Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 126 [Diamond Glass (1/4)]

(There are four changes every day for a few days at the end of the month, and the front row asks for tickets~~(*^▽^*))


Three days later, Luo Sheng arranged the work related to the two companies before leaving for the country. The first stop of this business trip was New York, North America.

Arrived in New York and took a night at a hotel to reverse the jet lag.

This morning, Luo Sheng slept until he woke up naturally. When he came out of the guest room, his breakfast was ready and a newspaper was placed at the same time.

"Please come in."

When he heard the knock on the door, Luo Sheng, who was enjoying breakfast, stared at the contents of the newspaper and responded, and it was Qin Weimu who walked in.

"We've made an appointment for you to meet with Corning CEO Wendell Weeks in the morning, go directly to their company, tomorrow afternoon with Take-Two founder Ryan Blunt, and four days later with Valve. Meet the founder Gabe Logan Newell." Qin Weimu said, these were arranged by Luo Sheng's name.

Luo Sheng nodded, glanced at her and said, "It's been hard work, haven't you eaten breakfast yet? Hmm...?"

After he finished speaking, he gave her a look, Qin Weimu did not have breakfast yet, but he did not refuse. He sat down at the dining table generously and enjoyed breakfast together.

Luo Sheng admired her, and suddenly said solemnly: "To tell the truth, Arsenal also want to shoot goals, thinking about it, well, let's not talk about shooting problems, I can think about it, but I can see it anyway. See what the world in the restricted area is like?"

Qin Weimu hesitated for a moment, then glared at him angrily: "Don't be a hooligan in front of me."

Luo Sheng sighed helplessly: "What I can't get is really like scratching my heart. How long are you going to torture me? It's too hard for me..."

Qin Weimu couldn't help but smirked and held back, humming as if nothing had happened: "You stinky men, you can't cherish it if you get it too easily, I just want you to understand that not all women can break through with money and material things. "

Luo Sheng rolled his eyes immediately, glanced at her and mocked: "Cut~~, standing and talking without back pain, she is already a rich woman worth hundreds of millions of dollars, of course it can be said, I would not give it if I knew it earlier. Your equity will make you squirm."

Qin Weimu looked at him with a smile and said, "Then can you fire me?"

Luo Sheng pretended to stare and looked at her incredulously. Qin Weimu was inexplicable when he saw his expression, Luo Sheng immediately said: "Uh~ is it true? Is this a good idea? It's the first time I've seen it. A woman who takes the initiative to ask... but this kind of thing doesn't need to be said so... shouldn't it be a little more subtle? I didn't expect you to be..."

Qin Weimu: ? ? ?

After reacting, Qin Weimu interrupted him in embarrassment and scolded: "Shut up, get out—"

Luo Sheng smiled and hurriedly admitted his mistake: "It's not me... take good care of my fault, my fault, don't say it, don't say it, don't say this, ah, I'll treat you to goose another day, it's super delicious."

Qin Weimu wasn't really mad at him, but he had to express his emotions, otherwise, with this guy's thick skin, he would definitely gain an inch, and maybe the penalty area would be lost.


Qin Weimu was suspicious in hindsight, but he didn't want to understand.


After breakfast, Luo Sheng went to Corning's headquarters as scheduled, and met with Weeks around ten in the morning.

"I was really surprised to hear that you wanted to meet me. I still don't understand why the 'Son of the Internet' would interview the CEO of a glass manufacturer." In the reception room of Corning, the company's head Wendell Wei Cox said jokingly.

At this moment, both of them were seated, and Luo Sheng brought Qin Weimu as his accompanying assistant.

"Mr. Weeks, maybe you don't know, besides Bluestar Technology, I also founded another business."

"Do not,

I know, Cote d'Azur. ' Wesker corrected.

Hearing this, Luo Sheng smiled and shrugged and spread his hands, "Uh... well, in fact, during this time, I was inquiring about manufacturers that can produce the hardest glass, so Corning came into my sight."

Hearing that, Weeks showed off his legs and said, "Haha, Mr. Luo, if you want to buy glass, you should find the right person. I am an expert in the field of glass. But what I want to know is, what do you want with glass? ?"

Luo Sheng said concisely: "Smart phone screen glass."

There is nothing to hide. A screen glass material does not show any clues. The purpose of Luo Sheng's visit is to hope that Corning can supply screen glass materials for the Côte d'Azur. Specifically, the company has its own final assembly production line and related supporting equipment. .

