Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 528 Want To Drag The Plane Of El Into The Abyss? Who Gave You The Face Of Grand Duke Raging

After this extremely heated war ended in a dramatic scene, the forums were filled with posts about both sides.

Who could have imagined that the fire elemental lord summoned by the Flame Guild would finally turn against him because of Qingqiu?

This strong turn is packed with drama and has everyone talking.

Open the forum, and immediately see all the posts about Richard and the Flame Guild.

The story that Qingqiu and the fire elemental lord had to tell.

Why would the Flame Guild shoot itself in the foot?

How strong is Qingqiu?

Who is Qingqiu's opponent...

If you don't discuss Qingqiu, and don't ridicule the Flame Guild, it seems that no one will click on it.

After a few months, the players once again experienced the influence of Qingqiu occupying the forum.

This time it was even more exaggerated than the sensation caused by Richard winning the title of King of Gladiators.

Because this happened after the players had developed for more than half a year, and everyone had become stronger than before.

Those who get adventures, those who change jobs to hide their professions, those who have powerful troop lairs... and so on, etc., there are countless.

When they become stronger, they will naturally think back to what happened when they were weak, and Qingqiu, who has been pressing on everyone's heads since they came to "Glory Era", is undoubtedly the focus of their most attention.

Before this war, countless people were secretly gearing up, thinking of meeting Richard so that they could teach him a hard lesson.

But the fiasco of the Flame Guild made everyone wake up.

After half a year of development, it's not just that they are stronger.

Qingqiu is also developing, and the opponent's speed of becoming stronger exceeds the limit of their imagination.

The Grand Duke of the mountain with a potential of A level and a level as high as level 19 was forcibly killed by his subordinates.

There are also centaurs who have not shot yet, but have reached Extraordinary level.

Plus a fire elemental lord who took the initiative to attack without a half-word from him...

Just the force of Richard's rise to the surface had brought them close to suffocation.

And below the surface, they couldn't imagine how terrifying power Richard was hiding.

Just thinking about it made them short of breath and their heart beat faster.

Is there really anyone who can match such a character?

Some top players, who were highly praised by players before, are now dimmed under the light of Richard.

Many players who were eager to fight and were hostile to Richard quietly dismissed the idea of ​​death.

If a person is a little stronger than himself, then he will have endless fighting spirit, but if a person is strong enough to crush himself to death, then there is a high probability that he will choose a strategic retreat, Kairun.

For the player's reaction, Richard didn't have much emotion, since the first copy, he has been used to being the focus and the center of discussion.

After the fire elemental lord returned to the fire elemental plane, Richard frowned as he watched the battlefield with thick smoke and pungent stench.

Although the fire elemental lord had good intentions, I have to say... this guy burned all the corpses, and there was not much left for him.

The loot is going to be discounted...

Look to the side.

"Gantt, take someone to clean up the battlefield, and throw all the corpses into the space crack in the north."

Wrapped in bloody bandages all over, the Mummy Yin hero, whose level had been raised to level 18 by devouring the blood pool arranged by Grand Duke Xiongshi, immediately nodded yes.

Turning around to leave, the stone statues of the dead of the five squadrons lifted off after a while and began to collect the corpses on the ground.

The undead army is extremely sensitive to corpses and souls, and it can exert great lethality in battle, and there will be no omissions in cleaning the battlefield.

Every time seven or eight corpses are collected, they flap their wings and fly to the space gap leading to the corrupt swamp, and throw the charred corpses into it.

In the mist, the figures of Mohu will drag those corpses to the depths.

The Corruption Swamp is not shy, as long as it is a corpse, it will be accepted.

The only pity is that more than 60% of them were burned to dry coals, and there was not much left for Richard.

But in the end, with a little statistics, the corpses of three and a half legions can also be gathered.

But what makes him feel good is that these are free and free.

Whoring makes people happy.

A large number of corpses were thrown into the corruption swamp, and Richard immediately felt that this revitalized land had gained some enhancement.

However, the third-level corrupt swamp has a diameter of 30 kilometers.

In order for this special land activated by the dwarf god to swallow enough energy to upgrade to level four, a large number of corpses are needed.

Judging from the current enhancement obtained by devouring corpses, if there are not millions of corpses, it may be difficult to achieve the goal.

This is still based on the fact that the number of corpses is sufficient. If they are all units below level 10, the number needed is more than doubled.

Thinking of this, Richard also felt a little helpless.

Every time the Corruption Swamp upgrades to a level, the enhancements obtained are extremely exaggerated, but correspondingly, the upgrade requirements become more and more perverted.

The twenty or so planes connected to the Naga plane, after the initial fierce battle, have shown some signs of restraint due to the heavy casualties in the recent period.

Only tens of thousands of corpses can be contributed every day.

Although this means that tens of thousands of soldiers died in battle, which is not a small number, but compared with the corpses he needs, there is a big gap.

I took a deep look at the space crack in the north of Lion City ↑.

"It seems that we have to find a way to provoke disputes between those planes and increase the intensity of the war."

