At this moment, Fang Hao closed the lord's book and raised his head, "Well, you guys sit down."

Tongniu and the others sat down on the seats nearby.

In addition to some of the orcs I knew, among those who were seated were some orcs with particularly lush hair and strong bodies.

Although Fang Hao has never seen the Mad Lion Clan before, but from the appearance, he can confirm the identity of the other party's Mad Lion Clan.

He looked around a bit.

Continue to look at Tongniu and ask: "How is it? Is it still stable here?"

Tongniu nodded, "Sir, everything has stabilized."

The stability of Orc City.

It refers to the control of the army and the fact that the residents of the city will not gather to resist.

As long as these two points are guaranteed, the city is considered to be under control.

As for the subsequent restoration of normal order, it will come step by step.

Among orcs, the weak eat the strong.

Constantly changing his identity among winners and losers, he can quickly accept the reality.

"Well, that's good. Let the others go down first, while Tongniu and Anjia stay." Fang Hao said.

All the orcs saluted and then retreated.

There were only four people left in the hall, including Demitga.

Fang Hao continued to ask: "Did the attack on Mad Lion City go smoothly this time?"

An Jia replied, "It went well. We captured the city in one night. Nothing special happened."

It's not an independent command, but it's the first time Anjia has led a war.

I still want to show off a little bit.

Fang Hao nodded and continued to ask: "Where is the city lord in this city? How to deal with it."

Tongniu glanced at Anjia.

The latter's big eyes rolled around and he said: "The city lord is the orange hero of the Crazy Lion Clan. I was afraid that he would be in danger after recovering from his injuries, so I killed him directly."

What he said made sense, but one look at An Jia's eyes that kept wandering.

Just know that it still contains her personal hatred to some extent.

But it doesn't matter, the reason why Anjia is allowed to lead this battle is because he has the intention to avenge her.

I still remember the story Anjia once told me.

I am still alive and in good health.

It really took away the blessing of his Dou Ya bloodline, otherwise he would have died outside long ago.

"How is the Mad Lion Clan now? Are they in danger?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Among the attributes of the city, there is the bonus of the Mad Lion Clan.

If the Crazy Lion Clan can control it, it is actually a path that can be cultivated.

The two thought for a while, but Tongniu took the lead and said: "The Crazy Lion Clan has lost most of its men, and now there are only more than a thousand people in the clan. They are still very willing to cooperate and have shown no intention of revenge or resistance."

There are more than a thousand people, but this number is quite large.

"Well, let's observe for a while and don't let them cause trouble."

"Yes, sir."

Fang Hao continued to ask: "Telok, who do you think is better as the city lord here?"

An Jia is obviously not suitable to be the city lord.

As for Copper Bull, not to mention that he is currently the city lord of Tasgo City, there are also Copper Bull City and Manimu Market.

This crazy lion city is on the edge of orcs.

We need a city lord to take charge here.

Tongniu thought for a moment and said: "Sir, there are not many choices to choose from, Miss Domina, and Letoz."

Spider hero, Domina.

Neither his personality nor his status are suitable for managing such a big city.

And 'Letoz' is the leader of the tribe affiliated with Tusgo City, Poison Crow Letoz.

Blue heroes, abilities and 'are all related to poison and poisoning.

He is also not suitable for becoming a city lord.

After thinking about it, Fang Hao still said: "Telok will be in charge here first, and Letoz will manage Tasgo City for the time being. I will transfer you back when there is a candidate in the future."

Tongniu has been transferred too many times.

There are really not many people who are famous and powerful in the orc world.

Have enough prestige to take over the city at this time.

The orcs in the city are also more likely to believe him.

"Yes, sir, I will make arrangements." Tongniu nodded and said.

Fang Hao smiled, "Well, thank you for your hard work, Tyrok."

"This is what I should do, my lord."

Tongniu didn't feel anything bad. With the rapid development of the territory, the number of heroes was also increasing.

It is a good thing for Tongniu that it can still be reused.

Similarly, Tongniu City is also developing rapidly with the support of the main city.

Stone paved roads, flowerbeds and fountains.

At this time, Copper Bull City was not even worse than Tusgo City and Crazy Lion City.

These are all funded by Fang Hao, and there is a group of calves in the clan who are improving rapidly, and they will go to the main city to advance.

