Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 511 Player: Lord Of The Undead, Save Us! Undead Monarch: Who Told You To Bring Qingqiu Here?

Under the giant claws of Alves, the few players who were imprisoned felt the feeling of falling from heaven to hell at this moment.

The mood of the chubby player was like a roller coaster with ups and downs.

Qingqiu's strength made him sweat for the Heavy Shield Guild.

This army is too strong.

Especially after witnessing the killing of tens of thousands of evil murlocs, it made his heart tremble even more.

But unexpectedly, the turning point came so quickly. After seeing the members of the Heavy Shield Union, he saw the Extraordinary Crown Prince——Paton beside the president Paine.

This extraordinary barbarian is a top existence who can smash down a city wall with a single punch.

Unexpectedly, the Heavy Shield Guild summoned the other party ahead of time.

The reckless Qingqiu didn't know who he was going to face, and his attitude was still domineering.

When he was secretly happy, the Extraordinary stood up, sweeping the world with boundless power.

Just when he thought Qingqiu would be frightened, the other party was unexpected again, and even Extraordinary taunted him.

Aware of this, he was not as angry as the others, but instead he thumped in his heart, with a bad feeling rising.

Sure enough, after the Extraordinary barbarians launched their attack, Extraordinary also appeared on Qingqiu's side.

From that moment on, he has been praying that the barbarian can defeat that vampire...

But in the end, at the critical moment when the Extraordinary of the Barbarians was about to explode...all hope was snuffed out.

That Extraordinary vampire, stomp 'em into the dirt.

The moment he saw the headless corpse, he realized what despair was.

In the end, after seeing the extraordinary vampire kneel down and call Qingqiu his master, at this moment, he couldn't think of resisting anymore.

He even secretly vowed in his heart... After this resurrection, he will never have any conflicts with Qingqiu again.

Don't even set foot in the desert of death again in this life.

Qingqiu is a fucking pervert! So powerful that there is no reason to speak of a dead pervert!

Extraordinary, what level of existence is that?

Heavy Shield Guild, the ultimate combat power you can rely on!

Parton, an Extraordinary barbarian, was also a well-known figure in the barbarian empire.

Now, the more powerful Extraordinary who can kill this barbarian Extraordinary is just Qingqiu's servant...

This strong contrast made his emotions fluctuate so much that it is difficult to describe.

It turns out that what I am proud of is so worthless in front of some people.

Paine's emotions at the moment are stronger than everyone else's.

Looking at the headless corpse of the barbarian Extraordinary in the sky, I felt my heart was bleeding, and my face was distorted due to the pain.

His strongest support is gone.

The trump card of the heavy shield guild, the trump card of the trump card, because of his recklessness, he provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, and completely ruined it.

Unwilling, grievance, anger... All emotions exploded at this moment.

"We haven't lost yet!

Qingqiu, are you here to hunt the gods? Then let's see if you have the ability!

Extraordinary is dead, but he still has the biggest ultimate move!


The other players also came to their senses, and there was an excitement in their hearts that a dying person would find a life-saving prescription.

He looked at Pan En with a surprised face..., that's right, they haven't lost yet!

In this mysterious place, the sealed god is invincible!

And Qingqiu, not like them, came to break the seal and release the gods.

The other party chose the second task - to prevent the gods from escaping!

The low mood suddenly rose.

Qingqiu, you killed the Extraordinary... very powerful, right?

Now, why don't you kill a god for me? !

Pan En acted extremely quickly, and the moment his voice fell, a pitch-black bone appeared in his hand.

It exudes an undead aura that makes people heartbroken, as if it was dug out from the pile of chaotic graves.

Paine squeezed hard.


Black's bones exploded directly, and countless slags flew up.

A gray energy erupted from the bone, and the shock wave formed surged towards the surroundings.

It disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Paine stared viciously at the figure of Mohu behind the undead dragon in the sky.

The joy of the great revenge that is about to be avenged flashed in his eyes.

