Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 255 [Complement the short board of content? Then buy buy buy! 】

After the meeting, Luo Sheng returned to his office and worked at Bluestar Technology Group for another half an hour. He was about to go to the next door to the Azur. There were still two meetings to be held there. I also have to go to the Cote d'Azur laboratory and have a walk around with Lens Semiconductor.

This is Luo Sheng's follow-up work arrangement today.

"Mr. Luo, look for me."

Also at the end of the meeting, Zhang Bowen came to Luo Sheng's office.

"Do you know Marvel? The arvel company."

Just as Zhang Bowen came in, Luo Sheng threw such a question to him.

"Marvel?" Zhang Bowen was stunned for a while, thought for a moment, and said uncertainly, "Mr. Luo, are you talking about Marvel Comics in North America?"

Luo Sheng nodded: "Yes, that's what I'm talking about. I'm planning to acquire this company. I just checked it out. I heard that Marvel has recently fallen into the stage of dying and dying. It's the best time to acquire this company."

Speaking of which, Luo Sheng remembered that the name was still called Marvel Comics, and it has not changed its name to Marvel.

Zhang Bowen's brain circuit about his immediate boss is unpredictable, and he's used to it. Anyway, you never know what he's thinking in the next second and what he will do in the next moment.

What is the operation of buying a comic company?

Luo Sheng estimated the time. At this time, Marvel had already made a desperate attempt to invest money in the movie "Iron Man". The movie should be released one month later.

Once it loses, Marvel will also collapse. It is no exaggeration for Marvel to say that it is desperate. Once the movie box office hits the street, Marvel will also follow suit.

But Luo Sheng knew that Marvel had come back to life because of this, and opened up the superhero movie universe, and finally made a lot of money.

He knows, but Marvel doesn't know, this is the opportunity.

"I don't know much about this field, but as far as I know, the copyright of Marvel's most valuable IP Spider-Man is already in the hands of Sony, the X-Men series is also in the hands of 20th Century Fox, and the comics There doesn't seem to be any valuable IPs under Wei's banner..." Zhang Bowen said.

Luo Sheng didn't explain too much to him, and said calmly: "The company currently has too much money on the books, and it was originally going to acquire Sun, but it didn't succeed, even if the digital film copyright fee with the Hollywood film company is removed this time. Expenditure, there are still more than 13 billion US dollars, and the repurchase of shares will not consume too much. How to spend the remaining money? Then buy Marvel, I estimate that I will spend 2 billion US dollars now, Marvel would be willing to sell it to me."

Zhang Bowen said: "Okay, what should we do next if we acquire Marvel?"

This is the point, what to do after the acquisition? If it becomes a bad debt, it is also very painful, this is not a small amount.

Luo Sheng pondered for a moment, and said, "Integrate the IP resources of Marvel, establish Bluestar Pictures, enrich the ecology of the entertainment industry, and diversify the ecology of the bv video business. If the bv video network wants to grow and develop, it will always be necessary to produce online dramas or movies. Movies, flix have played this mode for so many years,

It is still booming, indicating that this road is the right one, and the bv video business should also follow up. "

After a moment's pause, Luo Sheng looked at Lao Zhang and added: "Let's test the water with Marvel's IP resources, maybe we can take this opportunity to enter the movie entertainment market. We need to pay attention to the shortcomings in content, otherwise Hollywood will be a big hit. The film and television giants have been charging all the time and you can’t stand it. This time, throwing more than five billion dollars out is very chic and has earned enough attention, but it is also very painful.”

Zhang Bowen suddenly realized that the boss wants to enrich the overall content ecosystem of Bluestar Technology Group and further consolidate its moat. With species diversity, the ecology will be healthier. A large group relying only on a single profit model is actually a very dangerous signal. Too weak, only the profit model is diversified, this business segment is losing money, and other business segments are making profits. If the profit model is too single, it is easy to collapse.

Another, the content problem is indeed a major shortcoming of Bluestar Technology. If you don’t get in, you might get stuck by Hollywood in the future.

