For the next week or so, Luo Sheng was in frequent and repeated contact with major investment banks. At only 20 years old, she continued to mediate with a group of shrewd Wall Street bankers, and she was able to do it with ease.

Anyway, Luo Sheng is not in a hurry at all. It's only May, and it doesn't matter if his company waits another year to go public.

Even if it is not listed all the time, but Wall Street will definitely not agree, hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in round after round, no matter what, it is taking huge risks, and the result is not equal to the income.

And this is Luo Sheng's reliance in no hurry, and now the major investment banks are anxious.

Day by day, Luo Sheng also kept meeting with these Wall Street bankers, and every time he saw only one of them, if he wanted to come together, he would find a reason to say that he had no time, and was in the "Côte d'Azur laboratory". "R\u0026D of tamping technology.

Luo Sheng is not afraid of collusion among major investment banks, because collusion means unsuspenseful dilution of interests. People are greedy, especially Wall Street.

As a result, major investment houses have reduced their commission ratios one after another in order to be eligible to contract Bluestar Technology Group's listing, from 7.2% at the beginning, and then reduced to 2.15%.

Finally settled here.

This ratio is obviously much lower than what was paid before. The outside world wants to know what Luo Sheng and Wall Street are talking about. It took more than half a month to break up, but neither side disclosed any details.

On the day of May 17th, there was finally some new news.

Solomon Smith Barney, a subsidiary of Citigroup, withdrew from the ranks of underwriters, and revealed the reasons for it. Anyway, they stopped playing.

Only then did the outside world know that it turned out that Bluestar Technology’s commission was so low that Smith Barney Securities had no money to make, at least that’s how Smith Barney Securities responded to the outside world.

People in the industry all looked at him, and they all felt that Bluestar Technology Group is really unusual. Luo Sheng's achievements in the technology industry need not be repeated.

However, Citigroup did not disclose too much information, because they all signed a non-disclosure agreement. Although they gave up their qualifications as an underwriter, Citigroup would never give up their internal subscription rights.

Goldman Sachs Group is determined, there is a feeling that you have abused me thousands of times, and I still treat you like my first love.

Even if the ratio is reduced to less than 2%, it must be won. It can be said that Goldman Sachs is definitely the "iron fan" of Bluestar Technology Group.


Goldman Sachs was not the first investor to enter Bluestar Technology, but it spent the most money. In this case, it is not too bad. If it loses, it will be a blood loss.

But if you earn it, you will earn it in blood, and if you earn a little more, it will not be one or two, so there is nothing to hesitate.

A Wall Street capital group like Goldman Sachs, which is as bad as it is shrewd in its core, will never make a loss-making business. During the subprime mortgage crisis, it was ruthless and shorted its own master.


Time goes by day by day.

In this way, it entered the middle and late May. On May 17th, Luo Sheng and Wall Street experienced more than a month of mediation, and finally determined a breakthrough.

Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Merrill Lynch have become the joint sponsors of the listing of Bluestar Technology Group. This may be the strongest sponsor lineup so far. This is probably the top three investment banks in the world without objection.

The news has not been announced, it will not be announced until a month before the listing, and there can be variables even one day before the listing. At present, it is only temporarily circulated in a very small circle of top investment banks.


In an instant, July 8, 2005 came.

Irene entered Luo Sheng's office, threw the data report in her hand onto his desk, and looked at each other with resentment: "The second quarter audited financial report has finally come out, you really don't know how to pity Xiangxiyu, Why are you in such a hurry?"

Luo Sheng looked at her, and suddenly looked at her with a smile and said, "It's hard work, why don't you eat goose meat first to make up for it? After get off work, I love you all night, starting at least five times. "

Well, this Friday, tomorrow and the next two days off, Luo Sheng naturally has the confidence to devote all his energy.

"Go, think beautifully, you're exhausted trying to get rid of this audit report, do you really want to kill me?" Irene rolled her eyes at her angrily, ignored him, and turned around. Resting on the sofa next to him, he replied, "Look at what else you need to order. If you don't have me, I will deal with other work."

