Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 620 As For The Peeping From The Dark, Who Is The Prey Is Still Unknown!

After leaving from the Eternal Land, Richard did not return to Solan City in a hurry, but appeared in the Quicksand Land.

Looking in mid-air, under the cloudless sky, thousands of 30-meter-high dark trees covered the yellow sandy land in front of them.

The dry and twisted branches, rough and terrifying appearance, give people a feeling of entering a dark world.

Even if the scorching sun hangs overhead, it still makes people feel a chill attacking their backs.

After demons, devils, and these evil and chaotic beings can enter the main plane, these treant warriors seeded by the ancient tree of gods and evils have become the main force guarding the quicksand land.

The Land of Quicksand has two-way portals leading to the underground world, a space passage leading to the Eternal Land, and a crack connecting the plane of El. This area is an extremely important transit center and cannot be missed.


As Richard looked down, he heard low growls in his ears.

It sounded like a dying beast howling, which was extremely scary.

With a raised brow, the spirit escaped.

Outside the quicksand land, a large number of lemurs and glamorous are attacking at this moment.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is too large, even if the number of demons is very considerable, they can still break through the outermost line of defense.

Seeing that a branch can crush dozens of demons, Richard smiled a little.

"The dark treants now... are all Extraordinary units!"

Sowing tree seeds (Legendary level, can sow 5,000 seeds to make them grow into dark treants. The level of each dark treant is its own level - level 4. Every time 100 dark treants are born, one treant hero can be cultivated. If you If you die, you can be resurrected in the dark treant.)

The level of the ancient tree of evil is as high as level 26. These dark treants have inherited the power of their own masters, and the level has also climbed to an exaggerated level 22.

What's even more exaggerated is that after the 5000 treants are full, 50 hero units can be bred!

Although they are all b-level heroes, this damn is a level 22 hero!


Although the combat effectiveness of this kind of bred Extraordinary is much worse than that of normal Extraordinary, no one can underestimate the level and quantity.

After the ancient tree of evil transformed into evil, not only its own strength skyrocketed, but the strength of its subordinates also increased to an exaggerated level.

The adjective abnormal is perfectly displayed.

Perhaps this is the only thing that makes people tremble.

With this large army stationed there, there would be no problem with the safety of the Quicksand Land.

After taking a few glances, Richard didn't stay too long, turned around and stepped into the two-way portal to the underground world.

After a year and a half of rapid development, the underground world at this time has transformed into the shape he wanted.

Furnace City, the city of alchemy technology.

Bloodhoof City, weapons factory.

A few months ago, Furnace City used the channels of the El plane to supplement more than 30,000 gray dwarves, and the labor force has been enriched.

In addition, there are more than 30 workshops producing alchemy cannons at this time. As long as the resources are sufficient and the firepower is fully activated, the daily output of more than 500 alchemy cannons.

However, full operation requires too many resources and cannot be maintained on a regular basis.

But the production capacity is here, and it can be exploded when needed.

The daily production of the matching alchemy bombs exceeds 50,000 rounds.

The accumulation of these months has almost filled the weapon warehouse.

It can be said that the melting furnace city is not far from the weapon production factory in Bloodhoof City without the scientific research attribute.

As for Bloodhoof City, the city first defined by Richard as a weapons factory, it lived up to his expectations.

After the establishment of the Blacksmith Association, the forging technology of Bloodhoof City began to improve by leaps and bounds.

Coupled with the various forging technologies and talents traded from the plane of El, Bloodhoof City is making rapid progress. Currently, hundreds of thousands of high-level weapons are stably produced every day.

Earned massive resources for Twilight City.

It's not even inferior to the money-making speed of Magic Music Box.

Under the turbulent situation, arms is definitely the most profitable trade, bar none.

Also because of changes in production relations, most of the dungeon beings wandering in the corners of the underground world, except for those who are difficult to discipline, were forcibly gathered in these two cities.

Add bricks and tiles to the production of Twilight City and concentrate on doing big things.

In addition to the booming development of the two cities, another plan that Richard attaches great importance to is also progressing steadily.

The missionary of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect.

