This is not reasonable.

Fang Hao frowned when he saw the information that the physical strength inspiration potion could not be used in combination.

That is, the Inspiration Elixir will only retain the effect of the most recently used Elixir.

After using it, the skills or related abilities that were originally learned will automatically disappear.

Fang Hao has learned several skills, such as fire arrows, haunting clouds, summoning samurai and so on.

Certainly can't just be overridden like that.

Moreover, who stipulated that the mage cannot have a strong physique, isn't Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings also a wand and an iron sword.

"Sir, is there any problem?" Duo Jin asked curiously, seeing Fang Hao sitting there gnashing his teeth.

"It's nothing, it's just that this potion was hard-earned, but I can't use it." Fang Hao sighed and carefully put away the potion.

Even if you can't use it yourself, other travelers can use it, and you can exchange for good items.

"Ao, my lord was originally worried about this matter. The inspiration potion is a potion that stimulates the human body's potential, not an augmentation potion. It cannot be used in combination." Duojin introduced.

Fang Hao was slightly taken aback, "Do you still understand this?"

"My lord, isn't it the foundation of a businessman to understand the purpose of the goods." Duojin replied flatly.

"You're right."

"By the way, when I sold the alchemy robes in the morning, I also mentioned to them about the remaining robes. The other party said that the order for this time has been used up, and the order will be designated for us next time." Duojin said.

"That's great, and we won't be able to use the rest of the robes." Fang Hao hung his backpack on his back and said, "Okay, you guys are busy, I'll go back first."

"Go slowly, my lord."


at dinner.

Yi Er brought a large pot of boiling hot water with sliced ​​meat and various vegetables in it.

This is the hot pot that Fang Hao casually mentioned, and Yier follows the information in the words,

Prepared today's dinner.

"Master, does it taste the same as the hot pot you mentioned?" Yi'er was looking forward to it.

The hot pot is boiled with white water, and specially prepared seasonings are added to it, which makes it appear a red color.

The puffing heat and the tumbling soup filled the house with aroma, constantly stimulating people's taste buds.


An Jia, who looked straight at the side, began to growl in her stomach.

"Eat it, An Jia, you can try it too, and put your saliva down." Fang Hao took the lead to put down his chopsticks, put a piece of meat into the bowl, and put it directly into his mouth after it was not hot.

A spicy, tender taste fills the mouth.

"Wow! Yier, it's amazing, it's even more delicious than I said." Fang Hao praised loudly.

Yier's seasoning, coupled with the meat itself, has a very good taste, making the hot pot imitating hot pot more delicious than the real one.

"Really? It's good if the master likes it." Yi'er showed a happy smile.

"Hurry up and let An Jia eat it for a while."

"Fuck." An Jia protested while delivering food to her mouth.

Now the three of them eat with chopsticks, and the maids who have just joined are also gradually starting to eat with chopsticks.

This is not what Fang Hao asked them to do.

But these maids, watching the three of them do this, followed by themselves, plus Yier sometimes said it, they all began to imitate.

Everyone moved chopsticks together, Fang Hao still opened the book of lords and watched the chat channel.

"I'm not short of meat, but I'm short of salt, a bird has faded out of my mouth, and my whole body has no strength."

"Is it a lack of salt for your lack of strength? I'm embarrassed to expose you."

"Me too. It's salty to lick my sweat now. I can't wait to lick myself while eating meat."

"It's a good way. Did the young ladies lick each other? Please don't misunderstand me. I'm a gentleman, and I'm just forced by the status quo."

"I've exchanged some salt with the nearby villages. If necessary, 500 basic units and 10 units of special resources will be exchanged for you."

"Damn it! You are too dark. Are you selling salt or gold?"

"That's right, you can sell it a little cheaper, and then go to the village to exchange it, and you can make a profit without losing money."

Fang Hao looked at the chat in the channel and was slightly stunned.

Fang Hao has always left the question of ingredients to Yier, and with his own development, the types of seasonings are no longer limited to salt.

He was a little puzzled, there are still so many people here who can't even eat salt.

"Yi'er, is it difficult to adjust the ingredients in this hot pot?"