"You leave this matter to George Charles, the vice president of the North American region, to talk to Marvel. The bottom line is a maximum of 3.3 billion US dollars. If you exceed it, you don't need to acquire it." Luo Sheng said, it is better to go back directly after crossing this line. Buying shares of Bluestar Technology, the stock price appreciation after ten years is much higher than that of the successful Marvel Universe as a whole.

What's more, Luo Sheng didn't dare to guarantee that the current Marvel will be as successful as the world he lived in in his last life. After all, his appearance has changed too much, and certain things will be full of uncertainty.

Although Luo Sheng's performance in this regard is light, but it does not mean that the investment of billions of dollars is a light-hearted thing. This is the scale of the net profit of Bluestar Technology in two quarters. The results of half a year's struggle, if it fails It's also very painful.

It's not easy to make some money.

In the future, large-scale investment in cloud computing services will be required. There is a big hole waiting to be filled with tens of billions of dollars.

Zhang Bowen confirmed that Luo Sheng was serious, and immediately nodded in response: "No problem, I'd better talk to the people from Marvel in person. It just so happens that I'm going to North America this month."

Luo Sheng had no objection to this.

The matter was settled like this, and he didn't pay much attention to the rest. All he wanted was to wait for a result. As for the merger and acquisition process, he would just leave it to the subordinates below.

The acquisition of Marvel Comics is different from Sun Microsystems, which involves high technology. Although the North American authorities are also greatly supporting the Hollywood film industry, they will not impose too many restrictions on foreign investment, otherwise there will be no Sony What happens, to a large extent depends on whether the capital is strong or not.

And financial resources are appropriate for Bluestar Technology Group.


Two days later, Luo Sheng's work focused on the Azur company, developing a new generation of azure mobile phones, often between Lens Semiconductor and the Azur laboratory.

In addition to the mobile phone business of its main business, Cote d'Azur is currently secretly developing game console hardware modules, code-named "Plan A", which is a brand new project plan. Currently, Luo Sheng has not focused much on this project.

At the same time, the "spare tire plan" of the Côte d'Azur has also begun to draw up a draft, which is carried out together with Huawei company and is listed as a top research secret. Its significance lies in the future if the Americans interrupt the international supply chain partners Cooperation can also be self-sufficient.

Zhang Bowen is also traveling to North America today. Originally, his main business trip to the United States in April was to go to ib company to discuss the completion of several major data centers in North America.

Luo Sheng temporarily arranged a job for him, so he could buy Marvel Comics along the way.

But the acquisition of Marvel is not the primary task of Zhang Bowen's trip to North America. By the way, it is better to finalize the landing of cloud computing services and data centers in the North American market than to acquire ten Marvels. company.

On the fourth day of Zhang Bowen's arrival in North America, the main purpose of the trip has basically been completed, and it is quite smooth. After all, the major difficulties have been overcome, and the permission to enter the North American market has been obtained before.

Next, he will complete the acquisition of the Marvel Comics company.

Zhang Bowen did not go directly to the head of Marvel Comics, but first went to Wall Street, stayed at Merrill Lynch for two days, and then brought people from Merrill Lynch to visit Marvel Comics.


Marvel Comics, Avi Allard's office.

"Boss, people from Merrill Lynch and the global executive vice president of Bluestar Technology Group have come to visit our company and hope to meet with you as soon as possible. They have no appointment."

Allard's assistant, who is currently the head of Marvel Comics, entered the office to report the incident.

"hat? Bluestar Technology Group?"

Hearing the assistant's report, Arad had a puzzled question mark in his mind. If he didn't make an appointment, he would cut the queue. If a person from Merrill Lynch came, he would put down his affairs and go to meet him, because Marvel Comics If it weren't for Merrill Lynch, it would be dead long ago, and there is no financing for "Iron Man".

Arad didn't think much, immediately put down his current job, and ordered: "Invite them to the VIP reception room, I will come over later."


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