The sudden attack caught the ‘giant stone statues’ by surprise. Lan

Golden rays and dense blood spears and blood blades fell on the group of statues below.

Smoke and dust rose like a sandstorm, blocking the view.

In the chaos, Alan Lager heard Fang Hao's shout, his body quickly became smaller, dragging his sister's body, and hid behind the stone pillar again.

Fang Hao took off Amalagh's helmet, revealing his beautiful face.

"Is it okay!"

Amarage wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's okay."

"Take a rest and leave the rest to them." Fang Hao took the exchanged potion from 'Clea Orlando' and gave it to the two of them to drink. Lan

Dark gold heroes are physically stronger than ordinary heroes.

Coupled with the giant bloodline and drinking the potion.

A short rest should be enough.

On the side, Kerry Orlando was hiding behind a stone pillar, looking out with eyes full of surprise.

In addition to the Dragon Queen, the other two are actually demigods.

Three demigods.

Aren’t demigods the strongest fighting force in the world? Lan

Why was Fang Hao able to mobilize three demigods?

Also his hero?

Oh my gosh, that's such a big difference.

In the war zone, the smoke and dust have not yet cleared.

Several huge figures rushed out of the smoke.

The burly giant swung a huge hammer, the dragon queen's long skirt made a sound, and her figure rose from the ground.

The long black legs were thrown directly towards the head of the stone statue. Lan

At this time, a huge stone hand suddenly stretched out from the stone wall on one side and grabbed the Dragon Queen in the air.

The Dragon Queen's eyes suddenly became sharp, with countless golden lights intersecting.

The stone palm cut like tofu cubes and fell to the ground with a clatter.

And the dragon queen's leg also kicked the stone statue's head like an iron whip.


The air wave exploded, and the head of the stone statue shattered.

The dragon queen, scanning the front, once again locked her eyes on the giant statue holding a giant sword. Lan

With a tap of his foot, it turned into a stream of golden light, which shot out directly and killed the opponent.

the other side.

The thick water dragon kept hovering in the air, chasing 'Yin Sabella' who spread her giant wings.

Countless water droplets float in the air.

Whoosh whoosh!

Like a bullet, it began to sputter outward, shooting dense holes on the ground and walls.

At the same time, a mist of water rose. Lan

Yin Sabella's body was flexible, and the moon blade condensed at the flick of her finger, cutting the chained giant below into pieces.


A bolt of thunder and lightning condensed from the sky.

Cracked into the mist, sizzling..., the thunder and lightning instantly turned into countless thunder snakes, spreading in all directions.

Yin Sabella's giant wings wrapped her body, and with a 'bang', her body turned into a blood mist and disappeared.

The next second, his figure appeared in the distance again. Giant blood-red spears penetrated the Thunder Giant's body and scattered into rubble.

The figure flashed again and then appeared next to the Water Giant God. He flicked the bleeding blade and cut off the head. Lan

rightmost position.

Tongues of fire fell from the sky, and Laurana quickly shuttled through the flames. While condensing the moon blade blood spear, the giant sword in her hand kept colliding with the opponent.

There was a kaka sound.

Even though there is a large amount of dark gold, there are some coordinations in the skills.

But in the hands of the three demigods, nothing changed.

Soon, all the giant stone statues turned into rubble on the ground.

The three women reunited, and Fang Hao and several others walked out from behind the stone pillar in embarrassment. Lan

Kerry Orlando ran out quickly and picked up the teleportation scroll that had rolled far away.

Then he obediently stepped forward and saluted, "I have met the Dragon Queen, Miss Yin Sabella, and Miss Laurana."

She has never seen Yin Sabella and Laurana, but the time traveler has information.

You know the name just by looking at it.

Although Yin Sabella is Laurana's mother, she still looks very young.

More like sisters than mother and daughter.

The three nodded and said nothing. Lan

Kerry Orlando also stepped aside.

Fang Hao also stepped forward and said, "You're not injured, are you?"

"No, look what this is." Laurana opened her palm, revealing a crystal fragment.

【divine fragment】

(Description: The fragments formed by the separation of the Godhead, or the fragmentation of the Godhead.)

Holy shit?

Fragments of divinity. Lan

Last time, during the mission in the God's Domain, I obtained a fragment of the Flame Giant in the temple.

Can we actually meet him here?

"Where did you find it?" Fang Hao asked, holding the divine fragment.

Laurana threw it directly to him and pointed to a few piles of rubble on the ground, "It's the one in those stone statues."

Stone statue?

After the stone statue is broken, can such a thing drop?

"Kelly Orlando, ask your people to search carefully and collect all these things." Fang Hao ordered behind him. Lan

"Okay, Mr. Fang Hao." Kerry Orlando immediately arranged the remaining skeletons and began to clean the battlefield.

Search for this fragment of divinity.

Soon, the search was complete.

"Mr. Fang Hao, these are the fragments found." Kerry Orlando handed him the found items.

"Well, let's discuss the distribution of the spoils later," Fang Hao said.

"It's up to you."

Fang Hao didn't say any more and handed it to Laurana first and put it in the storage space. Lan

Fang Hao started again and set his sights on the last position.

