Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 1021 [Working Emperor Archbishop? 】

With the passage of time, the battle angel booking order received by Yuechuang Technology ushered in a super large order three days later, and 5,000 orders were directly received that day, worth 150 billion RMB.

This batch of orders is not ordered by the same customer, but the total amount of orders placed by multiple customers.

However, it also attracted Luo Sheng's attention, and asked Xiaona to track down the identity of the buyer behind the orders. The result of the secret investigation was exactly as Luo Sheng expected, and the final direction was the same buyer.

Obviously, this is not the anonymous operation of a rich and powerful man at all.

Except for Luo Sheng, there is no rich person in the world who can have this kind of capital, and Elon Musk, who is worth more than 300 billion US dollars by the soaring Tesla stock price, can not afford it, because his worth is all bubbles. Most of them are propped up by Tesla's trillion-dollar market value, and it is impossible to extract cash flow on a large scale, so the gold content is definitely far less than that of Luo Sheng, and the paper wealth is mostly.

Then obviously, this must be an order from a certain country in the world wearing a vest.

They are all customers. If they have money or not, they are foolish. Luo Sheng naturally has no reason to refuse.

Luo Sheng wasn't worried at all, and he didn't care. As long as the other party didn't buy it and didn't do it for himself, he liked it.

Even if he really came to attack himself, Luo Sheng certainly had the means to ensure that he was not afraid of it. If the other party came to attack him, he would directly overstep the other party's authority and take back control of the battle angel.

Of course, this method will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary, after all, the damage to the brand reputation of Battle Angel is very huge.


On the day that Yuechuang Technology dispatched the battle angel group to North America, another field ushered in a major reversal, that is, the global capital market.

The global futures market and stock market, which had plummeted, have both stopped falling and rebounded. Small and medium-sized investors have been tortured to the death.

But such a reversal is not without logic, but the smart funds around the world have drawn a clear signal from the entrustment of Wujiao Building and the entrustment of Yuechuang Technology.

This signal is that the global investors are worried about whether the rabbit will take the opportunity to fall into trouble. If the rabbit wants to take advantage of the sudden illness of Eagle sauce and kill him, the incident of Victor Finley's rebellion is very important. It may evolve into a violent conflict between major powers.

A little carelessness is a world war,

The reason for the sudden stock market crash this time is the potential unfavorable expectation of a world war, and smart funds choose to avoid risks and run away in advance.

Now that the Battle Angels have helped the Wujiao Building to fight the Victor Finley Rebellion, it also shows that the rabbits on the other side of the ocean have no intention of taking advantage of others, or have no intention of starting a world war to dominate the world.

The bad expectations of the world war have been fulfilled, and the global capital market naturally has no reason to fall. Instead, a super gold pit has been smashed, causing global funds to occupy the pit, which is directly reflected in the oversold and plummeting global capital market suddenly ushered in retaliatory backlash.

During this period, Shengfeng Capital has already started to do a lot of backhand, and this wave of repeated harvests can be said to be a lot of money.

The game of the capital market is a cycle of ups and downs, but in this process of ups and downs, some people make blood, some are brutally harvested and lose blood, and even go bankrupt.


Science and Technology Complex Building.

In Luo Sheng's private office, Lin Ya is reporting to him some recent important work.

"Sister Qin has just sent over the materials that have just been sorted out. Shengfeng Capital's recent two rounds of long and short operations have made a global profit of 7.94 trillion RMB, and the profit is out of the game. Excluding exchange rate changes, it is about 2.43 trillion US dollars. , and has recently completed a new round of long-term layout, and it is expected that after the global capital market recovers, it will again make a floating profit of 2.3 trillion RMB, which is about more than 700 billion US dollars."

Lin Ya methodically read the content of the material for Luo Sheng. Generally speaking, this time it was a bloody profit, which not only completely hedged the impact of the frenzied water release of major economies around the world, but also gained a great surplus value.

