Although the Great Sun Rulai Divine Palm is powerful, it is a Buddhist divine skill. If you want to practice quickly, you must have the blessings of the Dharma.

If you don't understand the Dharma and don't have a wise root, it is very difficult to cultivate, even though Chu Feng is already a million times more talented, he still feels that it is difficult and profound, and it takes more than ten days to practice the same form.

Only now that he had practiced the fourth form, Chu Feng felt that it would take at least a few months to fully practice this divine skill.

"It's been too long, I'm going to Jiangning Saint Martial Academy soon, and I have to find another peerless school." Chu Feng's thoughts flashed, thinking to himself.

In fact, Chu Feng practiced the Great Sun Rulai Divine Palm in a few months, even when the Buddha Gate was prosperous, it was a miracle.

If the ancestor of Lanruo Temple knew the news, he would have to excitedly poke open the coffin and climb out to take him as an apprentice.

After all, in the entire era of Buddhism, it was difficult for a senior monk to train into the Great Sun Rulai Divine Palm.

But Chu Feng was still not satisfied, he needed to be stronger to meet the challenge of Jiangning City, and even the forces behind the Sky Wolf Gang.

He had a faint feeling that the forces behind the Sky Wolf Gang were coming soon.

And Jiangning City, that is a second-class base city. With a population of more than 200 million, there are many martial arts powerhouses, and Jiangning Shengwu Academy has gathered geniuses from eighteen base cities in Jiangnan Province. If you want to dominate these geniuses, the difficulty can be imagined.

He went to his study, opened the window, made a cup of tea, and browsed the forum as he drank. Then he used the secret key to log on to the internal website of the Asura Martial Arts Hall.

"Permissions are really a good thing, and now there are so many more secret things that can be viewed." His eyes were bright, and his heart was overjoyed.

"This is the Bright Moon Void Lotus?" Chu Feng soon found the record of the Bright Moon Void Lotus in the treasure section.

Bright Moon Void Lotus, a top treasure, it is rumored that lotus petals can enhance the talent of star warriors, and the rhizome is a top heavenly treasure for quenching bones.

Other specifics: Ominous!

"It seems that Ye Xuan's little chick's character is still passable, and in the matter of the Void Lotus, at least he didn't play a slippery head." Chu Feng nodded and decided to continue the deal with her.

Then he browsed all kinds of treasures, he is now a million times talented, he has long had the ability to forget, and now he records all kinds of information like scanning. It can also be regarded as making up for the lack of foundation.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar picture, his eyes lit up, and he muttered: "I searched for him thousands of degrees in my dream, and finally found the record of Qingyunling." "

Qingyun Order: Tokens for entering the ruins of Qingyun Wonderland, it is rumored that there are a total of nineteen tokens.

Origin: Nearly six hundred years ago, the Li family, an inconspicuous grandmaster family in Shaanzhou, accidentally found more than ten Qingyun Orders on the side of Heyun Mountain.

Then half of the warriors of the entire family entered the Qingyun Wonderland, and only three people came out later. But since then, the cultivation of these three people has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the two of them have been like riding on a rocket all the way, rushing into the king mirror, and many high-level warriors have been cultivated behind the family.

The whole family has become the first family in Shaanzhou, known as the gate valve, and its power has spread throughout the Dragon Kingdom.

After more than five hundred years of glory, the Li family finally declined, and was later destroyed by the alliance of the enemy family, and Qingyunling was able to appear, be known by the world, and become famous.

Purpose: Qingyun Wonderland opens every 300 years. It is rumored that carrying the Qingyun Order to He Yun Mountain can be brought into the alien space by the magical formation, and there are magical treasures such as Starry Sky Immortal Dew, Crystal Vermilion Fruit and Purple Cloud Immortal Fruit in the space...

"Calculate the time, there are still two years to go, that is, the Qingyun Wonderland will open again. This is a great opportunity and must be entered. Chu Feng pondered for a moment and muttered to himself.

