Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 321 [Technology and self-reliance are forced]

Many people in the industry and the media have obtained the first edition of the physical book of "Inevitability", and after reading it, they have also published their thoughts on the media platform.

Among them, "Silicon Valley" magazine published a review of the book the next day:

[The book "Inevitably" brilliantly commented on the inevitable trend of current technological development, providing a very forward-looking vision and guidance for the development of the global technology industry. 】

Over time, overseas translations have also been made. The Daily Mail commented as follows:

["Inevitably" published by Luo Sheng is a must-read book for IT practitioners and investors in 2009. 】

For a while, this book has become the focus of heated discussions in the industry, especially in the investment and IT technology circles. Even for those who are Luo Sheng's fanatics, the book "Inevitably" is a treasure. Same.

Naturally, the praise that followed was endless. Luo Sheng's act of sharing was definitely welcomed by the whole world. The only one who didn't welcome him was the North American authorities.

Such a great man suddenly appeared in China, and he was still so young that it tickles the teeth of a large group of old and beautiful politicians.

But Wall Street loves Luo Sheng more and more, without him, because Luo Sheng can bring them huge returns.

It's not so much that I love Luo Sheng more and more, it's better to say that I love him more and more for the large amount of US dollar bills he can bring. Luo Sheng is also aware of this, but it's good, his pattern is to make friends from the left, center and right.

These series of factors are all feedback that investors are extremely expected to throw money to Shengfeng Capital. Now there are many speculations in the outside world that whether Shengfeng Capital will enter the twelve major trends described in "Inevitably".


"Overseas publishers have been negotiated. The book "Inevitably" will be printed in 37 languages ​​overseas by the end of this year. It is estimated that 4.5 million copies will be distributed globally this year. It is already available for pre-order on Amazon. The data here is very eye-catching. , sure to sell well."

In the Azure Coast Company, Qin Weimu came to Luo Sheng's office. He was in this company at the moment, and he hasn't done research and development yet.

"How was the feedback?" Luo Sheng asked.

"Feedback?" Qin Weimu thought about it for a while and smiled at Yan Zhan: "Feedback means that the halo on your body is more eye-catching, and the majority of netizens have officially named you the 'Prophecy Emperor'."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Forget the excitement of the netizens who eat melons. What I care more about is how many technology practitioners this book can affect. This is critical to my next layout."

Well, a lot of tool people are needed, and they are the kind of tool people who are willing.

Qin Weimu said: "The next work focus is to spend money. So far, Shengfeng Capital has raised more than 300 billion yuan in total. You don't need to use it as soon as possible. Don't you feel bad for devaluing it every day?"

"No, the next work is more important than this." Luo Sheng looked at Qin Weimu who was in front of him. As soon as his voice fell, he didn't wait for the other party to react, and immediately took him into his arms.

Qin Weimu reacted angrily and immediately resisted and warned, "This is the company, don't try to get ahead!"

Luo Sheng: "Then get an inch first, it's alright."

Qin Weimu: "..."

In the end, I got a foot in, and the man's words must not be believed.


After the incident, Qin Weimu rested for a while,

Then looking around, she seemed to be looking for something.

It didn't take long before she found the materials she had brought before, and sat by herself, with a light apple mark already printed on it.

Qin Weimu threw the document to Luo Sheng: "This is the material that I have sorted out and summarized the latest domestic integrated circuit industry status, covering IC design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, power devices, MEMS, materials and equipment factories, Take a look."

After she finished speaking, she took out a piece of tissue paper and began to organize herself silently.

Luo Sheng immediately opened a list of files.

As a semiconductor material, the most used element is silicon, and the main source of silicon is sand, so it is not rigorous and grounded to say that as a semiconductor with the highest level of human process technology, the process is how to turn sand into chips.

The first step is the melting and purification of silicon. After refining pure silicon, single-crystal silicon ingots are prepared, and then sliced ​​and polished into silicon wafers. This requires extremely advanced chemical technology. The Japanese are the best in the world.

Usually semiconductor IC manufacturers directly purchase silicon wafers that have already been made for subsequent production, and then make chips with circuits on the silicon wafers. A total of diffusion, lithography, etching, ion implantation, thin film growth, Seven production steps of polishing and metallization.

The refinement of this series of steps actually takes more than a thousand manufacturing processes, and then hundreds of millions of transistors are born in such a small semiconductor chip.

The final step is to test the packaging, and then package it for retail sale.

The production process of a chip is simple to say, but it is absolutely difficult to do. The investment in a complete chip production line will cost billions of yuan just to start, among which the lithography machine, etc. Production equipment.

Coupled with the "Moore's Law" of the semiconductor industry, the speed of iteration is very fast. The chips you finally produced have been eliminated after a year or two, and the investment of tens of billions and tens of billions has been directly lost, so no one wants to do this line.

Most of the key technical links in the semiconductor industry are controlled by Western countries such as Europe and the United States. In order to limit the development of the semiconductor industry in China, the most advanced foreign production equipment, such as lithography machines, are not sold to Chinese people and are strictly restricted. In fact, the products sold are obsolete products that are several generations behind.

Moreover, even if there is equipment, it may not necessarily be able to produce chips.

Since the Japanese collapsed in the semiconductor industry, the industry has been completely dominated by Americans. At present, all manufacturing powers in the world except China have given up competing with Americans in the semiconductor industry.

Because it's really hard, if you come up with some tricks, the Americans will hit you hard and kill you, even if you don't die.

On the contrary, as long as you don't challenge the US's leadership in the semiconductor industry, you can play with you, so now the industry giants have joined the North American Semiconductor Industry Association, and leading companies from other countries have become one of its international members.

For those companies, instead of being beaten to death and maimed by Americans, it would be better to hang out with American dads and drink soup after them.

Hua Guo once thought the same way, and wanted to play together very much. He asked to "add a group", but the West such as Europe and the United States did not agree, and even got a "Batumi" to restrict and block technology.

The proper hot face was put on the cold butt, the nose was gray, and the crowd was ridiculed.

Well, since you don't take me to play, you can always sell things to me to fiddle with. The price is negotiable, and you can ask for it.


There's really no way to do it, you have to start a new stove yourself.

Taking the road of technological self-reliance is a forced and helpless choice.


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