Several people sat together and chatted for a while.

An Jia was more like a host, taking Fang Hao and Dimitja around the city.

Introducing, what it was like when I left, and what it is like now.

Someone had bullied her, and they had come to apologize with gifts and so on in the past few days.

His mouth never stopped.

Fang Hao also discovered a change in Anjia.

She has advanced to level 10.

[Douya-Anjia (Blue Level 10 Hero)]

"Anjia, you're at the tenth level!" Fang Hao exclaimed.

"Ah! Didn't I tell you? I suddenly advanced two days ago." An Jia said casually.

In fact, Anjia's ability can no longer keep up with the development speed of the territory.

There is a black stone training ground in the main city, which contains training potions previously obtained from the demon alchemist.

It was also provided to Anjia.

But in the end I got stuck at level 9.

She couldn't improve no matter what, but this time, maybe the knot in her heart was opened. When Fang Hao checked her attributes, she had already reached level 10.

"Great, you can advance when you go back."

Seeing that Fang Hao was happier than she was, An Jia's face turned slightly red, and she said with some trepidation: "What are you doing? I'm not a fool. Are you so excited to advance!"

"Haha, you're not stupid, you're not stupid, go back and ask Yi'er to cook you some delicious food."

"Really, I want to eat braised water lizard."

"Where did you hear this kind of thing?"

A few people walked around the city.

There are no special buildings or landscapes.

It can only be regarded as an ordinary city.

Even before the attack on Tusgo City, a lot was gained.

After all, at that time, a black stone training ground was also obtained, which could improve the training efficiency of the orc race.

Return to the city lord's mansion.

Anjia immediately asked someone to carry the items he had found.

Five chests filled with gold, silver and jewelry, and a gold treasure chest.

Just put the jewelry box away.

Then, open the gold chest.

A large ray of light appeared instantly.

[Obtained: White Steel Tiger Finger Production Drawing (Blue), Crazy Lion Assault Head Armor Production Drawing (Blue), Crazy Lion Assault Arm Armor Production Drawing (Blue), Crazy Lion Assault Breast Armor Production Drawing (Blue) Color), drawings for making the Wild Lion Assault Boot Armor (blue), drawings for making the widened partition window (green), Longka rocking chair*1, hero recruitment scroll (purple), animal tooth stone 105, war coins 211.]

Pieces of drawings were scattered in the surrounding open space.

Even though the blockbusters are all blue, the quality of this treasure chest is still very high.

I'm afraid it's close to platinum.

[White Steel Tiger Finger] Fang Hao is familiar with this piece of equipment. At the beginning, Anjia used this tiger finger.

It's put on the finger.

It is a very unpopular weapon.

Now Anjia has put on orange gloves, and the white steel tiger fingers from before have been placed on the weapon rack and stored away.

The blue drawing below is the [Crazy Lion Assault Suit], a blue three-level defense.

The set is a power attack, which instantly increases attack speed and critical hits.

It's a pretty good piece of equipment.

But the blue suit is already very common in Fang Hao's hands. Orcs' and undead's have several sets with different characteristics.

As for the key personal guards, such as Fang Hao's own, Rebecca's, and those around Dong Jiayue.

They have all started to replace the purple [Temple Guard Set].

This drawing can be regarded as an expansion drawing at most, and can also be put for sale in the channel.

Drawings of lattice windows and rocking chairs, nothing special about them.

Collect all drawings.

His eyes fell on the final hero recruitment scroll.

This is also the most valuable reward in the treasure chest.

After thinking about it, he put the scroll into the storage space and started recruiting when he returned.

Finished handling things here.

After explaining a few words to Tongniu, he immediately released the teleportation.

Leave with Dimitga and Anjia and head to Tasgo City.

In Tasgo City, ‘Poison Crow Letoz’ was called over and asked him to temporarily manage Tasgo City on his behalf.

Suddenly being entrusted with an important task, Letoz was very excited.

Loyalty increased directly by 5 points, from 82 to 87 points.

He kept saluting and promised that he would do a good job.

The bottles filled with colorful potions in his waist clinked loudly. Fang Hao was afraid that he would break the bottles and poison himself.

After giving him a few words of encouragement, he let him leave.

