Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 612 Grand Duke Solan: This Layout Under Richard's Crown Is Shocking And Will Definitely

November 16th.

The great true god who holds the power of the desert——Richard, descended on the second day of Solan City.

For unknown reasons, the demons that had appeared in the city from time to time disappeared quietly.

The guards of Solan City also began intensive inspections to restore law and order.

The original crisis-ridden environment seems to have returned to before the shining days of the stars, and it has become safe again.

The tense residents felt a long-lost peace of mind.

For this feat, the followers of the Desert Sect owe it directly to Richard.

It is because the gods reside here that they can regain this security.

But what the believers don't know is that the devil was originally sent in by the desert god.

The army of Solan City also noticed the other party's movements, but because it was very difficult to stop them, coupled with Grand Duke Solan's instructions, this was the farce of the demons making trouble in the city.

With the background of Solan City, if it is so easy to be invaded, it is impossible to grow to the current height.

It is often difficult for Common people to see the whole picture of the incident, so at this moment, the followers of the Desert Sect are particularly high-spirited!

Their god lives in the same city as them!

This is the true God showing miracles!

For millions of years, under the propaganda of sects and various forces, the influence and prestige of the gods in power on the main plane have already climbed to the peak.

Even if the gods lose their authority at this moment and fall into the mortal world, this authority has not been affected. The inertial rules of millions of years cannot be broken in a short time.

Only those careerists with strong strength dare to spy on the gods.

The aborigines feel at ease, but the players are restless.

Outsiders don't know the specific situation, but they heard the system prompt with their own ears that the God of the Desert was killed by Qingqiu!

Due to the external turmoil, a large number of players have sought asylum from the aborigines, so there are hundreds of thousands of players gathered in Solan City at this moment.

With such a huge base, it is impossible to hide what happened yesterday.

Not many people are idiots who can survive in the crisis-ridden Age of Glory until now.

Those players who witnessed Richard taking charge of the desert sect quickly deduced that the mysterious existence that hangs high in the sky of Solan City, overlooking the sky and the earth, and who claims to be the God of the Desert is most likely Qingqiu!

This speculation quickly spread on the forum, and then caused a huge sensation.

After countless players saw this news, their heads were full of question marks... How did Qingqiu suddenly become the God of the Desert? ?

Soon, they thought of the expansion pack: the introduction of Ragnarok in the first chapter of the new era-killing the gods can burst out authority.

The players testified to each other, and after getting the truth, they were envious and jealous at first, and then their chests were filled with flames.

From Richard, they saw their own future and a bright road!

Tushen, as long as they kill the gods, they can instantly become the masters of the world's rules!

This kind of temptation made the players excited again... Richard became a role model for speaking out.

Even if this pervert can't be deduced with common sense, but they are all players, and the other party spent less than two years to do it, so they can spend double or even triple or quadruple the time, right?

Of course, there are also a large number of players who are jealous and envious, especially the players in Solan City. These guys dare not say anything on the surface, but secretly began to crazily reveal the truth of the matter.

If you can't hold me in your heart, the idea that you Qingqiu can't live well is spreading around.

At the beginning, rumors were raucous, which caused shock to many residents.

In particular, the statement that Richard is the lord of God's Grace, who relied on usurping power and hunting the God of the Desert to ascend to the throne of God, caused countless people to be in an uproar.

But to the player's surprise, after the truth was revealed, it did not arouse the residents' resentment. Instead, they became concerned about Richard's past.

Later, a lot of information was unearthed by the aborigines. What is the first person in the lord of God's Grace, who killed millions of troops at random, and killed the Lord of Greed and Lord of Rot with one enemy in the arena? Ruler of the El plane, ruler of the El alliance...

Richard's glorious past was fully exposed in the eyes of the residents of Solan City.

The forum id of Qingqiu began to coincide with the real name of Richard.

Those players who waited to see Richard's jokes, expecting the natives to rebel immediately after discovering his true colors and causing trouble for him, were stunned to find out.

When Richard's various deeds were revealed, his reputation rose instead of falling.

On the contrary, it made the residents of Solan City even more awed.

The believers of the Desert Sect have not wavered in the slightest, and firmly claim that the true God will always be the true God, and their beliefs will always be firm and will not be disturbed by rumors.

Moreover, doesn't the past of the crown just show that the gods have already come to this world?

Can anyone other than gods achieve such a brilliant record?

Those players were taken aback by this statement, and when they thought about it, they actually had a sense of agreement. Is what Qingqiu, a pervert, can do by normal people?

Saying that the other party is a clone of a god... There is no sense of disobedience at all.

At the end of the day, the players were somewhat skeptical about this statement...

Even many residents who did not believe in the desert sect were shaken by Richard's exaggerated achievements.

What an honor to follow and believe in such a great existence?

The weak seek shelter from the strong, which is the survival logic of the bottom dwellers for millions of years in Age of Glory.

The unscrupulous publicity of the players has instead established Richard as a strong and domineering strong man.

