Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 95 Harvest Inventory (45)

Old Priest wants to cry but has no tears.

"This is the drawing of the mayor..."

Richard laughed.

"I think the mayor will be very pleased that we have killed the demon, and will not care about so much."

No wonder, those are permanent architectural drawings.

That old devil who slammed the door, he still has to carry the door of the church back! !

"Your Excellency John, is there anything else?"


Old Priest helplessly raised his forehead, he just wanted to pretend to compare...

Forget it, it's not his blueprint anyway, it's gone if it's gone, it has nothing to do with him, and he didn't take it.

And even if you want to fight, you can't fight, the opponent has dozens of gargoyles...

But having said that, if the threat of demons can be solved for only three architectural blueprints, this deal is quite a bargain.

"Your Excellency Richard, please rest early. I will go back to Baita Town first. The escaped demons are very dangerous and need to be dealt with in time."

After saying that he no longer wanted to stay in this sad place, he turned around and left with the two church knights.

Beyond the village, old Priest sighed in grief.

"My architectural drawings!!"

"You two bastards, did the other party hear your belittling words? I will deduct your salary for a year later!!"

"Master John, you obviously said it first..."

"Knowing that I made a mistake and not stopping it, I will be detained for two years!"



After getting three permanent drawings, Richard was in a good mood.

This dungeon is about to collapse and return to the long river of time. It is a waste to keep these blueprints.

This is something from more than a thousand years ago, so he is saving a treasure.

If it wasn't for the lack of time, he still wanted to go to Baita Town for a friendly walk, which is a pity.

Early the next morning, there was not much time left to leave the copy.

Resting well, Richard chose to leave the instance under the watchful eyes of the residents of Blue Leaf Village.

In the next second, Richard's eyes blurred, and he appeared in the dry river.

Looking back, the one-way portal had collapsed into pieces all over the place.

"Ding~ The Burning Village dungeon is over, the time fragments have been returned to the long river of time, your progress in the dungeon is 100%, cleared the demons and undead that threatened Baita Town, and you get an extra 10,000 experience points reward."

"Ding~ Your level has been improved, and the current level is level 6."

A huge force gushed out from the body, the whole body seemed to be soaked in a hot spring in winter, every cell was jumping for joy.

The power in his body increased little by little... that feeling fascinated him.

After a long time, Richard, who had a good time, was greatly moved.

Even if the upgrade doesn't add strength, just a few minutes of enjoyment is worth it.

Open the properties panel and take a look.

Level: Level 6 (4320/100,000)

The experience required for upgrading has been increased from 50,000 to 100,000, and the difficulty of upgrading has risen again.

Because he didn't change jobs, he didn't have any attribute bonuses when he reached level 6.

"This dungeon directly contributed more than 40,000 experience... It's so cool, sure enough, you still have to look at the dungeon to upgrade."

Withdrawing his attention, he glanced at the troops around him, Gunter's bloody bandage was extremely conspicuous.

In a good mood, I waved my hand.

"Return to the territory!"

Because of the ten times difference in time, three days had passed inside the dungeon, and it was still not completely dark outside.

The time is still May 18.

Nothing was delayed.

Back to Twilight City on a rampage all the way.

Karoo was surprised to see Richard return, the wrinkles on his face seemed to be alive.

It was just explained in the morning that he might go for a long time this time, why did he come back after only half a day?

But after seeing the dark gargoyle beside Richard, his smile brightened again.

This time going out, the harvest is obviously not cheap.

Richard smiled and briefly told Karoo what had happened in the dungeon, and returned to the lord's mansion in a good mood.

After dinner, I took a comfortable bath to wash away the tiredness on my body.

He began to take stock of the dungeon harvest.

The biggest gain this time is undoubtedly the A-level hero-Gunter Blood.

Not only the ability to cast powerful offensive spells, but also the ability to use corpses to recruit mummies is simply invaluable.

Just by getting Gunter, this dungeon trip is a lot of money.

He now has two combat-type A-level heroes in his hands. Gray supports and Gunter attacks, which fit perfectly.

The second harvest - two rare class troop lairs and 4 squads of obsidian gargoyles.

