Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 614: The Gradually Crazy World

No one could have imagined that the second chapter of the new era would come so soon, and no one could have imagined that the content of this chapter would be so explosive.

This is clearly telling everyone, let's fight and fight, whoever can grab the power will be able to bear the power.

As the system prompt said, this will be an unprecedented turmoil and chaos.

The word Yanggu is perhaps the word that best describes this chapter.

Richard took a few deep breaths before barely calming down the ups and downs in his heart, and immediately told Val the news.

After hearing this, Val also realized the seriousness of the matter.

What is authority? The rules of the world, but now, the opportunity to control the rules is in front of everyone, as long as there is a little bit of ambition in the heart, it is impossible to remain indifferent to it.

She saw opportunity in it, and also saw darkness coming.

What made her feel even more heavy was that they were already in a vortex at this moment.

Not to mention anything else, just Richard's reputation on the main plane is enough to attract countless peeps.

"My lord, we need to be alert immediately, this change is infinitely more dangerous than before!"

Richard nodded slowly.

"Put Karu on guard immediately, Twilight City is no longer safe."

The moment he dominated the desert sect with his true identity, the biggest insurance of Twilight City—the secrecy of being isolated from the world, had already been weakened.

But he wasn't too worried. He had been preparing for this day for too long.

The current Twilight City has the ability to deal with all challenges.

After Val responded, Richard suddenly thought of something and continued.

"Killing the gods can get the authority they have. Doesn't this mean that the gods who have been deprived of their authority actually still have a part of their authority sealed up, but they can no longer detect it?"

"Or is it that they no longer have authority, but because they are deeply involved with authority, after killing each other, can they be favored by authority?"

Weier frowned slightly, and said slowly.

"My lord, what do you mean?"

"Let the God of Deceit and Lies explore according to my guess, assign him an area to preach, and let the believers continue to pray for him. I need to know whether the gods can regain power from the believers."

Richard breathed a sigh of relief.

"We can use believers to try to make a night elf who has never held power gain power. Those gods who have already controlled their sect will never be idle"

"I always feel that it's not that simple."

"Try it with Fina, maybe you can get a different harvest."

For Richard's judgment, Val has never had any doubts, she has seen with her own eyes how Twilight City grows step by step.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current strength and influence of Twilight City have surpassed the heights that she could not even dream of.

"No one can oppose your will, my lord."

Richard was noncommittal and continued to discuss the future direction of the situation.

Now he has a lot of hole cards in his hand, each one is astonishingly strong, but compared to the chaotic current situation, it can't be called rampant.

There are many, many things to consider.

November 23rd, the third day of the battle for authority in the second chapter of the New Era.

A war that caused a sensation in the world suddenly broke out without any warning.

The lord of the undead plane, the Skullbreaker, commanded an army of countless skeletons, and launched an attack on the famous main city of the main plane: Hurricane City.

The reason why this war has attracted the attention of countless people is that after the shining day of the stars, the main god of the lawful and good camp, the belief of countless people, and the god of justice——Tyr, guarded this city.

After the appearance of Tyre, the Justice Sect, the top power, all belonged to its account and obeyed the orders.

It is no exaggeration to say that Tire is one of the few main gods who can maintain his original reputation after falling into the main plane.

Hurricane City has also become one of the representative cities of the good and lawful camp.

But now, this city with great symbolic significance is being targeted by the undead.

All eyes are on this battle.

The cause of this incident is also very simple. The Lord God of the Undead - the Skull Crusher Maharaja noticed his authority and appeared in Hurricane City.

The other party sent someone to ask for it, but was strongly rejected by Tyre, the God of Justice.

As a result, the enraged Skullbreaker directly united with the three undead gods, united the skeleton army, and approached Hurricane City.

This is the first war directly caused by authority, and it is also the main god of the lawful and good camp, facing the battle of the main god of the undead plane.

Players on the forum also participated in this feast, and many of them even reported the direction of the war every second.

After the opening of the second chapter, the live broadcast was completely released, not only on the dimensional plane, but also on the main plane.

As a result, Richard felt the collision of the world's top existence in person.

The sky is covered by bone dragons, ghost dragons, zombie dragons, ghosts and other high-level undead.

On the surface, horror knights, headless horsemen, ghost Mage, zombies, skeletons... form a vast ocean with no end in sight.

The terrifying number of troops makes people feel chills just by looking at them.

Hurricane City, the target of the undead army's attack, has a wall nearly 100 meters high and is blessed by countless holy lights. The defense equipment on the wall almost squeezes out the army, and there are so many arrow towers and magic towers behind it.

The sky, angels, griffins, and Pegasus blocked the line of sight, and the holy breath scattered the earth.

It formed an incomparably sharp contrast with becoming a dark, decaying, pale and dead undead.

At first glance, evil collides with light.

But in the current chaotic situation, who is evil and who is light, who can tell clearly?

Who is on the side of the light, the Skullbreaker who wants to regain his authority, or the God of Justice who refuses to return it?

The world is never black and white, but a delicate gray.

This battle was more bombastic and crazy than any battle Richard had ever seen.

Even though he had faced the gods directly, the war between the two gods who had retained most of their power and used all means was still horrifying to hear.

Such as angels and bone dragons, these high-level troops are like cannon fodder on the battlefield, and the number of deaths in battle cannot be counted at all.

Even an Extraordinary, or even a Legendary powerhouse, will appear small in this kind of big melee.

Once you dare to take the lead, you will be met with the most craziest counterattack by the enemy.

The battle of Hurricane City seems to be the clarion call of the second chapter, less than two days away.

The second and third battles broke out.

All the reasons are power struggles.

Every battle is like a huge vortex, involving the attention and energy of countless people.

Regardless of their own subjective wishes, a large number of players were forced to participate.

It has become a small splash in the battlefield, or cannon fodder.

When the situation became full of turmoil, a figure wearing a dark cloak arrived at Solan City silently.

The appearance of the other party is an ordinary middle-aged woman, with a sallow complexion and dense wrinkles around the eyes, so that when she entered the city, she did not even attract the guards to take a look.

The middle-aged woman did not take a carriage, but walked along the main road in the city, and slowly arrived at the desert church, the most crowded place in Solan City.

Under the dark gray cloak, those cloudy eyes sharpened the moment they saw the church.

"The key is really here"

"Rose didn't lie to me."

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