Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 124 [New Year's Struggle (3/4)]

Qin Weimu's defense was too strong, Luo Sheng had already launched such a powerful offensive, but in the end he just reached the periphery of the penalty area and stopped.

However, this was an unexpected harvest. Before that, Luo Sheng didn't want to reach the penalty area, and he was happy to hear the light before reaching the outside of the penalty area.

Now that he has captured the hearts of the beauties, it is equal to 75% of the success, and stepping into the restricted area even only needs an accidental opportunity to be a matter of course.

However, Luo Sheng was also a little annoyed. He found that his mother was quite satisfied with Qin Weimu, and she seemed to have regarded her as his intended daughter-in-law.

who cares.

At this time, Luo Sheng firmly remembered his father's teachings, and the courageous and the cowardly starved to death.

Luo Sheng agreed with it, and secretly vowed that the blue is better than the blue.


In a twinkling of an eye, it entered the second half of February of the new year. After the Spring Festival, the two parents also left Sioux City.

When I came to see my son in Sucheng this time, I was worried before, but after that, I felt a lot more relieved about my son's maturity.

The two parents are actually very young and healthy. Father Luo Hai is 45 years old this year, which can be said to be the age of fighting. You must know that there are not a few parents even at the age of 15 or 6 in this era.

And her mother, Xu Yingzhi, is only 43 years old. With good economic conditions, she has more money to invest in maintenance. She looks like she is 33 years old, and the years have not left too many traces on her.

They also have their own careers and lives.

For Luo Sheng this Spring Festival, the biggest gain may be that she has improved a lot of feelings with Qin Weimu. She also did not go home for the New Year this year.

After the Spring Festival, the employees who went home for the New Year also returned one after another, and began to fully devote themselves to the struggle for the new year.

After the employees returned, Luo Sheng held a staff meeting to clarify the company's performance and goals this year.

This year is an extremely critical year for both Côte d'Azur and Bluestar.

Up to now, the total number of global users of [BlueSpace] has reached 3.47, and overseas market users account for 198 million, of which North American users have reached 92.6 million, and will soon exceed 100 million.

Today, this social product has surpassed the Greater China market in both the number of users and the growth rate, and now it has begun to receive advertisers around the world.

The market share of Yunge Search has grown steadily, breaking 20% ​​of the market share for the first time. Although the whiteness is still far ahead, Yunge Search has now achieved the second position in the domestic search engine market, which is beyond the industry's Unexpectedly, it has been recognized by the industry that Yunge Search is now the most threatening competitor of Baidu.

The global user base of anonymous forum Reddit has reached 165 million, of which North American users have exceeded 90 million for the first time. At this rate, it will not take long to catch up with the number of users of BlueSpace in the North American single market.

However, the value of Reddit is far less than the former. It can be seen from the global traffic, and the activity of Reddit users is less than one-third, because the characteristics of this website are there, and there are many account holders. Yes.

The cumulative number of users of Bluestar Music MusicSpace has exceeded 133 million for the first time, its domestic version has exceeded 100 million users, and the international version of MusicSpace has 33 million users. Up to now, the cumulative sales of songs in the music store have exceeded 50 million for the first time. Song.

The number of users of Bluestar Video has exceeded 115 million, and its international version accounts for 67.22 million users. The growth of online video business is the most astonishing. Users watch more than 100 million videos on video websites every day, and the viewing time exceeds 7,000. million hours.

With the emergence of Bluestar Video,

2005 has been recognized by the industry as the year of the outbreak of online video services. There is a boom all over the world, and Bluestar Technology undoubtedly leads the world in the field of streaming online video.


"Come in!"

In Luo Sheng's office, he responded and looked up, and Irene walked in.

"The company's performance and revenue in January this year have been counted. Guess how much?" Irene said with a smile.

"Come here, I'll tell you." Luo Sheng said, so Irene walked over while holding a document, Luo Sheng grabbed her with quick eyes, gave her a slap on the round legs, and then slapped her from her. I took the document on me: "Let you skin..."

Luo Sheng retracted his hand and began to browse the financial situation in January compiled by Irene. Looking at the revenue data of BlueSpace, the real figures were presented in front of him. Luo Sheng's heart also stabilized, and he immediately said: "The financial situation should be paid special attention to. Confidentiality, how the first quarter of the year results is very important to the company."

Erin nodded.

After staying at Bluestar Technology for half an hour and finishing the related work, Luo Sheng left and went to the Azur.


Since the establishment of this company in March last year, it has been almost a year now, just to do one thing, that is, to cultivate its own first-generation smart mobile device behind closed doors, the highly confidential [Azure] plan, except inside the company, Only a few senior executives of the strategic partner Hua Wei know about it.

After the cooperation with Hua Wei, Cote d'Azur not only returned to the media's field of vision, but its attention soared.

This incident made Luo Sheng feel unpredictable, and at the same time, Cote d'Azur often diverted the market's attention with misleading remarks.

Luo Sheng did this not to deliberately create a sense of mystery, but to hide people's eyes and ears.

When I came to Cote d'Azur, the first thing I did was to hold a meeting. There was no way, who made him the head of the company. There were no less than ten meetings a day, large and small, and it was necessary to understand, make decisions, and arrange.

It is impossible not to have a meeting.

"The cooperation with TSMC has been negotiated, but as the plan continues to advance, the corresponding production lines and more procurement of accessories have to be dealt with, especially the procurement of accessories, which will inevitably involve the issue of product confidentiality." said a senior director of .

[Azure] plans to develop a lot of innovative technologies, but not all the components of the smartphone have to be arranged by themselves. No company can produce every screw by itself. You know, a radio frequency chip alone is a huge industry chain.

"We must hide the news about the development of smartphones from the many selected partners, but we need them to provide some accessories for the mobile phone..." Luo Sheng thought for a while, and then added: "Let's play tricks, let's set up an engineer. The team, made some fake drawings and fake industrial designs, so that some partners thought that the accessories they provided were another version of the original plastic keyboard function machine."

At the end of the meeting, Luo Sheng came to the "Côte d'Azur Lab". Not long after that, Li Chunsheng, the product leader of the screen design and development project team, came to him, "Mr. Luo, the two screens of the project team still do not meet the standard you requested. ."

Hearing that, Luo Sheng looked at him: "How do you say?"


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