Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 342 [Send the old beauty a

The latest website: To the outside world, the Huamei Business Leaders Roundtable is a high-end dialogue and exchange event, but for Luo Sheng, it is actually sitting with the bigwigs to brag or something.

It's really bullshit.

What Luo Sheng said above is generally what he doesn't do, or what he won't do in the short term, or what others can't do at all.

And what he is really doing, others may be able to do, but he will never say it in public.

That's what fools do.

So what we can say is to just brag about it. The pattern can be as big as possible. It is the basic operation to look at all mankind and serve the whole world.

As for Luo Sheng's desire to build a whole semiconductor industry chain, he didn't mention anything in this dialogue.

However, the other party also caught this question and forced Luo Sheng to answer, but he can play Tai Chi, talking for a long time is equivalent to saying nothing, and what he said most was madly touting how strong the North American semiconductor industry is. Hua Guo has been in this field for 50 years. May not be able to catch up.

He may not catch up even in 50 years. This American thinks carefully about the Chinese people in the semiconductor industry. There was a Japanese opponent in the past, and now he is also on the ground.

Luo Sheng said that the 50-year gap may be exaggerated, but the obvious gap between the two sides is an indisputable fact, so the Americans thought about it again. Luo Sheng wants to catch up or even catch up in the semiconductor industry. It is indeed naive. .

The expansion of Americans does have this capital, so Luo Sheng's Shengfeng Capital wants to toss in this field, and has paid attention, but it has not reached the point of being an enemy, and even his heart has no fluctuations.

After all, the self-confidence as a world hegemon is there, far from the panicked EB scene ten years later.

In short, Luo Sheng's operation is to use any posture that can hold the US Emperor up, and how to float up.

It is also revealed that both Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur want to join the North American Semiconductor Industry Association SIA and become an international member of it. If possible, Shengfeng Capital even wants to invest in ASML.

Because ASML has a weird operation, they only sell the most advanced lithography machines to companies that invest in him, such as Intel, Samsung, Hynix, LSMC and so on.

This is why the United States can allow ASML from the Netherlands to dominate the world's top lithography machine technology,

Because the majority of shareholders are Americans.

Luo Sheng expressed his urgent desire to buy an advanced lithography machine, and Lao Mei also changed the topic.

The meaning is: don't think about the lithography machine, there is no door!


In the evening, after today's conference, Luo Sheng returned to the hotel. Many mainstream media in North America, including those in Europe, wanted to do an exclusive interview with him.

But it was all pushed out.

Luo Sheng was sitting on the sofa in the living room, with a laptop on his lap, and his hands were quickly dancing on the keyboard.

"Parsing the intrusion..."

Xiaona's electronically synthesized voice spread from the external voice of the laptop. At this moment, Luo Sheng was invading the CIA's intelligence network system.

While Luo Sheng was concentrating, the hotel room door was opened, and Qin Weimu, dressed in a workplace OL outfit, came to the living room.

"I've arranged for the two game companies you named to be bought to go to Los Angeles and Europe respectively." Qin Weimu said by the way when he saw Luo Sheng in the living room.

"Yeah." Luo Sheng replied without raising his head and continued to focus on his own affairs.

Qin Weimu took off his OL outfit as soon as he came in, took off a headdress, and a shawl.

After a while, Qin Weimu took a bathrobe and entered the bathroom.

When he came out of the bath and went to the living room again, he found that Luo Sheng was still sitting there and focused, Qin Weimu couldn't help but walk over curiously.

"Codename 'US-984XN'...what is this?"

Luo Sheng felt the elegant aroma in his nose, turned his head along the source, glanced at Qin Weimu, then looked at the screen again, and said with a smile, "Prism Project!"

Qin Weimu was curious and puzzled: "Prism plan?"

Luo Sheng nodded: "Well, I'm infiltrating the intelligence network system of the United States. This is a top-secret electronic surveillance program that has been implemented by the NSA of the United States since 2007. , Brother is not a master to be provoked, and I have to give them a surprise."

