Li Rong?

Dark elf?

Xu Haide's words changed the expressions of everyone present.

After a brief period of silence, there was chaotic noise.

Li Rong, that Li Rong from the Mages Association...

Even before, not many people knew this name.

But after this battle against Otis, Li Rong's reputation grew rapidly.

Not only is the Mage Association focusing on training her, but even the Hall of Justice is paying close attention to her.

After Xu Haide's death, it was planned that Li Rong would represent the parliament and unify the travelers within the territory.

It can be said that the status is not what it used to be.

Just such a person could actually be the murderer of Xu Haide.

"Why do you think it's Li Rong's bodyguard?" the archbishop asked.

The bishops and church leaders behind him also shut their mouths instantly.

Waiting for the answer from the other side.

As if recalling the scene before his death, Xu Haide's expression changed.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, he said: "I saw the outline of the dagger. Although it was just a blur, it looked very much like the dark elf's weapon."

At that time, Xu Haide was watching regional channels.

Before he died, he found a serrated dagger lying across his neck.

Before he could make any move, his throat was already slit.

Not a word of nonsense.

After he came back to life, he still retained the memory of that time, and the memory was very deep.

A purple alien beauty hero made Xu Haide very envious.

Therefore, I also focused on some, including the weapons used.

After calming down, I thought about it carefully and found that the shape of the weapon was very similar to that of the dark elf.

After all, daggers were serrated, a type that was rare throughout the Federation.

It was easy to focus on the dark elf.

After hearing this, the archbishop and bishops were somewhat silent.

A bishop asked, "Are there any other clues?"

"Not yet, everything happened too fast at that time." Xu Haide replied.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Mage Association to hand over someone by using the appearance of the weapon to identify them," the bishop said.

The appearance of the weapon is indeed rare.

But can you say that there is no outside world?

Could it be a frame-up?

The archbishop asked, "What grudges and conflicts do you have with Li Rong?"

Xu Haide thought for a moment. He had arranged for someone to deal with Li Rong before, but the other party probably didn't know about it.

And during the period of "Shanter Castle", the two of them got along well, and they didn't have such a big hatred to kill him.

After all, a woman still feels a certain amount of psychological pressure when killing people.

There is really no grudge that would make the other party want to kill him.

But in his heart, he always felt that the murderer was Li Rong.

She couldn't figure it out, but she could only shake her head, "There is no grudge. I don't know why she wanted to kill me, but I can confirm that it is very likely that she is the dark elf guard."

The archbishop nodded, lost in thought.

There is no grudge, and the killer will still be killed at this time.

It's probably because of profit.

Thinking of Xu Haide's death, Li Rong is expected to become the representative of unified time travelers, which can also be regarded as a motive.

But it's a bit far-fetched.

"Archbishop, why don't you just capture the person and 'interrogate' him?" A bishop said.

Saints are stabbed in the back by their own people. When has the church ever suffered this kind of injustice?

"Yes, the authenticity will be clear once you catch it and ask." Another bishop agreed.

"The Mage Association will definitely not hand over Li Rong."

"Catch her first, then it will be confirmed that she is the murderer. Will the Mage Association still dare to cover her up?"

"The Federation has just returned to peace, and the Hall of Justice is busy with border and reparation matters. It is not a good time to have another dispute with the Mages Association."

"Even if we are captured, if nothing is found in the trial, it will be difficult for Gloria to cause trouble."

The orange mage, no one could say, could withstand her wrath.

Throw down these two skills and the church will be demolished for you.

Especially fire mages are very difficult to communicate with.

The bishops were talking a lot. The archbishop tapped his scepter again, his eyes still on Xu Haide, and asked: "Xu Haide, what do you think should be done?"

"It all depends on the Archbishop's arrangements."

"Well, Grote was arrested recently. The Marshall family came several times and wanted me to let him go. You go and see him..."

Xu Haide frowned.

Why did he suddenly switch to Grote's side?

But soon, his expression became happy again, and the archbishop still wanted to help him get revenge.

"It's the Archbishop. I will take care of it."

"Also, focus on unifying the time travellers. Dougherty will announce this matter in parliament in the next few days." The Archbishop continued.

"Understood, Archbishop."

"Well, go and rest, and arrange some more people around you."


Xu Haide bowed again and exited the room.

Get out of church.

Looking at the night sky full of stars, I took a deep breath.

Got on the carriage returning.

The taverns on both sides of the road were already open, and as the carriages passed by, you could hear the noise coming from inside.

It's good to be alive...

The next day.

The airships outside the city were scattered in all directions, flying in the direction of various forces.

The speed of the airship is not as fast as that of the Bone Dragon, but in addition to taking off and turning around, the speed is not slow after entering a constant speed.

Except for the farthest "Shangsheng Golden City", the rest of the places can be reached in three or four days at most.

A nearby city like Purul can be reached in an hour.

The speed is still very fast.

outside the city.

Anjia took Luo Li, Xiaobai and several rabbit maids.