Then, Fang Hao met Milly, a rabbit girl who had never returned to the main city until now.

"Ah! Master..." Milly looked around, exclaimed, and rushed over.

Fang Hao held her head, pinched her chubby face, and said, "Okay, no one will care about you anymore, right? You'll eat it all into a ball."

[Milly (Level 9 Orc Warrior)]

As the maid, she is the most talented in fighting.

It has now reached level 9.

"No way, I'm learning management from the leader of the Tongniu clan." Milly said.

"Come back with me later and run around all day long." Fang Hao gently scolded him.

In the main city, there is a black stone training ground, plus potions.

It doesn't take long to make Millie a hero.

Wandering around all day long felt like it was slowing down her progress.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so fat.

"Oh fine!"

main city.

"Sister Yi'er, I don't dare to do it anymore..."

After a burst of snapping noises, there was Milly's painful cry for mercy.

She made her own decision and stayed in Tasgo City, but no news came back, which obviously made Yi'er, the eldest sister, very angry.

After coming back, he pulled her into the backyard and spanked her.

the other side.

Fang Hao took An Jia directly to the ‘Trial of Merit’.

"Calm down and just try your best." Fang Hao instructed.

The outside world cannot interfere with the hero's advancement.

You can't bring any artifact scrolls in, you have to rely on yourself for everything.

If you meet the requirements, you can advance. If you don't, you can only continue next time.

"Well, I understand. If I advance, what reward will you give me?" An Jia asked as he walked.

"What do you want? Besides eating those weird things." Fang Hao emphasized.

Anjia thought for a while and said, "I want my own airship, and then I will take Luo Li and the others to play."

Airship, that's not a big problem.

"Okay, as long as you can pass, I will give you an exclusive one."

"I want to go to the Merchant Alliance headquarters to play, so I'll take Luo Li with me."


"I also want a golden cloak..."

"That's okay..., no, don't you mention a reward!"

"The last one, I'm going to live with you tonight."

"Okay, let's try the one we did last time. I'm sure it won't feel uncomfortable."

Having said this, An Jia's face turned slightly red.

She pinched him on the waist and stopped talking.

The two of them came to the 'Trial of Merit' together, and Fang Hao handed her the hero certificate and 500 war coins he had prepared.

"Don't worry, give your best performance." Fang Hao said.

An Jia nodded, walked to the center of the trial field, and disappeared under a ray of light.

An Jia disappeared, and Fang Hao did not leave directly.

Instead, he took out the purple recruitment scroll obtained in Crazy Lion City.

I plan to take advantage of this time to use the recruitment coupon.

See what type of heroes you can summon.

Now that there are many heroes in the territory, purple heroes are not urgently needed at the top.

After thinking about it, the current threat that the territory may face is the Dragon Clan.

This species, which is born to be the top of the race, still poses a great threat.

"Come on, air hero, air hero, air hero."

Pray three times in your heart.

[Whether to use the Hero Recruitment Scroll, after using it, you can randomly recruit a purple hero. 】


Then, the recruitment scroll in his hand emitted a faint light and slowly drifted away like burning paper.

The next second, a complex magic circle appeared in the open space in front of him.

Under the purple light, a figure slowly rose from the ground.

"Damn it! It has a tail."

Faintly, the outline of a thick tail can be seen.

There are lizards and dragons with this kind of tail.

The large swath of light began to dim, and the outline became clearer and clearer.

Fang Hao's smile also faded. Judging from his body shape, he didn't look like a dragon.

It can't be another lizard man.

It's not that lizardmen are bad, but relatively speaking, I would rather have a dragon hero.

The light dissipated.

A somewhat strange image appeared in front of Fang Hao.

Fang Hao subconsciously looked for Shuyuan and took half a step back.

This is a woman.


A humanoid hero with a female upper body and a snake-tailed lower body, covered with fine scales.

He has four slender arms with golden bracelets on his wrists.

The collarbone and waist are exposed, and only the key parts of the chest are covered with two golden bras 'armor'?

Thick black hair, evil eyes, and lavender lips.

Looking into her eyes, it felt like being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Coquettish and dangerous.

[Embrace of the Deep Sea - Himihu (Purple Level 8 Hero)]

Damn it, here comes a snake girl.

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