On the other side of the huge luminous stone.

There is also a huge stone statue on the blue-gray stone base.

The true King of the Gods….

Fang Hao motioned to the others to be careful and slowly took two steps forward.

This stone statue is similar to the statue in the temple of the Giant City, sitting on the throne, tall and domineering.

It's just that there is no longer a scepter in his hand, but in his right hand, he is holding a Rubik's cube composed of black and white blocks. Lan

Of course, it just looks like a Rubik's Cube, and it's not clear what it is exactly.

"Is this the most powerful giant you said?" The Dragon Queen asked from the side.

"Well, I think you should gather your fire and give him a shot first." Fang Hao lowered his voice and said.

After arriving here, the stone statue still has not changed at all.

This is quite different from what I imagined.


As soon as he finished speaking, Dragon Queen, Yin Sabella, and Laurana took action at the same time. Lan

All kinds of gorgeous magic instantly surged towards the stone statue in front.


No imaginary god stood up or fought back.

Under the bombardment of various magics, the entire statue instantly fell into rubble.

Splashing everywhere.

The entire hall was shaking due to the impact of magical energy.

The three women cast curious glances at the same time, as if asking, is this it? Lan

Da da da!

The sound of rolling sounded.

The black and white Rubik's Cube rolled directly to the feet of several people.

Fang Hao bent down to pick it up, and the attributes appeared in front of him instantly.

【Eternal Exile (Red)】

[Category: Divine Relics]

[Effect: A 'special space' independent of the real plane, where the sinners of the giants and gods are exiled. 】Lan

[Imprisonment Target: Hundred-Armed Giant]

(Description: In its endless exile, its divinity has been firmly sealed. It is no longer a separate individual and has been assimilated with 'space'.)

Looking at the introduction, the soul fire in his eyes fluctuated again.

It is another red-level prop, and it is also a prison device for imprisoning criminals.

A prisoner banished by all the gods during the time of the giants and gods.

The background is pretty big.

Being banished by the gods without being killed, what kind of rule is this breaking? Lan

Suddenly, Fang Hao was shocked.

In this temple, all the giant gods gather here.

Isn't it just to suppress the exiled prisoners?

If you think about it, it's really possible.

After all, there is no other defense in the entire hall. Only the several giant stone statues guarding the hall show their offensive power.

Rather than attacking outsiders, it's more like suppressing this thing.

"Have you ever heard of the Hundred-Armed Giant?" Fang Hao asked the three demigods standing aside. Lan

Dragon Queen and Yin Sabella are both very old and should have more knowledge.

"No!" The three of them shook their heads, and the Dragon Queen continued to ask: "What is this?"

"Looking at the introduction of the time traveler, it is said that it is a prison device. I will explain it to you myself after I go back." Fang Hao said directly.

This thing is a bit of a hot potato right now.

If you don't do it right, you may make a big mistake by releasing the contents.

"Yes!" The three of them nodded without saying anything more.

Fang Hao put the Rubik's Cube aside first, and then said to 'Clea Orlando': "Clea Orlando, there should be no danger. Let your people search it to see if there is a treasure chest or something."

"Okay." Cleo Orlando breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there was no danger.

Start calling your skeleton soldiers and start searching for loot in the hall.

Don't say anything else.

The luminous stone in the middle, which is more than five meters high and two to three meters wide, is a huge gain.

If this is shipped back.

I'm afraid it can light up the entire industrial area.

A group of undead walked through the entire hall like a carpet. Lan

Some of the essences of formation were found, but neither the treasure chest nor the loot was found.

It seems that this is really just a place to suppress the Rubik's Cube.

"In addition to the map, isn't there a key? Have you found any use for it?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Clelando pointed in another direction and said: "Find a stone door over there, which is the main entrance of this palace. The key is to open that door."

They never found the main entrance and dug a hole directly from the roof.

Therefore, the key is not used.

Fang Hao nodded, opened the gate, called out more skeleton soldiers, and transported the huge luminous stone into the gate. Lan

After confirming that there was nothing else, he directly ordered everyone to leave.

After leaving the main hall, Fang Hao asked people to seal the entrance of the cave.

Keep this hall for now, maybe it will be used for something in the future.

Fang Hao was not in a hurry to go back.

Instead, he took over the black and white Rubik's Cube from the devil doll.

The moment when the Rubik's Cube is really in your hand. Lan

He felt that there was an inexplicable connection between the Rubik's Cube and his own godhead.

Following this feeling, my mind moved.

Phew, the next second, look for the book garden My spiritual consciousness will enter a pure white space.

There is no sky, no ground.

He seemed to be a wandering soul, floating in the white void.

Looking around, at the end of the white on one side, I could vaguely see a small black spot.

I thought in my mind. Lan

In an instant, he moved to the sky above the black spot.

This is a continent.

In the middle of the continent is a city shrouded in flames of war.

In the city, a giant whose body was covered with heads and arms was fighting crazily.

With swords, hammers, guns, and various weapons in his hands, he killed all the enemies in sight.

【Hundred-armed giant (god)】

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