Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 592 Our God Has Fallen! !

At the moment when the blood moon in the sky shattered, countless sect troops were buried. fish

All the believers on the main plane looked up at the sky.

His eyes were full of dullness.

Because at this very moment, the gaze that hung over them... disappeared.

In the past, even non-believers could feel that the hot gods like the sun were looking down on them beyond the dome of the sky.

But at this moment, there is nothing, nothing.

It feels like a person who is used to standing in the light is suddenly blown out of the candle.

Looking around, it was pitch black. fish

The inner sense of security is like a girl's long skirt being torn apart by hooligans and disappearing without a trace.

Many believers prostrated on the ground trembling, their heads firmly pressed to the ground, and they kept chanting prayers.

I hope that I feel wrong for a moment, and imagine that I can regain my attention by praying.

But no matter how devoutly you pray, no matter how fervently you recite, you still don't get the slightest response.

No more, really gone...God, no answer to them! !

Some believers wept bitterly, and even sat on the ground weakly, with extremely sad faces.

After recovering from their senses, other believers rushed out of the house full of doubts and came to the sect where they believed in the gods. fish

Then it was immediately discovered that a large number of believers had gathered, and everyone was panicked.

After discussing with each other, I realized that it wasn't just me who lost the gaze of the gods, but everyone, who couldn't sense the existence of gods!

But this did not make the believers relax, but even more frightened.

Because this represents... the gods they believed in have fallen! !

After this thought arose, countless fanatics refused to believe it, rushed into the church and began to pray on this solemn occasion.

One hour, two hours, three hours... But to the desperation of the believers, no matter how sincere their prayers were, none of them were answered.

An unspeakable sense of despair was eating away at their hearts. fish

It didn't take long for the entire main plane to know that the sect had a big problem.

Believers have lost their sense of the gods... what does this mean?

The controllers of the top forces felt a bit of uncontrollable excitement and excitement in their hearts.

If the conjecture is true, then God, it will really change!

They will be the new masters of this world, and no one can surpass them again! !

Nobles, chambers of commerce and various forces began to use all means to explore sect-related news.

Soon, I learned a more exciting news again. The symbol of the sect, Priest, also lost all its power! fish

This made countless ambitious people unable to sit still.

Priest's power relies on the gods, originates from the gods, is the power most closely connected with the gods, and is also the emblem of the sect.

Priest loses power, which means... God, loses power too! !

Reminiscent of the news that the blood moon in the sky collapsed, and the coalition forces of the gods were all buried inside.

The suppressed ambitions of those big nobles and big chambers of commerce grew like weeds.

As the direct power of the gods, the sect occupies a large amount of resources, mineral veins, food, shops, magic potions, weapons...etc., almost all walks of life cannot escape.

In the past, with a powerful army as a guard, and a god with supreme power as a backing, the major sects took it for granted and occupied the fat and oily resources. fish

But now, he has lost the power to defend himself, and lost the most powerful support... Those assets that used to provide the sect with a steady stream of income immediately became fat in everyone's eyes.

Flowing mouth-watering oily water.

And as believers did not make any substantial progress in their prayers, this wave is gradually heating up with the passage of time, and the undercurrent is getting more and more turbulent.

The turmoil in the outside world did not affect Twilight City in the desert of death.

On July 20th, Richard stood on the towering and solid city wall, looking at the blue sky.

Thoughts inexplicable.

Two days have passed since the crimson moon was broken. fish

That night, Windsor shattered the blood moon in front of him, burying all the allied forces of the gods.

After the recovery of the old days, all the authority of the gods was deprived and suppressed, and the once high gods lost the power to survive.

He thought of what Windsor had told him before... one day he would bury the gods with his own hands.

He thought about many endings, and he didn't even think that the other party would succeed at the beginning, but what he didn't expect was that the other party would realize it in such a way under the watchful eyes of the entire main plane.

However, the deprivation of the authority of the gods is not the end, and the next step is the top priority.

Because the gods who have lost their authority and power will come to the main plane again.

At that time, the bottomless abyss, the nine levels of hell, and the plane of the undead will all be connected to the main plane. fish

Those Evil Gods who have lost their authority will also rush into the main plane with rage and anger.