The Ancient Divine Evil Tree held 16% of the rotten authority, and it was still intact and unsealed.

The prayers of believers will allow this boss to have a stronger control over authority.

In addition, Tyrone, the god of deceit and lies, was also planned by him to preach.

Under the prayers of believers, this guy has already felt the power of killing, fighting and other authority.

Although in his opinion, the difficulty of obtaining these rights is infinite, but at least it proves the effect of missionary work.

If you continue, you may not be able to get more gains.

The magic sound box records missionary hymns, plus the missionary system centered on the Extraordinary arm - the evil communicator, a small missionary expert, and the brainwashing missionary by mandatory external forces.

More than half of the lives in the underground world have become followers of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect.

It is foreseeable that it won't be long before the entire underground world will be in the shape of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect.

Seeing that everything in the underground world was running steadily, Richard stepped directly into the El plane without staying too long.

The underground world is no longer the previous underground world, and there is no need for any more mobilization. As long as he gives an order, the underground world will do everything to execute it.

For the El plane, Richard's mood is a bit complicated.

At first, he just wanted to occupy a plane and operate it as a second underground world.

But he didn't expect that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the changes in the situation made him have to make a decisive decision.

But it is precisely because of his determination that the plane of El has become the trading center of the entire world.

Only after becoming the president of the El Players Association, which is composed of the top guilds, will he become the helm of the El Union, which is composed of aborigines.

A peck and a drink are all fate.

It is no exaggeration to say that the plane of El is definitely the center of the world now, and countless people's eyes are focused on it.

As the controller of El, even if Richard does nothing, all forces must pay close attention.

This kind of influence and power has permeated almost every corner of the main plane.

The only pity is that although he controls the plane of El, both the El Players Association and the El Union are a relatively loose combination.

He can't do it with his fingers.

However, this does not affect anything. Being able to achieve this level has already exceeded the original expectations.

After the days of shining stars, the era of city-states came, and the mountain city as a trading center became more and more prosperous because of the chaos.

The more chaotic it gets outside, the more Precious the security of the plane of El appears. After a brief inspection, Richard secretly came to the headquarters of the El Players Association.

Without further ado, in the name of the president, all the main members were summoned.

After the news was conveyed, the main leaders of the major guilds became energetic and set off for the plane of El.

In less than half an hour, they all gathered.

None absent.

The people in charge of many forces were quite emotional when they saw the scene of nothing. This is Qingqiu's influence.

For any one of them, it would be a dream to have everyone in a meeting within half an hour.

In this situation, who is not busy? Who cares about them?

Although this meeting was very lively, it was kept extremely confidential, and the outside world did not know that Richard held this meeting in person.

No one knew what was discussed at the meeting.

When the leaders of the major forces left, their cronies found that their faces were a little complicated.

Anxiety, fear, excitement, anticipation... There are all kinds of expressions.

After the meeting of the El Players Association was over, Richard didn't stop, and came to the city where the El Union was stationed...Lion City.

However, in just a few months, under the management of the powerful aborigines, the Lion City has almost lost its original lonely appearance, and its prosperity is even higher than that of the Mountain City.

Richard saw the caravan coming and going below and the huge amount of goods coming in and out, and his mood was a little delicate.

He has always had a clear understanding of himself.

These aborigines belonged to him, not because of how powerful he was, but more...In a chaotic world, everyone needs a quiet and safe area to conduct transactions.

The emergence of the El plane just met this need.

It can be regarded as taking what each needs.

After calming down, he entered Lion City, and used the channels left before to secretly notify the heads of the major forces to hold another meeting.

For Common players, the powerful aborigines don't look down on them at all, even if the player's strength has been greatly improved compared to the beginning.

But no one dared to ignore Richard's will, no matter whether the other party was a high-ranking nobleman, the master of the chamber of commerce, or the king of the empire.

The time for the masters of the major forces to arrive is even shorter than the time for the leaders of the El Players Association to gather.

Similarly, this closed-door meeting was kept under high secrecy, and there were very few insiders.

A few hours later, when the masters of the major forces returned to their territories, nothing seemed to have happened.

The only anomaly is that the movement of troops has become more frequent.

