Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 65 Huge Experience Gains, Fast Upgrade


The cold negative energy of the ghost fire ball swept around.

Enveloped the scorpion Warrior and the surrounding skeleton Warrior together.

The fire of the skeleton Warrior's soul shook for a while and went out directly.

In this world, there is no rule of being immune to damage from teammates.

The scorpion Warrior resisted this wave of damage. After the magic swept through, their appearance was not damaged, but their momentum was obviously much weaker...

"Curse the Pharaoh to control the situation, Ax of the Dead, forcefully kill the skeleton Mage!"

Richard, who was watching the battle from behind, fixed his eyes and immediately gave an order.

Never allow the opponent to cast spells.

The scorpion Warrior immediately launched a charge regardless of the cost, forcibly tearing open a gap.

The Ax of the Dead followed closely behind, the moment it stepped into the distance of 30 meters.

The battle ax in his hand came out.

At this time, the curse words that cursed the pharaoh were also released.

A gloomy light flashed across the air, and most of the skeleton Mage froze in place.


The battle ax with violent power directly penetrated a series of skeleton Warrior and skeleton Archer, and slashed fiercely at the skeleton Mage behind.

A huge burst of power broke out.


It directly shattered the opponent's fragile bones, and his body shattered to the ground.

When the battle ax was exhausted, the Ax of the Dead swung the chain fiercely, reinjecting power into the battle ax.

The big killer with a flickering cold light slashed towards the skeleton Mage like a lawn mower.

Kacha~ Kacha~

The crisp sound of bones breaking can be heard endlessly.

Skeleton Mage of nearly two teams was forcibly killed.

At this time, the poisonous scorpion Warrior also recovered from the ghost fireball attack.

These angry Warriors rushed towards the skeleton Archer who was still shooting arrows at them.

Unleash your anger!

The skeleton Archer, with as many as five teams, was dismantled into skeletons after only two charges.

In the middle, there were quite a few skeleton warriors who wanted to attack Richard and the cursed pharaoh behind, but they were all harvested by the ax of the dead.

After destroying the skeletons Mage and Archer that can cause damage to themselves, although the remaining skeleton Warriors are quite large, they quickly returned to zero in the killing of the Scorpion Warrior and the Ax of the Dead.

"Ding~ The army you led wiped out a group of undead and won a small battle. You gained 1200 experience points."

Richard was in a happy mood when he heard the system prompt.

From the ghost of the iron mine to now, nearly a large group of undead has been hunted down.

He is not far from the critical node of reaching level 5.

What makes him more motivated is that there is no treasure hidden in the passage... This kind of adventure full of unknown gains makes him excited.

After tidying up the battlefield and making sure that there are no explosive equipment and treasures, Richard continued to move towards the rear passage.

The intermittent Skeleton Warrior attacks on the road have never stopped, but in the narrow terrain, the greatest number advantage of the undead can't be brought into play at all.

No matter how hard it hits, it can't get past the scorpion Warrior.

Not long after, Richard stepped into the second underground space.

But the monsters stationed here are no longer skeleton warriors, but another unit of the undead clan—zombies.


[Level]: Level 3

[Potential]: Elite 1 star

[Skills]: Zombie Body (Level E, defense power increased by 70%, flexibility decreased by 50%, immune to poison, curse, plague)

Infection (Level E, with a plague attached to the body, it will be infected after being scratched, and the total attribute will decrease by 2% every minute, up to 30%.)

[Racial talent]: Can absorb the breath of death to recover from injuries.

[Bond - Zombie]: If the number exceeds 10, the defense will increase by 15%, if the number exceeds 30, the defense will increase by 30% (activated).

[Introduction]: The arms of the undead clan, they have good defense.

The number of zombies is enough to have two squadrons.

Behind the zombies, there are 5 squads of skeleton Mage standing.

"The Scorpion Warrior breaks through the blockade of zombies, and the Ax of the Dead cooperates with the Scorpion Warrior to hunt down the skeleton Mage!"

"Curse the Pharaoh with the Scorpion Warrior to buy space for them!"

Rough-skinned and thick-skinned zombies are obviously not as easy to deal with as skeleton Warriors.

But the only thing that can pose a threat to the Twilight City army is the skeleton Mage in the rear.

