The latest website: [Industry News, Luo Sheng spends a huge amount of 2.2 billion every year to start the internal talent training plan of the two companies! ] - "Today's News"

[What is most important in the 21st century? Luo Sheng tells you the answer! ] - "Science and Technology Daily"

[Core technology is the competitiveness of an enterprise, and talent is the key. ]--"World Wide Web"

"Mr. Luo's success is not accidental."

"How many companies are willing to take the initiative to invest billions in order to train employees? Anyway, apart from the two companies under President Luo, there are basically no other companies. They will dig if they are lacking. Very impressive."

"It makes no sense that Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur don't succeed."

"Going abroad for further study, the company pays for free self-help, envy, jealousy and hate."

"It's the end of the year, when someone else's company is famous again, let's just be jealous... [covers face and laughs]"

"According to media statistics, these two companies have a total of more than 30 R\u0026D centers at home and abroad, including the United States, Japan and Europe, and this number is increasing rapidly. These research institutions have recruited a large number of excellent researchers or scientists. There are many scientists who are still teaching at universities, and usually bury their heads in research and development in research institutes.”

"Compared to Teng Xun, it also started out as a social media company and also has a game division, but the two sides have embarked on two diametrically opposite paths. Teng Xun now earns money with two games, "CF" and "DNF". As for Bluestar Technology, although it also has a game business department, it does not directly operate any game. It just buys other game companies and then ignores them. How to get players to charge more money and never return, why is the gap so big..."

"Old Horse: Charging money can make you stronger.jpg"

"That's why Bluestar Technology has become a world-class giant in the Internet field, and has been hailed by Silicon Valley as a 'Gemini' with the same name as Google. I would say that Bluestar Technology is definitely better than Google, and Azure Coast has also become a dazzling leader in the field of consumer electronics. The new star, the giant's appearance has begun to take shape."

"I specifically went through the R\u0026D investment scale announced by Mr. Luo's two companies last year. Cote d'Azur did not disclose the data, but according to some internal information on the Internet, the scale of R\u0026D investment in Cote d'Azur reached the company's annual sales. The proportion of 33% of the total amount, almost all the profits earned are invested in research and development. The listed company Bluestar Technology has data to check, and last year spent a total of 4.1 billion US dollars in research and development investment, equivalent to 28 billion yuan, accounting for 14.59% of total revenue…”

"That's why I'm a fan of President Luo,

There are only two or three companies in China that can now compete with Silicon Valley technology giants, and both of Mr. Luo's companies have done it. "


There are many discussions on the Internet and in the industry, whether it is about Luo Sheng, Bluestar Technology or the Côte d'Azur, if there is a little trouble, it will become the focus of the media, and it will also affect the hearts of the majority of netizens who eat melons.

In fact, Luo Sheng doesn't really want to see such a situation happen, and media attention is second, but he really doesn't want to be over-consumed by netizens who eat melons all the time.

What is the current situation?

Luo Sheng has become the number one idol of a generation of young people, and the two companies he founded are now regarded by the vast number of netizens in China as the only existence that can fight against the Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft and Google.

Coupled with the promotion of the media, it has become the pride of countless citizens, and is regarded as a postcard of Huaguo's technology enterprises and a representative of national enterprises.

The company's own marketing department did not contribute to this situation, because Luo Sheng has always emphasized to the marketing department not to shape the company's image as a kind of national belief, and not to play with the concept of "personality".

Instead, we should do practical things down-to-earth and do what a company should do, which is to do a good job in business and provide consumers and customers with better products and services.

That's all.

Because to play "personality", you have to prepare for the day when "personality collapses", and to shape the corporate image in this way, you can get a huge reputation in the short term, and the company really needs a good positive image reputation.

But it can't be overdone. Extremes will reverse. When the critical value is exceeded, it will become a heavy burden.

When people regard it as a belief, it will form an inevitable result, that is, the requirements will be harsh to the extreme, no mistakes are allowed, and everything is required to be perfect. There will be anger in the place, and another result will be caused. Because of love and hatred, the belief in hatred collapses.

