Global Martial Soul: Start Awakening Deathwing

Chapter 120 Defeat! Thirty Million Accounted For! (Seeking Subscription)

Breath of Dragon Flame, a profound intermediate soul skill.

The effect of the soul technique is to spit out flames on a large scale, and the power of the flames is related to the strength of the soul power and the affinity of the fire element.

This soul skill was recommended by Wang Li, another Tiangang peak mentor who possesses a dragon-like martial soul and takes the pure soul power route, from the Ten Thousand Beasts Academy after Su Yi visited him.

Because of the privilege of the first sequence, Su Yi has the opportunity to view a mysterious soul skill for free every year.

After learning about this soul skill from the mentor Wang Li.

He exchanged this soul skill from the student system, and spent four or five days learning it.

This is the first time he has used this soul skill in actual combat.

"It seems that the actual combat power is still good, and it is very suitable for large-scale coverage attacks."

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

Under the continuous output of his soul power, the entire arena seemed to be transformed into a large bonfire.

Endless golden red flames spewed out from the death pterosaur's mouth continuously, and the entire ring space was almost filled with flames!!

"Got you!"

Suddenly Su Yi frowned and looked towards the front right corner of the ring.

There, the only surviving green poisonous gas merged together, revealing a human figure.

It is indeed Wilhelm. Aaron!

Looking at the blazing and dazzling terrifying flames that were about to sweep over him, his face was pale and bloodless, and his back was already drenched with sweat.

If you are directly burned by this flame, you may not die or be seriously injured! 09

Thinking of this, he hastily shouted loudly:

"Admit defeat, I admit defeat!!"

"What did you say? Say it louder, I didn't hear you."


The surrounding flames rose violently, as if puncturing a blister, mercilessly breaking through the protective soul power around Aaron, and then entangled and devoured it.

"Ahhh, I said, I admit defeat!!"

Aaron's voice raised five degrees, mingling with a miserable cry.


The golden red flames all over the sky froze violently, as if a movie screen freezes.

Then it turned into some fire elements, and slowly dissipated in the air, revealing Su Yi's tall figure.

"Sorry, I didn't hear clearly just now, and it was confiscated for a while, you shouldn't blame me, right?"

Su Yi walked to Aaron's side and said embarrassedly.


On the ground, Aaron, whose body was burnt black all over, widened his eyes when he heard this, and seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Then he tilted his head, and he passed out directly!

"Tsk tsk, this is too exciting.

Su Yi shook her head and clicked her tongue.

The host teacher on the side was a little speechless.

This Su Yi, it's like killing people and punishing them!

From Su Yi using dragon flame breath, the flames swept the ring, to Aaron being forced out from the poisonous gas, surrendering and fainting.

The whole process, seemingly slow, actually took less than 6 seconds!

In 6 seconds, the form is reversed directly!

This ferocious anti-killing speed caused the entire eighteenth floor to fall into a brief silence.

"This ranking challenge, Su Yi won."

It wasn't until the host teacher announced the result of the competition that everyone in the audience reacted and burst into exclamations.

"Damn it!! Such a fierce Deathwing, such a fierce Dragon Flame Breath!!"

"A soul skill, the flames filled an area of ​​1600 square meters, you tell me this is a body forging soul warrior?!"

"Horror! I actually felt the energy fluctuations that can only be emitted by an Extraordinary peak soul warrior from the flame!"


Before that, although Su Yi was ranked in the top 1,000 in the land list, she also obtained the first sequence of permissions.

But everyone didn't have an intuitive feeling for Su Yi's toughness.

And now, Su Yi and his ferocious Deathwing left a deep impression on everyone present!!

"Sure enough, no matter who you are fighting against, you are so dazzling.

Zhu Jinyu stared straight at Su Yi on the ring, her beautiful eyes under the black-rimmed glasses sparkled with splendor.

According to the perception of her sword spirit eyes, Su Yi's vitality was extremely vigorous at this time.

She was even more fascinated by the vigorous aura that was naturally exuded from the other party's whole body.

"It's over, it's hopeless."

Yan Lingqing on the side sighed softly while holding her forehead.

Looking at his girlfriend's current appearance, she seems to be completely attracted by Su Yi.

"But yes, the current Su Yi is really too dazzling."

She watched the figure on the ring, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Su Yi looks good, and has a strong and tall figure.

Coupled with the fact that they just defeated Aaron, the momentum is at its peak.

He just stood there, doing nothing, and exuded an inexplicable aura.