But against such a chaotic backdrop, this anomaly is all too normal.

At the end of the two meetings, Richard was a bit tired, but he didn't rush to leave, but came directly to El King Capital.

After a few months, I met the nominal controller of the El plane again... Raedel, the queen he personally crowned.

In the towering and luxurious palace of the kingdom, Raedel looked at the heroic figure in front of her in horror.

His tone trembled.

"My lord, has the situation really reached this point?"

Richard looked directly into the queen's eyes and said slowly.

"It's even worse than what I said...Gods, I can't wait any longer."

"Although I don't know their specific goals, their hunting range most likely includes me, including Twilight City."

"I never had illusions about the outside world... The situation is irreversible, and there is no turning back."

"Leave all chances aside and get ready for the challenge."

Raedel said in a low voice.

"El Players Association, El Alliance, will help us fight the gods?"

After a moment of silence, Richard said slowly.

"They will not be enemies of the gods...but they will assist us."

Raedel nodded thoughtfully when she heard the slightly contradictory words.

Then he took a deep breath, and with an unshakable light in his eyes, he said firmly.

"No matter how the situation changes, Master Richard, the Kingdom of El will always be your staunchest supporter, and no one can shake it!"

Richard took a deep look at the queen and nodded slowly.

"I believe in you, matter what happens in the future, I will believe in you."

Raedel's eyes instantly softened, as if there were waves rippling inside.

The person in front of her saved her, saved the kingdom of El, and saved the entire plane. Even if she gave everything, she would not let him get hurt!

Richard also had ups and downs after leaving the royal capital of El.

Although the enemy is powerful and the future is elusive, behind him, there are also unswerving supporters who will never back down and stick to their defense.

He has enough hole cards to counter, even if the enemy is a god! It's the gods!

Twilight City is definitely not a fish to be slaughtered!

After calming down, Richard stretched out his hand, and the void in front of him was shattered. With one step, the figure disappeared without a trace.

In the Holy Temple Empire, high-level figures in the royal capital suddenly received news that the king ordered martial law in the royal capital, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

The royal palace was guarded by a large number of troops, and even a fly passing by would be chopped into two pieces.

In the midst of a high degree of martial law, several Legendary-level grand dukes who surrounded the third prince on the throne quietly appeared in the palace.

It seems to be discussing something important...

What puzzled most people was that the ban was suddenly lifted three hours later, as if nothing had happened.

Then the official explanation was... a space crack was observed, and it was suspected that a demon appeared. Now that the crack has been smoothed out, everything is safe.

In such a situation, it is not surprising that there is any movement. After people are surprised, no one is too entangled.

No one knew about the news that those grand dukes had entered the palace.

But what outsiders don't know is that on the second day after the martial law broke out, the top military leaders of the Holy Temple Empire started a new round of defense changes.

Another group of new military officers was put on the throne by the king and began to take power.

The group of officers originally appointed by the old king was completely cleaned up after this battle.

The military power is completely controlled by the current king.

When the situation became more and more delicate, a piece of news interrupted Li who was making arrangements.

The Desert Sect was raided and the entire church collapsed.

On the day the church collapsed, the Sun Sect and the Illuminati Sect officially announced their entry into Solan City... Outside the city, there were traces of an army of demons and an army of undead.

Richard's first thought when he heard the news was that those forces hidden in the dark didn't want to wait any longer.

The mood has become a little delicate, the giant beast lurking under the water is no longer lurking, which means... the situation can no longer tolerate the other party lurking.

The advantage of this news is that an unknown enemy has surfaced, and he can clearly know who his opponent is and how powerful it is, so he can formulate a countermeasure.

And the downside is... It is very likely that the madness of the opponent's trapped beast will destroy everything.

There is no time left for him to plan.

After taking a few deep breaths, he stretched out his hand to tear apart the void, stepped into Solan City again, and returned to the terrifying place full of dangers and big bosses.

But this time, Richard, who is regarded as a prey, has no fear...Who is hunting, and who can say until the last moment?

On top of the ruins of the desert church, Richard turned his head and looked in a certain direction, where there were angels floating in the sky, and hymns were singing loudly...

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