This requirement is obviously far beyond what a company can afford.

Luo Sheng, who has the memory of the last life, has seen some things about Hua Wei and has a deep understanding of this. The position of Hua Wei in the last life in China is just like Sony is to Japan, IBM is to the United States, and Alstom is to France. , Samsung in South Korea.

Some netizens in China have high expectations for Hua Wei, and even reach the point of perversion, which makes people want to laugh and cry.

For example, Huawei's communication baseband must match Qualcomm and surpass the other party, otherwise it will be scolded; the mobile terminal business will benchmark Apple and surpass the other party, otherwise it will be scolded; the scale of R\u0026D investment should be compared with Intel, Amazon, etc., otherwise it will be scolded...

Benchmarking foreign-owned high-tech giant groups with the power of one company.

One tech company vs the entire Silicon Valley giant.

In this life, Luo Sheng has created two extremely dazzling companies, and the brilliance has overshadowed Hua Wei. Now Hua Wei is making a fortune in silence. This year's total revenue has exceeded 20 billion US dollars. In the discussion, but there is no doubt that the popularity is far from that of Luo Sheng and the two companies he created.

What makes Luo Sheng very depressed and helpless is that he really wants to keep a low profile, but his strength is no longer allowed.

The melon eaters and the media are also not allowed.

The existence of a family that can compete with world-class Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft and Google is regarded as the hope of the whole village. How can the melon eaters and the media allow Luo Sheng to make a fortune in silence?

Shouldn't it blow up?

The media needs enthusiasm, the people who eat melons need spiritual sustenance for comfort, and there is no one else who can fight. You are the hope of the whole village and you want to hide it?

There are no doors, so you must stand up and take charge of the front.

Luo Sheng has no control over this kind of thing, the momentum has already been achieved, it is already unstoppable, and it is typical that it has been pushed to the cusp of the times by the times.

The next is definitely not down, can only continue to wave.

And this wave can't be stopped. If the wave stops, it can't rush up, which means sinking in the vast ocean.


The time has come to the middle and late November, and another thing happened not long ago, that is, the 2008 G20 summit held in Brazil ended, and the focus of this summit was to deal with the current subprime mortgage crisis. .

During this period, Côte d'Azur and Sony, Toshiba, and IBM had frequent contacts and negotiations. The four parties finally reached a comprehensive and substantive consensus in more than 20 days. This time it was a formal written agreement.

Its speed can be described as lightning-like.

On the third day, on the morning of November 19, the Cote d'Azur held a press conference to officially announce the acquisition of Sony's Cell chip business.


North America, California, Intel headquarters executive meeting.

"It's so naive."

"Luo Sheng really thinks he can be invincible in all fields? Where does his courage come from?"

"At least courage is commendable, haha."

"Can this young Chinese tech giant continue his miraculous success? NONONO, the end of challenging x86 is to make the Cell processor joke bigger, that's all, of course, we don't mind watching another joke ."

At this moment, in the executive meeting room inside Intel, everyone was very relaxed and full of sarcasm.

The news from the other side of the ocean also reached the United States for the first time, and Intel executives temporarily raised this topic at a meeting.

Almost everyone, including the current head of Intel, Paul Otellini, did not care about the reaction at all.

Intel's confidence is very strong, and the reasons are also very good. Now it is dubbed the darkest "toothpaste factory" era by the industry. There is no one who can fight, which leads Intel to squeeze toothpaste frantically. Now no company can let Intel grow snacks. Or a little worried.

In the PC field, Intel's x86 architecture has basically unified the civilian chip arena.

But this is not the most confident place for Intel. The real reason is its huge ecosystem. Developers would rather study x86 and do deep optimization for it than learn the complex Cell architecture.

Over the years, x86 has built an ecosystem that has hosted countless commercial software, contribution software, open source software, developer communities, and more.

If the other party wants to challenge x86, it will not only face Intel, but also challenge developers all over the world.

Based on these considerations, it is not surprising that Intel is not afraid to see that Luo Sheng seems to intend to "resurrect" the Cell chip, and even sits and watches a joke.



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