Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 18 Su Chen's next plan, the most shocking case in Dragon Country in the past 20 years!

Chapter 18: Su Chen's next plan, the shocking case in Longguo in the past 20 years!

There is no mistake, it is the person on the file.

Bai Su's words confirmed Su Chen's own guess.

Calculating, ten years ago, the hacker was only fifteen years old, and Duan Yu was already in his twenties.

At the age of fifteen, he won the world's first title in the competition. In the following years, I don't know how much his strength has improved.

The gap with Duan Yu will probably be even bigger...


Duan Yu pushed open the door of the inquiry room and happened to hear the conversation between Su Chen and the other about the World Network Information Security Competition.

When he heard the American, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Then, he said quietly:

"It's a pity that this person has such good talent and skills."

"The world championship is held every four years, and this American only participated in one, and then he was wanted."

A police officer next to him flattered him at the right time and said with a smile:

"After that, Officer Duan had no opponents in various network security attack and defense competitions, and he won the first place in the world championship two years ago."

As soon as this news broke out, it immediately attracted heated discussions among netizens in the live broadcast room.

[Fuck, it turns out that the people in the expert group are all big guys. I underestimated Officer Duan before. He ranked second in the world in the hacker competition. It's a bit strong!]

[Poke, the first one is obsessed, and now Officer Duan is the first! ]

[How dare you underestimate Duan Yu? Just because he was robbed by Su Chen, I tell you, such talents usually can only play their best in their own professional fields, and his strength has not yet been demonstrated! 】

[Besides, Su Chen... is also a monster. You don't really think Officer Duan is weak...]

[I am a student majoring in network information security. I am 20 years old and my hair has gradually formed the size of a Mediterranean. I am crazy about Senior Duan Yu and envy his hair volume! ]

However, Duan Yu was not very happy to hear this. He just shook his head and sighed:

"Without this American, what's the point of the competition."

The emotion attached to this sentence is very obvious.

Ever since he returned from the world championship ten years ago, Duan Yu has regarded that American as his goal.

After ten years of preparation, he really wants to know who is more skilled now? No, he may still have a gap with this person, but has this gap narrowed or widened?

Unfortunately, the other party was wanted for hacking into the Hexagon Building and was arrested, so Duan Yu had no chance to compete with him again.

As a result, he had little interest in competing with others in skills.

Because apart from that American, the skills of other people in the world are really not good enough.

"I heard that Officer Duan participated in the live broadcast of the pursuit of the murderer this time because he thought that the program team would arrange a hacker expert as the murderer, hoping to test the other party's skills?"

Su Chen asked.

Duan Yu nodded, and then remembered that his monitoring system was blown up, and gritted his teeth and said:

"I miscalculated. I thought I could meet a good computer expert, but I didn't expect that the program team would find a chemistry madman this time."

He hasn't found a decent opponent in the field of network information for a long time.

At the age of only thirty, he feels that life has no motivation.

Duan Yu's words hurt the hearts of netizens.

[Mom, what did I hear, the God-level Versailles, too ordinary! ]

[Is this the so-called Dugu Qiubai, how~so~lonely~invincible~]


[Why is the above still singing, don't generate electricity here. ]

[From this point of view, Su Chen is using his own strengths to attack the weaknesses of others. 】

[This approach is cunning, but it is true. After all, if you really compete with Officer Duan in hacking skills, no one in the world can compare with him...】

While netizens were discussing fiercely.

In the expert group meeting room.

After saying this, Duan Yu shook his head and walked out of the expert group office with his two cyber police subordinates.

Previously, the old expert Cui Liwan had calculated the approximate range of the murderer's next step.

This time, he wanted to strike first!

However, what Duan Yu did not see was that when he turned around and left, the clerk named Su Chen behind him glanced at him meaningfully.

Want to find an opponent?

This thing may not be difficult.

Su Chen used his consciousness to slightly perceive the star map in his mind.

He has already lit up two stars and a moon, and the way to light up the sun relief on the star map is more stringent!

It requires at least 5,000 reputations, and there is an additional condition, that is, to be on the top ten of the Dragon Country Bounty List!

"It seems that there were also such bounty lists in ancient times, otherwise ancient artifacts like the star map would not have made such a request."

Su Chen thought to himself.

Afterwards, he sensed the ability of this sun relief and found that this kind of relief was not like the star relief, which obtained criminal skills.

