Global Lords: Start as a Desert Lord

Chapter 61 Upgrade territory, develop attacks

Li Cha was taken aback when he heard the system prompt, and read it carefully again.

Place of Stability: The hearts of the people are united, the happiness is high, the attractiveness to refugees is increased by 30%, and there is a higher probability of attracting high-level talents or low-level heroes to come to seek refuge.

"Good guy, can you still have this kind of harvest when the people's hearts are high?"

This is obviously a developmental characteristic, and you may not see much effect in a short period of time, but the longer the time, the greater the benefit.

Hahaha, this wave is not bad.

In a good mood, Li Cha came to the lord's mansion and opened the property panel of Twilight City.

twilight city

[Level]: First-level village (2000 units of gold coins, stone, wood, and iron ore are required for upgrading)

[Buildings]: Junior Lord's Mansion (the only one), Intermediate Residence (10), Junior Blacksmith's Shop (1), Junior Barracks (1)

[Special Building]: None

[Open space]: 10 squares

[Residents]: Humans (340 people), desert goblins 20, long-armed hard workers (30)

[Resources]: Gold coins (25,000 units), wood (25,000 units), stone (12,000 units), iron ore (12,000 units)

[Rare Resources]: Mercury (0), Sulfur (0), Crystal (0), Gem (0)

[Occupied resource points]: Miniature Quarry (1), Small Logging Farm (1), Small Iron Mine (1), Medium Gold Mine (1), Micro Gem Mine (1)

[Special resources]: Jujube Forest, Desert Bees, Flame Dragon Rabbit

[Territory Attributes]: Land of Yellow Sand (Under the protection of Lord Richard, residents of Twilight City will not get lost in the desert, and their physical exertion will be reduced by 30% in the desert)

[Arms Lair]: 3 Guardians' Lands (Elite 3 Stars)

Great Pyramid (Elite 3 Star) 3

Poison Scorpion Lair (Elite 3 Stars) 1

Cursed Pyramid (Elite 3 Stars) 1

Tomahawk cabin (rare 3 stars) 1

[Soldier]: Mummy Guardian (Elite 3 stars, 90 pieces)

Bandage Mummy (Elite 3 stars, 51 pieces)

Scorpion Warrior (Elite 3 Stars, 20 pieces)

Cursed Pharaoh (Elite 3 Stars, 20 pcs)

Deadman's Ax (Rare 3 Stars, 15 Pieces)

[Hero]: Andrea Thorin (Class A)

[Introduction]: It is an inconspicuous territory in the desert of death, but it has certain development potential.

After reading the attributes of the territory several times, I have an idea in my mind.

The large-scale dungeon at the end of the month judges the comprehensive strength of the territory, and the top 1 million lords can enter.

He didn't know how much the territory level accounted for. To be on the safe side, let's raise the level first.

Don't lose the election because the territory level is not enough, it will be funny.

Silent upgrade.

"Ding~ Do you want to consume 2000 units of gold coins, wood, stone, and iron ore each to increase the level of the territory?"


"This upgrade will take 30 minutes, please clear the residents in the lord's mansion."

After Li Cha asked everyone to leave the lord's mansion, he chose to upgrade.


Over the lord's mansion, a faint yellow sand-like light appeared.

Covered the various buildings of the lord's mansion.

Looking down from the sky, one can clearly see that the bluestone floor on the edge of the territory began to spread around, and the desert was quickly covered for a large distance.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of residents.

Seeing the changes in the lord's mansion, everyone was very excited.

"I know, this is the power given to the lord by the gods, and it can quickly upgrade buildings."

"It's amazing every time I watch it"


Karu also came behind him at this time. The old man was still immersed in the excitement of the spring water, and his clothes were wet.

"grown ups."

Li Cha waved his hand, "No problem, I'm upgrading the territory."

After thinking about it, he continued.

"You tell all residents to leave their residences, stay out of buildings, and blacksmith shops are no exception."

"As you wish."

Karushin left in a hurry.

Half an hour later, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding~ Twilight City has been upgraded, the current level, the second-level village, the territory has been expanded by 10 squares, and the current open space is 20 squares."

"Continue to upgrade."

"Ding~ Upgrading to a third-level village requires two buildings to reach the intermediate level."

Li Cha glanced at the territorial building.

Residential houses are already at the middle level, and now only one more building needs to be upgraded.

Open the Properties panel of the Blacksmith.

Blacksmith shop (covers 4 spaces)

[Level]: Primary (upgrade requires 1000 units of iron ore, 1000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone)

[Feature]: Forging efficiency increased by 10%

【Capacity】: minimum 2 people, maximum 10 people

[Introduction]: An ordinary blacksmith shop, where you can forge agricultural tools or low-level weapons.

After being upgraded to a high-level blacksmith shop, you can start research.

Li Cha nodded, "Upgrade the blacksmith shop."

"Ding~ Do you want to consume 1000 units of iron ore, 1000 units of wood, and 1000 units of stone to upgrade the blacksmith shop? This upgrade will take 10 minutes."


10 minutes later.

