Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 610 The God Of The Desert Is Crazy, Bastard, Why Are You Pretending To Be Me So Confidently?

Against the backdrop of the sky and yellow sand. Boiled rice

The figure on the throne looked so majestic at this moment.

Seeing this scene, the followers of the Desert Sect in the square felt all their fantasies about the gods were satisfied.

Without any hesitation, he knelt down excitedly and saluted with the most humble gesture.

"My God, your faithful believers send you the highest regards..."

"Your light shines on the whole world, shelters each of us, praise you..."

"Great god of the desert, master of supreme power, I sincerely beg for your attention..."

This large square, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands, is crowded with millions of people at the moment. Boiled rice

The black crowd knelt down one after another, looking extremely spectacular.

Even in some areas, because there are too many people, they can't even kneel down if they want to, and there is a spectacle of feet next to toes, head and face next to face.

Richard, who was in the center of the square, listened to the praises and prayers of the believers below, and his calm face suddenly became a little weird.

Because at this moment, he suddenly sensed that the sealed desert authority in his body was slowly loosening and recovering...

Along with this, countless emotions appeared in my mind, pious, tentative, fanatical, hesitant...

Those are believers, believers of the Desert Sect! !

He can hear their prayers! Boiled rice

And more importantly, with the prayers of the believers, a special power gradually condensed in Richard's body.

Pure, clean, without any attribute, it is rich energy.

That energy can easily mobilize the sealed authority of the desert.

It seems that this is the real key to drive the authority of the desert!

A word suddenly appeared in Richard's mind...the power of faith!

No wonder the gods need believers so much, the power of faith can have such a big bonus to authority!

Even under the pressure of the rules, it still allows him to mobilize his authority. Boiled rice

The emotions in my heart rose to the extreme at this moment.

Originally, the ultimate goal of this stealthy plan was to lure the God of the Desert out.

But with this new discovery, Richard suddenly felt that being the new God of the Desert is not a bad thing!

But just when he was about to make a move, suddenly, rumbling~

A burst of thunder exploded from the sky.

The next moment, a horrifying picture appeared.

Countless grotesque thunderbolts condensed from gravel floated on the yellow sand in the sky. Boiled rice

Large tracts of yellow sand were crushed.

Yellow dragons are flying, and mad snakes are flying across the sky.

The yellow sand and thunder are as dense as rain, causing a scene like heaven's punishment to appear in the sky, which is terrifying and frightening.

For natural disasters beyond their own knowledge, any intelligent life will have fear.

The believers kneeling on the ground below looked terrified and angry.

Someone is attacking the gods they believe in? !

who? Is it those damn demons? ! Or a blasphemous heretic? ! Boiled rice

Those residents who did not come to the square, but watched this scene through magic, also widened their eyes excitedly at this moment, watching the picture closely, for fear of missing any details.

After the gods appear, there will be people attacking. Could it be the Godhunters in Legendary? !

It is human nature to watch the excitement, and this kind of great fun is rare in a lifetime.

After the yellow sand thunder flickered to the extreme, endless yellow light flashed, and the world suddenly fell silent.

A stalwart figure wearing a yellow sand cloak appeared out of thin air from the gravel thunder.

Just like the murals in the ancient church, it makes people tremble.

Looking intently, the other party is holding a slender scepter made of fine sand, exuding a majestic and heavy aura. Just by looking at it, one feels as if one is facing a vast and eternal desert . Boiled rice

It's awe-inspiring.

After this figure appeared, the believers below were shocked because they sensed an extremely familiar aura from the other person...

"I, why did I perceive the breath of my god on the other party?!"

Believers are very keen in their belief in the God of God, and many people showed a look of astonishment at the moment.

What's happening here? !

Just when everyone was confused, the stalwart figure who appeared in the thunder suddenly raised the yellow sand scepter in his hand.

The deep and solemn voice resounded through the world. Boiled rice

"I am the God of the Desert - Seth!"

"My believers, feel with your heart, I am the god you believe in!"

Speaking of pointing the scepter at Richard, his tone was full of anger.

"And he is a despicable thief! A despicable bastard who wants to deceive everyone and steal the desert sect!"

"This kind of inferior life can never blaspheme the glory of the true God!"

After the words fell, the scepter exploded with the power of yellow sand, and the gravel in the sky stopped flowing and turned towards him.

This operation actually forcibly deprived the yellow sand controlled by Richard. Boiled rice

This scene stunned the believers below and the residents watching the fun. Why did two desert gods suddenly appear? !

The desert god stared at Richard, his chest heaving, his rage nearly setting the sky on fire.

This damned blasphemer wants to occupy his sect in a whimsical way? !

What a guts! !

No wonder Suolan City cooperated with the other party to preach so much, it turned out to be waiting for him here!

And what made him even more angry was that the level of this bastard was only level 19! !

Not even Extraordinary! ! Boiled rice

How dare you pretend to be him at this level? ! !

The shame and anger of a tiger being provoked by ants welled up in his heart, making him furious.

Endure the calm for a while, take a step back and think about it more and more!

"The Blasphemer!! Your doomsday has come!!"