Standing on the airship she chose, she was chattering away.

"We will paint the hull blue so that when it is flying in the sky, it will seem like there is no hull."

"What about pink? Doesn't pink look better?"

"How about tying some streamers around the edges? Wouldn't it look pretty."

"If you ask me, it can be modified and put barbs and decks on the outside."

The girls chattered their opinions.

Anjia knocked on the door frame of the control room and said to the skeleton technician inside: "Set the ship and take us for a spin first."

The skeleton technician's stunned body suddenly moved.

Pull the lever quickly.

The airship instantly rose from the ground, and after reaching a certain height, it flew into the distance amidst the screams of the girls.

In the lord's mansion.

Fang Hao sat at the head of the hall.

He looked at the people below.

In the middle below, a lot of people have gathered at this time.

The humans arranged to come from the cities of Lysis and Purul also included orc cities, troll cities, dream forests, dwarf cities and undead cities, with manpower from various races.

There were also two time-travelers who had been engaged in legal work summoned from the territory channel.

These people were summoned by Fang Hao for one reason.

Study and write the laws of the Kingdom.

Different from ordinary areas, there are many races here, and other races may be added in the future.

Therefore, the law must be more comprehensive.

Various cities and races also arranged for their own people to come over.

"Okay, I won't say more about the purpose of coming here, but I want to emphasize that what you want to write is suitable for the current situation of the territory, ensuring stable order, and protecting the safety and interests of everyone in the territory. It is not for the nobles and It was formulated by a certain party, do you understand?"



The people below responded with some restraint.

"Well, that's it for now. You will live in the city recently. Food, clothing and accommodation will be provided for you."

"Yes, sir." Everyone saluted again.

Fang Hao nodded and asked the maid to take them to his residence first, and then to the law court.

Begin to study and compile the law.

The reason why he was so anxious.

In fact, this is also the reason why the various tribes in the territory have begun to move around. Now all the forces are conducting transactions.

After a while, private caravans may also go to cities of other races to trade.

This requires a unified law to serve as a standard and restrict everyone.

Otherwise, humans go to the Bloody Mountains and get eaten.

The trolls think it's reasonable, but it's unfair to humans.

Therefore, standards must be unified.


Fang Hao took Dimitga, released the teleportation light curtain, and headed to the Forest of Dreams.

Walk on the tree-lined path.

Fang Hao asked: "How was your contact with Queen Anastasia?"

He said this name very slowly, recalling it while fearing that he had said it wrong.

Demitga looked straight and said: "It's not bad. Her Majesty the Queen is a peaceful person and doesn't have any airs about the Queen."

What is the living situation in your own territory?

The maids were laughing, chasing and fighting all day long. An Jia was always looking for someone to practice martial arts or to compete with someone, and she was restless.

Fang Hao didn't care much.

The entire city is more like a big courtyard.

There are no strict rules, and life is very relaxed.

The Lizard People are different. They call themselves the Holy Dynasty and have a clear hierarchy. The rules must be strict.

It's just that Demitga was a guest and was valued by the queen, so it didn't show up.

If you are an ordinary lizard man, try it. If you fart, you will be chopped off.

Looking at Dimitga, I also think it’s good.

Fang Hao continued: "Well, if nothing happens these days, you don't have to stay in the territory all the time. It's good to go out for a walk."

"Thank you, sir."

The two crossed the path and came to the foot of the huge oak tree.

‘Hinisara’, which was shaped like a tree entwined around each other, took the initiative to greet them.

"Lord," Xinisala saluted.

Fang Hao nodded, "Take me to see the farmland you have reclaimed. If you need anything, you can tell me."

"This way please..., sir."

Xinisala led the way, and Fang Hao and others followed behind.

Silver Wing City.

There was a foul, damp smell coming from the dark dungeon.

Several temple attendants covered their mouths and noses, cursed and walked down the stone steps towards the inside of the dungeon.

Just after taking a few steps, there were sounds of crying from both sides.

But as soon as they shouted twice, they discovered that the visitor was wearing church clothes, and they all retreated as if their throats were being strangled.

The entire dungeon was unusually quiet.

The temple attendant walked to the deepest point and stopped in front of a cage.

After confirming that the person detained inside was Grote, he said: "Take him away!"

Grote was stunned for a moment, then he was happy and allowed the other party to escort him away.

Then he left and said in a low voice: "Thank you, thank you very much. Our Marshall family will never forget the church."

"Stop talking nonsense, find Shuyuan and leave quickly." After pushing and shoving, he was taken out of the dungeon.

At the entrance of the dungeon, there was a carriage parked.

The car door opens.

First I saw a costume of a church saint.


what's the situation?

Grote was pushed into the carriage. When he saw the saint above, his eyes widened instantly, filled with disbelief and fear.

"Xu Haide..., you, are you still alive?"

Xu Haide tapped the wall of the carriage, and the carriage slowly moved forward.

Then he said: "It's me, otherwise you think who would come to rescue you despite the pressure of the Hall of Justice."

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