Those slander, eccentricities, and even instigating rebellion all paled in the face of this record.

In the end, the player was dismayed to find that his actions not only did not affect Richard, but instead made his prestige even higher.

After the great nobles of Solan City got the news, they were silent at first, and finally did not respond, their attitude remained the same as before.

From the believer's point of view, the identity of the Richard player is the avatar of the god descending on the main plane, and those nobles are naturally not that simple.

What they look at is not the past, but the present... The God of the Desert has fallen, and Richard has become the new God of the Desert.

This is the situation now! A reality that is not transferred by anyone's will!

It doesn't matter who he used to be the desert god, he just wants to be the county magistrate's wife, and he doesn't care who is the magistrate...

The replacement of gods is not uncommon. In every battle of the gods, a large number of gods fall, and new gods will take over the authority of the old gods.

But the change of authority will not affect anything. The sect is still a sect and will not change fundamentally.

Players who were looking forward to a coup d'état became quite complicated after seeing that everyone from the commoners at the bottom to the nobles at the top didn't care about the truth of the matter.

In this world, after all, the strong are respected, even if Qingqiu is the god of the desert who killed the god, it doesn't matter...

Whoever controls the authority of the desert, who can give the believers enough benefits, and whoever is the god of the desert seem to be the same. The cruel truth of the matter made those players who wanted to see Qingqiu's jokes feel the cruelty of the world.

In the end they are the clowns, Qingqiu, they cannot be moved by a few words at all.

While external public opinion was fermenting, another piece of news attracted the attention of many residents.

They discovered that a new magic sound tape-Desert Hymn had quietly appeared in the shop selling magic sound boxes.

The singer is the princess of the night elf royal family who has become a household name and has countless fans—His Royal Highness Fina.

Your Highness Fina, this is the respectful title of all the supporters. Although no one has ever seen the descendant of the night elf royal family, the soul-deep singing of the other side accompanied them day and night.

The magic sound box, which can be purchased with only a thousand Rare resources, brings unprecedented experience to the residents of Solan City.

For the aborigines whose spiritual life is expensive and lacking, this is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Worshiping idols is unavoidable even in modern times with such advanced educational technology. How can the aborigines, who are as simple as blank sheets of paper in this regard, be able to stop it.

In addition, Richard found a lot of talents engaged in this field from the players who took refuge in him. Under the planning of these talents, all kinds of peripherals, peripherals, prototypes, and even tabloids were produced, which made Fina The character setting has been established, and under the influence of all directions, the degree of fascination of the aborigines is very exaggerated.

The magic sound tape of Desert Psalm, the main content is to praise the greatness of the desert and praise the god of the desert.

The composition of the song is jointly composed by hundreds of players who were previously engaged in music and dozens of aboriginals who are proficient in music.

There are twelve songs in total, most of which are adaptations of Blue Star's catchy songs.

The songs that have passed the test of time have all been adapted into the missionary songs of the Desert Sect.

And this magic sound tape has a different promotional method...His Royal Highness Fina is a loyal believer in the God of the Desert, so within a month, all desert hymns will be 10% off.

Even those non-religious residents bought this magic sound tape when they saw that there was a bargain to take advantage of.

After the residents finished listening, they found that His Royal Highness Fina's voice came again at the end of the desert hymn.

The other party solemnly invited the audience to pray to the God of the Desert with her.

The sincere and clear voice makes people can't help but shake their hearts.

In the end, the other party even revealed a big piece of news...the great desert god favored her because of her piety.

He gave her the right to music and dance, making her a god of the desert sect.

Fans who hear the singing can also pray to her, she will accompany believers day and night... pious believers can meet her in their dreams, and she will sing for them alone.

This news is heavy.

The believers were very pleasantly surprised. It turned out that His Royal Highness Fina, whom they liked, was so appreciated by His Royal Highness Richard!

Common residents were stunned and shocked, and at the same time disbelief.

Fina became a god? Doesn't that mean...they're listening to the gods at the moment? !

God, singing to them... And as long as you believe in each other, you can still have the opportunity to sing alone in the dream.

This made countless people excited.

Especially those residents who are crazily chasing stars, they began to pray without hesitation, don't underestimate the fanaticism of star-chasers for stars, it can lower their IQ.

The changes in Solan City reached Grand Duke Solan immediately.

When he learned the contents behind the magic sound box, his expression became quite exciting, his eyes flickering.

The face of the four-armed man beside him was full of horror.

"Grand Duke, the god of music...hasn't fallen, isn't the other party still in the elf king's capital?!"

"Your Excellency Richard, why do you say that he gave that night elf the right to music?!"

"He, what does he want to do?!"

In fact, he already vaguely had an answer in his heart, but it was too terrifying, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Can anyone really be this crazy? !

Grand Duke Soran's eyes were deep, and he trembled in surprise.

"If it's as I imagined, what His Majesty Richard does will probably change the situation of the entire world... The layout this time is too shocking!


As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the four-armed man, as if asking a question, or talking to himself.

"Gods... can they really be cultivated?!"

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