The garrison station in the rear actually flew out rows of small missiles and flew towards the strong body of the angry horned thunder rhino.


Lin Ye's eyes widened and he stepped back again and again.

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched, and he also unconsciously stepped back.


The area where the angry-horned thunder rhinoceros was located was blasted out of a huge pit, and a small mushroom cloud rose up in the dust.


Ye Feng could even hear Lin Ye swallowing spit beside him.

"Brother Ye, are you sure you want to break into the human station?" Lin Ye subconsciously asked.

Ye Feng thought for a while, but finally nodded.

With only two days left before the global bestialization, if he can't get the rough stone to his parents, then everything he does is a waste of time.

"Well, we'll help you once!" Lin Ye gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

The smoke of gunfire dispersed, revealing the embarrassed figure of the angry horned thunder rhino, which was worthy of being a defensive creature with thick skin, and these dozens of small missiles only caused some minor damage to it.

Lin Ye cast envious eyes, this defensive power, even the spiked scale armor after he devoured is not comparable, I am afraid that Ye Feng's golden scales can be compared, right?


The gray-faced angry horned thunder rhinoceros roared, and then the giant horn condensed a beam of electric light and bombarded the tall buildings in Yuan City.

"What a hard giant rhino!"

On the command tower, the commander of Yuanshi looked shocked, and he also had a remote control in his hand.

There is no doubt that he launched those missiles just now.

But these weapons, which can destroy an army, only caused minor injuries to the angry horned thunder rhino!

This is really hard to accept.

"The only thing that can pose a threat to them is the ion shaped energy cannon." A faint voice sounded, and the commander of Yuan City frowned and looked at the person who spoke.

Chen Wanchuan.

"Do you know the sequelae of the ion shaped cannon?" The Commander of Yuan City asked with a stern look.

"I know." Chen Wanchuan said indifferently: "The ion concentrated energy cannon will cause powerful radiation pollution within a radius of 100 miles in a short period of time after firing.

"Then you still dare to use it?" Commander Yuanshi sneered.

"So what?" Chen Wanchuan narrowed his eyes: "Jiang City has been occupied by giant beasts, even if I don't use ion condensing energy cannons, Jiang City can no longer live in humans!"

"How much better can you be than me now?"

"Without ion cannons, your Yuan City will also fall, and with ion cannons, you still have time to evacuate the masses."

Chen Wanchuan's eyes flashed with sinisterness.

Hearing this, the commander of Yuanshi hesitated, and what Chen Wanchuan said seemed to make sense, but he still didn't make a decision immediately.

Looking at the raging four-headed ferocious beast, the commander of Yuan City finally made up his mind.

"See how many times we can use the Concentrated Ion Cannon with our remaining energy!"

"Report command, we can only use it three times!" Subordinates immediately report for duty.

"Three times?" The commander of Yuanshi raised his eyebrows and said confidently: "Enough!"

At the same time, Lin Ye and the angry horned thunder rhinoceros were still at the forefront of the battle line, and countless bullets bombarded them, as if tickling.

"Brother Ye, you rush in from the left side, I'll open a gap for you."

The angry horned thunder rhinoceros giant horn condensed electric light and spoke indifferently.

"Good." Ye Feng nodded, and his slender body swung rapidly, pumping away a group of soldiers' vehicles that were blocking the road.

Just then, the electric light of the angry horned thunder rhinoceros flew out, shattering the thick wall in front of it.

Ye Feng was about to enter, but a sudden warning of crisis appeared in his heart, and the strong danger made his scales stand up.


Even though he dodged quickly, he was still hit by the ion condensing cannon, and a large hole appeared in his abdomen.

"Damn, hit again." Ye Feng couldn't help but scold.

This ion cannon was silent and extremely fast, and with his current reaction, he couldn't dodge it at all.

But fortunately, there is no such thing as hitting the brain, and the ability to heal himself without dying can make him recover quickly.

This weapon should have a certain cooldown and cannot be fired in bursts ....

As Ye Feng thought about this, he suddenly saw a blue pillar of light flashing in the distance, heading straight for the figure of the angry horned thunder rhino.

"Be careful!" Ye Feng's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but roar.


In mid-air, a black giant python jumped up into the air, counting the blue pillar of light and pumping the angry horned thunder rhinoceros at the same time.


The heavy sound made Ye Feng's heart cold.

"Lin Ye!" Two anxious voices came from the sky and the ground at the same time.

The emerald green sparrow fell to the ground, and the angry horned thunder rhinoceros also returned to Lin Ye's side to observe his injuries.

"Depend, Lao Tzu was also beaten..." Ye Feng couldn't help but complain.

But immediately after that, he let go of his heart, because he observed with the eagle's vision that Lin Ye was also not hit.

"Hey, it's already very perverted to send it twice in a row, it's impossible this time..." Ye Feng was squinting and said, and suddenly saw a blue pillar of light condensing on the side of the station.

The red laser brush was aimed at the top of his head, and Ye Feng's mind instantly went blank.

"Damn, I can't move."

This was the last voice in Ye Feng's heart, the wound hit by the first ion concentrated energy cannon had not yet recovered, and his mobility had greatly decreased.

At this moment, it is aimed at by the ion cannon, which is a living target.

They wanted to hit me in the head.

Ye Feng began to panic, he was hit in the head, and his little life was basically over.

The imaginary fluke did not happen, the ion concentrated energy cannon reflected in Ye Feng's pupils, and then fell with a bang!

The emerald green glow and blue brilliance combine to create dreamy colors.


A wailing sound that did not belong to Ye Feng sounded, and then the heavy beast body fell in front of Ye Feng's eyes, and the helpless and dim pupils looked at Ye Feng and hit his heart fiercely!

"Yang Fei!" Lin Ye and the angry horned thunder rhinoceros sounded at the same time, allowing Ye Feng to know the name of this emerald green finch.


The suppressed roar spread out, and the horns of the angry horned thunder rhinoceros actually began to flicker, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder light fell at any time.

There was also the wailing of the emerald green sparrow next to Ye Feng's ears, but Ye Feng had lost the ability to think.

This emerald green sparrow saved him....

"You damn it!"

Lin Ye was the first to regain his mobility, rushing into the crowd under the cover of spiked scale armor, and the blood basin opened wide, devouring the human soldiers one after another.

For the first time, Ye Feng was confused about his identity, was he now a human or a ferocious beast?

He is a ferocious beast.

As early as when these people hunted him down, they had already formed an antagonistic situation.

And the emerald green sparrow wailing in front of him is his true companion!

"Chen Wanchuan!"

Ye Feng Ying's vision was locked on the proud man at the top of the control tower, and the roar was deafening.

The golden scales were covered layer by layer, the highly poisonous fangs flashed with cold light, and the dark blue brilliance lingered around the body.

A breath of flame swept the entire battlefield....

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