It's true that you killed the Extraordinary, but so what? Today, I want you to be buried with me!


Hehehe, I would like to see if your vampire is more powerful or your god is more powerful!

After Paine finished this action, Lorena stood up from the void, and looked in another direction at the same time as Richard.

Hundreds of meters behind the members of the Heavy Shield Guild was the square where the arm of the god was sealed.

Lorena made a playful voice.

"The seal in the void has been loosening, and the opponent is trying his best to recover his strength... After the accumulation reaches a certain level, he will break through the seal in one fell swoop."

"But now, your prediction is correct...the remnant souls of the gods have been awakened in advance by these god lords."

Richard glanced at the blood-blooded prince with astonishing waves on his chest, and said softly.

"Lords of God's Grace are not anyone's believers...they will probably ignore so much after they fail."

"Now take the initiative to wake up the remnant soul of the god for will save a lot of trouble."

After Lorena entered this area, she sensed the abnormality of the seal of the gods.

But... the sealed land is surrounded by densely packed magical inscriptions, even if she can travel through the shadows, she cannot pass through those magical inscriptions.

Those inscriptions, although sealing the remnant soul of the god at this moment, have also become the other party's protective shell.

If you want to kill the opponent, you must first open the inscription

At this moment, the remnant soul of the god is like a prisoner locked in an airtight prison. If you want to kill this prisoner, the first step is to open the prison first.

Or, destroy the prison with the opponent.

But the required strength, Extraordinary is still a little short, and Legendary may be able to do it.

After the words fell, he glanced at the renewedly excited players.

He originally wanted to use some means to make these guys wake up the remnant souls of the gods, but he didn't expect the other party to be so conscious.

That's right, the Extraordinary was killed, and the gods had become the opponent's last resort.

From the player's point of view, it would be too nonsense to not play such a trump card.

As for what will happen to the gods... These sand withers are angry and don't care about you so much, they will kill you first.

Even if the mission fails, it's worth it to be able to vent your anger.

As one of them, Richard knows all too well the nature of these guys.

"Master, these divine lords don't seem to be afraid of death...the other party may have some means to return alive."

Richard nodded, not paying that much attention.

He has a hero altar, and other players are not just sitting around. There are tens of billions of people, and the base is large. Even if it is one in a billion, someone will always get a similar treasure. But... He has no interest in the life and death of these players.

The player is still too weak compared to his enemies.

Even the barbarian below, who has reached level 17, is worthless or threatening... He is willing to fight, and it will take less than a minute for the other party to understand what despair is.

Although grade is an important part of judging strength, it is far from everything.

The power he cultivated through countless fights made his current combat power far beyond a level 16 description.

Under Extraordinary, all can be killed.

While he was thinking.


The earth shook suddenly.

In this sealed land, those ruins that still remained collapsed at this moment, splashing dust all over the sky.

Accompanied by this was a surge of suffocating oppression.

For a moment, as if seeing the collapse of a thousand-foot-high mountain, the world fell into silence.

Paine and the players of the Heavy Shield Guild felt the big scene, and their faces showed surprise.

Hope burns inside.

That god has awakened!

Amidst the endless coercion, a dark light with an evil aura rose from the earth.

Influx from all directions into the rear square.

Those runes carved into the earth began to riot.

The arms of the gods in the central area suddenly burst into endless light.


There was a crisp glass breaking sound.

Looking down from the sky, the arm of the god wrapped in the inscription suddenly lifted into the air, smashing the surrounding inscriptions with absolute power.

Then it floated in mid-air.

Just one arm gives everyone a feeling of crushing the void.

Even Lorena, who is an Extraordinary, felt great pressure.

That is the power of the masters of the world, and they are the masters of this world.

After the arm smashed the inscription, the surrounding energy began to center on the arm, creating an illusory picture.

Richard looked intently, and the hole reflected an evil place full of bones.

The vast land has no vegetation, no rocks, and even no soil. It is all bones, endless bones.