Yi'er, who was eating, raised her head and said, "It's not difficult to adjust, I adjusted a small bucket, and a small spoonful is enough to dig out each time I eat. After the master goes out, I will bring some with me, and I can eat it on the road. hot pot."

The practice of hot pot is the most convenient and simple of all dishes.

Boil the water and cut the meat slices to eat. If you bring these seasonings, it is convenient and delicious.

"Yi'er, when you're done eating, you can divide the seasoning into portions according to today's dosage. Yi'er's recipes are so delicious, they will definitely have a big market." Fang Hao said after thinking for a while.

Yier didn't quite understand, and said, "Master, do you mean to sell it? These things are very difficult to sell, and even large tribes only collect salt."

"That's not necessarily true." Fang Hao smiled confidently and said, "It sells well. Let Sawyer make you new clothes."

"Really, okay." Yi'er almost jumped up with joy.

After finishing Yier's work, Fang Hao directly opened the Book of Lords and turned on the camera function.

Facing today's dinner, I took several photos from different angles, and added the text, 'After a busy day, the delicious hot pot will wash away all the fatigue of the day. ’


In an instant, the entire regional channel was frying again.

"The boss must be peeping at the screen, or else send pictures of hot pot at this time."

"Damn it, I have been here for more than 20 days, and I can't even eat salt, but Mr. Fang Hao actually has hot pot to eat."

"Envy, jealous, hate, this time I'm even more envious than the last time I saw Fang Hao's beautiful legs in the photo."

"This is unscientific. Is the boss and us a world? Why is there such a big gap."

"I want to eat hot pot too, Mr. Fang Hao, do you sell the ingredients? I want to eat hot pot."

"I don't buy ingredients, boss, just leave me some soup after this pot."

"Then I want too."


The atmosphere in the channel is almost the same.

Fang Haocai continued in the channel: "The quantity of this sauce is not large. I will sell it in the channel and the market. If there are special items to be exchanged, you can also chat with me privately."

Yier divided the base material into more than 40 parts, which was too small for the number of people in the channel.

But there is no way, there is only so much to sell at present.

"How do you change it? I'm really short of salt, and I get dizzy every day."

Fang Hao thought about it and replied, "10 copies, each with 5 units of rare resources."

"If I go, there are only 5 copies of the entire channel. Big guy, this is hunger marketing."

"This is too little!"

Fang Hao also replied truthfully: "I have a small quantity in my hand, and this seasoning is not a necessity. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for a while. After the quantity increases, the price will come down."

The atmosphere in the channel just now calmed down a lot.

The seasoning is different from the Rejuvenating Spring. The price of the Rejuvenating Spring is still ten units of rare resources.

People who buy Rejuvenation Spring are also injured or life-saving, so they don't care about that little resource.

But the seasoning is different. Eat one less meal without dying. 5 units of rare resources can instantly persuade 90% of people.

"Forget it, I'll wait for the boss to lower the price later."

"Me too. Tomorrow I will lead my troops to explore outside to see if there are any villages where I can exchange for salt."

"I've been anxious for more than half a month, can't I have a good meal? I don't care if I want to eat hot pot today, I can buy it for how much money."

"I also want one. It's only 5 units. It's a reward for the soldiers."

One by one, some people with resources on hand began to place orders.

10 copies are too few, and they were sold out the moment they hit the shelves.

Those who were arguing that they had worked hard for half a month and enjoyed it for a while did not grab it, and complained in the channel.


At this time, the private chat of the Book of Lords sounded.

It was a lord named Tian Zhiyong.

This person, Fang Hao, has some impressions. Once he sold some blueprints to himself, and after letting Fang Hao make them, he exchanged another copy with the materials.

Is a very shrewd person.

"[Four-legged monitor lizard flute] boss, no ink, exchange 5 units of Huichunquan, 1 piece of hot pot base." Tian Zhiyong said.

[Four-legged monitor lizard flute]

【Category: Shepherd Flute】

(Description: The first sound can summon a four-legged monitor lizard. After success, each sound can summon a four-legged fire dragon to the side. (The first sound, you should pay attention to the reachable point of the four-legged monitor lizard.) .))

What is it, a mount?

txt download address:


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