Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 7 Iron-faced Court, Su Chen's Plan

Chapter 7: The Iron Man Court, Su Chen’s plan

As soon as this statement came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room disappeared directly.

In front of the screen, there were dull faces. Netizens were stunned for a few seconds and forgot to type.

What kind of plan is this? A bad plan?

[I’m getting more and more confused about what this person wants to do. Is she really serious? 】

[Perhaps this order has some special purpose? 】

In the conference room.

Su Chen glanced over, glanced at the psychologist next to him, and frowned slightly.

This is also a person who doesn't play by the rules.

When I stay by her side, there are too many uncertainties, and there may be many unexpected risks.

But there are also advantages, such as this "free activity", which Su Chen likes so much. He has never heard such a strange request, so it is better to obey it than to be respectful.

On the other hand, the two police officers beside Su Chen were well versed in the work principle of being obedient and doing things without talking too much, and they smiled happily.

"Officer Bai, can we do anything? For example, if we want to take a half-day off, is that okay?"

Next to Su Chen, a police officer in his thirties asked tentatively.

"It happens to be my daughter's birthday today. I originally said she couldn't go back because she had a mission, but this time I can give her a surprise."

What a police officer wants most is not a bonus, but a vacation.

They usually go on missions frequently, day and night, holidays and working days. They spend too little time with their families.

Bai Su nodded: "Of course."

At this moment, many of the police officers in the room looked at Su Chen and the others with envy.

What kind of miraculous leader is this when he is given time off to participate in a show? !

Is it okay to commit crimes... Su Chen secretly cursed.


In the afternoon, when the meeting ended, Su Chen slowly walked out of the door and arrived at the door of the Public Security Bureau.

In the bleak wind of January, a beast roar suddenly came from his mind, startling him!

Is that the big beast coming to find me? !

Su Chen's pupils shrank.

Then, he closed his eyes slightly and his consciousness sank into his mind.

Soon, in the chaos, the surrounding scenery gradually became clear, the surrounding walls emerged, and a little starlight shone in the star map.

On the desk directly opposite, candlelight flickered, and there were scattered files under the paperweight that I hadn't had time to sort out.

In this space, Su Chen's own existence was substantial. He stepped forward to the star map where the black mist dispersed, and reached out to touch the fine carvings on it. ,

However, the terrifying figure of the big beast was not seen.

"So, that roar was actually a reminder that something had changed in this room?"

Can you change the notification tone? This thing is so scary, it can easily scare people!

Su Chen complained secretly, while picking up the token that the big beast had taken from the desk earlier, put it in his hand and patted it.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened at this moment.

The red letter on the token turned into cinnabar in an instant.

Later, it condensed into different words again.

[The judge buried his head in the files, and his accumulation was thick but his hair was thin. 】

[The phoenix and the phoenix live in the courtyard, and their song is astonishing. 】

[The public's career has been completed, now it is time to make his name known throughout the world, so that he can attract the attention of millions of people. 】

"So, this means that I want to improve my reputation as much as possible."

Su Chen chewed the words on the token.

Just after he said these words, the token seemed to have a response, and the cinnabar words on it scattered and compounded, condensing into a string of information.

[Today’s public reputation: one thousand three hundred and sixty-one items. 】

Su Chen stared at the number for a while, then he came to the star map holding the token.

His fingertips rubbed the rough texture on it, and the reminder of lighting up the stars instantly came to his mind.

[Reputation required to light up the next star: one thousand eyes. 】

Enough to light up? !

Su Chen was overjoyed and thought for a moment, maybe it was because of his previous behavior of subcontracting the staff of the program team that the live broadcast room became more popular.

It turns out that this so-called reputation can be achieved through live broadcast, which is simply not too convenient.

His eyes wandered over the star map, looking for the stars he wished to light.

Then, I discovered that... the patterns on it were incomprehensible at all.

Forget it, I know too little information about this room now, so I can only choose one that is pleasing to the eye and light it up first.

Su Chen's fingertips moved slightly and clicked on a star with a stove shape carved on it.

Then, he felt the relief on his fingertips tremble slightly, and then, on the black star map, a bright silver star suddenly lit up.

A line of text appeared in front of my eyes.

[There was once a strange man who made medicine...]

What it says is that in ancient times there was an alchemist who cheated. He could not make any forbidden medicine without him. People could not withstand the temptation and suffered greatly from it...

Later, this man was caught by Iron Mask and sent to prison. In order to prevent others from discovering his formula, he actually swallowed the alchemy book he wrote alive, and then died of gastrointestinal obstruction.

The Iron Masked Man, it’s this guy again.

"The so-called alchemy in ancient times was actually the prototype of modern chemistry..."

Su Chen felt countless chemical knowledge pouring into his mind, and this knowledge was not just empty talk, but seemed to have been obtained through countless practices.