Irene now also holds several positions, including CFO, director, director of the president's office, assistant to the president, director of the global accounting department, and president of the accounting management department of Bluestar Technology Group.

It's hard to imagine that she, who was chasing ducks on the shelves, could grow to such a level in just three years. There is an important factor that outsiders did not notice but could not ignore.

That is Qin Weimu.

Sister Irene is also competing in her heart. She always feels that Qin Weimu is her most threatening rival in love. She is beautiful and not weaker than herself. The key is her talent. When compared to Qin Weimu in terms of talent, she still lacks confidence.

But she didn't think she was much worse than her.

Isn't it just a few years early?

As for appearance, Irene is very confident in this point, because she is four and a half years younger than Qin Weimu, youth is capital, and the other party has not been able to recover from her appearance.

Therefore, Sister Aileen, who wants to compare Qin Weimu in every way, should focus on her career now, and if she makes up for this shortcoming, she will be able to beat her.

In ancient times, the king of Chu had a slender waist, and many died of starvation in the palace.

It can be seen that once a woman makes up her mind, it is also terrifying to be ruthless.

Luo Sheng picked up the audited financial report sent by Irene. This report is indeed very fast in time. It is only the first ten days of July, and many listed companies will not disclose their mid-year reports or semi-annual reports until August. It's the second quarter.

But this was specifically requested by Luo Sheng and needed to be negotiated with Wall Street.

Bluestar Technology is currently in the stage of spin-off and reorganization, and the business of the group company is global. It is indeed not easy to get it done in a little more than a week.

It is indeed worthy of recognition that Irene can complete the task on time. Luo Sheng feels that the best form of recognition is to love her N times in succession on the day after get off work.

After a while, Luo Sheng put away his thoughts and glanced at the main data of the audited financial report.

The total revenue of Bluestar Technology Group in the second quarter was US$576 million, equivalent to RMB 100 million in Chinese currency, an increase of 32.6% month-on-month, far exceeding Wall Street’s expectations of 13.8%.

Operating profit was negative in the second quarter, with a loss of $564 million.

Because the audited financial report for the second quarter included the group company's acquisition of three game development expenses, if not included, the company's operating profit could reach $98.57 million.

The operating profit of the previous quarter increased by 3.17 million US dollars, an astonishing 3109%, directly from the one million level to the threshold of nearly 100 million.

It really took off, in full swing.

Among them, of the $576 million in revenue, the revenue from advertising business accounted for $514 million, accounting for % of the revenue, and the rest was revenue from digital music and virtual gifts.

In this revenue data, the total overseas revenue was 450 million US dollars, accounting for % of the total revenue, and the proportion in the previous quarter was %, which rose slightly.

The proportion of revenue and regional revenue did not change much from the previous quarter. Advertising revenue and overseas revenue still accounted for an absolute proportion of Bluestar Technology Group.

This time the revenue data "BlueSpace" still contributed 93%, an increase of more than one percentage point over the previous quarter.

As for the company's other business sectors, Luo Sheng knew that it must be in a state of loss without looking at it, and it was a huge loss.

This dazzling revenue data is all supported by the "BlueSpace" business segment.

Costs and expenses in this quarter amounted to US$1.14 billion, with free cash flow remaining at US$536 million. Excluding the expenditure of US$663 million for the acquisition of three game companies, Bluestar Technology Group’s free cash flow would reach US$100 million after the second quarter revenue. , an increase of more than $40 million sequentially.

At present, the total number of employees of the group company has reached 6,533. During the second quarter, the company has expanded its recruitment by 673 people worldwide. More than 85% of the newly hired employees are engineers, and the company is still recruiting externally on a large scale.

Luo Sheng simply read the audited financial report and closed the document. He was very satisfied with the company's performance in the second quarter, and then turned to look at Irene sitting lazily on the sofa: "Xiao Ai, take this audit. The report will be released to the public, and the major shareholders of Bluestar Technology Group will be notified at the same time that an extraordinary shareholders' meeting will be held 15 days later."

The reason for the rush to release the second quarter earnings report is to be able to speak louder and stronger to all external investors at the next extraordinary shareholders meeting.

Strong and confident speaking loudly also requires solid backing.


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