"What hearing?" Qin Weimu asked rhetorically, Luo Sheng only learned of this through Consul Peng today, and it's normal for her not to know.

Luo Sheng said simply.

After a while, Qin Weimu said seriously, "How are you going to deal with this?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng couldn't help but smile and said, "You may think this is a tricky bad thing, but in my opinion, a backhand can turn a bad thing into a good thing for me, look at the above list."

Saying that, Luo Sheng tapped on the keyboard a few times, and an information panel fell out: "These are the names of the secret surveillance project code-named 'Prism' that participated in it, and you can directly enter the center of gravity server of American International Network Corporation to mine data. , mobile phone intelligence, the list here includes 9 international network giants including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Apple, Amazon, etc., all of which are involved."

Luo Sheng added: "But Bluestar Technology Group is not on the list, nor is the Côte d'Azur. Hehe, the NSA once tried every means to request access to Bluestar's major servers to mine data and collect intelligence, and was in charge of North American business. George Charles flatly refused."

Qin Wei Muxian held his lower jaw in his hand and said thoughtfully: "It seems that you are already a thorn in their eyes, a thorn in their flesh, and you can't pull it out. It's as uncomfortable as being stuck in your throat. No wonder they will take the opportunity to attack you this time."

Luo Sheng nodded: "I estimate that if I follow their way this time, someone from the NSA will come to negotiate a deal with me soon, as long as I agree to participate in the Prism project, by that time I will already be in trouble, and my fate will be the throat of my life. It has been pinched by the Americans."

Once participating in the "Prism Project", there is a 90% probability that Bluestar Technology will suffer a fatal blow. First, it is not welcomed by the North American authorities. Bluestar Technology can't wait to eradicate it immediately. Once participating in the "Prism Project", the future Whether this plan is exposed or not, the Americans are holding the door.

If it is exposed, Bluestar Technology will inevitably be pushed to the cusp of the storm. In addition, the old beauty is creating public opinion behind it. There is no doubt that Bluestar Technology will immediately be boycotted by the whole people, and it will be on a global scale.

At this time, Lao Mei can logically call a thief to catch the thief, sanction and dismember the Bluestar Technology Group.

As for the "Prism Project" itself, huh, that's what the U.S. emperor did in the previous term. At most, the main planner will stage a drama of taking the blame and resigning, and it will be left behind in the end.

Qin Weimu thought for a moment and seemed to understand Luo Sheng's intention: "You mean, do you want to expose the 'Prism Project' anonymously?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng snapped his fingers, tilted his head and looked at Qin Weimu: "As expected of the female Zhuge under my command, you are right, the super surprise of 'Prism Gate' is definitely enough for Lao Mei to drink a pot. "

Qin Weimu carefully analyzed: "This may be a mixed blessing for us, but the good news is that Bluestar Technology Group was able to get out of the mud in this shocking surveillance scandal, coupled with the stark contrast of the hearing, in such a situation It will inevitably be an unprecedented positive publicity, which should be a good thing in your eyes."

Google's claim of "don't be evil" is a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo.

After a while, Qin Weimu said worriedly: "As you said, everything has two sides, I am more worried that from now on, we will become a thorn in the eyes of Americans, and if we are found out, it will be your exposure." The plan' may be more hated by the North American authorities, who can't wait to get rid of it immediately and then quickly."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng smiled confidently: "You and I know about this matter, if you don't tell me, only heaven and earth will know, and Lao Mei wants to find out that I exposed it, and their technology is still the same. It's too tender, and now they don't even know that I am traveling and sightseeing in their intelligence network system recklessly."

Qin Weimu felt very sweet when he heard it. He could share such secrets with himself. It can be seen that his position in his mind may be three points higher than that of Irene. Although there are no real benefits, but spiritually Satisfaction is something that material things cannot bring.

Anyway, she thought so.


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