Among them, there are even formulas and preservation methods for various explosives. Some formulas require materials that are almost not difficult to obtain.

What dangerous knowledge!

Su Chen searched the knowledge in his mind, and his body shook. When he came back to his senses, he found that his consciousness had left the room in his mind, and the scene in front of him was outside the Public Security Bureau.

In front of the door, cars rented by the program group drove in and out, and Mr. Cui and the Internet police Duan Yu's people had already started to act.

Su Chen looked at the traffic in the distance, thinking deeply. He knew in his heart that this variety show was a special show for the police, and it was quite novel to use the way of catching fugitives to promote their new technology.

For example, the face recognition inspection system, Su Chen had reason to suspect that it had been deployed throughout the city for social security.

"The efficiency of the police should not be underestimated. Once the deployment of these two experts is completed, committing a crime again is equivalent to falling into a trap."

Relying on his experience working in the police department, Su Chen knew in his heart that at most three hours, the Internet police expert would be able to obtain the right to mobilize all surveillance in the entire Jinling City.

These three hours are a precious window period, and also his last chance to commit a crime.

"First of all, my case must be big. Within three hours, the police must be involved in a big case. The clues are complicated and confusing. I can delay them. Only in this way can I buy time and opportunities for the follow-up."

"Secondly, I must try my best to eliminate my suspicion. Not only must I clean up the scene, but it is also best to... make an alibi!"

But... Su Chen frowned. There is a law in criminal investigation science that all actions must leave traces. If he wants to solve a big case, his actions will be more frequent and will leave more traces. This will increase his suspicion. The two points he just raised are obviously mutually exclusive.

How can I solve a big case and clear my suspicion?

At this time.

The voice of my companion came from the side.

"Brothers, I'll go first. We'll meet again in the evening."

The police officer who was in a hurry to go home for his child's birthday said goodbye to Su Chen and the others. They had met each other in the conference room before. Su Chen knew that the man's name was Wang Ping.

The name of the other younger police officer was Zhao Long.

After Wang Ping left, Su Chen asked Zhao Long:

"What are your plans?"

Zhao Long was a little embarrassed:

"Actually, I want to take half a day off to spend time with my wife and children, and come back in the evening."

"Is there anything to do in the evening that requires you to come back?"

Su Chen asked.

He remembered that Team Leader Bai Su said before leaving that they would gather tomorrow morning.

Zhao Long shrugged and sighed.

"Wang Ping and I are responsible for the public security supervision near Jinling University recently. We have to watch the class at night until the students leave school. I am satisfied with this half day off."

Su Chen nodded, thinking.

This public security supervision seems to be unique to Jinling University, and it is definitely not set up for no reason.

His thoughts explored his memory, recalling the vast files he had browsed in his mind before. At this moment, Su Chen seemed to be in a library, a museum of crime.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a file in his mind slowly opened, revealing the details of the case.

This is an unsolved mystery that once shocked the whole country.

Jinling University Corpse Dismemberment Case.

Twenty years ago, a girl from Jinling University walked out of the school gate at night and never came back.

In the following days, large and small body parts were found and gradually pieced together into the appearance of this girl. The cruel means of murder and the strong anti-detection ability of the murderer once cast the city into a shadow.

This is an unsolved case, which means that it has not been solved and the murderer is still at large.

The director resigned and the family members were left crying. This is the biggest shame of the public security organs in the past twenty years.

It should be since then that the public security has set up a special checkpoint at Jinling University, with police officers on duty to protect students who have left school.

Su Chen knew all the details of the unsolved case. Suddenly, he thought of his predicament and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Why not take these police experts to review this case?"

Yes, he doesn't have to work hard to create a big case. There are already countless unsolved cases in the world. Just use them directly!

Especially those unsolved cases of the century, which once trapped the police in a quagmire, can naturally delay the police's pace again for Su Chen.

And he himself can be said to be one of the people in the world who is most familiar with these cases. When variety shows enter the cases, it is his home court!

"It's a bit too much to expose the scars of the police nakedly, hahaha."

However, since this variety show is a cat-and-mouse game, it is not bad to give the police some stimulation appropriately, and it also has the side effect of increasing the ratings. He can also get more attention and gain a lot of popularity.

Su Chen pulled his collar and showed an imperceptible smile.

He suggested to Zhao Long:

"I don't have anything to do today, let's go to check the sentry with you in the evening."

Beside him, Zhao Long seized the opportunity of this holiday, and seemed to have something urgent to do. He didn't think much and nodded directly:

"Okay, it's just right that the three of us can get together after the shift and have a midnight snack. It can also be regarded as a formal acquaintance."

The two said goodbye.


The headquarters of the live show of chasing murderers.

On the big screen of Su Chen's live broadcast room, the barrage of comments was like a surging river, endless.

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