Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 337 [The Oracle of the heart-stuck Microsoft wants to jump]

During this time, major IT giants have also released their own financial reports.

On July 27, the third day after Bluestar Technology Group released its Q2 financial report, Microsoft also disclosed its own performance report.

According to foreign media reports, the "Business Week" website published an article report.

After Intel, Bluestar Technology, and companies released financial reports that exceeded investors' expectations, Microsoft made a very different voice from these companies, and its net profit fell sharply.

According to Microsoft’s financial report, as of June 30, the total revenue was US$16.6 billion, and the net profit was US$3.05 billion. The revenue fell by 17% year-on-year, and the net profit fell by 29% year-on-year.

Bluestar Technology Group's total revenue of US$12.77 billion, but its net profit surpassed that of Microsoft.

A net profit of $3.05 billion is indeed a huge amount, but this is the second time in Microsoft's 23-year history that profits have shrunk.

As Microsoft's net profit and revenue both missed analysts' expectations, investors sold Microsoft's stock in after-hours trading, causing the company's stock price to fall as much as 8.84% in after-hours trading.

As of now, Microsoft’s price per share on the Nasdaq has fallen by $2.26, corresponding to a market value of $206.7 billion.

Before the financial report was released, there were still 227.4 billion US dollars, and more than 20 billion US dollars were evaporated.

Before Microsoft released this financial report that disappointed investors, the entire securities market had been rising due to the recovery of the performance of major IT companies. On the day when the stock price plummeted, Bluestar's stock price rose again by about 4.27%, and the top and bottom executives of Microsoft were heartbroken.

As a result, the total market value of Bluestar Technology has reached 256.3 billion US dollars, surpassing the "No. 1 in the universe where love survives and Rachel falls." ICBC ranks third in the world's listed companies, ahead of Huaguo Petroleum, which is the first. and Exxon Mobil in second.

Luo Sheng reads two newspapers with the latest news every day, one from the industry and one from academia.

He also paid attention to the recent situation of Microsoft. Bluestar Technology has now overturned Microsoft's throne as the first share of the IT technology giant, and is proud of the world as a new king. Microsoft has opened the gap of around $50 billion.

However, in Luo Sheng's view, Microsoft's prospects are still relatively bright. It is expected that the release in this month will stimulate a new round of computer sales, and Microsoft has announced plans to launch a new version of Office software next year.

Most people think that Microsoft's most profitable system is Windows, but in fact this business only contributed $3.1 billion of Microsoft's $16.6 billion in revenue this quarter, and the most profitable office software is actually Office.


Qin Weimu's villa.

That night.

Luo Sheng walked out of the bathroom slowly, wiped the water droplets from his hair with the bath towel, and almost tossed the bath towel to the bedroom.

At this moment, Qin Weimu is sitting with her back against the head of the bed. She is wearing a nightgown from the luxury brand La - from Italy, giving people a high-level and sexy elegance. She personally loves this brand.

But Erin likes French brands.

Obviously, Luo Sheng's appearance at her villa means that today is an odd day of the week.

She, Qin Weimu, was holding an Azure phone and staring at the screen. When she saw Luo Sheng coming in, she said, "Foreign news, maybe you should watch this video."

Luo Sheng got into the bed carelessly and said subconsciously, "Xiao Na, cut the video to the main screen."

After he finished speaking, he stared at the LCD screen on the wall and waited, but after he finished speaking, there was no response.

After a while, Luo Sheng realized that it was Qin Weimu's house, not the science and technology complex. Her villa was not connected to the smart home hosting system.

"Xiao Na?"

Hearing the voice floating from the side, Luo Sheng subconsciously turned his head over, only to see Qin Weimu coming with a death stare in his eyes.

Luo Sheng was suddenly sweating, and quickly explained: "Her Majesty, please listen to my explanation first. It is definitely a big misunderstanding. Xiaona is an artificial intelligence developed by me, Nov Nefu, nicknamed Xiaona."


Qin Weimu stared into his eyes without moving, trying to see if Luo Sheng was lying, but she didn't take too long to comment, because she also knew that if this guy wanted to disguise, he would not be able to tell from her eyes. There is almost no valuable information in it.

"It's absolutely true, am I that stupid for such a lie that can be broken with a poke?" Luo Sheng said confidently.

Qin Weimu turned around and looked at Luo Sheng again: "So you still have an unbreakable lie about me?"

Luo Sheng: "..."

At the end, Luo Shengsheng said reluctantly: "Baby, this is not a construction site, let's not raise the bar, okay? Or you can just move into a technology complex."

Immediately, I felt exhausted explaining this kind of problem to a woman.

Qin Weimu didn't continue to argue about this issue, and didn't say anything, just threw the mobile phone in his hand to him.

Luo Sheng picked it up and glanced at it. It was an interview video. When he saw the interviewee, he said in surprise, "Why did you let me watch Larry Ellison's interview? I don't like this stuff very much."

Seeing that Qin Weimu did not respond, Luo Sheng immediately clicked to play the interview video.

This is a video of an interview with Oracle founder Larry Ellison on Fox Radio and Television.

In the video being played, Ellison said: "...I am very happy to see the U.S. economy recovering, but I think this time we should be more wary of new competitors, the Chinese, if we let their economy surpass ours, if Let them produce more engineers than we do, and if you let their tech companies beat our tech companies, our military will soon be behind them, and so will our economy, and we're gradually competing more and more with them ."

"I'm for America, of course, and hopefully we can win, hopefully we'll be further ahead in developing and protecting our technology, and it has to be. I think there has to be more investment in the economy, the economy has to be developed, the technology has to be developed, and they have a lot of very talented people. Engineers, have contributed a lot of intellectual property, and there are technology giants such as BTC (Bluestar Technology) and (Côte d'Azur). I think it is very important that we can and must win in the competition with them. We don’t want to Second place..."

Luo Sheng can sum up the general idea of ​​the interview video of the founder of Oracle in one sentence after reading it: How does this work? They cannot be allowed to surpass America.

The subtext is: suppression.

After watching this interview, Luo Sheng put his phone aside and said with a smile: "Oracle is probably in a hurry, even if the translation software and MySQL make Ellison feel the crisis, you should be vigilant if you remind me like this, this guy likes to do these wild ways. operation..."

The instant translation business of Bluestar Technology exploded into the market as soon as it was launched. Strictly speaking, it reaped more than US$4 billion in global revenue in less than a quarter. It is too crazy for a new business.

Behind this is the power of big data. Of course, it is even more inseparable from the assistance of artificial intelligence.

In a sense, the real-time translation business has turned Bluestar into a global enterprise-level software service provider. Oracle is the world's largest enterprise-level software company, and Luo Sheng still has the MySQL card in his hand. Ellison Don't be in a hurry.

This is the same reason that Jeff Bezos jumped out to "worry the country and the people" for the United States. They clearly felt that the hinterland of his kingdom had been threatened by Luo Sheng, and he had not yet come up with a reliable solution. solutions to this crisis.

Luo Sheng lay on his back and stared at the ceiling and complained: "My career is too difficult, I have to compete with Microsoft, I have to compete with Amazon, I have to compete with Google, I have to compete with IBM, I have to compete with Intel, and I have to compete with almost all the others. Silicon Valley tech giants compete…”

Qin Weimu ignored his complaints: "Shut up and go to bed."


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