Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 713: Employees who work overtime are the toughest

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

At the same time.

It has been a while since Su Chen and Lao Qi followed the drainage ditch to the basement of the Jews.

But they have not entered the basement from the drainage ditch, but have been waiting outside the iron door.

Because there are still two people in the basement who have not left.

"What bad luck! Everyone is sleeping, and we two have to fix this broken thing!" A man's voice came from the crack of the door.

"Forget it, there is no way, who let us only two people here who can do this thing... After all, we are rare talents..." said another person.

"I should have known not to take this job and just said I didn't understand."

"What are you thinking? This is our only specialty. Without this specialty, what are we in their eyes? Do you want to be dragged over to be..."

"Okay, okay, I get it. I get upset when I hear these things. Hurry up and fix this thing and leave this damn place."

After that, the two men started to tinker again.

Outside the iron gate.

Su Chen sighed.

What bad luck.

No one is usually in this kind of place, but today it happened to be so coincidental that there were two technicians inside.

From what they said, it seems that they are repairing or maintaining the server.

I don't know how long they will take.

If it takes too long, it will affect my plan.

After all, Luo Ji and the others are still waiting for me to go back and join them...

"Comrade Su Chen, what should we do now? These two guys who are talking don't seem very smart. It should take some time..." Lao Qi on the side said in a low voice.

"Wait, let me see what the problem is with this server..."

Su Chen thought for a while.

If the server has a hardware problem, then there is nothing we can do but wait for the two guys to finish their work and leave.

But if it is not a hardware problem, in order to save time, Su Chen can consider helping the two guys inside to fix the server...

Su Chen stretched out his hand and said, "Lao Qi, I didn't bring my phone with me, lend me yours."

Hearing Su Chen say this, Lao Qi quickly took out his phone and handed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen used Lao Qi's phone to open the detective rankings.

The detective rankings at this time looked normal, but when checking detailed information, the interface would always be stuck there.


There is no big problem with the hardware, just that the data channel is a little blocked.

This is a very small matter for Su Chen.

If Su Chen's phone is with him, he can find a way to connect to this server and easily solve the problem.

However, the current problem is that Su Chen's phone is not with him.

And Lao Qi's phone can't do that kind of thing.

In this case, if Su Chen wants to solve this problem and send these two people away, he can only show up in person.

Is it better to show up in person to solve this problem, or wait a little longer?

At this moment, the man who was complaining before spoke again.

"Oh, it seems a bit troublesome. This card doesn't move at all... The server is still very hot, I think there is a problem with the heat dissipation, let's just dismantle it..." said the man.

"No way... Are you sure? If we dismantle it, it will take longer, right? I'm afraid we can't go back tonight..." said another man.

"You're so stupid. It's already so late. The fastest we can fix it is in the early morning. Why don't we fix it slowly and live here at night? Look, if we take it apart and let it cool down, it will be relaxed and we will be relaxed too. Besides, we've been working overtime all night. Even if we don't fix it tomorrow morning, we'll still have some credit..."

"What you said seems to make sense... But I still want to go back..."

"What to go back for? We don't even have any relatives here. Won't we stay in the dormitory when we go back?"

The other man hesitated for two seconds and said firmly, "Hmm".

"Okay, then we'll do as you said. We'll take it apart, cool it down, and deal with it slowly..."

Hearing this conversation, Su Chen felt something was wrong.

I thought these two guys might waste time because of their poor skills.

I never expected that these two guys not only had poor skills, but also had a bad work attitude. They actually just lay down!

"These two stupid guys actually plan to spend the night here!" Lao Qi cursed in a low voice, "Comrade Su Chen, there is no clue waiting for them, how about I pretend to be a subordinate of Judah and go in to scare them?"

"It's useless to just scare them, we have to solve the problem of their rest server, otherwise they won't leave easily, after all, this is their mission." Su Chen said.

"Comrade Su Chen means... you still want to help him fix it?"

"It's not a big problem to help them fix it... I'm thinking now, how should we explain to these two when we go in through this door. After all, the subordinates of Judah should not appear in the drainage ditch at this time..."


Two minutes later, Su Chen kicked open the iron door and walked into the basement.

The two technicians who were dismantling the server shell were also frightened by the sound of kicking the door, and they squatted in place without daring to move.

"Do you two recognize me?" Su Chen asked immediately, pointing at his nose.

From the previous conversation between the two men and the reaction of the Detective List, Su Chen suspected that this server was not just the server of the Detective List, but might be the internal data storage of the Twelve Palaces.

The reason why the server was hot and seriously stuck might be because his mobile phone was frantically downloading data there.

Since this server is related to the background data of the cloning project, then Bardo's identity should be useful.

So Su Chen planned to appear directly as Bardo.

After the two looked at each other, they nodded together without confidence, "I know you... Mr. Bardo... I'm sorry, the server suddenly got stuck for some reason, we are repairing it, if it affects your work, we are very sorry..."

"Yes, we will definitely fix the server as soon as possible... You are also very hard-working, are you still working so late?" asked another man.

"Yes, we are preparing for tomorrow's experiment." Su Chen said.

"Okay, we are sorry for the inconvenience... Hey... Mr. Bardo, why didn't you come from upstairs, but came in from... that side?"

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