The real test has just begun.

So Windsor didn't stay long, and left after telling him to be careful recently.

Before leaving, the other party told him in a solemn tone that she had used special power to retain the authority over him.

But the old rules have already taken effect, and he cannot use it temporarily until he finds a way to reactivate it.

As for the activation method, she didn't know either.

"The authority of the yellow sand..."

Richard turned his head and looked around, looking at the long yellow sand, with a wry smile on his face.

Accustomed to being in the desert, the power can operate easily. At this moment, the authority is sealed, and the desert no longer gives him strength and support.

That feeling was too inconsistent.

It's like a fish has entered a small pool from a lake, and all aspects are greatly restricted.

Stepping~ A sound of footsteps from behind interrupted his thoughts.

Turning his head to look, he saw that Karu, with pale hair and a solemn expression on his wrinkled face, was approaching.

After saluting, the butler of Twilight City said in a serious tone. fish

"My lord, there is news from Grand Duke Soran that the old king of the Templar Empire is critically ill and is almost dying."

"The other party asked you, do you want to take action on the throne of the Templar Empire now?"

"At the same time, Prince Luce also sent more specific information—the Evil God of the Abyss who was secretly involved with the royal family suddenly lost his power. Backlash directly leads to the severance of its vitality."

Richard frowned.

The old king will die after the gods are deprived of their power, this is the plan he made with Windsor.

Regardless of whether there is a magical backlash or not, this will happen.

But now, there is no need for those backhands. fish

After a little thought, he said decisively.

"Notify Grand Duke Soran, and immediately let him and the other three Grand Dukes secretly enter the Holy City!"

"After entering the city, don't say anything, let the four grand dukes take action and secretly win over the vacillating neutral camp." "Make more friends and fewer enemies, this is the essence of politics."

"Wait until the old king dies, and then support the third prince to take the throne. Don't expose too much in the early stage..."

"These Grand Dukes should know better than us how to do it."

Among the top figures who can become the Grand Duke, which one is easy to give? fish

It doesn't even need him to intervene, with a few people working together, it will definitely be more perfect than him.

The struggle to inherit the throne never depends on who is orthodox, who is the old king's favorite... The key is the power behind the heirs!

With his support, even if the eldest prince and the second prince inherit the throne, they will still become the third prince in the end.

His will will never be violated by outsiders.

"Yes, my lord!"

Karoo was also excited.

The heir of an empire, under the control of Twilight City, is about to usher in a change. fish

And the one who inherited this empire was the third prince who was despised a few months ago!

There is a sense of accomplishment in helping someone who everyone despises ascend to the throne.

Of course, this is Richard's artifice, he is just a messenger, but even so, it is enough for him to enjoy himself.

After discussing this topic, Karoo continued to report.

"The recent sales of the magic sound box have reached a new high, and through the sales network of the Solan Chamber of Commerce and the Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce, it has begun to spread towards the cities on the edge of the desert of death."

"Wherever we went, we hardly had any competitors! Everyone expressed crazy love for the magic sound box."

The magic sound box with only 1,000 units of Rare resources turned out to be a blow to the aborigines with poor spiritual life. fish

As he spoke, his eyes became hot.

"According to Weier's investigation, the dark elf you specially favored has become a very well-known star at this moment."

"Over the past month, as long as the Purple Roland Chamber of Commerce releases the opponent's magic sound tape, it will be sold out immediately!"

"There are even a large number of people who come to ask for information about the other party...and spare no expense to order a new magic sound tape!"

A smile flashed across Richard's eyes.

Has chasing stars already taken shape?

However, this is not enough! fish

The voice sank a little.

"The second step of the magic sound box project can be started."

"Print the photos specially made by the dark elves into a magic picture book, and start selling them with a price tag of ten times, no, fifty times that of the magic sound box."

"At the same time, mass-produce dark elf statues, pendants and other small items."

"Remember, the price of Common items should be affordable enough, while the price of Advanced items such as magic picture books should be set aside."

"Earning resources is one aspect. On the other hand, we must continue to expand the influence of the other party!"

"I hope that in the darkness where the gods collapse and the faith is broken, the dark elves are...the only light in this world!" Xie

After the words fell, Karu's heart beat wildly.

