Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 216 [Tsundere? Mergers and acquisitions without obedience]

The media conference is over, and the news is spreading one after another, which is gradually fermenting.

The whole people started a new round of heated discussions on the Internet. Because of the entry of Bluestar Technology and Luo Sheng's high-profile platform for e-sports, this topic has become the hottest topic nowadays.

And Luo Sheng also gained a brand new title - the number one player.

It has caused widespread heated discussions in the public society. Luo Sheng's high-profile layout of the e-sports industry has also forced the capital circle and its industry to re-evaluate and examine this industry.

After all, Luo Sheng's vision seems to be really accurate, although there is no data to support that the future of the e-sports industry can be worth the investment scale of Bluestar Technology.

There is no doubt that Luo Sheng's move is not an exaggeration to say that he has changed the domestic e-sports pattern and even the global e-sports pattern by himself. It is a new era for the global e-sports industry.

WCG has become the past tense overnight. The end of an era is also the birth of a new era. WCG officials are still in a state of confusion.

WRPO has joined hands with the global e-sports industry to enter a new era. The high-profile entry of Bluestar Technology enables more e-sports practitioners to firmly sway their youth in this field and pursue their e-sports dreams.

Before that, almost every e-sports player felt confused or even fearful about the future. Once they calmed down, they would worry about the future, worrying about the prospect of the future, and worrying that they could only stay in Internet cafes and eat instant noodles all day long.

But it's different now, because Luo Sheng has given them a new and hopeful future, giving them enough reasons to pursue their dreams without any worries.

No more details were disclosed at the media conference, but once WRPO was announced, it has now become an existence in the industry that surpassed WCG. The competition has not yet been held. It must be known that the WCG has been successfully held for six times.

But this is the power of a big group. Although the Korean Samsung also strongly supports it, and Microsoft also sponsored WCG last year, its strength cannot be compared with that of the Bluestar Technology Group.

Both meaning and form are essential differences.

The purpose of Samsung's sponsorship of WCG is not to promote the development of the e-sports industry. Its goal is purely to promote its display products.

And Bluestar Technology Group's announcement to enter the e-sports industry is the core of the sword, which is e-sports itself.

Obviously, this is a fundamental change, and this is why practitioners in the e-sports industry now regard WRPO events directly as the benchmark of the industry, surpassing the existence of WCG. Before that, they all regarded WCG as an industry standard. benchmark.

The horror budget of 1.5 billion US dollars, the current global market size of the entire e-sports industry (excluding surrounding radiation benefits) is only about one-third of this figure, or even less. To some extent, the amount invested is directly Determine the gold content and influence of the WRPO event brand.

Now the most concern of the practitioners in the e-sports industry is when will the first WRPO event be held?

Which eSports projects will be selected?

These two issues are of great concern to every e-sports person. After all, this is a major event related to their own vital interests and future, especially for professional players. Unfortunately, no further disclosure was made at this media conference. , Now it's all guesswork, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

In fact, it is not that Bluestar Technology does not want to disclose, but that it has not yet been negotiated, although the efficiency is already super fast.


The next day, Bluestar Technology Headquarters.

In a conference room, members of the WPRO Organizing Committee, Zhang Bowen and Luo Sheng were all present.

"About the selection of the WRPO competition..." Luo Sheng turned to look at Zhang Bowen halfway through his words: "Old Zhang, how is the Blizzard talk?"

"Blizzard is very supportive of us, but our proposal to get the authorization of all Blizzard games for e-sports competitions was rejected." Zhang Bowen said.

"If you don't agree... Who is in charge of talking with Blizzard? Let him tell the head of Blizzard directly. If you don't agree, I can only buy his company... Don't go any more, immediately ask someone to talk to Vivendi. Talk." Luo Sheng said neatly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the meeting couldn't help but smack their lips in secret. Don't look at the boss, the sunny and easy-going young man, but he is definitely a ruthless man.

"Uh, Mr. Luo, are you serious?" Zhang Bowen said in a stunned moment.

"Of course I'm serious. I put 11.5 billion yuan into it. Blizzard thought I was promoting their games for them, and I guess I was secretly having fun. How can there be such a good thing?" Luo Sheng said calmly.

The IP authorization of the project must be in his own hands anyway, otherwise he would rather not play, because he knows very well that the decline of WCG is closely related to the prosperity of some e-sports games that can run their own games.

