Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 981 [Returning to the moon on behalf of mankind]

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Science and Technology Complex Building.

Luo Sheng stood in front of the big screen in the office, and the screen displayed the live scene from the launch center.

The issue of androids has temporarily come to an end, and Star Arrow International's manned moon landing plan has also completed preparations.

At present, the mainstream focus of people is still the "Sequoia subspecies", and the popularity is high. At the same time, the manned moon landing plan of Star Arrow International has also attracted the attention of the global aerospace industry.

After half a century, human beings will return to the moon again, which has a great influence.

More and more people believe that this event has symbolic significance and will fundamentally change the pattern of space industry on a global scale.

Before this, no one would have expected that the return of human beings to the moon would be carried out in this way. They all believed that only North America had the ability to return to the moon, because the beautiful country had already achieved the feat of landing on the moon in the last century.

"All units are ready!"

"... Five, four, three, two, one, fire!"

Luo Sheng looked at the live picture of the launch base on the screen, and Star Arrow International's super-heavy rocket slowly lifted into the sky.

"The ground flight control center radar tracking is normal!"

"The telemetry signal is normal!"

"Lidar tracking is normal!"

"The telemetry signal is normal!"

"Ship separated!"

"Ship separation is normal!"

As time passed by, the super-heavy rocket successfully separated from the core of the spacecraft of "Moon Palace 1" in outer space, the rocket returned to the ground and entered the recovery stage, and the spacecraft continued to accelerate.

"Pilot number 606, Liu Ce takes over the control of the spacecraft."

The "Moon Palace 1" that entered outer space ended the unmanned navigation system and switched to a manned spacecraft to the "Forerunner 2" super space station.

The lunar spacecraft will not fly directly to the moon,

It is also necessary to go to the "Forerunner 2" space station to supply supplies and carry lunar landing personnel. Another group of people has already gone to the sky and is waiting on the Forerunner space station.

The news of the successful launch of Moon Palace has been sent back to the ground. Star Arrow International’s launch plan is to launch a global live broadcast, and the press conference is also an official form to announce the latest situation in real time.

This manned lunar landing plan requires a high profile and great momentum to inspire the confidence of all investors in the "Sky Ladder Project".

Twenty minutes later, "Moon Palace 1" began to dock into the orbit where the space station is located, and entered the docking countdown.

The audience watching the live broadcast on the ground also saw the panorama of the "Forerunner 2" super space station in outer space for the first time, and saw this shocking picture from the perspective of the approaching "Yuegong 1" spacecraft.

"Let me go, this is the legendary 'Forerunner' space station?"

"The scale is many times larger than the International Space Station. This perspective looks so shocking, it's hard to imagine that it was launched in less than a year."

"This is just the beginning, and what we see now should only be half-finished."

"Exaggerated and outrageous!"

"The sea of ​​stars, where dreams begin."

"Haha, the foreign media are all sour, and I like to read their similar reports."

"We are stubbornly developing here, heading towards the vast sea of ​​stars, and now they have a new crisis of 'Sequoia subspecies', and the gap will be further widened."

"Times have changed, my lord!"


Meanwhile, outer space.

The relative distance of the "Moon Supply 1" spacecraft from the "Forerunner 2" space station is only a short kilometer. Under the concentrated control of the spacecraft by the space pilot, the spacecraft changed its orbit relatively slowly and headed to the established space station. location for docking.

At the same time, a group of astronauts on the space station are also working closely together. The docking position is the berthing port of the space station. Its positioning is the same as that of the port on the ground. Unloading and loading will be completed from here.

At the same time, the adjacent area is a dock, which is amazing, and has not yet been built.

Once completed, this will be the future manufacturing dock, which will be used to manufacture real 10,000-ton-scale spacecraft in the foreseeable future.

At present, the performance of the first cross-planet spaceship has been planned ahead of time. The role of this spaceship is to use the transport spaceship "Chanchuan No. 1" to frequently travel back and forth between the earth and the moon. Its function is to transport supplies to the moon. Return the mined helium-3 resources to Earth.

"Successful docking of the spacecraft!"

Luo Sheng looked at the picture and the voice broadcast on the big screen. The background sound was excited applause and cheers. At the same time, the news was also announced at the press conference, which aroused the excitement of the whole people.

Ten minutes later, the live broadcast was cut off, much to the regret of many unfinished viewers.

There are also major foreign aerospace organizations that pay attention to the live broadcast. They are a little angry but helpless. After thinking about it for a while, they know that the Star Arrow International Rivalry is over, and the key points behind will not be broadcast.

It's really irritating to pick up a person's appetite and then pinch it off.

At this moment, the current situation in outer space is that eight astronauts walked out of the space station at the same time. It can be said that the "Forerunner 2" space station is currently constantly refreshing various records.

It has refreshed the scale record of the space station, the scale record of the co-existence of astronauts in the space station, and the scale record of astronauts conducting spacewalks at the same time...

It is really a matter of accidentally breaking the record left by the predecessors, and now it has become a sparse and common thing.

The "Moon Palace 1" spacecraft has shut down its own engine system, and eleven lunar landing personnel have been transferred from the space station to the spacecraft, including astronauts, mechanical engineers, and agronomists.

When the "Moon Palace 1" spacecraft arrives on the moon, the spacecraft will land on the lunar surface as a whole and stay on the ground permanently. , until it becomes the first permanent lunar base in human history.

At this moment, the berthing area of ​​the space station is in a busy period. "Yuegong 1" is fixed by two huge arms. Both sides of the spacecraft are doing docking work at the same time, and the respective astronauts are guiding the rendezvous and docking.

The port side of the spacecraft is docked with a supply warehouse, which is filled with the living materials needed by the astronauts, and the materials inside are enough to consume all the moon landings for three months.

The starboard side of the spacecraft is docking a material warehouse, which houses engineering mining equipment, lunar rovers, slave gas cabins, and so on.

The two major docking missions were successfully completed, half of the astronauts returned to the space station again, and the other group of personnel refueled the spacecraft.

All the work lasted for about 5 hours, and the "Moon Palace 1" did not stay in the space station for too long. All material supplies were completed and the review was completed. After everything was confirmed, the spacecraft successfully communicated with the "Forerunner 2" space station again. separation.

Star Arrow International has also resumed the live broadcast screen again. What the outside world sees is that the spacecraft is starting to move away from the space station and changing its orbit.

In the end, the "Moon Palace 1" spacecraft left the orbit of the space station, orbited the earth, used the earth's "gravitational slingshot" effect to throw itself out, and officially ran to the moon.

The end of the live broadcast screen ended with the background of the earth that was constantly moving away from the first perspective of the spacecraft. All witnesses knew that the appearance of this screen meant that mankind had set sail and officially embarked on a new journey to return to the moon!


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