Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 395 [Red Guoguo's show off, friends and businessmen envy the rhythm of death]

The stage set for the press conference is very simple, with a big screen and a small runway behind it, that's all, it fully demonstrates the minimalist style.

And Luo Sheng's gray T-shirt with short sleeves was a perfect fit for the stage scene. He was silent on the stage for a moment, pacing back and forth.

After a while, Luo Sheng looked up and looked around the audience, and his voice also spread throughout the audience in the quiet press conference.

"This morning, we wanted to start 2010 on the Côte d'Azur with a groundbreaking new product, and before introducing our new product, we would like to announce a few important things."

"The first thing is about the Azure series of mobile phones. As of last week's data, the total global sales of the Azure series of mobile phones officially exceeded 200 million units."

Before Luo Sheng could finish speaking, there was a burst of warm applause and cheers from the scene. The shareholders of the Cote d'Azur concept shares were all delighted, because they also gained too many benefits, of course. Happy.

Luo Sheng continued: "The second thing is our offline retail stores. We now have a total of 326 offline retail stores all over the world. We recorded more than 75 million customers in the last quarter, which is 75 million in a single quarter. traffic. Our newest single flagship store, the third in Shencheng, is very beautiful.”

Having said that, Luo Sheng pressed the small wireless remote control in his hand, and a large high-definition picture appeared on the big screen behind him.

"What you're seeing is the day the new store opened."

Luo Sheng pressed the small remote control again, looked back at the giant screen and added: "And this photo was taken from the building diagonally opposite the access road, we are very, very proud, really, we provide customers with the best quality in the world. The most comfortable offline community-style shopping experience, this is our best flagship store and the most expensive single flagship store.”

I have to say that the marketing team of Côte d’Azur is very powerful. In just three years, the brand has been built into a high-end atmosphere that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Going to the flagship store of Côte d’Azur gives people a very compelling feeling. , the same use of Cote d'Azur products also gives people a very high taste.

To put it bluntly, it is a sense of self-superiority, and countless customers are willing to pay for it. Azure mobile phone has not invited any celebrity endorsements. If there is, I am afraid that Luo Sheng himself is the best brand spokesperson.

Such a brand effect is what countless companies dream of, but it cannot be achieved by any company or brand.

"The third thing is another retail model, which is the AOS app store. We have also achieved very proud achievements in this segment, and we have provided a wealth of applications to 200 million Azure users around the world. AOS app store In China, there are nearly 410,000 applications so far, and as of last week, the cumulative number of downloads by users has reached 12 billion, and it has only been three years since AOS was launched.”

Between the lines, Luo Sheng's words sounded harsh in the ears of friends and business colleagues, and it was called envy, jealousy and hatred. I wished that he would announce that his products had achieved such an achievement.

"The last thing, we founded Côte d'Azur in 2004, and six years later, in the first quarter of 2010 this year, we hit a global sales revenue of US$19.8 billion or about 135 billion yuan."

Having said this, Luo Sheng spread his hands facing the audience: "Frankly speaking,

We ourselves can't believe that we can hit such a huge number. "


As soon as the voice fell, some people in the supply chain shouted happily, and suddenly there was a burst of warm applause, and the audience was accompanied by an uproar from insiders.

This is the first time Côte d'Azur disclosed the sales revenue for the first quarter of 2010, and it was announced by Luo Sheng himself.

"The report of the Nielsen Institute, which has always been accurate and authoritative, underestimated by tens of billions of dollars."

"It's not unexpected and reasonable. Since the launch of Azure-3, it has triggered a panic buying boom around the world. It's really selling like crazy."

"The Nielsen report in late March showed that Azure mobile phones have surpassed BlackBerry to top the North American market, becoming the mobile phone with the highest market share in North America, accounting for about 39%, tsk tsk tsk..."

People in the industry off the field watched the press conference and silently watched the person on the stage chatting privately with emotion.

At the same time, Luo Sheng on the stage continued with a bright smile: "In other words, Côte d'Azur will become a multinational technology company with an annual revenue of nearly 80 billion US dollars, or about 545.6 billion yuan. It's amazing, and I don't want to be humble, or it's a little hypocritical."

As soon as these words came out, the audience burst into laughter, and the applause that just fell resounded again. Luo Sheng's words were very confident, and no one thought there was anything wrong.

After all, this transcript definitely has this proud capital.

"So what are the sources of Cote d'Azur's revenue?" Luo Sheng asked a question and then asked himself: "As of now, there are three sectors, AOS app store, Azure mobile phones and accessories, there is no doubt that the core source of income is mobile Devices, Cote d'Azur is a mobile device provider, we've been working on that, and the new product we're going to introduce today is also a consumer-grade mobile device."

"Then let's compare the sales of 135 billion yuan in the last quarter with that of other mobile device manufacturers in the world?" Luo Sheng had already turned to look at the giant screen behind him, and pressed the small screen in his hand. remote control.

The audience at the scene, including those watching the live broadcast of the press conference, focused on the information on the giant screen at the scene.

Luo Sheng turned back to the audience and said: "We found that if only measured by the data indicator of sales, Côte d'Azur is already the world's largest mobile device provider. Our business revenue in the field of consumer mobile devices exceeds One of our important partners, Sony, knows that Sony's revenue includes their digital cameras, video recorders and PS consoles."

Having said this, Luo Sheng looked away from the giant screen, looked around the audience with a satisfied smile and added: "At the same time, we have surpassed Samsung, surpassed the sum of the revenue of various mobile devices included in Samsung, and we In the first quarter, the sales in the first quarter completely exploded the mobile device business of Nokia, an established international mobile phone manufacturer. We also surpassed Apple's total revenue last year by 30%, so the Côte d'Azur has undoubtedly become the the world's number one mobile device provider."

There was applause again.

Chi Guoguo's bragging, undisguised, simply envy the rhythm of friends and businessmen.

Countless netizens who eat melons are also very proud and proud, because Luo Sheng just compared the object, which one is not a technology giant that has been famous in the world for a long time?

Sony is to Japan the country's emblematic company in technology, Samsung is to South Korea, and Nokia is to Europe.

The Cote d'Azur, created by Luo Sheng, took only six years, and now it has led the company to the same height as those long-established technology giants, and has unlimited potential.

More importantly, Luo Sheng also founded the company Bluestar Technology Group, and it took only seven short years to reach the world's largest technology company in terms of market value. To ascend to the throne of the world's first listed company, this is the most incredible place.

One person has created two of the world's top 500 companies in the field of technology at the same time. This is really a legend that is difficult to replicate.

After showing off, Luo Sheng entered the topic of today's press conference with a smile: "OK, let's focus on today's protagonist."


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