The meaning behind those words... shudders.

He lowered his head abruptly, propped his chest up and bowed, his posture was extremely humble.

"Your will is above all else!"

Richard's eyes flickered, and he spoke slowly after a long time.

"How is the Dark Ancient Tree Sect developing?"

Karoo bent even deeper. fish

"According to your instructions, we have designated a special area for the teaching of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect."

"After these few months of supplementing the teachings and repairing the way of preaching, more than 10,000 believers have been developed...and more than half of them have become deep believers."

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Not enough, not far enough!"

"Drop the backbone and continue to expand the missionary team."

"I hope that within three months, the number of followers of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect will exceed 100,000."

"It is easier to find loopholes only when teachings are spread on a large scale."

Karoo's tone was firm.

"Swear to the death to complete the task!"

Richard nodded, motioning for the other to get up.

"Anything else?"

Only now did Karu dare to return to his normal posture, and said respectfully.

"President Vail also sent a message that the ruler of the Frostwolf Clan, the Legendary powerhouse Grand Duke Frostwolf sent Miss Rebecca to Solan City, and formally invited you to visit the Frostwolf Clan."

Has Rebecca come to Solan City? fish

This news made Richard a little emotional. He had long planned to go to the Ice and Snow Empire, but as the helm of Twilight City, he had to deal with all kinds of major issues.

There was no room at all.

He has not had time to take over the frost mine that he traded with the opponent with the flame dragon rabbit fur until now.

"Did the other party tell me why they invited me?"

Karoo said softly.

"It is said that they are discussing about the plane of El... The Frostwolf family is very interested in entering the plane of El."

"In addition, I would also like to personally thank you for giving Miss Rebecca the victory gem." Xie

El plane.

Richard had an idea in mind.

The first person to eat crabs, coupled with the appeal of the ID Qingqiu among players, made the El plane a well-deserved trading center.

Not only the players, but even the aborigines are eager to move.

But for the sake of safety, there is an unwritten rule in the plane of El that only players are allowed to enter for the time being.

This restriction has caused many aboriginal forces to get stuck.

At present, only the Solan Chamber of Commerce has obtained his permission. fish

Although many nobles have one or two factions that are all composed of players, they are not afraid of being unable to enter, but this feeling of being restricted is still uncomfortable, and many operations cannot be performed.

The interests are touching.

The status of the plane of El is here, who can ignore it?

Especially during this period of time, those forces that want to reproduce Richard's operation, after opening the plane, still cannot form a scale, and the El plane still ranks first, which makes people have to think carefully.

After pondering for a moment, Richard said slowly.

"Tell Rebecca that I can't leave Twilight City before the situation becomes clear. If the Frostwolf Clan is interested, you can ask Grand Duke Frostwolf to come to Twilight City to discuss."

If it was a Common player who said this, outsiders would only think that this guy was crazy. fish

What kind of existence is the Frostwolf Clan?

The tyrant of the Ice and Snow Empire, Grand Duke Frostwolf is a well-deserved Legendary powerhouse. This kind of big man can't even invite his eldest daughter to invite him, and even ask him to come in person... joke.

But Richard said that Karoo didn't feel any violation.

What about Legendary powerhouses? !

Is Grand Duke Sauran, a Legendary-level ascetic monk, strong enough?

Now, it is only one of the partners of Twilight City, a collaborator, a partner of equal status... No, even Twilight City is slightly higher than the other party!

Even the existence of the God of Deceit and Lies is guarding the swamp of corruption for Twilight City. fish

The Legendary of an ice and snow empire is far from enough.

Karu should be the last, and left with a bit of pride.

Being able to follow such a leader is the most correct decision he has ever made in his life.

Seeing Karoo's back gradually disappearing, Richard's eyes showed some subtle emotions.

Unknowingly, Twilight already had the confidence to directly reject a Legendary.

He even dared to be sure that even if the other party was dissatisfied, he would not dare to say a single word.

With power in hand, that's all. fish

A strong sense of accomplishment rose in my heart.

When I first came to "Glory Era", the promise I made to make this city the brightest pearl in the desert of death, perhaps, is about to be fulfilled...

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