Divinity fragments are not godheads. They cannot directly create a demigod, nor can they directly elevate a demigod into a god.

However, the attributes contained in the godhead can actually improve personal strength to a certain extent.

The three of them didn't mention this matter, probably because they didn't know the function of the fragments yet.

You don't have to mention it at all.

But when the Dragon Queen and Isabella find out about this, they are afraid that it will affect their relationship.

Moreover, when facing the God of Deception, the power of these three people is still needed.

The strength that I can exert is very little.

The most important thing.

Black equipment is a very disgraceful act.

"Invite the Dragon Queen, Isabella and Laurana over." Fang Hao said to the door.

"Yes, sir."

The guard left quickly.

Soon three women walked in one after another.

Still sitting in the previous position.

The Dragon Queen spoke first, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

The other two people also looked at him at the same time.

Fang Hao waved his hand slightly, and two spirit-binding guards moved a round table and placed it in the middle of the group.

While the three of them were filled with doubts, Fang Hao took out the divine fragments one by one.

"In addition to the prison equipment and props obtained in the end, this is another kind of trophy. Let's discuss it and divide it."

The three of them frowned and looked at each other for a while.

"Is this something that fell from the stone statue? What is its use?" Isabella asked curiously.

Fang Hao can now confirm that none of these three people recognize the divine fragment.

Laurana has seen it, but doesn't know what it does.

Follow the description given by the system.

Divine fragments are fragments of the Godhead that are broken or separated in some way.

In other words, although he is a demigod, he has not yet reached the level of being able to access fragments of divinity.

Fang Hao explained: "You know the Godhead, these are the fragments separated from the Godhead. After the Godhead is swallowed, part of the power contained in it can be obtained."

The Dragon Queen and Isabella's eyes widened instantly.

Laurana also expressed surprise, but not as exaggeratedly as the other two.

"You said, the fragments formed after the Godhead is broken?" asked the Dragon Queen.

The godhead is the core of power of the deity.

The broken pieces naturally contain powerful power.

"It's not necessarily broken, there should be ways to separate." Fang Hao continued to explain.

The Dragon Queen and Isabella looked at him seriously.

Even if they are demigods, they are still too far away from the position of gods.

I was surprised, but I also knew that this should be true.

Because Fang Hao did turn Laurana into a demigod within a month.

He also had a head-on confrontation with the Dragon Queen.

Various proofs showed that Fang Hao knew something they didn't know, knowledge about God.

The Dragon Queen glanced at the mother and daughter opposite, and then said: "Why are you saying this? Wouldn't it be better if you stay by yourself?"

Fang Hao shook his head, straightened his chest, and showed his dignity, "We are allies, and since you all participated in today's battle, the spoils will naturally be divided equally."

"I didn't realize that you still look like a lord." The Dragon Queen said with a smile.

Isabella said from the side: "How to divide it? You tell me."

"There are six in total, one for each of you three, and one for 'Kelly Orlando', the female time traveler today. As the leader, I organized this battle and won the victory. I take two, isn't it too much?"

"During the battle, there were three of us who contributed, and you only took two?" The Dragon Queen hugged her shoulders and continued.

Fang Hao smiled and said, "I got the divine fragment, but don't know how to use it?"


The Dragon Queen was choked and said nothing more.

Isabella nodded and said, "Okay, I agree with this distribution method. What should we do next?"

Fang Hao explained the properties of several fragments individually.

Then he said: "There are only these attributes, which can also be distinguished by color. You can choose the ones that are helpful to you."

The three of them looked at the fragments and fell into deep thought.

Then pick each one up.

The Dragon Queen chose a physical fragment, and Isabella chose a water fragment. The stone godhead that Laurana had devoured before, she also chose a stone fragment this time.

Fang Hao collected all the remaining three.

"Okay, now tell us how to absorb it!" The Dragon Queen continued.

"Mobilize the power of your godhead, guide the fragments, enter your body, and then merge into the godhead, little by little, don't rush."

The three of them tried, and the fragments of divinity in their hands merged into their bodies as if they were being pulled.

The speed of absorption is also slow.

The fragments turned into energy and disappeared into the palm of the hand.

The faces of the three people also showed unconcealable joy.

Suddenly, a system sound suddenly sounded from my ears.

[Zenith Fierce Sun - Tiralt, I have developed a sense of identification with you, my loyalty has increased by 10 points, and my current loyalty is 33%. 】

For a moment, Fang Hao's brows wrinkled.

Loyalty emerges.

And, in a new way.

A sense of identity!

In other words, she is gradually changing her impression of herself.

Slowly improve, wouldn't it be possible to become a hero in the territory?

It seems that sending the divine fragment is the right decision.

The three girls are still immersed in excitement. For demigods, this kind of improvement in godhood is a rare opportunity.

Fang Hao said: "After you go back, try to get familiar with it. You will really face the God of Deception in two days."

When the God of Deception was mentioned, the three people's expressions instantly became serious again.

After nodding, he turned around and left.

After everyone leaves.

Fang Hao himself was left alone in the hall again.

Three fragments remain, including fire, earth, and thunder.

Without much hesitation, he immediately devoured it.

The improvement of the three demigods is important, but his own improvement is even more important. The strength of the entire territory is closely related to his identity.

[Can swallow fragments of divinity, whether to swallow them or not. 】


The crystal fragments of divinity were transformed into three powerful energies, directly integrated into the soul.