Richard's pupils shrank when he saw the skeleton Mage behind him start casting spells.

"Scorpion Warrior, pay attention to dodging, if you can't hold it, turn on desertification immediately!"

Sandification cannot be immune to magic damage, but it can greatly recover from injuries, which is equivalent to a quick blood recovery skill.

As soon as the sound fell, the zombies in front of them rushed in front of the scorpion Warrior. These undead with hideous appearance and stiff movements exuded a disgusting stench.

The scorpion Warrior who has been promoted to Rare level is more ferocious than zombies.

Huh~ The iron tongs waved, making a piercing sonic boom.


There are extremely sharp iron hooks at the front end of the closed giant pincers, nailed into the zombie's body.

Pull it hard.


The dry body was directly torn apart.

The solid defense is useless in front of the unique means of breaking the defense of the Scorpion Warrior.

But the number of two squadrons is enough to stop the Scorpion Warrior with only one squadron for a long time.


The ghost fire ball in Mage's hand shot out.

The skeleton Mage of the 5 squads launched an attack at the same time, with great momentum.

The whole space is brightly lit.

Dozens of ghost fire balls danced, covering the entire space.

"Scorpion Warrior uses zombies to cover itself! Don't resist!"

Scorpion Warrior heard the order and rushed forward.

Ignore the zombies coming around and huddle with them.


Dozens of ghost fireballs bombarded down, and a huge air wave erupted.

Cold negative energy swept around like a storm.

The blue will-o'-the-wisp enveloped the audience, and the nearby zombies felt as if their minds were being bombarded by heavy hammers from treasures, and their bodies suddenly fell into rigidity.

Unable to resume action for a long time.

The cursed pharaoh forcibly controlled the zombies around the poisonous scorpion Warrior at this moment, making them stop in place.

And the zombies in the rear couldn't go over these zombies to attack the Scorpion Warrior, which bought them valuable buffer time.

After recovering from the soul impact, the poisonous scorpion Warrior violently swung his iron pincers to kill the slow zombies around him.

Moving forward broke a gap.

The Battle Ax of the Dead also threw the battle ax in his hand for the third time.

In an instant, the cold light flickered.


The dozen or so zombies in the rear had no time to dodge, and their bodies exploded immediately.

Dirty blood splashed all over the place.

Deadman's Ax seized the opportunity and swung the chain violently.

Use the chain to block the approaching zombies.

Zombies move slowly and there is no way to avoid them.

Several Axes of the Dead joined hands, forcibly opening a path to the skeleton Mage with chains.

Scorpion Warrior seized the opportunity and rushed forward.


The second wave of ghost fireballs lit up the sky again, and the skeleton Mage wanted to kill the scorpion Warrior directly.

However, the prepared scorpion Warrior was a little faster, and only three of them were enveloped in it. These three decisively turned on desertification and resisted a wave of damage.

The remaining scorpion Warriors killed the skeleton Mage.

These spell-casting units without melee ability were killed alive after being approached by the poisonous scorpion Warrior.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Ax of the Dead began to chop down the slow-moving zombies in front of him with the battle axe.

No matter how fleshy the zombie is, it doesn't have the half-metal titan flesh with full defense.

In the case of no worries, the Ax of the Dead kills extremely happily.

five minutes later.

"Ding~ The army you led wiped out a group of undead troops and won a small battle. You gained 1500 experience points."

The experience on Richard's properties panel soared again.

Level: Level 4 (4835/5000)

Only a little more than a hundred experience points can be upgraded to level 5.

The point of level 5 is the beginning of qualitative change and the beginning of becoming stronger in "Glory Era".

Only when you reach level 5 can you officially enter this world. The prerequisites for changing jobs and learning skills are all level 5.

"This is called leveling. In the past, scanning pictures was just a play..."

In a good mood, he immediately stepped into the third passageway.

But unexpectedly, this time the poisonous scorpion Warrior who was exploring the way ahead did not encounter the attack of the skeleton Warrior again, and the journey was uneventful.

But this instead raised Richard's vigilance to the highest level.

After walking forward for twenty minutes.

The narrow and dim vision suddenly widened.

He couldn't help but tremble when he saw the scene in front of him.

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