"No matter who you are, what preparations you have, today, you will be destroyed!"

"No one can challenge the true god!"

The God of the Desert-Site Pan

Level: Level 30

Skill:? ? ?

? ? ?

After Richard opened the property panel and glanced at it, the corners of his mouth were raised high.

The mouse hiding in the sewer was finally forced out.

If you want to hide and control everything, do you really think there is no one in Solan City? !

Daydreaming! Boiled rice

The dove occupying the magpie's nest is a blatant conspiracy, and the other party must accept it.

His head was raised slightly, and he looked down at the God of Desert indifferently.


The casual tone made the angry Desert God feel like he was slapped hard.

Why did this bastard dare to treat him with such an attitude? !

Why? !

"You are courting death!!" Bo

The endless divine power burst out suddenly, pressing on everyone without distinction.

"My lord, there is no existence around that could endanger you!" At this moment, a sound transmission quietly sounded in the mind of the desert god, and the face of this god who lost his authority was slightly better.

He didn't explode directly, but he was also delaying time. His three Legendary subordinates needed time to investigate the danger.

The believers on the ground, who were still immersed in excitement, became uneasy after sensing the divine power.

The fear in my heart began to soar.

No matter who is true and who is false, if the two fight, they will be the ones who will be unlucky in the end... The battle of the gods will be ruined! ! Boiled rice

Richard turned a blind eye to all this, slowly lowered his head, and after scanning around, a provocative voice sounded.

"Believers of the Desert Sect, my loyal people...Since you can't tell the truth with your naked eyes, then pray with the most sincere attitude and pray to God!"

"True God, will give you feedback, will give you hope, will give the rebels, the most violent fight back!"

Calm words resounded throughout Solan City.

Only then did the panicked residents come to their senses, yes, faith is the most real thing... It is impossible for false gods to gain their faith! !

The restless believers immediately fell silent and began to pray loudly.

"Great ruler of the desert, your followers pray to you, may your brilliance shine on the desert forever..." Bo

"The Eternal God of the Desert..."

Millions of believers knelt down and prayed. This scene would be extremely gratifying to the God of the Desert in the past.

But at this moment, a great uneasiness welled up in his heart.

Because he couldn't perceive the prayers of any believers... The millions of people below were like puppets and were incompatible with him.

The God of the Desert seemed to think of something in his surprise, and turned his head suddenly, looking at the calm and indifferent figure sitting on the throne.

An uncontrollable fear welled up in my heart.

Roared almost crazily. Boiled rice

"Bastard, bastard!!! You actually stole the authority of the desert!!!"

Under the explosion of anger, the God of the Desert couldn't bear it anymore.

The power of the yellow sand on his body violently swept around in an instant.

The thunder condensed by the yellow sand flashed wildly, and the surrounding yellow sand turned wildly.

Above the sky, the thunder danced wildly along with the yellow sand, flashing a breathtaking breath of death.

It seems to destroy everything!

Under the terrifying coercion, the believers below prayed more and more sincerely. Boiled rice

The more dangerous the outside, the more it can unite the inside.

At the moment when the desert god's power was condensed to the extreme, he came with a terrifying attack.

Wherever it passes, the space is annihilated and cracked, and everything is blurred.

The God of the Desert showed a sinister smile. No matter what conspiracy you have, it is all false in the face of absolute strength! !

No one can resist the sky-shattering attack, and it hit Richard at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The God of the Desert showed the pleasure of getting his revenge, as if he had seen the scene of this blasphemer turned into flesh.

But in this instant. Boiled rice

The berserk grit suddenly came to a standstill as if the pause button had been pressed.

The thunder condensed from the gravel is even weirder at this moment, even if it hits Richard, it will bend out in an arc, deliberately avoiding hurting him.

The desert god's smile froze on his face.

Just as doubts arose in my mind, I suddenly felt that all my strength was out of control.

Can no longer do anything.

The next moment, he was horrified to find that there was an extremely familiar aura on the other party.

Authority...desert authority! ! Boiled rice

The desert god's pupils shrank sharply.

This bastard actually activated his authority when the rules changed and everything was oppressed? ! ! !

Inner fear, jealousy, greed, resentment, unwillingness, all negative emotions erupt at the same time at this moment!

But no matter how strong emotions are, they can't change the established facts...

At the same time, the believers below looked up at the sky in unison.

Their eyes were filled with heat and incomparable madness, but what they looked at was not the God of the Desert, but... Richard.

Because at this moment, all believers clearly felt that Richard was answering their prayers. Boiled rice

Only the gods can respond to believers when they pray.

This is the rule of the world, an iron law that cannot be changed.

At this moment, they got it, got a response from the God of the Desert, a clear, real, and no illusory response! !

The pious believers are now in tears, and the shallow believers have greatly deepened their faith at this moment...

The majestic power of faith produced by millions of people praying at the same time filled every pore of Richard,

Authorities are fully activated.

The feeling that the whole desert was cheering in response to his call came back to me, even stronger than before. Boiled rice

As far as the eye can see, as long as it is a desert or yellow sand, it is under his control.