And this kind of temperament, for girls, has a fatal attraction.

Yan Lingqing glanced to the side subconsciously. Like Zhu Jinyu, An Lingshuang and Zhao Ruo also had hot eyes in their eyes.

"After this battle, I'm afraid Xiaoyu will have more competitors."

Yan Lingqing looked around again, smiled wryly and shook her head.

In the auditorium of nearly 900 people, there are many girls, there are more than 300 people.

At this time, many of the more than 300 girls cast their fiery eyes on Su Yi...

"With the seventh-order extraordinary soul power level, it can display the energy fluctuation of the ninth-order extraordinary. This has the first-order SSS martial spirit, and it is really fierce."

Surprise remained in Xiao Mei's eyes in the audience seats.

"With such strength, the other two should be very interested."

She swept her beautiful eyes, and sure enough, she saw Xu Zhiqiang and Zuo Feng approaching Su Yi from different directions.

"Hey, let's wait for them to get in touch first, I won't get involved this time."

Without continuing to watch the arena, Xiao Mei stood up and walked towards the exit on the 18th floor.

She didn't feel much when she was sitting, but when she stood up, it was immediately visible that she was wrapped in blue jeans, with her upturned buttocks and round and tight thighs.

She was wearing a tight black T-shirt on her upper body, the curve of her waist was perfectly highlighted, without any fat.

The legs are slender and well-proportioned, and the jeans stick to the legs like a second skin, and even the calves are tightly wrapped, which perfectly outlines the curve of the legs and buttocks.

Such a hot figure made some girls around look envious, and some boys who had just reported for work were even red-faced and dared not continue to look over there.

In the ring, after it was announced that Su Yi had won, Aaron was carried down by the medical team who had been waiting by the side.

"Student Su Yi, you can't do this again next time in the ranking competition."

"After all, this is your classmate. If you can't restrain your soul power a little bit, it's easy to get into trouble."

The host teacher looked at Su Yi and warned.


Su Yi nodded quickly.

Aaron's first surrender, he naturally heard it.

It's just that because of Walker's previous provocation, he had a bad impression of Aaron.

That's why he pretended not to hear and let Long Yan devour Aaron.

Of course, he also controlled the power of the flames to the extent that Aaron was seriously injured, and it didn't hurt his life.

Otherwise, with his extraordinary peak soul power fluctuations, the moment he touched Aaron, he would directly burn him to ashes.

The host teacher obviously knew that Su Yi had controlled the power, so he didn't say anything after admonishing her.

The game ended and the students started to leave.

As soon as Su Yi stepped off the ring, he saw Zhu Jinyu and his group approaching with smiles.

"Brother Su, the last flame engulfed Aaron, you did it so beautifully!!"

As soon as they approached, Zhang Yi 393 said excitedly.

For Aaron and Walker, he has long disliked them.

At this time, Su Yi seriously injured the opponent, so he was naturally happy.


Su Yi smiled slightly, and took the mobile phone from Zhu Jinyu beside her.

That's what he put in her place before the game.

"When the game is declared victorious, the bet is already paid."

Zhu Jinyu's willow eyebrows were curved, and she reminded with a chuckle.

"That's pretty fast."

Su Yi smiled slightly and clicked on the text message.

‘Your bank card account number XXXXXX has arrived in the account **Huaxia currency balance**.13 Huaxia currency.

After confirming the account information of the mobile phone, he put the mobile phone in his bag and looked at the group of people in front of him with a smile:

"Thank you this time, I will pay you back the money owed and the interest later."

"Is it enough to just pay back the money? Doesn't this treat us to a meal?"

The lively girl Zhao Ruoxiu raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, it's still Jiangnan Residence, I'll treat you tonight.

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

Seriously injured Aaron, and got 30 million Huaxia coins, so it's time to treat him to celebrate.

"Su Yi."

Suddenly, two people walked towards this side among the crowd.

The voice on the left is the senior Ji Yao that Su Yi met in the mission building before.

And beside him was a tall young man with a slight sense of oppression all over his body.

Senior Li. " Su Yi greeted.

"Tsk tsk, that battle just now was beautiful, but I was worried that you wouldn't be able to fight it.

Li Yao first exchanged greetings with a smile, and then introduced the tall man next to him:

"This is Xu Zhiqiang, the president of our Martial Arts Club, just like you, he is also the first rank.

PS: Ask for some flowers and tickets~~Thank you for your support~~.

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