"Big python?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, followed by a strong sense of crisis disappearing without a trace.

Ye Feng looked at the white fox that appeared on the ground, and his eyes were stunned.

"You just emitted that feeling?"

"Yes." Bai Rou nodded proudly, and immediately a sense of crisis surged into the hearts of all the beasts.

Lin Ye and the angry horned thunder rhinoceros looked at each other, such a small fox, can exude such a dangerous momentum?

"This is supposed to be the ability you acquired after evolution?" Ye Feng said a word.

It seems that the white spirit fox in the previous life will indeed evolve such an ability, which can give people a psychological warning to scare off the enemy, which is a self-preservation ability.

"How do you know everything." Bai Rou spoke a little frustrated.

"Okay, we have something to find you this time, where did Sister Qiu go?" Ye Feng asked.

"She's in the Ice Fountain Valley." Bai Rou shook her head.

"Go." Ye Feng glanced back at the two brothers who were still in a daze.

How do you feel that Ye Feng is walking on the ground here? They are all freezing to death....

After entering the Ice Spring Valley, I saw a snow-white giant beast soaking in the ice lake.

Seeing Ye Feng appear, Lu Qianqian quickly got up, and his eyes contained a touch of humane joy.

"Ye Feng, I remembered that it was you in Nantong Park before..."

Lu Qianqiao's voice was halfway through speaking, and suddenly stopped.

If it weren't for Ye Feng, maybe she would have been violated by Wang Xu's scum.

"Sister Qiao, it's not the day I said." Hearing this, Ye Feng chuckled.

"No thanks, I trust you." Lu Qianqian shook his head.

Before the animalization, she did not watch the news, and the strange phenomena on TV were telling people the fact that the blue star was changing.

If global beastification is real, then their time must be racing against the clock now!

"Really?" Ye Feng was a little surprised: "I'm the worst of all your students."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly.

Subsequently, Ye Feng told Lu Qianqian some things after he left the school, of course, this omitted the matter of himself going to find the undead python rough stone.

Even so, Lu Qianqian still felt so incredible.

"You mean, the entire Blue Star will eventually enter the primitive age of beasting?" Lu Qianqian was surprised.

"Well, this is the research results of the Bai team leader of the Xuan Medical Department." Ye Feng flicked the pot indifferently.

Lu Qianqian fell silent, and then volunteered to stare at Ye Feng: "My ability can predict future dangers, and I can go to the desert with you!" "

The desert is full of dangers, ten times more difficult than the forbidden land of the snowfield, are you sure?" Ye Feng was a little hesitant.

In his previous life, he did not dare to enter the desert.

Although the snowfield and the desert also have forbidden places, compared to the snowfield, the desert has more strange creatures, and there is a danger of falling into quicksand if you are not careful.

In fact, Ye Feng didn't really want Lu Qianqian to take risks, but if he continued to stay in the Ice Spring Valley, he might also encounter other fierce beasts.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng finally decided to bring Lu Qiao, and Bai Rou was even more indispensable.

Because Ye Feng did not know the exact location of the immortal flower, he needed to rely on Bai Linghu's treasure hunting ability.

"Foreseeing the future?"

When Lin Ye on the side heard this, he was so shocked that his mouth couldn't close.

Ye Feng, what kind of beast is this knowledge, he even has the ability to predict the future, it's too terrifying...

Lin Ye and the angry horned thunder rhinoceros looked at each other, and they seemed to suddenly understand who was the big guy.

Metaphysical Medicine.

A few old men stood outside the No. 1 research room, led by Bai Yuhan's teacher and professor.

"It's really worthy of you, Lao Li, stealing the research results of apprentices, it's hard to make a move yourself, let us a few old guys be evildoers."

Three old men behind him who were almost the same age sneered at the professor.

The professor sat in his chair with an indifferent look in his eyes.

"We just got her research process, and if we really want to dig into the secrets, we have to continue research."

"If you can crack the mystery and have the great power of those giant beasts, you still need to stay in this broken place?" The old professor's eyes darkened.

The other three looked at each other, all of them seeing a flash of fire in each other's eyes.

At their age, they are almost at the end of their lives, but if they can become those giant beasts, they can obtain strong vitality and infinite power...

"Report, Professor, we found something." A researcher suddenly ran over.

"Say." The old professor knocked on the table and said calmly.

"After research, we found that there was an inexplicable string of genetic code in that rough stone, which seemed to ... It seems that this is what makes humans bestial. The researcher said.

"Then can you control the selection of bestials?" The old professor frowned.

Deng Zhe's identity has been clear, evolving into a wild boar, they don't want to become like this.

"This..." the researcher said slightly: "With our current capabilities, it is not possible to determine the species in the rough."

"So what to do?" The old professor anxiously knocked on the table.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the scientific researcher: "Then if you are given enough rough stones, can you study them?"

"It should work." The researcher hesitated, then nodded.

"Then go down and collect rough stones everywhere." The old professor said coldly.

"Old Li, with our strength alone, I'm afraid we can't..." An old man frowned.

"Who said it was only our strength?" The old professor snorted coldly: "The notice above, tell them that we have made a major discovery, and say that we have discovered the possibility of destroying the giant beast in one fell swoop."

"Also, gather the masses and use the same excuses." This must be done quickly, I can sense that time is running out..." The old professor looked at the creature held in Laboratory One, a giant crocodile with a pitch-black body covered in demon-like armor.


Desert, thousands of flowers withering.

Due to the fall of the rough stone, the temperature of the entire blue star has also changed, and the desert at this moment is hotter than before, with the temperature approaching fifty degrees.

This temperature rises higher the deeper you go.

"In this case, I am afraid that there are no indigenous creatures of Blue Star in the desert." Ye Feng looked at the sweeping sand wind and whispered softly.

In other words, if you encounter creatures in this desert, they are basically creatures after human animalization.

"I'm so thirsty." The little fox shouted above Ye Feng's head.

"Go to Lei Xi's side and drink water." Ye Feng said helplessly.

To enter the desert, they need water and food, and the food of the bestial world is easy to solve, and the only thing they lack is water.

So at this moment, the angry horned thunder rhino was covered with a pile of pure water....

Who called this guy the best for coolies?

After going deeper for a while, the sun rose and the weather became more and more scorching, and several beasts obviously felt their patience drop.

Just when they were in a frenzy, the little fox suddenly bowed his waist like a warning, his snow-white fluff stood upside down, and he grinned in one direction.

Ye Feng was stunned, and looked into the distance, a black-pressed creature was rushing towards them.

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