Global Martial Soul: Start Awakening Deathwing

Chapter 187 Mysterious Organization (Full Version)

The man in military uniform unhurriedly raised his blade gun, then leaped high, drew a silver curve in the air, and stabbed the native in the chest with one blow.


The huge native exploded in an instant, turning into a sky full of mud and dissipating.

Su Yi endured the injuries in his body and stood up with difficulty.

"Don't struggle, boy, your strength is not as good as ours, just be good and die!" The white coat persuaded Su Yi with a smile.


Deathwing let out a roar, and then turned into a jet-black shooting star and rushed towards the man in the military uniform. Unexpectedly, the man did not dodge or dodge, and directly took the blow.


After a huge explosion, Deathwing came back behind Su Yi.

Smoke and dust filled the area where Deathwing attacked just now, and a tall figure stood straight in it.

The blow just now didn't even hurt the opponent.

"What's going on! Who is fighting here!" A strong voice came from the air.

More than a dozen soul warriors surrounded each other, but Eren didn't panic at all, and looked at the time lightly.

"No time, let's play with you next time we meet, the captain is gone!"

257 Eren issued an order, a large amount of smoke appeared around him instantly, and the man in military uniform also instantly penetrated into the smoke. Seeing this, Su Yi immediately asked Deathwing to flap his wings, but when the smoke was blown away, the original dozens of large The living people disappeared out of nowhere.

"We are the investigation team of the Demon City Soul Martial Arts University! Please show the relevant documents that can prove your identity." A strong man at the head asked.

"Modu Hunwu Da, Su Yi." Saying that, Su Yi reached out and handed the ID to the other party.

"Martial spirit with three S's?" The other party couldn't help being surprised when he saw the three big S's on the certificate.

"Excuse me, so may I ask what happened just now?" The leader of the patrol team handed the ID to Su Yi.

Just as Su Yi was about to say something, she felt a sharp pain in her chest that directly blocked Su Yi's words.

"What's the matter? I think your face is not very good-looking." A member of the patrol saw that Su Yi was strange.

"There was a fierce fight here just now, and he must have been injured. Do you want to go back to the academy to recuperate?" the patrol captain asked with concern.

"Ahem... No need, it's just a minor injury." Su Yi coughed a few times, leaving a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth.

The patrol leader glanced at the blood on Su Yi's (ajae) chest, then at the surrounding ruins, and finally shook his head.

Although he is very curious about Su Yi's SSS-level martial soul, but Su Yi was sent by the academy after all, if he makes good claims, he may be in trouble.

After the patrol team left, Su Yi entered the No. 5 Research Institute, and found that the layout inside was like an old prison room, and there were many dry skeletons.

Those skeletons have different shapes, some have three arms, and some have two heads growing together.

"Human experiments? It started more than a hundred years ago." Su Yi supported the wall and moved step by step.

A part of the building had been destroyed in the battle just now, Su Yi simply rested in the corridor for a while.

"Speaking of which, they don't seem to have taken that giant gate away. Su Yi stood up and looked in the direction of the giant gate.

Sure enough, the giant gate is still there, never moved.

Just as Su Yi took a step, she felt the floor under her feet creaking.


The floor under his feet suddenly caved in, and Su Yi fell down unexpectedly.

"Tsk, everything is really not going well today."

Su Yi stood up and patted the dust off his body, only to find that there was a huge basement underneath.

In front of Su Yi were six empty human culture tanks, surrounded by many rotting corpses.

"What the hell is going on with this place...they did all this?" Su Yi stepped forward to observe the culture tank.

Lieutenant of the Ransi Army: Castri de Noah

Lieutenant of the Second Imperial Navy of Weimar: Andris von Thien

Grand Duchy Air Lieutenant: Cavendish Roman

Captain Ross Armor...

The list is unrecognizable here, and even the country it belongs to is not marked on the culture tank in the middle.

Su Yi could see that these were all foreign names, but why is such a large-scale human experiment site located in China's territory?

But without waiting for Su Yi to think about it, the token in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light, directly illuminating the entire research institute.

At this time, Su Yi was also surprised to find that the entrance she fell from had disappeared!

At this time, a few people came to the Huixing Building through the guidance of the token, but all they saw was the seriously damaged building and a huge door.

"Brother, are the ruins of civilization really here?" A greasy-looking fat man said looking at the ruins in front of him.

"According to the flashing frequency of the token, it's right here, maybe it's related to that door." The leading man with the scar said looking at the rapidly flashing token in his hand.

After finishing speaking, the man with the scar directed his four subordinates to step forward, ready to open the giant bronze door.


A flash of lightning flashed quickly, and the three subordinates who touched the bronze door disappeared in place, while the other subordinate exploded in place, turning into pieces of meat all over the place.

"What's going on! Is it an enemy attack?" The man with the scar immediately took a defensive stance when he saw this, and the fat man on the side looked around vigilantly.

"It's not like, there is no strong person in this area who can instantly kill four Extraordinary fourth-order." Fatty wiped his forehead coldly.

"In my opinion, it's mostly because of the bronze door. Let the brothers repair the surroundings, and grab a few people to study the door."

After the man with the scar gave his orders, he led a few people into the building beside him.

After a while, the space around the bronze door twisted, a crack appeared, and two men stumbled out.

"Boss, help, there are high-level beasts!" A bloody man shouted to his companions nearby.

The next moment, a giant wolf rushed out from the space crack, slapped the man running behind to death, and then swooped and bit off half of the man in front.

It all happened so quickly that he didn't realize it until after both men were attacked.

"What's the situation!" Fatty ran out of the building tremblingly, but saw a giant wolf with a height of more than ten meters staring at him.


The man with the scar in the building gave an order, and several rockets were fired from the windows of the building.


The rockets exploded on the giant wolf's body, but when the smoke cleared, these specially made rockets that could open a hole for a heavy armed tank didn't even leave a wound on the giant wolf.

"Use the martial soul!" the man with the scar said and summoned a C-level martial soul corpse eater [The rest of the subordinates were ordered to summon the martial soul.

Fire sparrow, iron armored turtle, withered vine lizard, steel-toothed leopard... Among these spirits, the highest is only C-level, while the weakest is E-level. .

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