The feeling of warm energy and integration into the divine personality is still clear.

[Successfully merging the ‘Divine Fragments’, your power of faith has increased. 】

[Unlock characteristics: Fire immunity, Fire spirit, Fire spirit, Soil immunity, Earth comprehension, Storm messenger, Thunder understanding. 】

[Fire Immunity]: Effects such as burning, fire poison, and spread caused by fire elements will not be effective.

[Fire Spirit]: Fire skills, the effect is additional +20%.

[Fire God]: Land blessed by divine power, fire magic +8%, forging/craft +5%.

[Soil Immunity]: The effects of soil poison, rot, soil curse, etc. produced by soil elements will not be effective.

[Earth Comprehension]: Earth skills have an additional +20% effect.

[Storm Messenger]: Deliver the oracle in the storm.

[Thunder System Understanding]: Thunder system skills, the effect is additional +20%.

After successfully devouring it, the unlocked abilities will appear instantly.

After a rough look, the skill effects of fire, earth, and thunder were added.

The only special thing is the ability of [Storm Messenger].

Can deliver oracles in storms.

It feels pretty cool, but when I think about it carefully, I feel like it has no effect.

I am quite satisfied with the devouring effect of the fragments.

Open the Lord's Book and find 'Lynn Bill' among your friends.

Last time, I learned some things about the Space God Realm from his side.

Fang Hao came to him this time and had some questions to ask.

Open the private chat box, edit the text and send it.

"Mr. Linn, I would like to ask you some more questions."

Soon, he replied conveniently, "Mr. Fang Hao, please tell me!"

"I accidentally found a stone tablet today with the word 'god' written on it. I want to know if there are any relevant records."

It could have been more than ten minutes.

The other person replied, "Mr. Fang Hao, my teacher asked where he saw him. He is very interested in archeology."

Good guy, the other party also wants to go archaeologically.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "It's over there in the Desert of the Dead, but unfortunately, there was civil strife among the time travelers and the ancient tomb under the desert was blown up. It's now buried under the yellow sand."

The person on the other side did not force it, but continued to answer: "The gods are a kind of unforeseen product of divine power that should not exist. They have power close to or even surpass the gods, and their appearance is often twisted, weird and difficult to understand."

Damn it?

So fierce!

If it is based on normal games.

These abominations are monsters whose level is comparable to that of gods.

Knowing this, Fang Hao had no idea of ​​continuing to ask.

"Thank you, I understand." Fang Hao thanked him and exchanged the previous two gifts with him.

Now it seems that the level of this evil being is comparable to that of a god.

You should also be careful yourself, don't let it out and get yourself burned.

The sky is getting dark.

Laurana walked in from outside.

Climbing the corner of the stairs, looking at him, he coughed lightly.

Fang Hao understood and followed up the stairs.

I'll spend time with Laurana first, then I'll spend time with Yi'er and Xiaobai before going to bed, and then I'll go see Yuanyuan, Hongguo and the others in the middle of the night.

After becoming a god, his body was obviously much better than before.

The next day.

Fang Hao, surrounded by a group of maids, patrolled the territory.

They were discussing where it would be best to place such a large luminous stone.

The Lord's Mansion obviously doesn't need such a big one.

If you really put it in, the light from the Lord's Mansion at night would be like throwing a flash bomb.

Some people say a playground.

But the playground is outside the city, and I am worried that someone will steal it.

After much deliberation, I decided to place it in the center of the square in the Undead Industrial Zone, so that the entire surrounding area could be illuminated.

The skeleton blacksmith was called and asked to make a tall tower to lift the luminous stone holder.

Appears like an artificial sun.

Just after explaining a few words, Lord's Book, the sound of the 'sound-transmitting conch' suddenly came.

Sit down aside and take out the sound transmission conch.

The label on it says 'Elf Yujenel'.

This is a young local city lord whom he met in the elven territory, and the last few of them even signed a mithril mine mining agreement.

Pick it up and put it to your ear.

Immediately came the voice of 'Yugenel', "Mr. Piao, the first batch of minerals has been mined. Let me tell you the mining quantity and the follow-up plan."

Fang Hao grunted.

The other person said it carefully.

He didn't listen too carefully, and he actually didn't care much about the output and income.

Before, I thought about eating these mithril mines myself, but now that I can farm resources, I don’t have to buy them from outside.

After listening to the report from the other side, Fang Hao said directly: "By the way, 'Master Yugenel', I want to ask you something."

"Oh? If you need anything, Mr. Piao, you can just say it."

"Have you heard of the 'Eternal Heart' ring of the elves? Is there any way to buy it?" Fang Hao said.

"The Eternal Heart is an ornament produced by the elves in the early years. It has been discontinued now. Although it is occasionally sold on the market, the price is exaggerated and has exceeded the scope of a prop. Looking for it at Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm is more like Collectibles for nobles to show their status.”

Yugenel is the current city lord of a city and runs a chamber of commerce.

I still know a lot about these things.

If the price is said to be inflated, then the price of this item far exceeds its own value.

After hearing this, Fang Hao said directly: "Collect three copies for me. The price is easy to negotiate."

"I understand, Mr. Piao, I will contact you as soon as possible and I will give you a reply then."


After a brief chat, they put away the conch.

Continue to stand up and study with the skeleton blacksmith to build an iron tower or something.

Drag the luminous stone up.

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