Global Martial Soul: Start Awakening Deathwing

Chapter 141 Do It, Kill The Team Of Five!

First division.

Su Yi walked between the cities, looking around.

The urban area of ​​the first competition area is constructed according to the prosperous urban area.

The shops on both sides are exquisitely decorated and very beautiful.

But on this ground, it is common to see some glass shards, dried blood and some beast corpses.

In order to preserve the authenticity of the three-school exchange competition, if the beast is killed, the body will still be preserved.

Of course, if the player is killed, the body will naturally turn into light spots and dissipate.

After all, this game is broadcast across the country.

It is too horrifying for the audience in the live broadcast room to see such a realistic human corpse.


Su Yi, who was walking on the sidewalk, suddenly stopped.

Deathwing's passive talent Longwei, in addition to being able to deter the enemy, will also bring him an ability similar to the perception of killing intent.

As long as someone within a certain range has killing intent towards him, he will be able to perceive it.

But now, he has sensed that there are five killing intents hidden in the flower beds and shops in front of him.

"Come out, I found you."

After Su Yi's words fell, five figures quickly appeared in the flower beds of the surrounding shops.

Each of these five figures exudes powerful fluctuations in soul power, and different martial souls emerge behind them.

"My friend, you are not a fool if you can live for seven days.

He even dared to walk between the cities swaggeringly, and when he found us, he didn't turn around and leave, but directly pointed out.

It seems that you are very confident in your own strength. "

The five figures stood apart, and one of the healthy young men sneered.

Holding double hammers, he was surrounded by brown soul power, and behind him was a huge grizzly bear martial soul more than three meters high.

"Five people.

One Extraordinary fifth order, four Extraordinary fourth order. "

Su Yi glanced over the five people in front of him, and paused for a while on their positions.

To be able to live up to now, these five people have already been tempered in several battles, and they are very particular about standing.

Cooperating with the pretty good strength of the five of them, even the soul fighters of the seventh rank of Extraordinary would not dare to deal with it alone.

This kind of strength, in this first division, should belong to the first echelon.

Common players, you die when you meet them!

"Unfortunately, you met me

Su Yi's eyes were golden and red.

The strong soul power belonging to the seventh rank of Extraordinary burst out suddenly, and the hideous and terrifying Deathwing Martial Soul emerged from behind him!!

"Dragon martial soul? Extraordinary seventh-order soul power level?!

Not good, hurry up!!"

Feeling the terrifying power emanating from Su Yi's body, the complexion of the burly man who spoke earlier changed suddenly.

But he didn't choose to retreat. Instead, he held the double hammers and rushed towards Su Yi like a shooting star.

To be able to survive in this first competition area until now, these are all geniuses. They are all special admissions level in the school, and they have a strong sense of fighting.

So, even though Su Yi's burst of strength now makes him feel a little bit bad.

But they know that if they retreat, there is only one dead end.

Might as well fight it out!

The five-member team has long been tempered and formed. At this time, when one person makes a move, the other four will naturally move their tails at the same time.

"Boom!", "Boom!"

Two youths of about the same height slashed at them like lightning while holding sabers in their hands.

A girl wearing a silver battle suit had her eyes slightly closed, with a green lotus martial spirit blooming behind her, an inexplicable coercion suppressed Su Yi.

"Shoot", "Shoot", "Shoot"

The cyan arrow with soul power shot from a distance, the arrow was so fast that it almost formed a line.


The girl in the silver suit attacked Su Yi first with inexplicable coercion.

Su Yi only felt that his body became a little heavy, and the strength of his soul power was weakened a bit.

Of course, this weakening basically has no effect on his huge soul power.

"Suppressive martial spirits? Unfortunately, they are of little use to me."

Su Yi shook his head, though suppressed.

But he only moved slightly, and easily avoided the opponent's attack.

And the arrows that shot over were burnt to ashes by the flames he controlled before they could get within five meters of his body!

"What a quick move!"

"The flames are extremely hot!"

Seeing that the attack failed, the five of them showed despair at the same time.

This gap is really too big!

With Su Yi Extraordinary's seventh-order soul power level, coupled with his terrifying physical fitness, the speed of his footsteps is naturally fast and weird.

Dodging these attacks is really easy.

It is also normal to bring hopelessness to them.

"Die, Dragon Flame Breath!"

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Deathwing opened his mouth wide behind him, spit out hot and dazzling golden red flames suddenly, swallowing all four people around him in an instant.

"There is still one."

Su Yi looked into the distance.

At the flower bed a hundred meters away, there is a girl with a bow and arrow, wearing a light blue battle suit, and a slim girl.

"Su Yi, an SSS-level Martial Soul Awakener from Magic City Soul Warrior University.

Meeting you, I can only say that our team is unlucky. "

The girl sighed lightly.

She is a special recruit for the Southern Sichuan Soul Warrior, so before the start of the competition, she had seen Su Yi's previous battle scenes.

At first she was not very sure, but as soon as Long Yan breathed out, she knew that she had met the right master.

And this main character is listed as one of the biggest favorites to win the championship, and his strength is extremely strong.

Meeting him, it can only be said that their team was unlucky.

"`||But it's okay, even if you lose half of your points, you should be able to enter the top 50 and get rewards after the first stage of the competition is over.

Shaking her head, she didn't hesitate much, and directly clicked the exit button.

In the virtual world, 100% pain simulation, if it is not inevitable, she does not want to experience the feeling of being killed.

Therefore, it is best to actively choose to quit.

In the next moment, her whole body turned into light spots, slowly dissipating into the city.

"The girl was decisive and didn't try to escape."

Su Yi smiled slightly.

Although the distance between the two (Wang Li's) is hundreds of meters, this distance can be crossed in just a few seconds for him.

Once the opponent tries to escape, they will inevitably face a stormy attack.

Five people were killed, and the information on the screen in Su Yi's hand also changed at the same time.

Contestant: Su Yi (Modu Soul Warrior University)


Rank: 67

"Sure enough, the player who has survived until now.

I have a lot of points on my body, and killing them actually made me gain more than 3,000 points in one fell swoop.

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

Follow the city road and go down.

With his strength, if there is no accident, no one in the freshmen exchange competition of the three schools can make him fear even.

Not to mention that this is just one of the competition areas in the first stage.

So, next, just start killing and harvest points.

PS: Ask for some flower tickets~~.

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