No one can imagine how many lives would have to die for such a scene to occur.

In the central area of ​​these bones, on the top of a towering hill of corpses, a throne made of countless skulls stood towering.

On that throne, a bone life without flesh and blood sat on it.

Behind it, the cloak made of human skin squirmed continuously, and tiny blood vessels and hairs could be seen on it, as if it had just been peeled off from a human body, full of a terrifying aura.

In the empty eye sockets, there danced the soul fire of You Blue.

This is a pure undead life.

Undead... Gods!

Richard frowned slightly.

After entering this sealed land, the feeling of walking in the kingdom of the undead obviously comes from this.

What surprised him was that in the whole illusory picture, only the arm was real.

As soon as the picture was condensed and formed, the players of the Heavy Shield Union immediately became excited.

One by one, they fell to their knees and cried out loudly.

"Eternal Lord of the Undead, Great Immortal Lord!"

"The lord of grace who came to help you out of trouble, salutes you."

The figure on the high throne of bones, at this moment, the fire of the soul beats violently several times, as if waking up from the mist.

After a few breaths, he slowly turned his skull and turned his head to look at them.

"Humble humans... why did you wake me up?"

The blasphemy of the undead has an evil aura that makes people scratch their heads. Every note is a spiritual shock.

A life that fails the will test will fall into madness, and will directly turn into an undead after death.

This is an evil language from ancient times.

But none of the people present were weak, and the impact received at this moment was not obvious.

Paine took a deep breath, pointed at Richard in front of him and said angrily.

"Your Majesty the Immortal Lord, these outsiders intend to prevent you from escaping!"

"They not only killed your guard - the evil murloc, but also broke through our block and killed a large number of our subordinates..."

"Your Majesty the Great and Eternal, please take action to kill these lives that challenge your majesty, your will will be eternal!"

The tone was full of excitement and excitement.

Looking at Richard and his party, he was filled with the pleasure of revenge.

The gods have already appeared, let me see what you have to rely on!

At this time, on the throne made of white bones and skulls, the immortal undead monarch was completely awake.

He looked in the direction indicated by Paine.

The moment he saw Richard, his body froze.

A picture from a few months ago suddenly appeared in my mind... Is it the guy with the power of the ancient god? !

Why did he appear again?

The fire of the soul beats wildly.

The mental power spread out violently... the moment it sensed the figure haunted by the yellow sand, its mental power was withdrawn like an electric shock.

An uncontrollable horror rose in my heart.

ancient gods.

That power belonging to the ancient gods...became even stronger!

If he was in his heyday, even if the opponent was an ancient god, he would not be invincible... But now, hundreds of thousands of years ago, its kingdom of God has collapsed, and its body of God has collapsed to the point of collapse. Only one arm remains.

The present remnant soul was barely condensed by countless believers praying day and night.

Compared with his heyday, his strength is as humble as mud.

What's more terrible... His deep sleep just now was to communicate deeply with believers and use the power of faith to restore himself.

But at this moment, it was awakened early, and the previous actions were forced to be interrupted.

Not only did he lose the power he spent before, but he couldn't get more support from the believers in a short period of time.

At this critical juncture, enemies with the power of the ancient gods came.

The fire of the Immortal Sovereign's soul throbbed, and he was both shocked and angry.

If he dies this time, he doesn't know when he will be able to recover again... The rules of the world are changing, he can no longer sleep, otherwise it is very likely that he will never be able to wake up again.

what to do? ? !

"Immortal Sovereign, Median God, State - Remnant Soul (All Attributes Reduced by 99%)"

After Richard opened the property panel and couldn't see the other party's properties, he immediately opened the black gold system.

The opponent's attributes were displayed in front of his eyes, which made him feel relieved.

The remnant soul of the god with only 1% power left... If he still can't eat it, then he has spent so long in vain.

His deep eyes stare straight at the illusory picture in the sky.

"Immortal Monarch, you should know why I came here."