In the last life, S events such as TI events of "DOTA2" and "League of Legends" have become more and more popular.

If I didn't hold the IP in my own hands, I spent a lot of time and money to build this industry, and finally became a martyr, making wedding dresses for others, and Luo Sheng would really slap himself a few times at that time.

For the brand of WRPO comprehensive e-sports events, the IP control of the competition items must be in place in the early stage. Only after ten or even twenty years, it becomes an authority in e-sports competitions, just like the Olympic Games. Too concerned.

Because once an absolute authoritative benchmark in the industry is formed, all e-sports projects will be proud of entering WRPO, and only when they come in can they be successful, and they are committed to entering WRPO as their goal.

By that time, WRPO will be an evergreen tree as an event platform, and the competition can be metabolized.

"StarCraft" has fallen, it doesn't matter, the follow-up "League of Legends" is on top, or "League of Legends" has fallen, it doesn't matter, there will definitely be new e-sports projects on the top.

To be a hard-hitting WRPO, a running e-sports project.

This is the perfect result that Luo Sheng wanted.

Because the life cycle of an e-sports event is too short compared to traditional events, it is extremely difficult to be strong for ten years, unlike traditional sports that can be popular for more than a hundred years or even longer.

The e-sports project will be deeply bound to the life cycle of the game itself. If the game is not popular, this project will definitely be cold.

But e-sports itself will not be cold, it will only become more and more prosperous.

The meeting ended soon, and Zhang Bowen decisively contacted the team that was negotiating with Blizzard in North America, so that they didn’t have to talk about it, and went directly to Blizzard’s “father” Vivendi to get in touch.

Vivendi is a group whose interests are king through and through. As long as Luo Sheng's price is high enough, it will not hesitate to sell the shares held by Blizzard to Bluestar Technology.


In mid-September, Blizzard's founder and then-CEO Mike Mohan hurried to Sioux City by plane to visit Luo Sheng.

Because the negotiation between Bluestar Technology and Vivendi was introduced into Blizzard's ears, this made Mike Mohan and other Blizzard executives panic, realizing that it seemed to be related to the negotiation with the other party some time ago, which seemed to offend the technology giant .

This is not the key, the key is that they realize that Bluestar Technology is determined to eat Blizzard in order to force WRPO.

"Mr. Mohan, let me tell you an inside message first, don't spread it out."

At this moment, Luo Sheng was meeting with Blizzard founder Mike Mohan, who came all the way in a reception room of the company. When the latter heard his opening remarks, a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Luo Sheng looked at him with a smile and added: "The news is that our people negotiated with Vivendi Group for a week and a half, and finally reached a consensus very quickly that Vivendi Group has promised to hold the 71% of Blizzard Entertainment was sold to me, Bluestar Technology Group. I can't tell you the exact transaction price, but the transaction was completed two days ago, which means that I am now your new boss."


Mike Mohan was stunned when he heard the news, because he heard that Bluestar Technology is in contact with Vivendi. There is no news about the fact that the transaction has ended. How could it be so fast?

Of course soon.

Bluestar Technology offered a 75% premium based on Blizzard Entertainment's current asset valuation. Vivendi Group never thought of promoting the development of the game industry, just to suck blood, so it couldn't find any reason to reject this condition. , and finally struck the deal quickly for $3.176 billion.

From the perspective of investment, this transaction is the rhythm of Bluestar Technology's profit. Of course, Vivendi also thinks that it is very profitable, and it is indeed not a loser.

Only Blizzard itself is the loser, and it was sold by "Dad" without knowing it, which is a bit miserable no matter how you look at it.

The Vivendi Group, which got the money, turned around and set eyes on Ubisoft. To start with this game company, Bluestar Technology has a strong cash flow. Even if it is more than three billion US dollars, it can be done in half a month. All transferred to Vivendi's account.

This transaction was settled in cash, and it is conceivable that Vivendi would be in hell if he refused.

Of course Luo Sheng wouldn't settle with Bluestar Technology's equity unless he was out of his mind.

"It's impossible. Blizzard's earnings are very good. It's impossible for Vivendi to sell his equity. You must be joking, Mr. Luo." Mike Mohan said quickly.

He was still struggling inside, hoping it was a joke.


[Ps: Some readers may wonder why the protagonist always spends money on acquisitions? It is very simple, money is constantly depreciating, and the most important thing for the protagonist is money, and BTC stocks will appreciate]

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