Fang Hao issued a search order, and all the skeleton soldiers dispersed immediately.

Start scavenging for all the supplies you can take away.

Fang Hao observed the entire territory, and his eyes lit up when he saw the chief's hall in the center.

Generally speaking, the chief has the greatest wealth of the tribe, and can definitely find some good things.

Moreover, in such a territory of tens of thousands of people, there will definitely be treasure chests of high quality.

"You guys don't need to search, just follow me." Fang Hao called a few skeletons.

Who knows if there are any special dangers inside, it is better to be careful.

The six skeletons immediately stopped their work and followed Fang Hao silently.

The hall of the chief is still a combination of ordinary stone and wood, not a stone and brick building like an ancient castle.

This made Fang Hao a little pity.

If this is also a stone brick building, he will arrange for people to pick up the building here to obtain stone bricks.

Step into the lobby, the interior is spacious and bright.

"Take off all these hanging curtains, as well as this chandelier, don't break it." Fang Hao gestured as soon as he entered the room.

Skeletons in action.

Orc camp, obviously not as rich as the vampire castle.

The antler chandelier was filled with half-burning candles, not the luminous stone of the vampire castle.

Of course, Fang Hao didn't dislike it either and planned to take them all away.

The skeletons began to move the indoor furniture out, and Fang Hao sat on the chair in the center, facing each other.

This chair must be Chief Kent's seat.

Orcs are strong, but when Fang Hao sits down, he looks a little too big.

"Okay, lift it out." Fang Hao got up and asked the skeleton to lift the seat out.

Regardless of whether he can use it or not, it will be shipped back anyway.

Soon the hall was swept up.

Fang Hao continued to sweep several bedrooms, all kinds of furniture, hangings, curtains and bedding were all moved out, waiting to be transported away.

Inside the master bedroom.

The skeletons carried the items, and Fang Hao set his sights on the golden treasure chest placed against the wall.

This is the second golden treasure chest he has seen.

I was inexplicably excited.

"Heaven Lingling, Earth Lingling, Taishang Laojun is in a hurry as the law dictates, evil will come and good luck will come, and the whole family will make a fortune!"

Fang Hao thought about it for a long time before directly opening the treasure chest.

[Obtained: cavalry training camp construction blueprint, excellent single-edged sword production blueprint (green), quarry construction blueprint, leather saddle production blueprint (white), war coin +320, animal tooth stone +35. 】

The harvest is not bad.

Although there are no special surprise items, there are cavalry training camps and green equipment drawings.

After recruiting cavalry and making a green single-edged sword, the overall strength of the territory will be greatly improved.

【Beast tooth stone】

【Category: Ore】

(Description: Rare ores required for the construction of orc buildings.)

The shape is like a crescent-shaped animal tooth.

Fang Hao has collected a lot of ores from these various ethnic groups.

The shadow stone of the undead clan, the blood stone of the blood clan, and now the beast tooth stone of the orc clan.

All the blueprints are included in the Book of Lords, and the War Coins and Beast Tooth Stones are also put into the backpacks.

Get up and leave the Chief's Hall.

In the hall, except for the house, which was not picked up, all the furniture was moved outside.

Skeletons are still sweeping the territory.

And Fang Hao's eyes fell on the pasture not far away.

It was the pasture of the Tomahawk tribe, and hundreds of one-horned sheep were domesticated in the enclosure.

These one-horned sheep have apparently been tamed and are resting in peace, and have no response to the invasion of the territory.

Even as the skeleton passed by the fence, the one-horned sheep just glanced lazily.

Then eat and eat, sleep and sleep.

When he saw these one-horned sheep, Fang Hao was overjoyed again.

I remember last time, in order to catch a wild one-horned sheep, he surrounded it with a skeleton for more than an hour.

In the end, the one-horned sheep ran away.

Well now, the orcs have been domesticated, and both males and females are available.

"Take all the sheep away." Fang Hao said to the skeleton, after thinking about it, he added uneasy: "If you want to live, tie them up and bring them back to the territory."

The skeleton entered the sheepfold and began to tie the one-horned sheep one by one.

When all the resources were transported out, Fang Hao began to count.

[Resources: 3 creeping spines, 51208 wood, 28503 stone, 8575 thatch, 111850 leather, 842 iron, 520 copper, and 524 war coins. 】

[Miscellaneous: 442 baskets of fruit, 95,520 units of meat, 1,120 units of salt, and 324 unicorn sheep. 】

[Furniture: 20,000 simple wooden beds, 8,000 various cabinets, 4,000 sets of tables and chairs, 4 animal horn chandeliers, pots and pans, and curtains. 】

This time the number is huge.

If it weren't for the small number of troops he brought with him, Fang Hao would have wanted to remove the doors and windows of the orc's residence and take them all away.

Fang Hao took out the book of lords, and directly used a hundredfold increase to make 30,000 scooters, and all the supplies were loaded and tied up.

But then, Fang Hao found out.

Even so, this batch cannot transport all the resources back.

Looks like it still needs to be shipped a second time.

Fortunately, it was still early and there was plenty of time.

For the first time, Fang Hao chose to return to the territory after choosing a few trucks of more important supplies.

"Go, go back."

The gates of the Tomahawk Territory were hidden, and the team returned to the territory in a mighty manner.


Watching Fang Hao lead the team back from afar, Yier ordered the skeleton soldiers to open the city gate to welcome him.

"Master..." Yier exclaimed happily.

Staying with Fang Hao is better than staying with these skeletons.

Fortunately, after discovering that the skeleton soldiers would not hurt themselves, they were not as scared as they were at first.

"Well, these are the spoils of the Orc Territory. You changed the bed in your bedroom, and see what you need, and arrange it yourself." Fang Hao said, and the skeleton instructing the cargo to unload the cargo at the designated place.

Yi'er's eyes widened, looking at the piles of items on the Skeleton Team's cart.

And those hundreds of stop-and-go one-horned sheep.

This is a home raid, how can I go out and bring back so many things.

"Oh, okay." Il continued to answer.

Fang Hao nodded and asked the skeletons to bring the one-horned sheep into the pasture.

The territorial pasture was only level 1, and when more than 300 one-horned sheep entered, it immediately became crowded.

If the resources are sufficient, the ranch will be upgraded immediately.

[Secondary pasture: 1500 for wood, 1200 for stone, 800 for thatch, and 400 for hemp rope. 】

[Third-level pasture: 2200 for wood, 1800 for stone, 1600 for thatch, 800 for hemp rope, and 200 for leather. 】

The ranch was upgraded to three levels in a row, and the site was instantly doubled, and the area was no smaller than the orc ranch.

After busying everything, Fang Hao explained to Yi'er, "I still need to take another trip, you continue to look after the house."

After that, they set off here with the skeletons who have finished unloading the goods.

Return to the orc territory and continue delivering the rest of the cargo.


Dusk is approaching.

With the second batch of goods, start to return to the territory.

The marching speed of the infantry, especially the skeleton infantry, is still too slow, and time is basically wasted on the road.

When the cavalry is recruited in the future, the marching speed will be increased.

Lie on the scooter, chose a comfortable position, opened the book of lords, and looked at the battle situation of everyone.

Called from morning to night.

It should be over, the war of attrition can't be played for a day.

Sure enough, the surviving lords were discussing their achievements and gains.

As long as they survive and kill the beasts, the meat will be enough for the people of the territory to eat for several days.

Suddenly, a message caught Fang Hao's attention.

It was Zhang Bin who was not far from his own territory.

"Which boss saves me, I can't hold it anymore. I am willing to give you all the resources, and ask the boss to help me."

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