Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 35 Officer Duan, what are you busy with?

Chapter 35:

After secretly setting a goal in his mind, Su Chen used the divine severing technique again.

However, throughout the scene, the murderer's raincoat and cloak still covered his face.

The reasoning also ends when the real murderer hides the body.

"This shows that the evidence I currently have has no progress compared to before."

"If you want to continue with the reasoning, you must add evidence."

Su Chen thought to himself.

Now, according to the minds of the police experts, they should have solved the mystery they left on the broken corpses.

Moreover, they should have well preserved the last part of the bones in the unsolved case. At least, Su Chen still trusted Qin Ming in terms of professionalism.

So now, he should return to the Jinling City Public Security Bureau.

I just happened to go take a look at the body fragments that had just been excavated to supplement the evidence I had.

In this way, coupled with the divine judgment technique, we can definitely be one step ahead of the police, find the real murderer, and solve the unsolved case!

After thinking about the plan, Su Chen did not hesitate, and went straight downstairs regardless of the fact that it was already late at night.

Walking towards the Jinling City Public Security Bureau.


At the same time, the Jinling City Public Security Bureau.

Forensic doctor Qin Ming, psychologist Bai Su and veteran detective Cui Liwan have been standing around the last body parts for an hour.

After a long discussion, no useful results were obtained.

"The corruption is too serious and there is basically no information."

Qin Ming frowned and looked at the pile of carrion. If it were not placed in a sealed oxygen box, the smell it would give off would make the entire police station turn rancid.

Old detective Cui Liwan rubbed his eyebrows, sighed, and said:

"The girl's bones we discovered had been cremated ten years ago at the request of her family."

"Some of those witnesses have passed away, and some have forgotten the incident under the guidance of psychiatrists. Even the girl's family members have now left this sad city."

"It has been twenty years, and the chain of evidence has been completely broken. Now that the case is reopened, it will be no less difficult to solve than before."

"And our time...the retroactive deadline is running out."

However, despite this, there was still an eagerness in his eyes.

Now that new evidence has been discovered and there is hope for the detection of the case, Cui Liwan is looking forward to this more than anyone else.

"I won't put too much pressure on everyone..."

Director Guo comforted him silently. He knew that the chance of solving this case was less than one percent.

Already mentally prepared.

This time, even Bai Su, who had always been relatively relaxed, was a little nervous.

She had a pair of half-rimmed black eyes on the bridge of her straight white nose, and she was frowning slightly, looking through the Jinling University corpse case file that had just been transferred from the file room.

However, this voluminous record details the course of action, words and deeds, social relationships, and investigation reports of every household living at the site of the incident at the time. This is just a record of the people around them, and it already has hundreds of pages.

This does not include the investigation of the scene of the case, the autopsy report, the possible suspects, the relatives of the deceased, the whereabouts of the migrant population at that time...etc.

A total of more than 3,000 pages.

There is so much broken information and irrelevant information. Even if there are clues hidden in it, it is extremely difficult to find and connect them.

Criminal investigators have not found a complete chain of clues in twenty years. She only felt dizzy after watching it for a short period of time.

"It's not a digression if it's a digression."

Qin Ming said:

"The murderer was able to deduce the location of the last part of the body among so many clues. His reasoning ability is absolutely world-class."

Cui Liwan heard the meaning of Qin Ming's words.

"Are you saying that our previous estimate of the murderer was still wrong?"

Qin Ming nodded, very confident:

"Judging from what is known now, there are at least three murderers responsible for this live broadcast!"

"One of them is a chemistry expert, one is a master hacker, and the other is a master of reasoning, and he's world-class!"

"Although I don't know where the program team found so many talented people, I can be sure that it was because we underestimated the configuration of the murderer team in this live broadcast that we repeatedly fell into passivity."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present nodded slightly.

Although they have not obtained information about the murderer so far, during the confrontation, they can basically judge the murderer.

However, Danmaku didn't think so.

[Ah, experts, is there a possibility? I mean, what if these people you are talking about are actually one person? 】

[Expert: Impossible, absolutely impossible! 】

[Perhaps experts have a much deeper understanding of these skills than we do, and know how difficult it is to reach Su Chen's level. 】

[That’s why they subconsciously judge that these abilities are unlikely to be concentrated in one person, because it is already difficult for a normal person to obtain one. 】

[However, they obviously underestimated how evil Su Chen was. 】

[Speaking of which, Su Chen is really a god. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have been able to believe that these things were actually done by one person! 】

During the barrage discussion.

Su Chen also came to the first floor of the Jinling City Public Security Bureau.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw two policewomen holding a banner and walking upstairs.

On the banner, there were several large yellow characters embroidered.

[Presented to: Mysterious Person]

The first couplet is:

[The unsolved case is unsolved but the person is thoughtful]

The second couplet is:

[Reasoning does not disappoint the innocent]

Presented by the public security department.

Su Chen: ······

I didn't expect to find a corpse from 20 years ago, and there is also a banner.

Although, these two couplets don't rhyme very well.

He stepped forward and asked the two beautiful policewomen:

"Comrade, what's the matter with this banner?"

The policewoman was slightly stunned when she saw a young man asking, and replied:

"Don't you know that the mysterious person who played the murderer cracked the evidence hiding place of the corpse, and this is a banner personally issued by the higher-ups."

"It's just that we can't find the person who played the murderer now, so the banner can only be sent here for safekeeping. We plan to send it to Director Guo."

After hearing this.

Su Chen pondered for two seconds.

"Why not send it directly to the expert panel meeting room and let the opponents of this actor keep it."

Female police officer: ? ? ?

The barrage was sprayed.

[Fuck, how did you come up with such a sexy operation? ! ]

[Su Chen, you are so bad, but I like it. ]

[Expert panel: Killing people also requires destroying their hearts, right! ]

[This wave, this wave is a mental attack, they were so embarrassed that they took it with a smile. ]


One minute later, the expert panel office.

Two female police officers walked into the door with the banner.

The experts turned their heads: ? ? ?

When Su Chen entered the door, the first thing he saw was Duan Yu, who was in front of the computer, writing code madly to attack the information protection wall.

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