Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 27 Corpse pieces! Su Chen ranks in the top ten of the bounty list!

Chapter 27:

As a police officer, this is the last thing Qin Ming wants to see.

But, it still happened.

The appearance of this bag means that the current case has been upgraded from a kidnapping case to a murder case!

Murder case!

Qin Ming felt a little tight in his chest for a moment, and all the police officers stood there in silence.

On the other side of the stairs, Bai Su also rushed up with people.

Seeing Qin Ming and the police officers who were silent, Bai Su was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the garbage bags lying flat not far away.

She instantly understood what was going on and covered her mouth in shock.

Danmaku was also frightened.

[Su Chen is not here, he has run away. This man is so scary. I thought he was going to get cold just now! 】

[To tell you the truth, I was really shocked by Su Chen's move. I should say I admire him, but I feel a little uncomfortable...]

[Holy shit, it’s a bit scary. It’s such an unfinished building, it’s late at night, and the abandoned corpses... this is a perfect horror movie scene! 】

[This is only in the show. Think about it, detectives like Qin Ming and others may have seen similar scenes in reality! 】

[Stop talking, my scalp is numb. The work of a criminal police officer is really a test of a person's psychological endurance. 】

[Made, Suchen, thank you, I can't sleep tonight. 】

[Officer Qin’s face is a little serious. It’s true. As a forensic doctor, he must have seen many tragic scenes... Are memories being brought back now? 】

An unfinished building, on the sixth floor.

The night wind howled through the concrete pillars, making Qin Ming's collar look a little desolate.

Although he had said before on the show that he hoped the murderer would commit a bigger case so that he could feel involved.

However, now, he realized that whether it was reality or virtuality, he did not want to see this scene.

All serious crime detectives hope that their jobs will become idle.

"Doctor Qin, let's do the autopsy."

Bai Su walked to his side and spoke, with regret in his tone.

Qin Ming nodded silently, took another breath, and said to the experienced police officers around him:

"Protect the scene."

The team that originally stood silently took action quickly after this order.

Like a soldier on clockwork.

Taking photos, collecting evidence, sealing the scene, placing body parts...

Although he knew that he was dealing with pork, all these actions were carried out in strict accordance with the criminal investigation process.

It's like a real tragedy is happening right in front of you.

This is the best response to Su Chen's actions.

"The body parts were not heavy enough, and the murderer dumped the body in more than one place."

Qin Ming put on white gloves and carefully numbered the body parts placed on the tray in front of him.

"Except for me and Bai Su, only three people are left here. For the rest of the personnel, please report it immediately and start a search of the surrounding area."

"We must find all the body parts in the shortest possible time!"

"I understand, Officer Qin."

Bai Su nodded to Qin Ming, and then began to divide the tasks of the police force behind him.

Here, plus all the reserve police force of the Jinling City Public Security Bureau, there are a total of 109 people.

They took the unfinished building where the corpse was first discovered as the center of the circle and divided all possible areas outwards.

Each area has corresponding police forces to conduct carpet searches!

The entire district's police force is out!

Investigate the mutilation case!

This is a large-scale case that has never been handled in Jinling City in the past 20 years.


Jinling Municipal Public Security Bureau, Director’s Office.

Looking at the reports sent by frontline criminal investigators late at night.

Director Guo of the Jinling City Public Security Bureau, the cigarette in his hand was almost burning his fingers.

He was slightly lost in thought, seemed to be asking, and seemed to be talking to himself.

"Mr. Luo Ming, tell me, when was the last time our Jinling City was so stormy?"

Luo Ming, the lean man sitting opposite him, knew what Director Guo wanted to express.

The last time... was the day twenty years ago when the unsolved case in the Dragon Kingdom that shocked China and the world occurred.

The entire Jinling City was plunged into gloom, and many people were even afraid of going out of their homes and encountering misfortune.

After the case occurred, not only experts from Jinling City, but also experts from across the country and even international people were involved in the investigation.

However, after twenty years, there has been no gain at all.

"Su Chen's move was definitely not unintentional."

Luo Ming sighed and said:

"Director Guo, what do you think he wants to express?"

Director Guo's face showed a moment of sorrow, and the scene from twenty years ago seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

At that time, he was still a low-level police leader.

Witnessing the despair of the victims' families, the powerlessness of the police, and the cruelty of the murderers, the previous director resigned and shed tears on the spot.

Twenty years later, when the prosecution period of the case is about to end, people are planning to seal up and forget this dark memory.

Su Chen used his own methods to remind everyone of the case.

"He wants us to pay attention and not forget."

Putting away his thoughts, Director Guo said slowly.

His eyes moved up to look at the slogans daubed on every wall in the police station.

Establish the police for the public and enforce the law for the people!

Then, his expression gradually became determined.

"Put Su Chen on the Dragon Kingdom's bounty list as the mysterious murderer, ranking tenth!"

Director Guo said to his assistant beside him.

Tenth place!

The assistant's eyes suddenly opened wide, full of disbelief and shock.

Su Chen is just a virtual criminal, and this live broadcast of chasing the murderer is just a variety show.

Even if he is caught, it will only be the end of the show and he will not be punished. Why does the director attach so much importance to such a virtual criminal? !

"You mean, let him be in the top ten of the Dragon Kingdom's bounty list, Director, this..."

There was hesitation in the assistant's words.

"Su Chen is warning us in this way and is also challenging us."

Director Guo stood up from his seat, walked to the window, and looked at the night outside the window.

"Twenty years ago, we couldn't do it."

"Twenty years later, let us... fight again!"

He said, his eyes already red.

Justice, justice, is a promise to the people.

This time.

The three armies were ordered to wear armor together.

A promise is as strong as a mountain.

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