Gate valve forces, there is more than one king.

What a prominent Li family back then, but unfortunately there is also a time of decay, maybe the Li family will persist for decades, and when this time the Qingyun Wonderland opens, it may be possible to be able to renew the ZTE.

Chu Feng looked at many other ruins, such as Luodu, which was captured by demon beasts three hundred years ago, and is still occupied by demon beasts, and is now listed as Luodu ruins.

It is rumored that Luo Du was attacked by more than ten beast kings with unimaginable strength, and a shocking battle broke out, and the Terran king killed several people in battle, and was defeated by the hasty retreat.

At that time, many of the secret codes of the Terran race, as well as many top-level treasures, almost fell into the hands of demon beasts, and four peerless powerhouses spared their lives to finally seal these treasures in the Luoyi King Palace with peerless formations....

"I wonder when I will be able to recover Luodu? But if you want to come to the warriors of Guangfuluo, there must be my figure! Chu Feng suddenly rose with a sense of pride, and his face showed even more determination.

Why don't the men take Wu Hook and charge Guanshan Fifty States!

For a long time, Chu Feng calmed his mind and began to check the exercises.

He now has permission and can already exchange Wang Pin Gong.

"Traceless Shocking Finger", Wang Pin Gong. Introduction: Extremely fast, powerful....

"Eight Desolate Palms", Wang Pin Gong. Introduction: The palm method contains the power of the eight wildernesses, and has the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea....

"Golden Mountain Voldemonic Fist", Wang Pin Gong. Introduction: The mountain shadow that can condense a hundred zhang, the increase in boxing techniques is up to 120 times....


There are dozens of Wang Pin exercises included on the intranet of the Asura Martial Arts Hall. Each article is the supreme essence, and taking it out can set off countless bloody battles.

Chu Feng browsed all the more than a dozen articles, and compared with the Great Sun Rulai God Palm in his heart, he was not very satisfied.

"Well, this is?" Chu Feng saw that there was also an exercise below, which marked that it required star talent to open it.

"I'm a star contract, I should be able to click on it!" Chu Feng tried to click, and instantly came to the spirit, and his eyes burst with essence.

"Six Saints Town Prison Gong!" Wang Pin Pinnacle Exercises. Introduction: It is rumored that ancient demons are everywhere, and the six holy beasts Qinglong, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Xuanwu, Qilin, and Holy Elephant suppress the demons with supreme powers.

The Six Sacred Town Prison Gong was created on this basis and is divided into six styles: Vermilion Bird Flaming Yang Palm, Xuanwu Zhenhai Yin, Saint Elephant Crashing into the Sky, White Tiger Breaking Army Fist, Qilin Town Prison Stepping, and Green Dragon Tearing Heaven Hand.

This exercise is extremely difficult to cultivate, and it is a peak exercise that takes the form of Wang Pin; If you practice true meaning, the grade of the exercise is unimaginable. The exercises cannot be passed on, and once it is found that the exercises have been leaked, the Asura Martial Arts Hall will directly kill the leaker.

"Shhh! Just by looking at the introduction, this exercise is very tall, and this is it. Chu Feng immediately breathed shortly, his heart was surging, this technique was what he dreamed of.

As for the difficulty of practice, it is definitely much easier than that big day Rulai Divine Palm, at least without understanding the esoteric Dharma.

He ordered the exchange without hesitation, and it was shown that it would take 350,000 points to redeem this exercise.

Chu Feng grinned and sighed: "Zhennima is expensive!" These 500,000 points of contribution, there will be more than 100,000 contribution points left immediately, or a proper poor person! The

mouth complained, and without stopping in his hand, he directly clicked the confirmation button.

Soon the whole exercise was completely revealed, Chu Feng read it in detail several times, and then wrote it down in his mind, and after confirming that it was correct, he turned off the exercise.

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