"The centaur guarding this area is my subordinate... Her soul is not eligible to be touched by anyone - including you." Hearing this, the immortal monarch was taken aback... The centaur who guarded him?

Didn't the other party disappear after the outer seal was broken? When did he... think of this, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned his head to look in another direction.

After a while, the soul fire began to beat wildly.

His empty eyes looked at the excited and excited heavy shield guild players with endless anger.

It's almost gas laughing.

These damn bastards...they dared to go against his oracle and try to control the central stone of this sealed land!

In that central stone, there is a piece of soul fragment - obviously that centaur's!

This divine lord with the power of an ancient god came here for that centaur?

In other words, if these greedy human lords hadn't disobeyed the order, the other party wouldn't have come?

Thinking of this, an uncontrollable anger rose in his heart.

What kind of mind is he so blind that he wants to use these foreign souls to help him break through this sealed land.


Thinking that these people were summoned by him again, he felt aggrieved as if he was lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

The players of the Heavy Shield Guild became excited again when they heard Richard's words.

How daring!

It's okay to be arrogant in front of Extraordinary, but to dare to be so arrogant in front of the gods is to die!

They don't believe it anymore, if you can subdue the Extraordinary, is it possible that you can also subdue the gods? !

One by one the crowd was furious.

"The great immortal lord...this despicable lord of grace, dare to blaspheme God!

Please lower the divine punishment!

"Qingqiu, you are unforgivable, even a great monarch can be insulted by you? God, show your majesty!

"My God, the blasphemer in front of you is unscrupulous because of his Extraordinary as a backer, and because he is sought after by others as the number one lord of God's Grace. You must not let him go!"


Although the provocative words were relatively simple, based on their understanding of the undead with little brain capacity, it was enough for Qingqiu to die thoroughly.

Moreover, Qingqiu took the initiative to speak first.

Paine also looked at the Immortal Sovereign expectantly, waiting for him to help him avenge himself.

While everyone was watching, the Immortal Monarch claimed to open his mouth of bones, and a hollow voice sounded.

"You lowly bastards... how dare you provoke Qing...Your Excellency Qingqiu?!"

The excited heavy shield guild players suddenly froze on the spot.

Everyone looked at the figure of the Immortal Monarch in the sky with expressions of disbelief.

My mind was buzzing.

What, what?

They... angered Qingqiu? ? ?

Are they hallucinating?

Or... is this god still awake?

Is this guy really talking about them?

After regaining consciousness, he was so aggrieved that his heart was burning with anger.

My draftsman, are you a fucking god? Why be afraid of a player? ?

Is Qingqiu's reputation so great? ?

You can crush him to death with one finger, why don't you do it?

Why? ?

Hearing this, Pan En felt his eyes go dark, his legs went limp, and he sat down on the ground.

It was as if something had cracked in his heart. His previous self-confidence and pride were all shattered in front of the words of the Immortal Monarch.

The repeated blows made him seem to see an insurmountable mountain.

He and his Heavy Shield Guild seem to be nothing in front of Qingqiu...

This is a god? ?

Why, why are you scared?

He can't figure it out, he doesn't understand what's wrong with this world at all...

At this moment, the Immortal Sovereign, whose anger had not dissipated in his heart, was especially puzzled and continued to curse.

"You stupid idiots!

"Your Excellency Qingqiu is also someone you can offend?"

If it weren't for these greedy bastards, why would he be in such a dangerous situation? !

The voice fell, and the undead monarch, who was burning with anger, swung his right hand down out of thin air.

The next moment, a giant hand descended from the sky.

Amid the bewildered faces of the heavy shield guild players, they smashed down hard.


There was a huge earthquake, and dust surged up.

Looking around, there is only five fingerprints and Mohu's bloody body left on the ground...

Under the giant claws of Alves, the fat player saw this scene, and the whole person has fallen into a state of insanity.

Am I fucking blind?

The gods they guarded came out and slapped their own people to death? And also said... Qingqiu is not something they can offend?

What is wrong with this world? ?

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