Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 313 [The rhythm of collective frying]

This is the "miracle effect" in which a wonderful chemical reaction occurs.

For investors, the safest and most profitable investment is probably to hand over the money to Luo Sheng and let him squander it.

Although they couldn't find a reliable theoretical model to describe, the facts over and over again no longer need to be questioned. In front of Luo Sheng's sturdy record, all those who invested in him were lying down and counting money, and those who questioned him now have regrets. .

"Luo Sheng is deeply honored for your enthusiasm and heroism, but I think it's not advisable to be blindly confident in me." Luo Sheng said with a smile, which attracted laughter from the investors present.

Luo Sheng added: "Science and technology are developing too fast and changing with each passing day. What I see is countless opportunities, so Shengfeng Capital came into being, and at the same time, it is also to share wealth and gather people together. Only by pushing hard can we catch up with this era of rapid development, and we can quickly make the cake bigger and become a winner to enjoy the fruits of this era. Shengfeng Capital only invests in emerging technology industries. Nothing in return."

When the investors present heard Luo Sheng's words, their enthusiasm finally cooled down. The investor representative of Goldman Sachs couldn't help asking: "Mr. Luo, the emerging technology industry you mean is the semiconductor industry?"

Luo Sheng replied without hesitation: "Including but not limited to this."

The foreign representatives, except for the heads of the 20 funds, were hesitant.

And the investor representative of Goldman Sachs asked again on the spot: "With all due respect, companies like Goldman Sachs already hold shares of technology giants including IBM around the world. If they invest in you, won't they realize their profits and suppress themselves? "

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Eggs can't be put in one basket, Mr. Paul. As the most successful investment bank on Wall Street, the word hedging is probably deeply rooted in our bones. We are in an era of unprecedented change."

Paul Watson did not respond, and fell into silence thoughtfully.

Goldman Sachs is also in a very bad situation. The position of the world's largest investment bank is no longer held. After the financial crisis, the era of Morgan has come.

"Everyone, Shengfeng Capital is investing in the fourth industrial revolution." Luo Sheng looked around the audience again.

He just said these words, and all the investors on the scene were fried.


Investing in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

All VCs have never thought about this kind of thing at all, and Luo Sheng didn't give them too much time to think, and continued: "We all know that the representative of the first industrial revolution was the steam engine, the second was the internal combustion engine, and the The representative of the third industrial revolution that we are in is the computer, eh, when is the fourth industrial revolution? In ten to fifteen years, mankind will usher in the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution. This is my prediction. "

Investors at the scene found that Luo Sheng's words were getting bigger and bigger, and everyone wanted to get into his mind to see what they were thinking.

So far ahead!

If someone else said that, then the investors present must be talking about him as a lunatic.

But Luo Sheng is now nicknamed "Buffett in the IT world" by Jianghu people. He is the hottest technology giant in the contemporary era. So far, he has never overturned, and the miracle has continued.

When such people say such words, they can't help but think about it, think about it more, what if he is right again?

I can't help but see the missing within reach,

At that time, the mentality will definitely explode in place.

And Luo Sheng continued to talk eloquently: "Shengfeng Capital invests in the fourth industrial revolution. We hope to get in before it arrives and erupts, chasing the tide of the times. Then specifically, Shengfeng Capital will mainly invest as follows Five fields: new materials, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, quantum technology and controllable nuclear fusion. These five fields are where the fourth industrial revolution of mankind is really brewing, not the Internet, technology or cloud computing as described by the outside world. These are just the deepening of the third informatization industrial revolution, and of course we will continue to cultivate in this field.”

Having said this, Luo Sheng couldn't help but smile, looked at everyone and said calmly, "This is my appetite, I wonder if everyone here is interested?"

Everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

The pie that Luo Sheng drew was unprecedented. For a time, investors such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan, and Venture Capital were caught in a tangle. On the one hand, they thought it was too ethereal, but on the other hand, Luo Sheng beat them again and again. s face.

What if I get slapped again this time?

That's the point.

If you are slapped in the face again, it will not be a loss of one or two points. It is unforgivable to miss such an opportunity, and you may even face an existential crisis.

Luo Sheng has a sentence that can not help but emerge in the minds of major investors: the cost of trial and error is only a little money lost, and the cost of making mistakes is a crisis of survival.

At the end, an investor present couldn't help but ask: "With all due respect, Mr. Luo, this should not be done by a company, it has exceeded the limit that a company can carry, and it can only be done by national power. things to come.”

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "Looking at it from another angle, the rewards are comparable to the national level, right?"

The investor was at a loss for words, and he had to say that this sentence was fatally attractive to them, and even those of the world's top investment banks couldn't help feeling ashamed.

They had always thought their appetite was the greatest, but they were ashamed to find it compared to the appetite of the youngest man at the banquet.

But more than that, the mood is surging.

At this moment, when everyone's eyes and attention were focused on Luo Sheng, Qin Weimu quietly left the banquet hall. A signal or an instruction was transmitted from here to all parts of the world, and then from here. Overseas spread to the mobile phones of the 20 fund managers in the banquet hall.

After only a few minutes, Qin Weimu quietly went out and returned as if nothing had happened. Soon after, the heads of the 20 participating funds took out their mobile phones one after another.