"Upgrade successful, current level: Intermediate blacksmith shop."

"Upgrade the territory."

"Ding~ Do you need to spend 3000 gold coins, wood, stone, and iron ore each to upgrade the territory? This upgrade takes 1 hour."


1 hour later.

"The territory has been upgraded. The current level of the village is level 3. The territory has been expanded by 10 squares. The current space is 30 squares."

"Continue to upgrade."

"Ding~ Upgrading to a first-level small city requires three buildings to reach the intermediate level."

"Upgrade the barracks."

"Ding~ Do you want to spend 1500 units each of gold coins, stone, wood, and iron ore to upgrade the barracks? This upgrade will take 20 minutes."

20 minutes later.

"The barracks has been upgraded successfully, the current level is an intermediate barracks"

"Upgrade the territory."

"Ding~ Do you want to spend 4000 units each of gold coins, stone, wood, and iron ore to upgrade the territory? This upgrade will take two hours."


"Ding~ Twilight City has been upgraded to a first-level small city, the upper limit of the territory's buildings has been raised to high-level, the lord's mansion has been expanded by 10 spaces, the territory has been expanded by 30 spaces, and the current space is 60 spaces."

twilight city

[Level]: First-level small town (10,000 units of gold coins, stone, wood, and iron ore are required for upgrading, and the three buildings have reached advanced levels, with 500 residents.)

[Buildings]: mid-level lord's mansion (the only one), mid-level residential houses (10), mid-level blacksmith shop (1), mid-level barracks (1)

[Special Building]: None

[Open space]: 60 grids

Li Cha took a look at the ranking of the territory - 10 million+, and couldn't help but feel that under the large base, the probability of a strong person appearing is really exaggerated.

Even if you pick one out of a thousand, it counts in tens of millions.

Usually one by one cry on the forum about how miserable they are, and behind the scenes one is developing better than the other, these old coins.

Although the first-level small town has not caught up with the first-line troops, it is not at the end of the crane.

"Upgrading to a second-tier small city requires three high-level buildings and a population of 500."

"Advanced buildings are easy to solve, but the population"

This condition is a bit helpless, so I can only suspend the idea of ​​continuing to upgrade.

"It seems that we have to find time to go to that desert oasis to bring the refugees back."

He looked back at the blacksmith shop.

He didn't forget that the advanced blacksmith shop can open the research function and upgrade the attack of the arms.

This is quite a powerful feature, and the official website of "Glory Age" has mentioned it many times.

Blacksmith shop (covers 4 spaces)

[Level]: Intermediate (upgrade requires 2000 units of iron ore, 2000 units of wood, and 2000 units of stone)

[Feature]: Forging efficiency increased by 20%

【Capacity】: minimum 2 people, maximum 20 people

[Introduction]: An ordinary blacksmith shop, where you can forge some good weapons.

Although the continuous upgrades had bottomed out the resources in his hands, there were still resources to upgrade the blacksmith shop.

"Upgrade the blacksmith shop."

"Ding~ Do you want to consume 2000 units of iron ore, 2000 units of wood, and 2000 units of stone to upgrade the blacksmith shop? This upgrade will take 30 minutes."

30 minutes later.

"Upgrade successful, current level: Advanced Blacksmith Shop."

Blacksmith shop (covers 4 spaces)

[Level]: Advanced (upgrade requires 5000 units of iron ore, 5000 units of wood, 5000 units of stone)

[Features]: Forging efficiency increased by 30%.

[Research and Development]: You can choose the arms of the territory to conduct research to increase its attack power. The current number of arms that can be researched: 1.

【Stationed Hero】: Andrea Thorin

[Characteristics attached to heroes]: Research speed increased by 30%, success rate increased by 30%.

【Capacity】: minimum 2 people, maximum 30 people

[Introduction]: The high-level blacksmith shop already has a certain amount of extraordinary power.

Richard is very happy.

Compared with the intermediate blacksmith shop, the high-level blacksmith shop is completely reborn.

With a thought, I chose the research and development function of the blacksmith shop.

In the next second, images of the lairs of all the troops in Twilight City appeared in his mind.

"Ding~ Please choose the unit to research and develop. Note: the higher the level, the longer the research and development time, and the lower the success rate."

"First research and development, first try with a bandage mummy."

Richard chose the Great Pyramid where he could recruit bandaged mummies.

"Ding~ Bandage mummy primary attack, estimated development time: 7 days, estimated resources needed: 5,000 gold coins, 5,000 units of wood, 20,000 units of iron ore, success rate: 80%.

If the success is confirmed, please arrange personnel to conduct research and development in time. Before the research and development is completed, the next technology cannot be developed.

Note 1: The materials needed for research and development do not need to be paid at one time, and will be consumed gradually on the way. Lack of materials will lead to slow progress.

Note 2: R\u0026D has a chance of failure. If the success rate is less than 50%, the failure rate will increase.

Note 3: The length of time required for research and development and the success rate are related to the hero who presides over the research and development.

Note 4: During research and development, the hero in charge of research and development cannot leave the territory, otherwise the research and development progress will stagnate. "

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