Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 359 [The 4th Generation Azure Concept and First Week Sales]

Now overseas smartphone consumer users are very envious of the Chinese people, because the Greater China market will be released three months earlier, and other regional markets will not be able to buy Azure-3 until December 24.

In fact, this is not only that Luo Sheng is paying more and more attention to the development of the mainland market, but also another flaw is the production capacity of SMC, and the first batch of foundry chips was delivered in the middle of the third quarter.

Just because of the hot sales boom in the mainland market, there is almost a shortage of inventory. If the global release is synchronized, don’t think about it, it will definitely be out of stock.

Luo Sheng didn't want to engage in hunger marketing. He said down-to-earth that the product is already enough, and he doesn't need other fancy operations at all. One can be sold quickly after taking one off the production line. What kind of hunger marketing is that? Isn't it stupid?

Isn't it more fragrant that billions of billions of water flow a day?

It is worth mentioning that the response of the Japanese market to the new Côte d’Azur products is much higher than that of the previous two generations. It is one aspect that the products are excellent and amazing. However, consumers in Japan are actually not very interested in smartphones. Said they are more willing to consume their own national brands and buy Sony's mobile phones.

But with the release of Azure-3, Luo Sheng finally broke through the stubborn little book.

The biggest help is the intelligent voice assistant "Little Blue". In the Japanese market, the operation team of the Côte d'Azur directly associates the name and extensive image of the intelligent voice assistant with the popular virtual idol singer here according to the actual local situation. Bundle, and use this as the main marketing slogan.

That's right, if the intelligent voice assistant in Azure-3 is used in Japan, her official name here is "Hatsune" instead of "Little Blue", and the official production team has designed a rich virtual image of Hatsune Miku.

The marketing team used the virtual singer Hatsune Miku as the brand's image spokesperson to promote Azure-3 in the Japanese market, and the selling point is not to promote the performance of mobile phones like other places, but to promote the intelligent voice assistant.

Make the best use of the situation and also adapt measures to local conditions.

As a result, a large number of dead Japanese houses have been successfully attracted into the pit. Now the products have not been released in the Japanese market, but the number of visits to the local official website of the Cote d'Azur has increased significantly than before.

For more than three years, the IP of Hatsune Miku has been sneakily created by He Chao's team. Now it has become a representative of virtual idols here in Japan, and has harvested a large number of die-hard fans.

Now that it is linked together, the effect can be called outstanding, at least in the Japanese market, it is quite effective.

The Japanese who have always been more inclined to buy Sony products have finally found a reason to buy a brand mobile phone outside their home country.

In fact, this is not the first time Hatsune Miku has made a brand endorsement. The first time to endorse an electronic product is the PS3 game console owned by Sony. This is the first time to open the road of virtual idol brand endorsement. As for the linkage of the WPRO event, strictly speaking, it cannot be Count the first time.

And the effect of endorsement for PS3 is very significant. A batch of Hatsune Miku customized version of the game console was quickly sold out by the dead house, and finally Sony also increased the shipment of customized version.

It is precisely because of this successful case that the release of Azure-3 in Japan must be vigorously linked, and Hatsune Sister Paper’s ability to bring goods in Japan is indeed very powerful.


Côte d'Azur company executives.

"The fourth-generation Azure mobile phone is expected to be released in the fall of 2012. We have spent almost three years to polish it. In terms of industrial design, we have to work hard on the screen ratio of the new product. The fourth-generation product must be The screen accounts for more than 90% of the body, and our fifth-generation products in the industrial design sector should achieve a full screen ratio of 100%."

Luo Sheng's voice resounded in the conference room. The screen of the newly released third-generation product accounts for about 70% of the overall body. If the next-generation product expands to more than 90%, it means that the desktop return button on the front of the phone needs to be removed. It also puts forward more stringent requirements for the performance of the screen.

As for the 100% share...

The executives present couldn't help muttering, how did this thing come true? Did you remove the front camera? This is basically impossible, and the front camera is essential.

Moreover, the current situation in Huaguo is "lack of cores and fewer screens", and the chips and screens are very backward in technology.

No wonder Luo Sheng said that it will be released in 2012, and there are many technical difficulties to overcome.

Luo Sheng set the next generation of heavyweight products in 2012. Another important factor is that this year will fully popularize the 4G network. Azure will take the lead to become the world's first 4G-enabled smartphone, and continue to expand. The magnitude leads the world.

Feng Yi, who was present at the meeting, couldn't help but said: "It's almost three years...will we leave the market for too long? Why should we launch some transitional products at this intermediate stage to keep the market's enthusiasm for the brand?"

All the executives present here nodded in agreement. Cote d'Azur is indeed in a situation of being alone in the field of intelligent mobile terminals, but one thing to know is that human beings are easy to forget things, and you leave his sight for too long. will be quickly forgotten.

At this time, it will give competitors a chance to have a sense of presence. From 2009 to 2012, the three-year period is really not short, and the development of the industry can be said to be changing with each passing day, or it will be secretly developed by others.

Luo Sheng nodded: "Well, we really need a transitional product. In the middle, we can launch an enhanced version of the Azure-3-Plus model, which mainly improves the operating system and further chip technology. As for the industrial design, it mainly follows the previous generation and makes some A small improvement."

According to Moore's Law, the performance of the chip will double in every 18 months, and this law is still strong.

In this stage from 2009 to 2012, it is indeed necessary to launch some transitional products to ensure the continued influence of the brand, and we cannot take the initiative to give competitors too many opportunities. Moreover, the industry is currently fully awakened, and various smartphone brands are springing up. The big factory also started to move.

If you leave the market for too long at this time, three years, under the background of the current era of rapid technological change, is really a bit long, and the chip performance can be improved by two generations, and it is uncertain what will happen to the market share.


With the passage of time, it has been a week since the first launch of Azure-3 in the mainland, and the sales data for the first week has come out.

The 32GB version hit a record of 2.39 million units in one week, and the 8GB version sold 1.28 million units in the first week, with a total shipment of 3.67 million units, and the first-week sales hit a record 17.2 billion yuan.

These figures are fantastic. The sales in one week will exceed 10 billion, and there are not many companies nationwide that can achieve sales of 10 billion in one year.

The sales data for the first week was also disclosed through the official blog.

Concept stocks related to the Côte d'Azur skyrocketed, ushering in three daily limit plates one after another, and the stock of Biadi OEM even jumped higher.

It is not only the company that has made a lot of money, but also the upstream and downstream industry chains attached to Azure mobile phones. The economic benefits indirectly brought about can be said to be over 100 billion yuan, creating a large amount of money in the field of physical manufacturing. employment position.

Now other domestic mobile phone brand manufacturers have been established one after another, which has driven the further rapid development of the overall economic level.


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