Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 161 [Highlight Moment]

[Ness, all the rewards and updates have been settled~]


It is said that the successful listing of Bluestar Technology Group has definitely reached the peak of Luo Sheng's current career. It has not been easy for him in the past three years, so he did not stingy himself at this time.

Irene really got the hall and the kitchen. Today's dinner Luo Sheng shared with her. It was a seafood dinner, but they both liked seafood. Luo Sheng ordered abalone, while Irene I ordered a conch meat.


After the meal, Irene wearing a bathrobe just came out of the bathroom, and suddenly remembered the matter of coming to Luo Sheng.

"I almost forgot to come to find your business."

Luo Sheng glanced at her and asked, "What's the matter?"

Erin said: "The Wall Street Journal, Silicon Valley, Empire Magazine, The Guardian, The New Yorker and many other European and American media hope to do a TV talk show for you. Do you want it? join?"

There are more than one or two hot celebrities in the global Internet technology industry, and Luo Sheng is definitely one of them, especially after the huge success of the IPO yesterday, his reputation in Silicon Valley and Wall Street can be described as In the middle of the day.

As one of the ten richest people in the world, Luo Sheng is even 20 years old and has a wealth that can rival the country. There are too many topics on him, and he is a mobile hotspot.

"Tomorrow we are leaving for China, and even if I want to be interviewed, I don't have time." Luo Sheng will definitely not delay the planned schedule because of an interview, but he also thinks that the time is right and he can also be interviewed by the media.

Because during the IPO yesterday, hundreds of media wanted to interview him.

But Luo Sheng didn't even conduct a temporary interview all day, which made many media feel depressed and dissatisfied.

Gates and Joe gang masters are not as big as you are.

"Left back to China tomorrow afternoon, or accept a media in the morning. The New Yorker is fine, what do you think?" Irene thought for a while and suggested.

"The New Yorker, okay, just this media, tomorrow morning, you can arrange it." Luo Sheng nodded in agreement.


Since Luo Sheng became famous in the industry, he has never been interviewed by any domestic or foreign TV media, and even rarely appeared in the public eye. The only few appearances were hosted on his own site. Bluestar Technology Company held important events. media conference.

The exposure probability is extremely low, but this does not mean that the industry and the news media pay less attention to him, or that Bluestar Technology pays less attention.

Dazzling achievements and achievements are hard to be noticed otherwise.

The next day, March 12.

The core management team of Bluestar Technology Group followed Luo Sheng from the prospectus to the global roadshow to the IPO. After tossing to this day, they can finally return to China.

Especially starting from the global roadshow, it was really tiring to run around the world's major cities in just over ten days.

But there is no doubt that everyone will not complain. Even though today is the third day of the company's listing, the excitement in everyone's heart has not completely subsided.

Because almost every other day, everyone's worth continues to rise.


At around 10:15 in the morning, Luo Sheng took a special commercial vehicle to a studio temporarily set up by The New Yorker on Broadway. Yesterday, the New Yorker was very excited to receive the news and arranged the interview in a hurry. on site.

It is not easy to interview this "Internet giant", and the exclusive interview is even more difficult. After learning the news, despite the hurry, the "New Yorker" media was still very excited and did not enter the whole night. Prepare for this interview.

Luo Sheng is definitely the hottest topic at the moment. For media organizations, this means small money.

Just after Luo Sheng agreed to the interview, The New Yorker started to negotiate broadcast licensing fees with a number of North American financial television media.

Although the time is very short, there are still many people who came to the scene for this interview. There are one or two hundred people, most of them are people in the industry, and there are also some investors.


"Let's applaud the 'Internet giant' that everyone likes to see, the founder and head of Bluestar Technology Group, Mr. Luo Sheng."

On the studio stage, a beautiful hostess with short hair spoke.

The voice fell, and the scene ushered in a burst of applause.

Luo Sheng, who was behind the scenes, immediately walked to the stage, and the people present saw the familiar shape as always.

Luo Sheng came to the stage with a professional smile on his face. The host immediately motioned him to sit on a swivel chair next to him when he saw him approaching, and she also sat down in his own chair shortly after.

This is a face-to-face interview.

The hostess said: "Before the official start, both myself and The New Yorker would like to say, I am very happy to have you here, we welcome you, and the media community knows how special it is to be able to interview you. easy thing."

After Luo Sheng sat down, his whole body was very natural, without the slightest restraint, and the temperament exuded from his whole body gave a feeling of confidence and energy.

After hearing the host's opening remarks, Luo Sheng said with a smile: "Thank you, I'm also very happy to be here. In fact, I don't resist being interviewed by the media, you know, people can wait for time, but time does not wait for people, and Lan Star Technology pursues the concept of [move fast, break the rules].”

The host continued: "Let's start with a simple question. Bluestar Technology Group closed on the second day of its listing, and its stock price rose again by 4.85%. The total market value was locked at $72.118 billion, surpassing Dell's $71.97 billion market in one fell swoop. Value, second only to Apple's market cap of $72.13 billion, only a difference of $12 million, we think you may have something to say about it?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng was stunned for a while, and then subconsciously said, "Is there such a thing?"

The host was also stunned for a while, and couldn't help laughing after reacting, and there was a low burst of laughter from the audience off the field.

"It seems you don't know yet?"

Luo Sheng nodded: "If you didn't lie to me, I really only found out now."

When everyone heard the smiles on their faces, they had to say what was going on in their hearts. This X outfit really caught people off guard, and people couldn't see any signs of intentionality.

If Luo Sheng knew their inner thoughts, he would definitely say: The conscience of heaven and earth, brother, I really don't know. Last night, I gave all my energy to sister Aileen, so there is no need to look at the stock price.

The host smiled and said, "Of course."

Luo Sheng was stunned, and immediately added: "Okay, uh... In fact, I didn't pay attention, you know, I can't keep staring at the company's stocks, only those who speculate in stocks do this, and I am an entrepreneur, developing a business. It's my job."

There's nothing wrong with what you said, it's okay, you're at the peak of your life now, everything you say is right, and it's reasonable to put a P.

It is worth mentioning that Bluestar Technology Group is currently one of the top ten listed companies in the world in the field of technology. It can be said that it is exceptionally bright, not because of Bluestar Technology's dazzling market value, of course, it is dazzling enough.

But the most dazzling thing is that Bluestar Technology is a technology company from outside North America. The most important thing is that it is not from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, South Korea or Japan, but from China, and it is the only company from China so far. of tech companies made it into the top ten.


(Ps: The positioning of this book is a commercial science and technology article, that is, the two core elements of business + technology, because the protagonist of this book does not follow the route of state funding for scientific research, the protagonist needs to make money by himself to climb technology, and then feed back the positive cycle of technology research and development , the purpose of this is to avoid too many official plots, and the anti-crab also writes his own style...)

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