The attack of the desert god using the power of yellow sand is no exception!

At this moment, in the face of higher-level rules, it is forcibly taken over!

With a thought, Richard sealed off the desert god's surroundings, making it impossible for him to mobilize any power related to the desert around him.

This is the jurisdiction and dominion of the superior over the inferior.

After getting a response, the believers watched the Desert God's attack fail, and immediately cheered frantically.

"Praise your great master, your glory will be eternal!"

"My lord, kill this lowly blasphemer and make his flesh and soul a sacrifice for your return!"

"Damn the blasphemer!"


The desert god, who was already on fire, was about to explode when he heard the cheers from the believers.

Is there anything more frustrating than one's own believers cheering for a blasphemer, or even letting the other party kill him?

there is none left!

This scene is like a yellow-haired guy who broke into the house and made him xxoo, and his partner still yelled that the yellow-haired guy is awesome, let the yellow-haired guy kill him... 粄

Insulting full! !

Enraged, the Desert God immediately stopped the power of yellow sand in his body and began to use his own level 30 demigod power.

This force does not belong to the desert and cannot be manipulated.

But before he could make a counterattack, Kacha~ the God of the Desert saw the space around him suddenly collapse.

In a trance, he saw a vampire flapping dark red bat wings in the void, and saw a towering giant tree that made his soul tremble.

At the same time, he also vaguely saw three of his Legendary subordinates wrestling with a figure wearing a golden mask and holding a slender saber, and a Warrior with high fighting spirit...

The space collapse quickly returned to normal, and the God of the Desert just disappeared before everyone's eyes. Boiled rice

But at this moment, no one was annoyed and remorseful because of the disappearance of the God of the Desert. Instead, they clapped their hands and cheered.

It must be the great true God who killed that humble life!

Believers who don't know the reason behind the scenes are full of excitement and excitement.

They did not waver in their faith at the critical moment, and supported the true God in executing the blasphemer in the most direct way!

They are the strongest believers! ! God must have seen their dedication, definitely! !

Richard sensed the emotions of the believers, and his heart moved.

Standing up from the yellow sand throne, he glanced around and quietly activated all the skills on his body. Boiled rice

Legendary degree - great reputation, leadership skills, yellow sand aura...

Under everyone's gaze, he said loudly.

"After the changes in the rules of the world, the gods came to the mortal world. This is a test for the gods and for the believers... Can your faith stand the test, can it be firm, and can it stand in the dark? And unwavering in despair, will be revealed in the passage of time."

"Children of the desert, my believers... I am very satisfied with your firm belief."

The tone suddenly became high-pitched.

"Remember, those who have the most steadfast faith will receive my blessings. After they die in battle, they will also be included in the Kingdom of God after I rebuild the Kingdom of God. They will be resurrected and enjoy eternal life!"

"The Desert Sect is the only one that will never die!"

"Whoever believes in me will have eternal life."

After the words fell, under the influence of the skills, the already excited believers fell into madness again.

The sound of praise and prayer became the main theme on the city of Soran.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded quietly in Richard's ear.

"Ding~Player Qingqiu, command subordinates to kill the God of the Desert and get 15% of the Desert Authority."

"Ding~ player Qingqiu, command..."


The prompt three times in a row not only rang in Richard's ears, but also resounded in the ears of all players at the same time.

Everyone fried the pot again.

Players on the forum are crazy.

"My mother, what kind of plane is Qingqiu doing? How long has it been since you killed the second god?"

"What kind of pervert is Qingqiu? How can he kill gods like Kunkun?!"

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!!!"

How long did it take for the Lord of Rot to die in Qingqiu's hands? Another desert god was buried by him. Boiled rice

For the players, it is simply impossible for them to understand, when did the gods get killed so easily?

It's not that no one has encountered a god who lost his authority, but... Even if he loses his authority, he still has a level of 30! !

Demigod, then he is a demigod! ! Existence above Legendary! !

Before the gods fell into the mortal world, a few Legendaries were killed! !

Going to kill a demigod now, and a demigod with a deep background, is this playing with you? ! But Richard can do it! !

Under the strong contrast, the sour taste in the players' hearts almost distorted them.

Holy City, this news was delivered to Grand Duke Soran's desk immediately. Boiled rice

Looking at the information on the letter, the Legendary ascetic showed a bit of emotion and relief on his face.

His conjecture is not wrong, there is definitely a top power hidden behind the opponent!

The four-armed man hiding in the shadows was shocked.

"Grand Duke... he, he really did it!"

The fall of the God of the Desert meant that the opponent had achieved exaggerated results using Solan City as a chessboard.

His earlier suspicions, now so feeble, made him feel like a clown... ashamed.

In the Frostwolf Clan, Grand Duke Frostwolf looked at his subordinates who came to report, his face was full of joy. Boiled rice

This is the partner he chose! !

Hahaha, how long has it been, yet another god has been killed! !

"Let Rebecca come back as soon as possible, and go to the City of Dusk again... On the main plane, there is no one more suitable to be the marriage partner of the Frostwolf Clan than the God Slayer."

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