"Otherwise, if this continues, every plane will refuse to send troops. When will the corruption swamp be upgraded...The plan to kill people with a knife and sit on the mountain to watch tigers fight cannot be wasted."

But the problem is - no one is a fool.

When only one or two planes are hostile to each other, they can send troops out to conquer without any restraint.

As long as you can capture the opponent's plane, you can get huge benefits.

But now there are too many faces, even if I send troops to capture the target, I may be picked by others.

In the end, the gain outweighs the gain.

After several lessons, the masters of these planes have learned to be smart.

"Now they are unwilling to leave their own planes to fight. They are nothing more than risk-averse. At the same time, they are worried that the benefits they get are not enough to cover the losses."

"Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, this is the nature of intelligent life—except for the funny comparisons of the chaotic evil camp."

"Since you refuse to come out, then I will give you a reason to come out."

Richard's thoughts gradually became clear.

"I remember that the ancient tree of evil can condense a fruit that can enhance the potential of life... The boss used this fruit to fish before, seducing other life in the desert of death to send nutrition."

"Because of the bug of the void sandworm, which can open the space of different planes, the ancient tree of evil has not caught fish for a long time."

"Wanting to become stronger is the instinctive desire of all life in "Glorious Age"."

"No one can refuse this kind of temptation." "Those who control the plane, if they find a chance to make themselves stronger, they will definitely invest a huge amount of troops in it-as long as they can eat the bait."

"One's own transformation, in the eyes of most power masters, must override all interests."

Thinking of this, there was a bit of anticipation in Richard's eyes.

"When the plane of El is captured, let the ancient tree of evil go fishing in the corrupt swamp..."

There was a solution to the difficulty of upgrading the Corrupt Swamp, which made him feel a little better.

There are quite a few heroes in his hands, each with different abilities, and each has its own strengths.

The most outstanding ones are undoubtedly these top bosses.

The Ancient Godly Evil Tree is the most unique existence among all people, because - this guy is not a person, but a tree.

As a life like a tree, what humans can do is beyond what humans can do. Flowering and fruiting, planting saplings, cultivating wasps, etc. are all unique characteristics of it.

Thinking so far, Richard shook his head with a little regret.

The upgrade of the ancient tree of evil is still too slow. If this boss can be upgraded to Extraordinary, the situation facing Twilight City will be very different.

It seems that while letting the ancient god tree go fishing this time, its promotion to Extraordinary should also be included in the plan, and resources should be allocated to it.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, Lion City fell into excitement again.

This is already the second wave of attacks launched by Grand Duke Furious Blood. The two consecutive times were so mighty, but in the end he didn't even touch the city wall.

Such an exaggerated record has even made many people regard Richard as an envoy of the gods, a savior specially sent by the gods to protect them.

In the high morale of Lion City, the time came to February 5th.

In the evening, after Richard had a sumptuous dinner, he was planning to go back to the house and take a hot bath.

But as soon as he walked out of the restaurant, Raedel stopped him in a hurry.

"Master Richard, something happened!"

Richard looked at the girl's dignified expression, and his tone lowered.


"Just received the news that the traitor of the Grand Duke of Raging Blood launched a massacre on several provinces of the Kingdom of El, targeting... nobles loyal to the royal family of El."

Speaking of this, Her Royal Highness's delicate face was full of grief and anger, and her five fingers were tightly clenched into fists.

"Hundreds of noble forces, large or small, were uprooted by those rebels, and all family members were slaughtered."

"More than a million people were killed by that traitor...the blood even stained the mother river of the Kingdom of El - Norton River!"

After all, she was still one step too late and failed to protect her people and vassals.

That damned traitor! !

She'll hang him on the walls, she swears! ! ! !

Raedel bit her lips tightly with her teeth, and drops of scarlet rose from the corners of her mouth.

Her gaze was like that of a tigress whose cubs had been killed all the time. The overwhelming anger and suppressed hatred made people inexplicably terrified.

Richard looked at Raedel's expression, and the first reaction in his heart was that what the blood-raged Duke seemed to be doing was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Killed millions?

This is not like simply eliminating forces that do not submit to oneself.

more like...

A word popped into my mind.


Yes, some ancient and evil sacrifices require countless corpses and blood.

The Grand Duke of Furious Blood has already taken the absolute initiative in the situation. As long as the Lion City is flattened, he will be the only king of the plane of El.

As long as it is not cerebral palsy, it is impossible to slaughter one's own people at will.

But the other party just did this, and it would be good if the core descendants of those hundreds of nobles could have tens of thousands.

There are millions of people who can't make sense in terms of emotion and reason.

Reminiscent of the other party's collusion with the abyss Evil God before, the other party's actions obviously have a great relationship with it.

After telling the other party her inner thoughts, Raedel clenched her fists tightly, her eyes glowing with endless flames.

"In our spies report, there are also conjectures in this regard...but we are not sure yet."

"but now!!!"

Suppressing his anger, he said.

"Please go to the main hall, everyone is waiting for you to make a decision."

After the two wars, Richard's reputation in Lion City has reached its peak.