It turns out that Weeks, who learned the reason, was not too surprised. When Luo Sheng came to meet him, he also learned about it. Knowing that Cote d'Azur also cooperated with Qualcomm, it is not surprising to make mobile phone screens.

Knowing that the customer came to talk about the business in person, Weeks couldn't help but take a lot of interest, and immediately introduced to Luo Sheng many products and R\u0026D strength of Corning, among which he showed off the "King Kong glass" developed for the cockpit of American fighter jets in the 1960s. "s story.

Just after finishing the story, Luo Sheng patted his leg and said, "Ness, this so-called 'King Kong glass' is exactly what I want, Mr. Weeks, your company will produce this kind of glass for us, and also There is a requirement that the thickness of a piece can only be 1.3 mm, our order is very large, the first order is no less than one million mobile phones, and there may be more in the future, we can establish long-term strategic cooperation."

The first one is a million?

More to come?

Now it's Weeks' turn to be dumbfounded, so confident that the product can sell so well?

Well, who cares, Weeks came back to his senses and suddenly smiled bitterly, and said, "It's a pity Mr. Luo, we can't produce this kind of glass anymore."

Facing this basin of cold water, Luo Sheng was stunned, and subconsciously said, "Why is this?"

Weeks reluctantly replied: "After this glass was developed, the market demand was too small. The company stopped production in 1971 and has not produced it for decades."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng smiled easily: "I thought it was a big deal, it's nothing, it's just a small problem, just restart the production line."

Weeks was speechless when he heard it. No one knew his factory better than him. The problems here are not something that can be overcome with a "little problem" or "restart".

Immediately afterwards, Luo Sheng presented him with a huge problem: "Mr. Weeks, we hope that your company can produce 2 million pieces or more of diamond glass within a year."

Weeks spread his hands and said: "I'm sorry Mr. Luo, although I am very excited about this business, but I don't have the ability now. Our factory is now producing liquid crystal displays, not diamond glass. It is difficult to restart the production line."

Luo Sheng stared at him and said: "It's not difficult at all, you can do it, you can definitely do it, use your brain and think of a way, you are experts in the field of glass. Not only did I bring a considerable order, It brings a historic opportunity to your company.”

Story King is back online.

"Just imagine, how many mobile phone brands are there in the world? Don't you want to be the standard for mobile phone glass cover? OK, let's think about it, when almost all mainstream mobile phone manufacturers are happy to use Corning's King Kong glass panel, then again What will it be like?"

"We will be better, all of us are crazy about our products, you can make glass that has never been made, I believe! I believe!"

At this moment, Luo Sheng once again showed his eloquent talent and praised the other party to the sky, saying that the other party was a master, others couldn't do it, but Corning produced more than 2 million tablets within one year. This kind of glass is as easy as the palm of your hand, and so on, it can be called hype.

Luo Sheng frantically instilled Wendell Weeks with ecstasy soup, and finally he resorted to the killer.

"OK, since your company no longer produces this kind of glass, then I will invest 80 million US dollars to support your company's project restart, research and development, equipment introduction and advanced glass manufacturing. And I will sign a contract for 2 million pieces immediately. The company pays upfront, and includes subsequent long-term strategic cooperation, more than 40 million contracts, and if the Côte d'Azur defaults, it will pay Corning up to $50 million in liquidated damages."

For two million pieces, the contract is at least $10 million, and the contract for 40 million pieces is no less than $200 million.

Luo Sheng released these words, and Wex's microcosm exploded on the spot.

"Mr. Luo, are you sure it's true?"

Luo Sheng said affirmatively: "Of course, is it possible that I came across most of the world to be joking with you?"

The spirited Weeks said on the spot: "I have decided that we will put the best scientists and engineers into this project cooperation."

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "It should be so."

On the same day, the two sides negotiated and quickly reached a consensus on cooperation, but the formal signing of the contract will take some time.

Because this involves investment, Corning is a North American high-tech company with five business segments, namely display technology, optical communications, specialty materials, environmental science and life science.

King Kong glass is only a sub-product under the special materials segment, while display glass is Corning's highest-revenue and most profitable business segment and its products.

The company nearly went bankrupt in 2003, but has reached a market value of more than $30 billion this year.


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