Chu Feng found an excuse to go out of the Heaven and Earth Mansion.

I was a little disappointed in my heart, but I still didn't buy the foundation building elixir for my sister.

"If you go to cultivation, you must get the first place in the trial!"

He called his sister and took a taxi straight to school.

Ninth Cultivation Room.

Chu Feng took out a transparent glass bottle, which was the blood of a first-order demon beast.

A handful of blood condensed inside, and when you look closely, it is faintly the appearance of a hideous monster beast, full of vigorous vitality, and also filled with a thick fierce aura.

"Good stuff! I'm afraid this medicinal effect is much stronger than blood qi dispersion. After

watching for a long time, Chu Feng swallowed it directly.

His current martial artist's physical fitness no longer needs to be diluted.


As Chu Feng swallowed, he felt like swallowing rolling magma, and the strong burning sensation violently stimulated his stomach.

At the same time, the vast and powerful energy was washing his body, meridians, blood, bones, and every cell of his internal organs with the operation of meridians and blood vessels.

Chu Feng was up and down, bubbling with white mist, indicating that his body was undergoing transformation.

He endured severe pain and began to play the basic body forging technique, cooperate with the digestion of medicinal power, and improve his strength.

Layers of mysterious marks were formed, and the body was constantly changing this strange and strange posture.

Sometimes like a fish jumping, sometimes like a toad, sometimes supporting his arms, sometimes with his legs close to the ground, quickly adjusting various postures.


Two times....

Three times....


Chu Feng had been playing the basic body forging technique more than twenty times.

"Hold on!"

"Take a deep breath to control the flow of blood and the movement of the meridians."

Chu Feng kept making subtle adjustments to his movements.

With the action over and over again, Chu Feng felt that the blood was more vivid and viscous, and the bones were constantly numb, condensed like dense clouds.

The skin is even more golden-stone-like color, the texture is tight, and a bullet hit it, I am afraid it is just a white spot.

Through his internal sense, Chu Feng clearly felt that his blood qi value was increasing rapidly.

"I'm afraid this blood qi value has exceeded 5. The absorption and transformation of energy is so strong that it is really ten thousand times that of ordinary people, which is simply appalling to say. Chu Feng muttered.

An hour....

Two hours....

Three hours....

Until the fourth hour, Chu Feng felt the limit.

The continuous cycle of movements, even a martial artist, he felt overwhelmed.

I feel as heavy as my body is poured with lead, and I am extremely tired.

He slowly stopped moving, lay down on the rest mat, and gasped for air.

Half an hour later, he jumped up, and his intuition was full of surging energy.

Refreshed, even half tired.

"This body's ability to recover is too strong." Chu Feng sighed, raised his right fist, and felt that one punch could knock a tank away.

"Not bad, the blood qi value should be 5, and the basic combat power has been greatly improved."

"Simple, how much it is, just test it."

He picked up the blood gas tester familiarly and put it on his arm.

The screen flashed quickly, and finally froze on a number.


In less than half a day, it almost increased the blood gas value by more than 1 point.

It's just appalling!

Say it out, he will be pulled down the laboratory, sliced and dissected.

Chu Feng came to the combat strength tester without using any martial arts.

Just like an ordinary person, punching a fist at the tester, he is still fierce and powerful.


With a dull sound, the numbers jumped and finally froze on 5131.

But the basic combat power is already a middle-rank martial artist.

And the blood of the demon beast's heart, there is still a small part left, hidden all over the body.

Chu Feng's heart was excited.

Maybe after digesting this energy, my basic combat power can reach more than 5200.

This is only the first-order demon beast heart blood, what if the second-order heart blood?

The strength of the first-order demon beast is equivalent to that of a warrior, and the combat power of a second-order demon beast is equivalent to that of a martial artist.

They are all able to absorb spiritual energy and cultivate, so they are called demon beasts.

The first-order demon beasts in front are collectively called fierce beasts or fierce beasts, and they have not yet opened their spiritual intelligence.

Third-order demon beasts, that is the Grandmaster's combat power.

"If I win the trial reward, I'm afraid my strength will skyrocket." Chu Feng thought to himself.

"Look again, my real combat power!" Chu Feng had a hint of defiance on his face.

Running the ten supreme fists, the whole person was like a violent tyrannosaurus, and the right fist rolled up a thousand waves, like a meteorite falling from the sky, smashing on the tester.


just the first punch, the number is frozen at 10526.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" ....

Chu Feng no longer looked at the numbers of each punch, but unscrupulously punched ten supreme punches.

The fist is full of intent, the clouds are flowing, and the numbers are constantly beating.

"Ten Absolute Town Yin and Yang!"

With the final punch, the number froze at 66692.

But at this time, Chu Feng seemed to have forgotten to check the combat power, but kept punching ten supreme punches.

After the final punch, he vaguely felt that a membrane existed in front of him.

His intuition told him that as long as he broke this membrane, he could deliver the eleventh punch, and his combat power would skyrocket.

And after the last time he practiced in the Asura Martial Arts Hall, he had been thinking about the eleventh punch.

Following this feeling, he directly immersed himself in the fist intent, punching ten supreme punches over and over again.

In the cycle, the fist intention is more rounded and free, and every punch is flawless.


After the last punch of the nineteenth time, Chu Feng suddenly felt integrated, and his spirit flashed.

Directly broke that layer of blocking and threw the eleventh punch.

Hearty, full of devastating punches out, as if invincible.


With a loud bang, the numbers on the tester jumped wildly again.

It ended up stopping at 76953.

Chu Feng, who was in a good mood, was also stunned when he saw this number, and then his pupils contracted.

"Fifteen times!"

It is fifteen times the power of the basic punch, which is incredible.

"This is not weak in the Earth Grade Exercise, right?"

Huang Pin Gong generally plays 2-5 times the basic combat power; Playing 5-10 times is the Xuanpin exercise; The Earth Grade Technique can burst out 10-30 times more combat power; And the Tianpin Gong can burst out an astonishing 30-50 times the combat power.

"If you can create the twelfth fist and the thirteenth fist, I'm afraid that these ten supreme fists are at least top-grade and are likely to reach the threshold of heavenly quality."

After Chu Feng punched the eleventh punch, he had a faint feeling that with two more turns, this punch intent could reach completion.

But the last two punches, Chu Feng felt that it was out of reach, I am afraid that it could not be created in the short term.

"That's the end of today's cultivation!" Chu Feng said darkly.

"Well, what tastes?"

The impurities oozing out of the body, coupled with the mixture with sweat, made Chu Feng's body emit an unpleasant smell.

Chu Feng quickly rushed into the room and took a bath. Then I sorted out my clothes.

Refreshed, he opened the door and walked out.

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