After a while, the heads of these 20 funds began to perform.

"Mr. Luo, Swell Fund is willing to invest 5 billion RMB!"

"Sirui Ventures invested 4.8 billion yuan!"

"Sky Arc Capital also invested 7 billion yuan!"

"Wanwei Fund invested 3.7 billion RMB!"


As a series of voices of expressing their opinions and investing came out, Liu Wen, Li Yan, or Paul Watson and others who were present listened to the rhythm of the stupid on the spot.

"What's the matter with Nima?" Chen Tao said in a low voice, their expressions were all shocked.

"Are these foreigners crazy? Are they too blind? Is Luo Sheng's effect really that terrible? Aren't you afraid that he will use this kind of psychology to dig a hole?" Liu Wen, who was at the same table, said blankly: "How many people shouted just now?"

Even Mengqiu was a little dumbfounded. He really didn't know and could not know about this. Only Luo Sheng and Qin Weimu knew about this kind of thing. Mengqiu instantly admired Luo Sheng and sat next to him. With a hoarse voice, Li Yan spoke in a volume that they could hear at the table:

"Each transaction is not less than 3 billion, I don't know the specifics, but if I heard it right, roughly, more than 100 billion funds have entered Shengfeng Capital... My God, I'm really stupid. !"

He knew that many people now have a kind of blind worship and self-confidence towards Luo Sheng, but now after this personal experience, he found that he still underestimated Luo Sheng's personal charm.

More than 100 billion, this is not 10 million, but 100 billion!

In fact, for the heads of these 20 investment funds, they are also puzzled and shocked, but this is what they came here for, and the actual owners of the funds asked them to do so.

Obviously, if you don't understand the boss's request, you have to act according to the request, and it's not your own money that you lose anyway.

Finally, the situation began to change. After more than 100 billion yuan, actually 130 billion yuan, is willing to enter Shengfeng Capital, it is impossible for other investors to say that they can remain inactive.

Even these elites can't get rid of the conformity effect described in "The Crowd" at this moment.

In short, with so many people following, there must be some truth to it.

To take a ten thousand steps back, even if you are hedging risks, you have to follow.

So they shouted, only to see Liu Wen gritted his teeth and said: "The venture capital fund is willing to invest 800 million yuan."

Liu Wen was able to mobilize the 2 billion RMB investment from the venture capital fund. He did not go all-in, but 800 million is not a small amount.

Li Yan, who was sitting at the same table, was not far behind: "SoftBank Capital also invested RMB 7.5 billion!"

20 funds have successfully brought the rhythm up, and more than half of the external investors have made quotations. None of them invested less than 100 million yuan. Here, even 100 million yuan is too embarrassing to take a shot, so it is better not to invest.

The biggest one is SoftBank Capital, and Lao Sun is simply a model of "Master Kai", followed by two major investment banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan, who each invested 500 million US dollars, or 3.4 billion yuan.

In this scene, Luo Sheng was satisfied, and all the small money went into his pocket.

Time passed by minute by minute. In the end, at this private banquet, Luo Sheng successfully raised an incredible 167.7 billion yuan in private. Of course, he directed and acted 130 billion yuan, and the remaining 37.7 billion yuan were external to the participants. The money that investors threw at him greatly exceeded his expectations.


With the end of the private fundraising, Luo Sheng raised his wine glass and picked up the microphone again with a hearty smile: "There are only two kinds of people who can succeed in this world, one is a fool, and the other is a lunatic who dares to play with the fool. 167.7 billion yuan , it only took 33 minutes for us to collect this number, which will be a world record that is difficult to break, and I think my popularity is really ridiculously high.”

After speaking, Luo Sheng invited the cup to signal, and everyone paid tribute. An investor put down the wine glass in his hand and said with a hearty smile: "Haha, we have all been waiting to count the money. I hope this day will come soon."

Luo Sheng smiled slightly: "Give me the money, then go home and lie down patiently to prepare to count the money until the hand cramps. As always, don't ask anything, don't think about anything, and don't do anything."

Everyone smiled knowingly, Luo Sheng's subtext was: Follow me, everyone will eat meat!

Liu Wen and others had the deepest understanding of the three "nothing" Luo Sheng said. He also said the same at the beginning, and the final result was exactly what he said.

For example, venture capital funds now hold about 6% of the shares of Bluestar Technology. With the rapid recovery of technology stocks, the market value of Bluestar Technology Group has risen by 170 billion US dollars this month, and it has almost returned to the 200 billion US dollar mark. All investors are extremely optimistic.

Based on the current market value of $170 billion, the stocks held by venture capital funds are worth $10.2 billion, and the return on investment exceeds 147.4%, and this number will rise further.

Luo Sheng really did what he said when he actually counted the money until his hands cramped.

Now, he has dug a bigger hole. The key is that everyone jumped in happily, all looking forward to the next gluttonous feast.

With the end of this private dinner, the news that Shengfeng Capital privately raised up to 167.7 billion RMB in 33 minutes spread like wildfire. hide.

The exposure of this news is incredible, and the news quickly spread to the office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office, which shocked Zhong Yuanhong, and the media, netizens and people from all walks of life are collectively frying the rhythm.


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