent than he looks.

"You can continue to train, and if something goes wrong, report to me as soon as possible."

"If you can't control it, destroy it directly. Don't hesitate, just recruit again later."

Although the Dark Servant was transformed from the heroic spirits of the Ta clan, the essence is still the energy body recruited by Kritos.

Although as long as it is not killed by external forces, it can exist forever.

But after all, it is his strength, and it is just a matter of thought to kill the opponent.

Not afraid of any surprises along the way.

And after the dark servant is killed, it only takes one day to recruit it again.

The loss is not great.

Kritos nodded respectfully. "Yes, master."

That's what he thought, otherwise he wouldn't have kept this dark servant forever.

If the Dark Minions changes are really good late game, he might consider trying it himself.

If there are any uncontrollable problems, even if the dark servant is under his control, it will not cause any danger.

But what Kratos said also reminded Richard.

At present, it seems that the impact of the crimson moon on the entire world is not limited to the first blood rain. The life that absorbed the blood rain is still affecting this world.

At least, for Twilight City.

Hunting and killing life with the power of the ancient gods, and getting the Old Days Stone is the best example.

And Kratos can now raise his minions

If this rule applies to everyone, then the turmoil caused by the new expansion will probably be more exaggerated than originally estimated.

Coupled with the alien plane that is constantly integrated into the main world.

The changes in "Glory Era" will no longer be stopped by anyone.

The situation is not peaceful.

After calming down, Richard seemed to think of something.

He looked at the blood prince who had regained his elegance and was full of aristocratic air after folding his wings.

"Lorena, is the Naga plane still connected to other planes?"

Dark Apostle, this is Lorena's Extraordinary trait.

It only needs to consume a small amount of blood power to walk freely in the shadow plane.

The biggest difference between a level 19 top hero and an Extraordinary hero is the Extraordinary feature.

This ability allowed Lorena to easily find the King of Naga who left through the space.

The shadow plane is the projection of the material plane, and it is connected to most spaces, because as long as it is a plane, there will be projections. This is the rule of "Glory Era".

The Shadow Plane is an extremely dangerous existence, filled with countless shadow beings.

That is a hell that is more terrifying than the deepest part of the bottomless abyss.

No one has ever dared to go deep into it, not even the gods.

And Lorena, who can freely switch between the shadow plane and the material plane, undoubtedly has abilities beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Whether it's chasing and hunting, escaping, or looking for something hidden in the space, it's all possible.

Richard was also quite surprised when he heard the explanation from the other party.

This Extraordinary feature does not seem to be offensive, but it is the best skill.

Lorena glanced at the sky faintly, then shook her head.

"Master, the Naga plane is currently only connected to the main plane, but its space is too weak, and more than a dozen auras from different planes have appeared."

"According to the current situation, the fastest energy will establish a connection with it in half a month."

Richard frowned slightly.

A sense of urgency rose in my heart.

Unexpectedly, after the king of Naga was hunted down and the greatest danger was eradicated, competitors might appear when the spoils were about to be reaped.

This is not something to be happy about.

"Send someone to explore this plane and find all the remaining dungeon life for me."

"Speed ​​up and solve the problems here before those planes merge with the Naga plane."

"The place of eternity requires a safe devouring environment."

As he spoke, he began to let go of the induction.

The mourning plane's will became weaker after losing a large number of Naga.

The opponent's demise is already unstoppable.

Even if the gods come, it is difficult to save.

Lorena also sensed the change in the Naga plane at this moment, and said in a somewhat pleased tone.

"Master, the will of the plane is weak at this time, and the eternal land can be devoured."

"However, once the devour is activated, the will of the plane will definitely counterattack."

"At that time, those remaining lives in various areas will come to attack on their own initiative."

He spoke with a bit of certainty in his tone.

"But with the degree of decline of this plane, Naga must be their most powerful force. We only need to guard this area to swallow this plane."

Richard's eyes lit up.

This is undoubtedly the best news for him.

He is not interested in fighting a dozen planes at this stage.

It would be great to let the Eternal Land swallow up the power of this plane in advance.

But he didn't remember to open the Eternal Land, but ordered the army to rest for an hour.

Only after everyone recovered and the cooldown time of their skills had been refreshed did they take any action.

Looking at the space crack behind him, after Naga was emptied, thick blood remained on the ground, which was quite dazzling at this time.

Starting from here is the closest and easiest way to the Eternal Land.

The golden headless corpse was buried in the Eternal Land, and the energy released from it boosted the power of the entire plane to a certain extent.

Using the power accumulated in the Eternal Land, he can open a space door seven or eight meters wide.

But the duration is only about ten hours at most.

If you don't get strength replenishment during this period of time, then the door of space will collapse.

However, these are not problems now.

After calming his mind for a while, Richard's eyes were fixed, and the power of yellow sand surged on his body.

Suddenly, I sensed the eternal place anchoring the entrance in the quicksand.

Moments later, the army, which was ready to fight, suddenly found that Richard's position began to become distorted.

Wave after wave of space energy surged out like ripples.

A moment later, there was a sound of shattering glass.

A striking space crack appeared.

Accompanied by this, there are bursts of human exclamations.

Those vampires looked up curiously, through the gate of space, they could see a small area on the opposite side, and there were still many humans in it looking at the open gate of space in astonishment.

Didn't they just go to this place to put boxes in it?

Richard ignored the inhabitants of the Eternal Lands and slowly closed his eyes.