But it would be exchanged for the ability to solve cases of the legendary "Iron-faced Man"!

The first sun relief was engraved with the Iron-faced Man's [Divine Judgment Technique].

According to the records on the star map, the Iron-faced Man solved cases extremely quickly, even if it was a case that had been pending for decades or even hundreds of years in history in the hands of other local officials.

It only took him half a stick of incense to sort out the entire process of the crime from the vast and confusing clues that were true and false.

"No wonder this guy was able to catch so many weird murderers..."

Su Chen half believed and half didn't believe the record on the star map.

But the reward should be real.

He calculated that his reputation is now almost 3,000. In other words, there are nearly 30 million people across the country watching the live broadcast of Chasing the Murderer online in real time.

It is still two thousand eyes away from lighting up the relief of the first sun.

As for the other condition, entering the top ten on the Dragon Kingdom bounty list is quite difficult.

Generally speaking, those who make it onto this list are all extremely vicious criminals, who are either involved in major murders or have caused heavy losses to society.

Su Chen bombed a district's power distribution center, and it was just a nomination.

Unless, he can use the craziest method to complete an unprecedented case.

As for this case, he had already calculated it during the expert meeting, and the purpose of blowing up the monitoring power distribution was to facilitate the crime.

What he wants to do is the corpse dismemberment case of Jinling University, which is known as "the shocking case of the Dragon Kingdom for twenty years"!

As long as you can simulate this case, you can definitely bring unimaginable popularity to the live broadcast room!

Moreover, he will definitely reach the top of the Dragon Kingdom's bounty list.

"If you want to simulate this case, the first thing you need to do is kidnap a girl."

Su Chen thought about an ultimate question.

Who should I tie up?

Or do you mean, it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same?

No, since he is going to do a shocking case, it is not too big a deal, although the prototype case of Jinling University Dismemberment Case is enough to shock both China and the world.

However, Su Chen didn't mind adding a little more excitement.

"Speaking of increasing the popularity of the live broadcast room, I am going to kidnap a girl. This popularity will definitely create a wave."

"But what I should be thinking about now is how to make it grow faster and more."

For example... the identity of the person I tied up is unusual.

Thinking of this, Su Chen's eyes lit up and he suddenly felt enlightened.

He searched the memory in his mind, and many faces of all kinds flashed through his mind.

And when the two conditions of "nineteen years old" and "studying at Jinling University" are added, the range of choices becomes much smaller.

Gradually, the outline of a girl gradually became clear in his mind.

His surname is Guo, and his name is Guo Yutong.

She was a beautiful short-haired girl with tall figure, regular features and fair skin.

Currently studying in the Department of Architecture of Jinling University, sophomore.

However, these are not the most important.

What's important is that this girl is the current director of the Jinling Municipal Public Security Bureau...

Biological daughter!

"Then tonight, it's up to me to take her 'home'."

Night falls.

Su Chen looked out the window of the Public Security Bureau, looking deeply at the teaching buildings with rows of lights on the campus of Jinling University in the distance.

Afterwards, he came to his place of work in the Jinling Public Security Bureau, and sat down at a small desk in the Civil Affairs Department and File Management Section.

Turn on the computer, install programming software, and load various open source modules...

Although it was only the first time for Su Chen to do these tasks, with the support of top hacker skills, he was very skilled at it.

Just like drinking water and eating.

Although the next crime plan has been decided, there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, he needs to get the little girl named Guo Yutong.

No matter if you use deception or force.

The problem is that this girl is a top student at Jinling University. She is definitely not stupid. It is not easy to deceive her.

Need to add a little skill!

After a set of smooth operations, Su Chen easily brought up the programming interface.

He operated a few more times and modified the interface display. The originally wide interface was changed into a narrow input box at the bottom of the computer screen.

And it blends into the background, so you can't tell it unless you look carefully.

You can't tell if you look carefully, unless you are an expert among experts.

There was no computer in Su Chen's rental house, so he planned to use hacking techniques to hack into the mobile phone of the director of the Jinling Public Security Bureau right here, according to local conditions.

Then use the director's number to send a message to his precious daughter and trick her out!

However, after all, Su Chen couldn't blatantly type hacker codes in the police station, so he did it so cautiously.

In order to deceive others, he even opened the interface of a popular game "Legend", put it on the screen, and used the game to disguise his true actions.

After all, the explosion rate of the legend is really high, and it is not difficult to play while coding.

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