Judging from the current stage, this harvest is not inferior to that of A-level heroes.


After all, this is a lair that continuously produces arms, and there are still two.

And the addition of 4 dark gargoyles squads has given the military strength of Twilight City an explosive increase.

That is a rare 3-star level unit, with the terrifying characteristic of magic immunity.

Coupled with the desertification he bestowed, how domineering and powerful.

The third harvest, three permanent architectural drawings - Residential Houses, Stables, Brewery.

In order to expand Twilight City, more houses must be built. Residential residential blueprints will undoubtedly solve the current shortage of housing problems.

Stables also play a very important role. In the future, you can buy or capture some desert horses and camels to raise them, which can be used to replace manpower and speed up production efficiency.

Not to mention the winery, wine is a bestseller no matter what era it is.

As long as it is good wine, there is no need to worry about sales.

But the only pity is that brewing requires a wine party, which is currently not available in Twilight City.

In addition to these three gains, a large amount of experience income is also a benefit of this dungeon.

The level of the main battle army in Twilight City has been raised to level 7, and its strength has been greatly enhanced.


Richard's smile became brighter and brighter, and this trip to the dungeon greatly increased the background in his hands.

Whether it is territory construction or army strength, there are no small gains.

Excited, Richard went to bed early after washing up.

Woke up at ten o'clock the next day.

After breakfast, Karu was called to patrol the territory together.

The other side reported the situation of the territory in detail.

"Master Richard, the flowering period of the Rhododendron grove has passed, and the Rhododendron is beginning to bear fruit, and it is really miraculous that it matures once a month.

At the beginning of next month, we will be able to harvest a large amount of sand dates, and it is estimated that there will be 70,000 to 80,000 units..."

"The flame dragon rabbit is well developed, and the desert goblin said that it will be able to shed its hair for the first time at the end of the month.

Those cubs are growing so fast that they can go into estrus next month for a second round of breeding.

Keep up the momentum, I think, and we won't be far from mass production of Fire Dragon Rabbit pelts. "

"Desert crown bees can only fly to farther places to pick flowers recently because of the withering of the sandy date flowers. The amount of honey brewed next time may be reduced."

"The food workshop has been built, but currently only some simple food production can be carried out. There is no Advanced chef in the territory, and food research cannot be carried out..."

When Karu said this, the two just came to the food workshop.

The three-storey earth-stone building is quite impressive.

Richard frowned.

"Lack of talent..."

This question gave him some headaches.

Other people's territories are too many refugees, troubles.

There are no refugees at all in his territory.

It's been more than half a month, and only the group of people like An Daier have come.

In the vast desert, not only is there a lack of supplies, but the population is also extremely scarce.

This is a problem he has to face.

He thought for a while, and said slowly.

"Food workshops can select talents from the residents, as long as the residents who can make special food can join it, the market we face is very broad, as long as the things are good, there will be no worries about sales."

"After the dates are mature, the dates can be used as raw materials for production."

"In addition, I will give you another 10 units of desert honey to see if you can research more advanced food..."

Karu nodded repeatedly.

"I'll arrange it right away..."

Richard looked at the empty food workshop at the door and felt a little emotional.

"Talent, it's time to solve this problem..."

Twilight City can't even meet the 500 population required to upgrade to a second-tier small town, which is too painful.

Now the top 1,000 in the territory level ranking list are already level 3 small towns.

He is still at the first level... the ranking has also dropped to below fifty or sixty million.

Compared with those rich lords, Twilight City's foundation is obviously too weak.

After a while, Karoo seemed to remember something.

"Master Richard, the group of refugees entrenched in the oasis may fill our vacancy."

"Not only is the oasis not short of food, but it also wants the residents of Twilight City to seek refuge.

"They probably have the same god-given item as Zazao Lin!

"If you can occupy that oasis outside, not only will you get a large population to fill the vacancies, but you may also get a god-given item..."

Richard frowned.

He has always kept this matter in mind, but because the oasis is a day and a night away from Twilight City, he has never taken the time.

Karoo's words made him make a decision.

Not to mention other things, but for the urgently needed population of Twilight City, it is worth a trip.

The feeling of being stuck and unable to upgrade is too uncomfortable.

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