Without his nod, even Raedel, the royal princess, would have difficulty giving orders on such a major event.

Richard nodded slightly, and returned to the tall and luxurious Lion Hall with the girl in thought.

At this moment, more than 30 high-level officials of Lion City are all here, and they are the superiors of this city.

They run everything in the city, and Richard, runs them.

"Master Richard, good night."

Everyone stood up from the stools in unison, bowed with their chests up, and their posture was extremely humble.

Richard stretched out his hand to help everyone get up, then walked to the main seat and sat down.

Princess Raedel is seated on the left.

After the two sat down, the others took their seats.

The tense atmosphere just now eased a lot because of Richard's arrival.

"What does the information say?"

Richard didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

A young hero in his early twenties, wearing White armor, with a childish face stood up and spoke quickly.

"Lord Richard, the spies reported that the Grand Duke of Wrathful Blood massacred the nobles and civilians in five provinces under the pretext of suppressing the rebellion and purging the royal family. The number of people killed far exceeded one million."

"We got news that they transported all the corpses to Gaoshan Province."

"That is the province where the Grand Duke of the Mountain is located."

While talking to the other party, he picked up a smooth long stick and gestured at the military map laid out on the desktop.

Richard looked intently, and at the center of the map was the Alpine Province.

And here, the distance from El King's Capital is only two to three hundred kilometers away, and the distance from the Obelisk is also only a few hundred kilometers away.

What is the Grand Duke of Furious Blood planning to do? !

Leaving Lion City alone and suddenly slaughtering those nobles?

If it is a sacrifice, why not get rid of the troubles behind and then close the door? !

"From now on, the security level of Lion City will be raised to the most Advanced!"

"I will focus on the massacre of civilians by the Grand Duke of Raging Blood."

As he spoke, he glanced around.

"The real battlefield is still in Lion City. No matter what the Duke of Fury Blood is planning, he will eventually attack Lion City."

"Whether we can win or not is the key."

"Yes, Lord Richard!"

Hearing these sonorous and forceful words, everyone's hearts were slowly relaxed.

Although Richard has not made a single shot since he came to Lion City, it seems that as long as he is around, no amount of problems can be easily solved.

This is the prestige brought by two brilliant victories, but also the impact of extreme personal charisma.

After the meeting ended, a frowning Richard left Raedel alone.

Seeing Richard's serious expression, the princess knew immediately that he had extra thoughts.

Now the tone is firm.

"My lord, no matter what you want to do, you don't have to worry about it. All of us support you unconditionally."

At this moment, this heroic young man is her only reliance, she can only and is willing to trust him unconditionally.

Seeing the serious gaze of the girl, Richard nodded slowly.

"I want to go to the Alpine Province myself...I need to know the purpose of the Grand Duke of Furious Blood to prevent the Lion City from attacking and suddenly massacre civilians."

"Lion City is under your control for the time being, and everything is going according to plan."

As he spoke, he took out a fire element core.

"This is the treasure that summons the fire elemental lord. As long as you crush him, the other party will come."

"If Lion City encounters trouble before I come back, you can use it immediately."

Raedel reached out to take the core of the fire element emitting heat, felt Richard's trust, and her heart became hot.

It's a wonderful feeling to be trusted unconditionally.

"As long as I'm still alive, there won't be any problems in Lion City!"

Richard reached out and patted the girl's shoulder, "Don't tell anyone this news."

Speaking of a surge of special energy in his body, his entire body seemed to be wiped off by an eraser, and disappeared directly from sight.

Hidden Power, a special skill obtained in the first dungeon.

But the moment Richard disappeared.


A crisp glass breaking sounded from the sky.

Raedel subconsciously turned her head and looked out the window.

Through the glass window, a somewhat hazy scene is reflected in the eyes.

It was a space with countless cracks, large and small cracks covering the entire sky like spider webs.

There is also a permeating evil atmosphere exuding from these cracks... Is that the abyss? !

Raedel was terrified in her heart.

What did the rebellious Grand Duke of Blood Rage do? ! !

Richard, who had just disappeared, suddenly showed his figure, looking solemnly at the terrifying scene outside.

This scene...he had seen it before.

In the dungeon of the tomb of the gods, the sky is exactly the same as before the tower plane was dragged into the abyss by Rose, the queen of the spiders.

"The Grand Duke of Raging Blood wants to drag the entire plane of El... into the abyss?!"

These dog days of Evil God believers, don't they have any other moves? ?

Why send the entire plane to the abyss at every turn?

Richard's face became very ugly.

The Grand Duke of Furious Blood is now grabbing the plane of El from him, which he has regarded as a trophy.

"The bastard is looking for his own death."

The last time was because in the copy, the terrifying existence of the Spider Queen had been deployed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the tower plane finally fell into the abyss.

But you also want to break the rules and overturn the chess game?

Who gave your face? !

In the next second, a crystal clear crystal appeared in his hand.

Raidel just turned her head to look at Richard, and when she wanted to ask him how to deal with it, she saw the ordinary crystal in his hand out of the corner of her eye.

There is a beautiful luanwei flower on it...

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