Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 305 [Google's people are in a bad mood]

It’s fine if it’s someone else, but this tech giant can’t really be poached, and maybe he’s digging and digging. Assuming that the North American authorities don’t obstruct it, they will buy your company directly in turn.

After knowing that the core developer leading BlueStack is Luo Sheng, he directly said goodbye.

But having said that, Luo Sheng's two companies are now crazily poached by IT giants all over the world. Let's not talk about other sectors, just say this cloud computing sector, Bluestar Technology Group's more than 12,000 teams, this lineup can be called Luxe is the world's largest cloud computing R\u0026D team.

The flow of people is also quite frequent. This is a normal thing. You dig mine, and I dig yours.

Isn't Lu Qi poached from Silicon Valley.

Luo Sheng doesn't care about this. He can keep the core developers. Part of it is the salary issue, and the other part is his charm. The more technically powerful people are, the harder it is to poach them, because there is someone stronger than him. One is worship, and the other is to learn something to improve yourself.

In fact, Luo Sheng hopes to poach talents from Silicon Valley, but also from Russia. There are no Internet giants in Russia that can influence the world, but this country is rich in IT talents. Russian hackers are very famous in the world. , There are also many talents in mathematics. Bluestar Technology has been funding Moscow University. It has already funded nearly 100 million US dollars. If some talents do not want to come to China, Bluestar Technology will directly build experiments for them locally. room, so that he can study with peace of mind.

This is true of the Cote d'Azur as well.

As long as you are a talent, everyone will rush to ask for it, especially multinational technology giants. For those real top technology talents, they will never be stingy with their money and resources, including sharing stocks.

At this moment, Luo Sheng on the stage is still presiding over the press conference.

"BlueStack is developed in C language, but we have achieved development that is almost equivalent to Python language, which means lighter weight and higher efficiency. Of course, it also follows the Apache open source protocol, and releases a new version every six months."

When they heard Luo Sheng's words, Google's developers and managers suddenly felt a kind of pessimism spread, even though it was well concealed, because they realized that Open-Stack, which was jointly developed by other Silicon Valley IT giants, did not know How to beat your opponent.

Unless what Luo Sheng said just now is false, but this is only in theory, this is the scene of a serious press conference, Bluestar Technology is also a listed company, it is true and false developers get it Immediately after the first version, it was identified.

Google's managers are very worried now, fearing that Open-Stack will eventually make a big deal, and the result will be a chicken feather.

At the same time, Luo Sheng said in an orderly manner: "We believe that in the future, many companies will develop around BlueStack and provide customers with services such as BlueStack implementation, training, operation and maintenance, and customization."

Luo Sheng suddenly stopped here, he looked down at the floor and walked back and forth, but immediately raised his head to face the audience: "Before this, you need to consider that developers may always add some of their own more or less. Closed technology, resulting in damage to the interoperability of BlueStack. To this end, we will officially launch the certification of interoperability at the same time as the first version is launched today, and the certified products will be affixed with the 'BP' logo, which is Abbreviation for red."

All the developers present didn't say a word, there was no way to face Luo Sheng's "dictatorial" behavior.

Because now there is only one open source cloud platform in the world, that is BlueStack, which is about to be released by Bluestar Technology. As for the Open-Stack that Google and a group of Silicon Valley IT giants have developed, it seems that there is no shadow of anything other than a name.

It seems that the momentum is huge, but in fact, each has a ghost, and it is unreasonable that the progress of the project can be accelerated.

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "For users, choosing a cloud service provider certified by BP can realize free migration between different BlueStack-based cloud computing. The BlueStack ecosystem jumps directly from the 'incubation/integration' model. Move to a 'big tent' model, where the focus is on smaller core projects while actively encouraging free innovation in the wider mainstream ecosystem."

The developers and the audience off the court watched silently. There was a saying that although he was dissatisfied with Luo Sheng's "dictatorship" behavior, the solution he gave was really good. If it can be maintained like this, then this big brother It's pretty good to admit.

In comparison, Bluestar Technology did not follow Sony's habit of annihilating third parties for its own sake.

At the same time, Luo Sheng pressed the remote control button in his hand, and the giant screen behind him updated a new large picture group, a rectangular matrix with a circle inside the matrix, forming what he called a "big tent" Patterns, very clear relationships, at a glance.

"The big tent model classifies the components of BlueStack. Currently, it includes six core components and 14 optional components. Each component contains several services, and the classification and number of components may change in subsequent versions." Luo Sheng looked at The giant screen behind him said so.

The picture on the giant screen shows that the six core components of the first version of BlueStack are: computing service, networking, object storage, block storage, authentication service, and mirroring service.

The fourteen optional components are: Big Data Platform Construction, Governance Service, Container Service, File System Coexistence, Orchestration, Message Service, Metering, Database, Key Management, Application Software Management, Bare Metal Management, and Web-based Management Interface , DNS service, workflow service.

Luo Sheng looked back at the developers in the seating area and said, "BlueStack has many components. According to the implementation process of the cloud, let's sort out the functions of each component. The cloud needs to run many virtual machines, so it needs to be installed on many servers. And run virtual machine software, some customers may be willing to rent physical machines directly for security reasons, so use Ironic components, that is, bare metal management to pool physical machines so that users can use them remotely..."

The press conference is still going on. Luo Sheng introduced the six core components and fourteen optional components of BlueStack in the first version to all developers.

With the passage of time, the independent developers are very excited about the continuous in-depth introduction and analysis of the open source cloud platform BlueStack in Luo Sheng.

They didn't expect the underlying technology in the first version to be so perfect. It is easy to understand that even some mediocre developers, as long as they are not too useless, can easily set up their own private cloud through BlueStack.

The only thing that makes developers feel a little unsightly is that BlueStack uses the C language, and they prefer Python, because relatively speaking, the C language is not very friendly to developers.

However, those giant companies, especially Google and other giants that want to engage in the Open-Stack open source cloud platform, are mixed, perhaps the majority.

People at Google are very worried about one thing. They are more and more worried that Open-Stack will become the first joke in the field of cloud computing services, and it is a very shameful international joke.

The technology itself is not strong enough, and now the "orthodox" BlueStack has released its first version so early, which puts Open-Stack developers under a lot of pressure.

This is not to mention, for Google, the real haggard place is to hear another bad news at this conference, and the other party is also working on the open source ecosystem WOS mobile operating system.

This is bad news for the Android team. Under the leadership of Eric Schmidt, the Android team has completely restructured and went lightly, starting from imitating AOS.

It’s been almost three years now, and a solution has been introduced before, but it’s gone in the end.

But the progress is not bad. Even if it is a pig, in nearly three years, coupled with the strategic tilt of Google's multi-source resources, the Android project has to make progress.

There has been good progress, but it's far from satisfactory.

However, Luo Sheng suddenly revealed the WOS system at the press conference intentionally or unintentionally, not to mention that Google's Android team is facing a formidable enemy, but the pressure is very real.

Of course, Luo Sheng did not say this casually at the press conference, but deliberately, but this is definitely not for the Android team or the developers in Silicon Valley.

Rather, it is for the developers in the country.

In the audience seating area, there is a developer who can be said to be one of the pioneers of the mainland Internet. Luo Sheng once approached him for investment in the incubation stage at the beginning of Bluestar Technology, but he said "running the train with a full mouth". refused.

This developer is the "Rebs" Lei, who only votes for acquaintances, but Lei's little Mi has no shadow yet. He is here today for Xunlei.


(Ask for a ticket~~~)

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