Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 56 The Hard Half-Metal Titan

After Richard closed the forum, he continued on his way.

When heading to the gold mine, he also took a special look at the gemstone mine he discovered yesterday.

This morning, more than a dozen residents came to this area to mine ore under the escort of the mummy.

The clanging sound spread far away.

Residents saluted after seeing Richard's arrival.

Richard nodded, deliberately watching here for a few minutes.

Mining is very boring, repeatedly waving the tool to dig out the fine gemstones inside.

Nothing interesting.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the mine, he turned around and left without staying any longer.

The micro gem mine only produces 3 units of gems per day, so you need to wait patiently.

The gem mine is about 20 minutes away from the gold mine. When Richard saw the boulder Lin Li in front of him again, he immediately became excited.

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

"The defense of the semi-metallic titan is extremely astonishing, and the power is also extremely terrifying, don't confront them head-on.

With Scorpion Warrior and Cursed Pharaoh as support, Ax of the Dead is the main attack! Kill them with soul execution! "

Richard looked into the distance, and the big men who patrolled among the boulders appeared in front of him.

semi-metallic titan

[Level]: Level 5 (Intermediate arms, defense increased by 15%)

【Potential】: Rare 3 stars

[Skills]: Golden Body (Grade D, body as firm as gold, defense increased by 60%, immune to poison, immune to curse)

Heavy as a mountain (D grade, every time you swing your fist, you will hit 200% of your body weight.)

Heavy Bone Armor (Grade E, the metal melts into the skin to form a hard bone armor, and the defense power increases by 30%)

[Racial talent]: The strength can be slowly improved in the gold mine.

[Bond - Semi-metal titan]: If the number of semi-metal titans is greater than 10, the defense power will be increased by 20%:

If the number of people is greater than 20, the defense power will increase by 40%;

If the number of people is greater than 30, the defense power will increase by 60% (activated).

[Introduction]: Brat, I'll stand and beat you for three minutes, if I can break the defense, I'll lose.

Although I have seen it once, but this time, Richard still feels that it is really fucking hard.

Skills and fetters are all added to defense.

This thing, Common's weapon might not even be able to leave a white mark.

Compared with the half-metal titan, the demon goat hunted yesterday is obviously a few grades worse.

It's simply a sky gram physical damage.

"But it's a thousand calculations, I didn't expect the ax of the dead to deal magic damage..."

Richard laughed, and in a good mood, he ordered immediately.

"Attack formation!"

Two teams of Scorpion Warriors stepped forward, and one and a half teams of Deadman's Ax stood 20 meters behind the Scorpion Warriors.

The same number of cursed pharaohs were separated from the poisonous scorpion Warrior by 50 meters.

Hunting the demon goat yesterday made Richard intuitively realize the power of this iron triangle.

The movement outside immediately attracted the attention of those big men in the gold mine.

Bang Bang Bang~

The ground began to shake.

Huge figures stepped out of the gold mine one by one.

The huge, purple jewel-like eyes stared at the enemies that suddenly appeared outside.

The tip of the nose twitched slightly, it was made of poured steel, and there was a bit of anger on the metallic face.

"Damn undead! How dare you step into our territory!"

The sound like muffled thunder spread far away.

Other semi-metallic titans in the gold mine were also alarmed.

They stepped out one by one.

From the outside it looks like hills are moving.

The scorpion Warrior standing on the front line did not show any fear, and let out a provocative voice.

"Exit this gold mine! This is the territory of Twilight City!!"

The half-metal titan, who was already angry, was even more furious.

"This is our territory!!!"

The half-metal titan who spoke first rushed out, it will let these lowly beings know what cruelty is!


There was a roar, like thunder exploding in the ears.

sand~ sand~

More than 20 meters away from the gold mine is the sandy land, and every step the semi-metallic titan takes will set off yellow sand all over the sky.

Running alone has the momentum of an army.

That huge and solid body is extremely impactful.

After the opponent approached, the pressure suddenly increased.

No one doubts how terrible damage this behemoth can explode!

But the undead life is never afraid.

After the half-metal titan stepped into the 10-meter range.

15 Axes of the Dead threw their battle axes at the same time.

Proud of its amazing defensive power, the semi-metal titan has no idea of ​​dodging at all.

Instead, he raised his head and stepped forward with his head held high.

He never believed that these undead beings could break through his body that had been forged by devouring countless golds.


The tomahawks all hit the semi-metallic titan.

Sparks radiate.

The battle ax was fierce, and large cracks appeared on the opponent's body surface.

The incidental magic damage is obviously beyond the defense range of the half-metal titan.

There was an unconcealable horror in the eyes of the extremely confident half-metal titan.

Are these undead magical damage? !

How can those thick giant axes be magic damage? !

Just as he was about to react, he suddenly felt an indescribable severe pain coming from his soul.

Then his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Didn't even struggle for half a second.


The huge body collapsed on the yellow sand.

The ground shook, and the sand was crushed, leaving a conspicuous deep mark.

Soul execution.

The semi-metallic titan with full defense enjoys the unique skill characteristics of Ax of the Dead.

The semi-metallic titans in the rear had waited expectantly for their partners to rush in and slaughter.

But unexpectedly, the situation was completely opposite to what they thought.

He was executed without even getting close to the enemy.

This huge contrast made them feel that the flame in their chest was directly ignited.

These undead not only want to grab their territory, but also dare to kill their companions!


These behemoths with a height of four meters and a weight of more than three tons clenched their fists and roared upwards.

They want to crush these bugs!


Seeing this scene, Richard, who was commanding from the rear, ordered decisively.

Before the enemy rushed over, the scorpion Warrior had activated the strongest life-saving skills.

Semi-metallic titans are too strong, and their size gives them terrifying power.

The elite 3-star poisonous scorpion Warrior would definitely not be able to withstand the impact without the ability of desertification.

It is even very likely that a wave will be destroyed.

But after turning on desertification, everything is different.

More than a dozen semi-metallic titans rushed in front of the poisonous scorpion Warrior in the long yellow sand.

There are two full teams following behind.

The guardian force of this gold mine far exceeds the gem mine captured yesterday.

Huh~ The battle ax pierced through the air.

Straight down.


Countless sparks scattered.

When the Ax of the Dead bursts out at full strength, between 20 and 30 meters, the characteristic of increasing magic damage by 60% makes the rock titan, which only has physical defense, feel the cruelty of reality.

Even if their domineering boulder bodies are as strong as a city wall, they will crumble under the giant axe.

15 Axes of the Dead directly caused the collapse of 7 half-metal titans in the second round.

After the Ax of the Dead had won the battle, he pulled the chain violently, and the battle ax was forced to return at an extremely fast speed.

Get ready for the second round of throwing.

But at this moment, the half-metal titan, who was completely swallowed by anger, immediately countered.

A few semi-metallic titans stretched out their hands and grabbed the returning chain, and gave it a firm grip.

The body seemed to exude a metallic luster, and the protruding muscles tensed up one by one.

Infinite power exploded.


The chain of the Ax of the Dead broke directly, and the battle ax pierced obliquely into the sand.

A half-metal titan gripped the ax and pulled it back.

Kacha~ Kacha~ The chain was being pulled with a whoosh.

With a height of two meters and two meters, the Ax of the Dead, wearing a full body armor, was pulled forward directly under the force of the mountain collapse.

The feet were forced into the desert and then dragged forcibly, leaving two conspicuous marks on the sand.

Extremely strong.

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