These are all huge profits indirectly contributed by Victor Finley, the "black swan". If he did not choose to rebel, the global capital market would definitely not collapse, and Luo Sheng would not be able to reap this profit. .

This wave is really a crazy rhythm.

In addition, the newly established Yuechuang Technology also made a lot of money. The brand reputation and value influence of Battle Angel were all shaped after Victor Finley's rebellion.

Now the world's top rich people have to buy battle angel bodyguards, which has become an unwritten standard. It is not only a rare breed that was popular and showed off in the early days, but it is actually configured for their own safety.

The popularity of the battle angel is established, the brand value is established, and at the same time, expectations are formed for the sinking market. When the top rich people make almost the profits in this market, they will expand to the global middle-income group in the future until the popular demand is realized.

During this time, I don't know how many old friends have called Luo Sheng to ask whether Yuechuang Technology has plans to increase capital and expand shares in the near future or in the future. Obviously, they all want to get on the bus.

The future expectation of Yuechuang Technology is not weaker than that of Bluestar Technology. Its growth has unparalleled imagination, especially in the field of outer space exploration.

Who wouldn't want to take a stake in such a company?

However, it is obviously not their turn. The car door has been completely welded to death. Yuechuang Technology has no shortage of capital at all. Now there are two major shareholders, one is the Luo Sheng family fund holding 55% of the equity and business operation rights, and the other 45 % of the equity share is owned by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office, which only obtains the right to dividends and does not interfere with the company's operation and management.

"This is the first-round profit sharing plan of Yuechuang Technology submitted by Sister Qingxue." Lin Ya handed one of the materials to Luo Sheng.

From the general overview, Yuechuang Technology has sold 30,000 battle angels since its establishment. This is not counting the shipments of orders purchased by the military, because the orders of the military are small profits, which simply means that there is no profit-making effect.

In other words, the shipments of commercial bodyguards' battle angels have brought 900 billion yuan in revenue to Yuechuang Technology, of which the net profit is 700.2 billion yuan, and the net profit rate has reached an exaggerated 77.8%.

"200 billion liquidity is reserved for corporate expansion and emergency needs, and the other 500 billion will be directly distributed." Luo Sheng immediately signed and sealed the approval, and the family fund received 275 billion pre-tax dividends according to the dividend ratio. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office It is 225 billion.

This wave of dividends directly allows the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office to recoup the original investment with the principal and interest. In the future, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office can continue to lie down and collect dividends. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office finally took away the dividends and was taken away by the social security fund. More than 180 billion.

As for the equity of Yuechuang Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office will not sell it. There is also the share held by Shengfeng Capital. The share that was transferred to the social security fund for free last time is still heartache.

It is no exaggeration to say that Luo Sheng is now the god of wealth of the country, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office can't wait to hand over all the assets to Luo Sheng and Qin Weimu to take care of, because their earning ability is really exaggerated.

In a sense, Luo Sheng is working for the people of the whole country, doing investment and financial management for the people of the whole country, and helping the people of the whole country to make money, not to mention other things, the recent wave of Shengfeng Capital has harvested nearly 8 trillion in profits. If the money is divided, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office can take away more than 4 trillion of the profits according to the proportion of 51%. This 4 trillion will eventually be transferred to the social security fund, and then distributed to the people of the country in the form of pensions. .

This is the fundamental reason for Luo Sheng's unbreakable status today. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the God of Wealth of the people of the whole country. Hatred for the rich is a common phenomenon among ordinary people at the bottom, but another special phenomenon is that Luo Sheng is the most powerful person in the world. Wealthy individuals are not among the objects of hatred.

Aside from some prejudices and interests, an ordinary Chinese has no reason to hate Luo Sheng at all. The equity structure of Shengfeng Capital is no longer a secret, and it was once ridiculed by netizens as a state-run investment fund disguised as a private institution. , after all, state-owned assets occupy more than half.

Let Luo Sheng help everyone manage their assets and realize wealth appreciation. Everyone is very at ease. There is no second asset management institution on earth that can make more money than Shengfeng Capital.


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