Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 82 News Of The Strategic Treasure

Good guy, 3000 experience points?

The copy is just different.

I also got 10% progress... Is it possible to leave the instance when the progress reaches 100%?

Richard was thinking, and let Gray lead the army to file in.

ten minutes later.

He looked at the complex-looking villagers around him with a calm expression.

After the opponent chose to surrender, everyone was called to the open space.

The main mission of the dungeon is to protect Baita Town, and he needs to know more information.

A middle-aged man in his early fifties came to Richard under the guard of two scorpion Warriors.

The other party had a complicated expression. From the corner of his eye, he saw the villager guarded by the mummy, heaved a long sigh, and bent down towards Richard.

"My lord, Jill Blueleaf sends you greetings and thanks for your assistance."

No matter how you say it, the other party has saved Blue Leaf Village from the hands of the devil, there is no doubt about it.

If the opponent's subordinates were all human, he might have asked the residents to prepare food and wine by now.

Richard nodded slightly.

"Lord of Twilight City, Richard, Sir Jill, who designed the buildings here?"

Jill didn't expect to ask this in his first sentence.

He froze for a moment, and said with a delicate expression.

"This is designed by Lord Priest of the Justice Sect in Baita Town. Lord Priest is a big man who walked out of our village..."

Richard was a little stunned, no wonder a small village can have such a building, it turns out there are people behind it.

Don't worry too much about it, just continue.

"We come from a different plane, and my territory is also being threatened by the outside world. I came to this world to find powerful treasures to increase my strength."

"I don't know the information here, maybe His Excellency Jill is willing to tell me what's going on with those demons, and what's going on in Baita Town..."

Jill was relieved when he heard this.

He is willing to surrender. In addition to the strength of Richard's army, a large part of the reason is that he is human and can at least talk.

It is not safe to entrust fate to others, but what choice do they have?

After organizing the language, I gave an overview of the situation.

The time of this dungeon is 5000 years of the glorious calendar. In terms of timeline, it has been more than a thousand years since the current time of the main plane.

But judging from the setting of the dungeon where the gods smashed the river of time, there is nothing unreasonable.

The land belonged to an empire Richard hadn't heard of, perhaps lost to time.

At this time, the world is changing, the abyss is shattered, and countless demons are sweeping the main plane.

Baita Town is the administrator of this land. Three days ago, the residents of the village found traces of demons in the valley deep in the forest.

Frightened, he planned to go to Baita Town for help.

But a sudden fire ignited the entire forest and blocked their call for help.

Forced to have no choice but to stick to it.

Until yesterday, the demon found the village...

After clarifying the general background, Richard gradually had an idea in his mind.

"The dungeon is called Burning Village... Judging from the strength of this village, this should be just the starting point."

"The church in Baita Town, the humans in the village, the valley where demons exist, three of the four camps have appeared, and there is still no news of the undead."

"The general context of the copy should be that the burning fire caught the attention of Baita Town. Finally, Baita Town sent people to investigate and found the village that had been slaughtered by demons."

"Baita Town was terrified, asking for help while investigating the demons, and when the strength was sufficient, it sent troops to attack the Devil's Valley. At this time, the undead appeared, and the four forces launched a war."

"Or Baita Town didn't dare to move when it found the traces of the demon, and decided to stick to it. In the end, the undead also appeared, and launched an attack on Baita Town together with the demon, and the final decisive battle took place..."

"But no matter what the direction of the plot is, this village and this fire are undoubtedly the beginning."

While thinking, Richard continued.

"Your Excellency Jill, I have no ill intentions towards you."

"However, I paid a huge price to come to this plane in order to find treasures that can make Twilight City stronger.

"The threats we have encountered are no less than those in Blue Leaf Village.

"Your Excellency Jill, you know where there are treasures nearby..."

These words made Jill face bitter, and murmured.

"My lord, this small village of ours sends the materials it produces to Baita Town every month in exchange for Baita Town's protection...

Now there are only basic living materials in the territory, and the quantity is still very small. "

Richard smiled and waved his hand.

"I'm not interested in these, only strategic treasures will help us the most."

Jill responded with a wry smile.

"Master Richard, apart from a powerful strategic treasure in Baita Town, I don't know where the other treasures are..."

Baita Town?

Richard was thoughtful.

After writing this down, I changed the subject.

"Where's the troop lair in your village?"

"My lord, there is only one lair that can recruit Common 3-star swordsmen. If you need it, you can take it away at any time..."

Richard shook his head in disappointment, what's the use of a Common 3-star human unit.

A bandage mummy with sandification turned on can kill two or three squads.

Ignoring Jill again, he walked up to the residents who were gathered together.

Looking around with sharp eyes, seeing the apprehension on their faces, he spoke loudly.

"Demons are eroding this world, and danger may happen at any time."

"And the power in my hands is not enough to eliminate the threat of demons. I need your help."

"If anyone knows the whereabouts of strategic treasures or the lairs of advanced units, I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy them..."

He wanted to see if he could trigger the second mission.

You can't kill a few squadrons of demons. Apart from experience, there is nothing to gain.

Just when he thought that the village was really out of oil and water, a young man suddenly pushed away the crowd around him and stood up abruptly.

"I know! Huh~ Let go of me, I know~"

As soon as these words were said, several companions around the young man suddenly covered his mouth.

But the young man yelled regardless.

This unexpected scene immediately caught Richard's attention.

With a wave of his hand, the mummy stepped forward and brought the young man out.

"you know?"

Jill's face changed after seeing this scene, and finally heaved a deep sigh.

"My lord, this is my son, Barry, who was the first to discover the traces of the devil..."

Richard ignored him and looked at the approaching young man.

"I like to hang out with smart people. Your name is Barry? You can say it now."

Barry gritted his teeth.

"My lord, I know about a very powerful strategic treasure. I will tell you everything I know, but please save Lucy..."

Richard's eyes lit up immediately.

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