Awaken the ignorant and immature will of the plane, and pass on the meaning of letting it swallow the power of the Naga plane.

Soon, cheers came from my mind.

Immediately afterwards, the door of space opened even wider.

The door of space is like a sucker, and it starts to suck the power of space from the Naga plane.

But this undisguised action angered the will of the Naga plane.

A wave of anger appeared in everyone's mind.

But at this moment, it is too old, too old, too old to die.

After the King of Naga was killed, its last ray of favor has disappeared, and it has no ability to resist. At this moment, no matter how much unwillingness and anger it has, it can only be swallowed by the eternal land.

But the instinct of the plane's will made it start to summon the remaining lives in the plane and order them to expel these invading blood-sucking insects. The living beings on the Naga plane suddenly felt a surge of anger in their hearts, as if someone was stealing their extremely important things.

They suddenly turned their heads to look in the direction of the crack in space. Although they couldn't see anything, they felt that the place where they were burning with anger was there!

Not long after, Richard seemed to sense something, and looked up into the distance.

At the end of the line of sight, there is desolation everywhere, like a land that has been over-mined.

Ant-sized black dots appeared.

Then gradually expand.

A large number of dungeon life rushed towards the space crack.

Sure enough, as Lorena said, the countermeasure of the will of the plane came.

But he didn't need to order again, the army was already ready.

The first to rush up was a group of dungeon wild boars, more than a large group.

The only pity is that the level is only level 10, and the potential is all brilliant 1 star.

Half a year ago, it was not a weak force, but it was worthless at this moment.

The stone statue of the dead threw a round of battle axes, and emptied most of the dungeon wild boars in this brigade.

Only blood was left on the ground.

The dungeon quilboar was the beginning of this war. Later, Richard saw how crazy the plane's will was.

A few hours later, the influx of enemies has formed a black tide.

All life on the Naga plane, yes, all life, even the level 1 dungeon hare, is attacking the defense line of Twilight City.

Looking around, there are enemies all around.

At the end of the battle, an even more exaggerated scene appeared. Those dungeon races participating in the attack all got a special buff——

Plane Favor: The plane that is on the verge of collapse is approaching death. In order to resist the invaders, the will of the plane attaches its last power to all life. They are the last hope of all life that can get the buff. All attributes are increased by 30 %, and immune to mind control.

The battle of trapped beasts?

The word crept into Richard's mind.

But the will of the plane is indeed exhausted, even if all the power is used, it can only improve such a poor attribute.

The only Naga clan with the power to resist has been wiped out by the army of Twilight City.

At this moment, these enemies whose levels are as high as 17 or 18 and as low as 1 or 2 are attacking frantically.

It is also difficult to shake the defense line of Twilight City.

The gap in hard power cannot be made up by this buff.

The gap in the space behind the eternal power is still devouring the power of space unscrupulously

Gradually, Richard could no longer perceive the resistance of the plane's will.

The groaning sound also disappeared without a trace.

This plane is completely lonely.

All the lives on the Naga plane suddenly felt inexplicable panic and sadness. They seemed to have lost something crucial.

Even the increase in their own physical strength did not make them feel happy in the slightest.

One by one, their eyes were red, and they charged again at the Twilight City's defense line.


They don't know why they attack these people so fiercely, but they know that this is an enemy, an endless enemy! !

The army of Twilight City is composed of undead and vampires, both of whom are the leaders of the evil camp, and they don't have the slightest aversion to killing and even enjoy it.

Especially for vampires, the feeling of devouring blood is really not bad.

This battle lasted for a whole day and night. It didn't come to an end until the morning of January 2.

After the last ogre on the battlefield was beheaded, looking around, there was no longer a standing dungeon life on the battlefield.

The ground was covered with corpses and blood.

The whole world fell into an eerie silence at this moment.

Vampires don't breathe, and neither do ghouls.

The only normal life - Richard, also did not speak at this time.

The silence of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood is particularly heart-shattering.

Richard glanced at the surrounding battlefield where the blood was already flowing into a stream, his expression didn't change much.

Countless bloody battles have made his will already as strong as steel, unshakable.

This kind of scene made him unable to bear too many emotional fluctuations.

Moreover, the life in the dungeon is a pure evil race, even if the number of people hunted and killed is ten times higher, it will not make him any different.

On the contrary, I am quite satisfied in my heart, these are all spoils of war.

Although the strength of these arms varies, they also contain a considerable part of the power of the ancient gods.

The war is over, and the harvest time has come.

He looked at the army of vampires.

"Gather the corpses together."

The army immediately began to move.

At this moment, Richard's heart moved, and he took out the dwarf statue from his arms.

The spirit surged in.

The appearance of the dwarf god appeared in his mind, and this stalwart dwarf sitting on the throne woke up again at this moment.

"I sense that the will of a plane has dissipated"

Richard nodded.

"Your Majesty Fam, this is a dungeon plane, just followed."

Simply talk about the cause and effect.

The dwarf god watched him with interest.

"Let your soldiers hold off on collecting those corpses. These corpses contain the will of the plane."

Richard noticed the difference and asked.

"Does it make a difference?"

"This is very rare even for the gods."

"You mean?"

The dwarf god laughed.

"I can infuse the will of the plane into the land under my feet, and let this land form a special area. Well, it is what you call a strategic treasure."

Richard was immediately intrigued.

This is the god of dwarves, something that can be liked by the other party, you don't need to think about it, it must be extraordinary.

I just don't know how special it can be.

(end of this chapter)

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